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A Message of Support to the Class of 2019

The time to seal off your final high school year has arrived. This is the time to recap on all the knowledge your tutors have taught you over the past 12 years.

Work hard to realise your dreams. Should you succeed this time around well done, however if not, never lose hope but pick up the pieces and give it another shot.

You must avoid “time wasters” who might interfere with their state of readiness to write exams. This includes social media, television, late nights gallivanting and all those who do not see the value of education.

Remember the powerful words spoken by our former President, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela? He said: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” See your matric certificate as a powerful weapon that will ensure that you reach heights that you never thought you could. Education will help open doors for you and enable you to further your studies at a tertiary institution or to enter the job market.

We urge parents not to exert unnecessary pressure on Matriculants; instead, give them unconditional support that will help change their lives for the better.

Good luck to all Matrics of 2019!

Councillor Memory Booysen
Executive Mayor
Garden Route District Municipality