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2 July 2020 Media Release: Adhere to COVID-19 quarantine and isolation rules to limit the spread

Media Release: Adhere to COVID-19 quarantine and isolation rules to limit the spread

For Immediate Release
2 July 2020

The rate of community-based transmissions are on the rise. Provincial Government and Garden Route District Municipalities appeal to Garden Routers who have tested positive for COVID-19, or who have been identified as a close contact by the Department of Health to behave responsibly in order to limit the spread to others. The Garden Route has seen an increase of 197% of COVID-19 positive tests over the past 7 days.

The GRDM calls on residents who test positive for COVID-19 or suspect that they may have been exposed to the virus to please do their part in limiting further transmission.

Apart from health and hygiene protocols in place to avoid healthy persons from getting sick, there are also strict protocols set out for persons who contracted COVID-19. According to Mr Johan Compion, GRDM Manager: Municipal Health and Environmental Services, “GRDM Environmental Health Practitioners (EHP) conduct routine visits to those in self – quarantine or self – isolation to ensure that they adhere to the regulated COVID-19 protocols.” “

“There is an obligation on persons who have been exposed to the virus to ensure that they behave in a manner that limits the risk to those around them,” said Compion.

Mr Gerhard Otto, Chairperson of the Garden Route Command Centre and Head of Disaster Management at GRDM, said: “If a person who tested positive for COVID-19 is found in the public, he or she can be prosecuted for attempt to murder”.

“During April 2020, a 52-year-old salon owner in Ladysmith, KwaZulu-Natal, was charged with attempted murder for intentionally spreading the coronavirus after he exposed 27 people to the virus following his refusal to isolate after testing positive,” said Otto. “The Police arrested the man, who was escorted to hospital for treatment while under detention. If convicted, he could face 10 years or more in jail.”

Persons are required to go into quarantine if they have no symptoms, but had close contact with someone who has COVID-19. Isolation is required where a person is not feeling well with suspected or confirmed COVID-19. If someone is unable to go into self- quarantine or isolation, the person will be referred to the official government sponsored PetroSA West Campus facility that has been equipped to provide persons placed in quarantine or isolation with the full basket of services i.e. food, health services, laundry services etc.


‘Much of the awareness by local municipalities is on the behaviour required to avoid transmission or to limit the spread of COVID-19 when out in public. This is done by making use of radio, loud hailing, social media, WhatsApp groups, Municipal apps, the distribution of newsletters, flyers and posters.

District and Local municipal communicators urge the general public to please:

  • Avoid contact with other people as much as Do not receive visitors. Open windows and doors. If in same room as others, keep at least 1.5 – 2 meters apart.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces at work (phones, counters, table, doorknobs, bathroom surfaces).
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve/elbow (not your hands) when coughing/sneezing. Immediately discard used tissues and wash your hands.
  • Frequently wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or more at a time. Do this especially before handling food/after using toilet or coughing/sneezing. Avoid touching face, eyes, nose or mouth.
  • Avoid sharing dishes, drinking glasses, cups, eating utensils, towels, or bedding – after using these, wash them well.
  • Continue to wear a face mask when leaving home.

Any person who requires assistance with accessing such a facility should contact the Provincial Hotline on 021 928 4102.

Garden Routers are also reminded that, in line with the new risk-stratified strategy adopted in the Western Cape, only persons who are deemed high risk are being tested.

This includes

  • persons with known co-morbidities and those older than 55, as they are more likely to develop complications that require hospitalisation
  • healthcare workers
  • persons admitted to hospital with COVID-19 symptoms to ensure that we are able to manage appropriately

Media Queries
Herman Pieters | Senior Communicator
Garden Route District Municipality