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27 March 2023 Media Release: Fire Emergency Evacuation Drill Training conducted at the Frail Care Centre

Media Release: Fire Emergency Evacuation Drill Training conducted at the Frail Care Centre

For immediate release
27 March 2023

Emergency Evacuation starts with any notification of fire or other emergency, including the activation of alarm (an installed fire protection system, which ensure that occupants of the building or premises are timeously notified) to which occupants are then required to evacuate as soon as possible; preferably in the safest and most orderly manner.

Firefighters from Garden Route District Municipality, with residents and staff of Lyttleton Frail Care Centre in George soon after the fire drill.

GRDM Fire Services were requested to assist the Lyttleton Frail Care Centre in George with training in this regard. The visit to the establishment took place on 22 March 2023. As part of the training, officials carried out a thorough size-up of the premises and inspected the building to ensure they acquired a proper assessment of all applicable elements. The GRDM team was warmly welcomed by the occupants and staff on their arrival and the elderly were brave enough to enjoy the little action facilitated by the GRDM team.

Lyttelton Frail Care Centre is a 24/7 establishment that accommodates 25 vulnerable occupants and 30 personnel (on and off basis).

“Awareness, Information and Education is the ultimate goal to ensure owners and occupants operate as safely and timeously upon the notification of fire, and how the process of Evacuation is conducted. Occupants are immediately made aware of the do’s and the don’ts in the case of fire occurrence and / or ignition within a building,” said Acting Station Officer: Fire & Safety and Training at Garden Route District Municipality’s Fire Services, Heinrich Leslie.

Manager of the Centre, Stefan du Toit, expressed his gratitude to the team and he indicated that they “will now be able to rectify and improve on what was discussed during the briefing”.  Adding to these words, Du Toit highlighted: “We are grateful that we could experience a fire drill and that the Garden Route District Fire Services Team made an effort to visit our facility in a friendly manner while at the same time equipping us with the necessary skills needed to be ready for any fire outbreaks at any time ”.

“The team of GRDM Fire Services, and especially the learner firefighters who were present also enjoyed and learned from the experience as well,” said Leslie.

Gallery: Firefighters from Garden Route District Municipality, with residents of the Lyttelton Frail Care Centre during the fire drill facilitated by the firefighting team.