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18 July 2023 Media Release: Garden Route DM Municipal Health Services achieve a stellar 96.7% Compliance Rate

Garden Route DM Municipal Health Services achieve a stellar 96.7% Compliance Rate

For Immediate release
18 July 2023

The Western Cape Provincial Department of Health and Wellness conducted an audit of the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Health Services in February 2023. It was recently made public that the GRDM achieved a 96.7% compliance rate.

The following municipal health-related KPIs and administration processes were audited: Client rights, operational management, facility and infrastructure, leadership and corporate governance, operational – vector control, environment pollution control, waste management, water quality monitoring, law enforcement, health surveillance of premises, etc.

The primary aims of Municipal Health Services are to promote health and to ensure a healthy environment for the community.

According to the Audit report summary, non-compliance was observed only in two areas: human resources and vector control. With a compliance rate of 96.7%, it is evident that the Community Services Department of GRDM are making substantial progress towards the goals outlined in the GRDM Integrated Development Plan (popularly known as an IDP), indicating a positive direction.

Feature image: An image depicting some of the functions of Municipal Health at the Garden Route District Municipality


Die Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale Departement van Gesondheid en Welstand het in Februarie 2023 ‘n oudit van die Tuinroete Distriksmunisipaliteit (GRDM) Gesondheidsdienste uitgevoer. Dit is onlangs bekend gemaak dat die GRDM ‘n 96,7% voldoeningskoers behaal het.

Volgens die ouditverslagopsomming is twee areas wat ge-oudit is wat opgeskerp moet word: menslike hulpbronne en vektorbeheer. Met ‘n voldoeningskoers van 96.7%, is dit duidelik dat die Gemeenskapsdienstedepartement van GRDM aansienlike vordering maak in die rigting van die doelwitte soos uiteengesit in die GRDM Geïntegreerde Ontwikkelingsplan (algemeen bekend as ‘n GOP), wat ‘n positiewe rigting aandui.