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29 May 2020 Media Release: GRDM Municipal Health Services section educates schools regarding COVID-19

Media Release: GRDM Municipal Health Services section educates schools regarding COVID-19

For Immediate Release
29 May 2020

The National Minister of Basic Education, recently, announced the re-opening of South African schools for Grade 7 and Grade 12 learners on 01 June 2020.

To ensure that these learners enter a safe learning environment it was expected from teachers and principals to return to their schools on Monday, 25 May 2020. This period allowed officials/educators to prepare for the return of learners and to receive personal protective equipment. To ensure that the safe learning environment is maintained during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Basic Education also issued a standard operating procedure which will be used by schools.

A crucial role-player in maintaining an overall healthy learning environment in the Garden Route, is the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Municipal Health Services function. Part of the responsibilities of Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) are to survey and prevent communicable diseases from spreading – this exclude the roll-out of immunization campaigns. It entails the training, awareness and education of all the school circuits within the Garden Route district.

When referring to this critical period, Manager of Municipal Health Services at GRDM, Mr Johan Compion, said: β€œHealth promotion and safety protocols will be addressed to combat the spread of COVID-19. This will be done in collaboration with the Provincial Department of Health and the Department of Education,” he added.

Environmental Health Practitioners from Garden Route District Municipality conduct awareness sessions at various schools in the Garden Route district.

He furthermore highlighted that training of the school governing bodies has already started on Tuesday, 26 May 2020 in each sub-district of the Garden Route, which was conducted by EHPs of GRDM. He added that this will ensure that schools in the Garden Route district are equipped with information to implement a plan which they can effectively execute regarding disinfection and sanitation, especially for high risk areas, e.g. but not limited to:

  • School buildings;
  • Classrooms;
  • Staff toilets (showers, bathrooms, railings etc.);
  • Learner toilets;
  • School Hostels;
  • Kitchen facilities, cuisine areas, kiosk`s (”snoepie”);
  • School gym;
  • All school vehicles (mini-buses any other vehicle);
  • Offices.

The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa allocates Municipal Health Services as a Local Government function under Part B of Schedule 4, Section 156 (1) (a). This means that EHPs from the GRDM have to conduct environmental health inspections at school premises in the Garden Route district. Furthermore, the National Health Act, 2003 (Act 61 of 2003) defines Municipal Health Services in terms of the following 9 Key Performance Areas:

(1) Water quality monitoring

(2) Food control

(3) Waste management

(4) Health surveillance of premises

(5) Surveillance and prevention of communicable diseases, excluding immunizations

(6) Vector control

(7) Environmental pollution control

(8) Disposal of the dead

(9) Chemical safety

In maintaining the health standard of schools in the Garden Route, the district will continue to roll out awareness about COVID-19 through promoting proper hand washing techniques, social distancing, cough etiquette, cleaning, sanitizing and continual disinfection of frequently touched surfaces.