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30 November 2020 Media Release: EHPs join efforts with Hessequa Firefighters to create more COVID-19 awareness

Media Release: EHPs join efforts with Hessequa Firefighters to create more COVID-19 awareness

For Immediate Release
30 November 2020

Garden Route District Municipality’s (GRDM’s) Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) continue to create awareness about COVID-19 with the hope that behaviour will change. EHPs approach communities with the trust that their coordinated efforts will result in the change they want to see. In his own words, Haemish Herwels (Chief: Municipal Health, Hessequa area), says: “We cannot lose the fight against COVID-19, because if we do, we will have nothing left – no family, friends and colleagues”.

A Hessequa Firefighter doing door-to-door awareness about COVID-19.

On 21 November 2020, the EHPs from GRDM’s Hessequa sub-office, in conjunction with Hessequa Municipality’s Firefighters conducted a comprehensive awareness session in Albertinia. This included door-to-door visits in Theronsville, one of the areas where in COVID-19 active cases are surging.

During the visits, those on grassroots level reminded community members about the importance of adhering to the golden rules for the prevention of COVID-19. These include the wearing of masks, washing hands regularly, keeping a safe distance of 1.5 m from others, to avoid crowded areas, and most importantly, to protect oneself. Hessequa Municipality’s Firefighters also assisted EHPs with loud hailing to share important messages to communities.

Focus was also placed on self-monitoring of symptoms and seeking immediate medical attention should the need arise. This was important to do, as it was observed during contact tracing operations when people were unsure about signs and symptoms of COVID-19. This has left many testing only days later which could pose more risks to infecting others. It is therefore important for members of the community to contact their clinic or doctor as soon as they feel sick. Advice will be given by medical practitioners on what a person should do next.

GRDM would like to share their appreciation to Hessequa’s Firefighters for assisting in the awareness-raising campaign, in particular Ricardo Jacobs, Conray Saayman, Lenestio Nomdo and Heinrich Swart, who sacrificed their off-time to assist the GRDM team.

A reminder of important contact numbers, include:

Provincial hotline: 021 928 4102
Toll-free hotline: 080 928 4102
WhatsApp “Hi” to 0600 123 456
All lines are operational 24/7.

The above contact details are for health-related matters only.

Feature image caption: Group of Environmental Health Practitioners and Firefighters who conducted awareness in the Hessequa Municipal area.