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1 December 2020 Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality supports the commemoration of World AIDS Day

1 December 2020
Media Release
For immediate release

Garden Route District Municipality supports the commemoration of World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day is commemorated annually on 1 December and provides an opportunity for communities to unite in the fight against HIV, support people living with HIV and sadly remember those who have succumbed to the virus. This year the event is commemorated under the theme:  “We’re in this together, Cheka Impilo!”

According to the World Health Organisation, there were an estimated 38.0 million people living with HIV at the end of 2019 and keeping this in mind, South Africa has been relentless in its efforts to fight the virus and to turn the HIV, AIDS, and TB epidemics around. According to the South African National Government, there are notable achievements to celebrate these initiatives. There also have been many scientific advances in the treatment of HIV and we now have a much better understanding of the virus. Today, more people are receiving antiretroviral treatment, meaning the rates of infections are decreasing. Further to this, there is scientific optimism around the benefits of treatment as prevention, and progress towards a cure and vaccine.

Yesterday, 30 November 2020, Premier of the Western Cape, Mr Alan Winde, in his daily Covid-19 Update, stated:  “As we battle the Covid-19 pandemic, we must not forget the battles fought and won in the Aids pandemic and the important work that remains in ensuring that we address both of these pandemics”. He further said that Covid-19 has presented us with a further challenge in that fewer people have been accessing health care services, including HIV testing, treatment.

Despite these advances, stigma and discrimination against people living with the virus still exist.  Therefore it is important that people living with the disease are treated with utmost sensitivity, dignity and respect; the same way as any other human being.  When referring to the stigma in relation to HIV/AIDS, Premier Winde said: “We still face obstacles – stigma continues to stop people from knowing and disclosing their status, and we still need to put considerable effort into reducing the number of HIV infections in high risk groups including teenage girls and young women, men who have sex with men, substance abusers and sex workers.,” he added.

The South African Government further listed the devastating effects of discrimination and the stigma in relation to HIV/AIDS that include: abandonment by spouse or family, social ostracism, job and property loss, school expulsion, denial of medical services, lack of support and support, and violence. It also results in a lower uptake of HIV preventive services and postponing or rejecting care. Women tend to experience greater stigma and discrimination than men and are more likely to experience its cruelest and most damaging effects.

According to the South African Government, World AIDS Day is important as it reminds the public that HIV has not gone away and that together, we need to create more awareness, fight prejudice and improve education to uphold and achieve the aims and objectives of the country. Stigma and discrimination can be as devastating as the illness itself and may mean abandonment by a partner or family, social exclusion, job and the loss of property, school expulsion, denial of medical services, lack of care and support, and violence for those affected by them. These consequences, or fear of them, mean that people are less likely to undergo HIV testing, disclose their HIV status to others, adopt HIV preventive behaviour or access treatment, care and support.

Every sexually active person is at risk of contracting HIV. The South African Government, therefore calls on all citizens to recognise that HIV and AIDS are chronic diseases, that people living with HIV can have full and happy lives and that all citizens should treat those with HIV with compassion, those with AIDS with care, and ourselves and our sexual partners with respect. Addressing stigma and discrimination is therefore important in mitigating the impact of HIV.

Did you know?

South Africa has come a long way in the fight against HIV and AIDS. In 2012 government implemented the National Strategic Plan on HIV, Sexually Transmitted Infections and Tuberculosis 2012 – 2016.

In 2010 government also scaled up its antiretroviral treatment programme. A further expansion is planned from January 2015 to bring South Africa in line with World Health Organisation treatment guidelines. As part of this, the Department of Health will start HIV-positive patients with a CD4 count of 500 or less on antiretroviral treatment, as opposed to the present CD4 count of 350.  All HIV-positive pregnant women will also receive lifelong treatment, regardless of their CD4 counts. Currently, HIV-positive pregnant women receive treatment until they stop breastfeeding.

Former President Nelson Mandela said: “Many people suffering from AIDS and not killed by the disease itself are killed by the stigma surrounding everybody who has HIV and AIDS.”

For more information, contact the HIV/AIDS toll free helpline 24/7 on 0800 012 322.


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