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14 December 2020 Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality and stakeholders intensify Covid-19 monitoring and compliance inspections

Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality and stakeholders intensify Covid-19 monitoring and compliance inspections

For Immediate Release
14 December 2020

The Garden Route District Covid-19 Command Centre on a regular basis receives various complaints about local businesses not complying to the Disaster Management Covid-19 Regulations. Latest complaints received are from the public regarding businesses that are operating as if Covid-19 does not exist anymore.

During recent compliance visits to the Garden Route, similar complaints were also raised and brought to the attention of the representatives of the Western Cape Premier’s Office. Most of these include non-compliance by businesses such as taverns, shopping malls and shopping centres, shebeens, and businesses selling alcoholic beverages from their premises.

During November this year, Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) from Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) embarked on a door-to-door campaign with the aim of educating and informing businesses in the Garden Route in terms of safe practices to avoid the spread of the Covid-19 virus. During these campaigns EHPs also distributed pamphlets and donated disinfectants, however many businesses still failed to follow the advice provided. Customers enter the premises without being screened or their hands being sanitised. Customers are also allowed to enter these premises without face masks and Covid-19 awareness branding are also not displayed or visible for customers. These were the findings made by EHPs, amidst this aggressive resurgence where people are still getting infected and/or sadly succumb to the virus.

A customer without a mask should not be allowed entrance into a shop.

In addressing complaints, on 7 December 2020, the Garden Route Covid-19 Command Centre had a meeting with the South African Police Services (SAPS) Eden Cluster, as well as other stakeholders regarding the Covid-19 monitoring and compliance visits in all the places that are regarded as possible “super spreaders” of the virus. It was resolved that from Friday night (11 December 2020) stricter visits to these “super spreader” businesses will be done where businesses will receive compliance visits and inspections by  Compliance and Law Enforcement Task Teams. Teams  consist of EHPs from GRDM, Local Municipal Law Enforcement and Traffic staff, SAPS members as well as officials from the Department of Health and the Department of Labour.  Each team member simultaneously serve as conveners of the teams that have been established to conduct on-site inspections in seven (7) local municipal areas within the Garden Route district.

During the last Council meeting of the year, 10 December 2020, Executive Mayor, Alderman Memory Booysen, during his address urged businesses to become compliant. He said: “Out of this initiative that we have now embarked on where we visit premises to conduct spot-checks, we have already closed down some businesses in George and Hessequa, because they were found to be non-compliant. Mayor Booysen called on all businesses to comply to the regulations. “The next focus will be on businesses in the hospitality industry and recreation spaces,” he added.

The GRDM Command Centre call upon all members of the public within the Garden Route, to report any non-compliance by businesses to the Garden Route Disaster Management on telephone number at 044 805 5071 or contact an official (Task Team convener) relevant to your municipal area as follows:

It remains important that all members of the public, businesses and staff adhere to the following principles to protect themselves and others this festive season – if you are sick stay at home; wear a mask; keep a 1.5 meter distance from others; cover your cough or cough in your elbow; open doors as well as windows and avoid crowds, close contacts and confined spaces – most importantly stay safe!