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13 September 2021 Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality Mayor, Memory Booysen welcomes easing of restrictions

Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality Mayor, Memory Booysen welcomes easing of restrictions

For Immediate Release
13 September 2021

Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Executive Mayor, Ald. Memory Booysen welcomes the announcement by President Cyril Ramaphosa to move the country to Alert Level 2. This will further allow the Garden Route economy to open.

β€œWe know that for our region to bounce back from the pandemic and thrive, Garden Routers need to use the best method to fight COVID-19, and that’s vaccines,” said Ald. Memory Booysen. The vaccine roll-out and large-scale vaccinations remain essential as it is evident in the statistics that those who have been vaccinated stand a great chance of surviving the dreaded COVID-19 virus.

β€œI continue to encourage everyone who is 18 years and older to get their COVID-19 vaccinations. I, like other Mayors in the region, have already received both my Phizer jabs,” said Booysen.

There are currently nearly 50 vaccination sites throughout the Garden Route, forming part of the country’s approximately 300 vaccination sites. To date, South Africa has administered approximately 14Β 670Β 161 doses of vaccines. According to the Western Cape Health Department, 157Β 558 Garden Routers received their first dose and 68Β 025 received their second dose of Pfizer.

GRDM urges all members of the public to adhere to the regulations under Alert level 2:

  • A curfew between 23:00 and 04:00;
  • The sale of alcohol from retail outlets for off-site consumption will be expanded to between 10:00 and 18:00 from Monday to Friday;
  • Non-essential establishments such as restaurants, bars and gyms may now close at 22:00 to allow patrons and employees to travel home before curfew;
  • Gatherings increased to 250 people indoors and 500 outdoors or 50% of capacity in a smaller venue;
  • Alcohol sales on-site resume as per license conditions;
  • Public spaces such as beaches will remain open;
  • Wearing a mask in public spaces remains compulsory under national lockdown regulations.