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10 May 2023 Media Release: GRDM adopts its Workplace Skills Plan

GRDM adopts its Workplace Skills Plan

For Immediate Release
10 May 2023

An organisation’s Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) describes its skills needs and the range of skills development interventions it will use to address them. It comprises of information from the Skills Audit and Personal Development Plan processes as well as the Organisational Needs Analysis through the Integrated Development Plan (IDP). To align the WSP with the IDP, the Training Section of GRDM must ensure that each employee completes a Skills Audit form and a Personal Development Plan (PDP).

On Monday, 24 April 2023, the Garden Route District Municipality’s (GRDM) Education, Training and Development Committee approved the 2023 Workplace Skills Plan. This meeting was also attended by the Western Cape Deputy Director: Training Coordination from the Department of Local Government and the Provincial Manager from the Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSETA).

According to Mr Reginald Salmons, Coordinator of Skills Development of the organisation, most of the skills-related projects included in the WSP are in their implementation stages and include the Home-Based Care; Work Based Learning and Development; Renewable Workshop Assistants; Tourism and Hospitality; Water and Sanitation; Fire Fighter, Patrol Officers and Just Energy Transition Projects. “With these projects, the main objective is to eradicate unemployment in the region and make unemployed people employable by equipping them with the necessary skills, particularly the youth,” Salmons said.

Photo Caption:  GRDM Municipal Manager, Monde Stratu, signing the WSP with Ms Trix Holthausen, Executive Manager of Corporate Services and officials from the Training and Development Section.


Op Maandag, 24 April 2023 het die Tuinroete Distriksmunisipaliteit (GRDM) se Opvoeding, Opleiding en Ontwikkelingskomitee die 2023 Werkplek Vaardigheidsplan goedgekeur. Hierdie vergadering was ook bygewoon deur die Wes-Kaapse Adjunkdirekteur: Opleidingskoördinering van die Departement van Plaaslike Regering en die Provinsiale Bestuurder van die Plaaslike Regering Sektor Onderwys en Opleiding Owerheid (LGSETA).

Volgens mnr Reginald Salmons, Koördineerder van Vaardigheidsontwikkeling van die organisasie, is die meeste van die vaardigheidsverwante projekte wat in die Werkplek Vaardigheidsplan ingesluit is in hul implementeringsfases. “Die hoofdoelwit van hierdie projekte is om werkloosheid in die streek uit te roei en werklose mense indiensneembaar te maak deur hulle toe te rus met die nodige vaardighede, veral die jeug,” het Salmons gesê.