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20 June 2023 Media Release: GRDM receives bursary funding of more than R10 million from LGSETA

Media Release: GRDM receives bursary funding of more than R10 million from LGSETA

For immediate release
20 June 2023

Last year in October 2022, the Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSETA) invited stakeholders in the Local Government Sector to apply for their Discretionary Grant that is in line with their (LGSETA’s) priority areas. Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) subsequently applied for the Grant and was awarded R10 million for their bursary needs.

This application, together with applications received from other Local Government stakeholders, went through a desktop evaluation process. Through the initiative, bursaries to the value of more than R1 000 000 were approved for the internal staff that are currently pursuing studies in various fields. A total of 21 staff members are benefiting from this bursary programme while completing studies in their specialised fields. This was the first time that the GRDM have submitted applications for Internal bursaries which were all approved.

A further R2.586 000 million have been approved for the following training programmes for employed and unemployed persons across the Garden Route district:

  • Occupational Certificate Training in Firefighting for fifteen (15) unemployed youth = R43 600 per person.

  • Occupational Certificate Training in Firefighting for 5 employed = R20 000.00 per person.

  • Further Education and Training Certificate in Water and Wastewater Treatment Process Control Supervision for twenty-four (24) persons = R20 000 per person.

  • National Certificate in Water and Wastewater Process Control for fifty (50) employed persons = R20 000.00 per person.

  • Lastly, National Certificate Process Control training for sixteen (16) employed persons to the value of R22 000 per person has also been approved.

All funds received for the internal and external bursaries will have to be spent within the LGSETA timeframes.

In addition to the application submitted by GRDM to the LGSETA, the Municipality has made changes to its Occupational Certificate: Electrician programme, for forty-seven (47) employed persons that will be trained over a period of three years. The amended application is currently in process and the GRDM is waiting for feedback from the LGSETA. The Municipality is hopeful that a favourable response will be received.

By continuously partnering and working with the LGSETA, Local Municipalities in the Garden Route and Training Providers, the GRDM aims to reach its strategic objective, which is “a skilled workforce and community”. As a district municipality, the GRDM serves the local municipalities within the District and therefore believes in the principal of lifelong learning and supports the development of its officials towards better service delivery for all it serves.