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28 July 2023 Media Release: Multi-stakeholder anti-litter clean-up campaign continues

Media Release: Multi-stakeholder anti-litter clean-up campaign continues

For Immediate Release
28 July 2023

Recently, the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) kicked off its anti-litter campaign aimed at educating people about proper waste disposal techniques, using waste as a resource, and the pollution effects litter brings to the Garden Route District. Raising awareness at taxi ranks, schools, informal settlements, public facilities, malls, and shopping centres form part of the campaign.

On Tuesday 25 July 2023, the GRDM Waste Management Section conducted an awareness campaign at the Asla Clinic in Mossel Bay in collaboration with the Environmental Officers of Mossel Bay Municipality’s Pollution and Waste Management section.

Community members were educated about the severe negative consequences of illegal dumping on both the environment and human health. Topics covered included the disposal of hazardous materials, garbage and pollutants in unauthorised locations as well as the effects of contaminated soils and water sources on animal and human life. There was a lot of interaction during the session, and community members received stickers with contact information for reporting illegal dumping.

On Thursday 27 July 2023, the GRDM Waste Management Section hosted a workshop with twenty-four (24) waste pickers (Expanded Public Works Program Workers and offenders from Community Correction) to educate them on the different waste streams that can be recycled.  During the training, pickers were taught that waste could be a resource for someone else as well as a treasure.  It was also clarified that every citizen has the right to live in a clean, healthy, and safe environment. The fact that it is a human right, but also a responsibility, was emphasized.

Stakeholders in the workshop included Mossel Bay Municipality, Henque Waste, and Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) – Local Government Support.  Similar workshops continue to be rolled out in other towns of the Garden Route district.

The following pictures were taken during the two awareness sessions hosted by the GRDM Waste Management Section the past week.


Featured Image Caption: The workshop was attended by waste pickers from Mossel Bay

Previous articles relating to this:

25 July 2023 Media Release: Oudtshoorn Local Municipality progress in clean-up, recycling initiatives by Garden Route District Municipality and Community involvement