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02 August 2024 Media Release: GRDM EHPs provide training to Informal Food Traders in Dysselsdorp and Spaza shops in Uniondale and Haarlem

GRDM EHPs provide training to Informal Food Traders in Dysselsdorp and Spaza shops in Uniondale and Haarlem

For immediate release
02 August 2024

The Informal Food Services Sector is a significant contributor to economic development, especially in micro-businesses. It creates jobs, helps alleviate poverty, and has the potential to expand the economic base of a region.

Food control includes the monitoring of food premises and safe handling of food at formal and informal food premises. Environmental Health Practitioners (EHP) perform health and hygiene education to the public.

In terms of Regulation 638 of 22 June 2018, REGULATIONS GOVERNING GENERAL HYGIENE REQUIREMENTS FOR FOOD PREMISES, THE TRANSPORT OF FOOD AND RELATED MATTERS, promulgated under the Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act, 1972 (Act 54 of 1972), anyone that handle food for selling it to the public, must be in possession of a CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTABILITY (COA).  EHPs from GRDM ensure compliance of food premises by issuing COAs.

On 24 July 2024, GRDM’s EHPs based in Oudtshoorn, in collaboration with Oudtshoorn Municipality, presented a Health and Hygiene training session for informal food traders of Dysselsdorp at the Dysselsdorp Thusong Service Centre. Twenty-one (21) informal food traders attended the session.

The EHPs assisted and educated prospective informal food traders on how to apply for a CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTABILITY. The team further presented a health and hygiene education session and provided training on basic food hygiene principles. The health and hygiene education session focused on the safe and hygienic transportation, storage, handling and preparation of food and the selling of safe food stuffs, for example using meat obtained from an approved abattoir.

The training highlighted the significance of hygienic food handling practices and selling safe food to prevent food poisoning and other food-related diseases. Ensuring that the food consumed is healthy and safe, is crucial to public health. The structural requirements for food premises were also explained.

The content of the health and hygiene training session was based on the World Health Organisation’s Five Keys to Safer Food training package, which includes the following five important aspects:

  1. Keep clean.
  2. Separate raw and cooked foods.
  3. Cook thoroughly.
  4. Keep food at safe temperatures.
  5. Use safe water and raw materials.

The GRDM EHPs also conducted a Health and Hygiene Education session at the Spaza shops in the Uniondale and Haarlem areas on 25 July 2024. The following topics were further discussed:

  • Compliance with a Certificate of Acceptability
  • Structural requirements
  • Hygiene requirements
  • Protection of food
  • Temperature Control

Participants at both sessions actively engaged in discussions and now have a clearer understanding about complying with food safety legislation. The importance of their roles and responsibilities as informal food traders on how food is handled when it is sold it to the public, were also emphasised.

For more information or to report unhygienic practices by food handlers, contact the following GRDM offices within the Garden Route:

Klein Karoo & Kannaland
Desmond Paulse – Manager: Municipal Health (Klein Karoo)
94 St John Street, Oudtshoorn
Tel: 044 272 2241 / Cell: 083 678 6530

Mossel Bay
Rinay Cloete – Acting Chief: Municipal Health
C/O Sampson & Marling Street, Ext 23, Mossel Bay
Tell: 044 693 0006 / Cell: 083 530 3709

George Outeniqua
Emmy Douglas – Chief: Municipal Health (Outeniqua)
Mission Street, Industrial Area, George, 6530
Tel: 044 803 1501 / Cell: 078 457 2824

George & Wilderness
Khanyisa Shoto – Acting Chief: Municipal Health
Mission Street, Industrial Area, George, 6530
Tel: 044 803 1599 / Cell:071 883 6335

James McCarthy – Chief: Knysna
26A Queen Street, Knysna, 6571
Tel: 044 382 7214 / Cell: 082 805 9417

Gawie Vos – Chief: Lakes (Bitou)
4 Virginia street, Plettenberg bay, 6600
Tel: 044 501 1600 / Cell: 083 557 1522

Haemish Herwels – Chief: Hessequa
24 Michell Street, Riversdale, 6670
Tel: 028 713 2438 / Cell: 083 678 6545

Johan Compion
Manager: Municipal Health & Environmental Services
Tel: 044 803 1300 / Cell: 082 803 516


Op 24 Julie 2024, het Omgewingsgesondheidspraktisyns (OGP) van GRDM aan voornemende informele voedselhandelaars van Dysselsdorp ‘n opvoedkundige sessie aangebied oor hoe om aansoek te doen vir ‘n SERTIFIKAAT VAN AANVAARBAARHEID. Verder het die span ook ‘n opleidingsessie aan die betrokke deelnemers rakende Basiese Voedselhigiënebeginsels aangebied. Die laasgenoemde sessie het veral klem gelê op die veilige en higiëniese vervoer, berging, hantering en voorbereiding, asook die verkoop van veilige voedsel.

Die opleiding was gebaseer op die Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie se Vyf Sleutels tot Veiliger Voedsel, naamlik:

  1. Hou jou hande, kookgerei en ookoppervlakte skoon.
  2. Skei rou en gaar kosse.
  3. Kook deeglik.
  4. Hou kos by veilige temperature.
  5. Gebruik veilige water en rou materiaal.

Verder het OGPs verantwoordelik vir die George en omliggende areas, op 25 Julie 2024 ook Spaza-winkels in die Uniondale- en Haarlem-areas besoek om aan handelaars die 9 Sleutelprestasie-areas van Munisipale Gesondheidsdienste wat die onderwerp van voedselveiligheid insluit, oor te dra. Die volgende onderwerpe is tydens die sessie aangebied:

  1. Voldoening aan ‘n Sertifikaat van Aanvaarbaarheid
  2. Struktuurvereistes
  3. Higiënevereistes
  4. Beskerming van voedsel
  5. Temperatuurbeheer