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Author: Herman Pieters

14 February 2020 Beware scammers pretending to raise funds for an Eden Municipality Sports Tour

Garden Route District Municipality has been informed by various members of the public of a scam doing the rounds by a person requesting random community members to donate funds to an “Eden Municipality Sports Tour”.

As a result of this, a case has been opened by the South African Police Services and the matter is currently under investigation.

We urge the public to be vigilant about these type of fraudulent activities and to always contact organisations to confirm if such donation requests are, in fact, true. Please do report such scams to your nearest SAPS office.

Third Annual Skills Summit will take place on 19 and 20 March 2020 in Knysna

The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), in collaboration with the B-municipalities in the district and the Western Cape Provincial Government, will be hosting its annual District Skills Summit on 19 and 20 March 2020 in Knysna (as per the 2019 Summit Resolutions).  The overarching objective of the summit is: “Bridging the skills gaps in order to position the district towards investment and economic development opportunities” with the following added – “while gearing all sectors to make the most of the fourth industrial revolution”.  The Fourth Industrial Revolution represents a fundamental change in the way we live, work and relate to one another. Advances are merging the physical, digital and biological worlds in ways that create both huge promise and potential peril.

According to the Executive Mayor of GRDM, Cllr Memory Booysen, “Progress is only possible through collaboration across all stakeholders with the Business community leading, supported by all spheres of Government, Organised Labour, the Community sector as well as the LGSETA and other SETA’s and the National Skills Fund. International best practice shows where employers are willing leaders and other stakeholders willing partners, success is achieved in the overall planning and implementation phases of skills development projects. All these progressive ventures take place under the ‘umbrella’ of the Skills Mecca concept for the region.”

This year’s summit follows a resolution taken at the 2018 Garden Route District Skills Summit held on 01 February 2018 in George, during which it was resolved to take the concept of a Garden Route Skills Mecca forward and review progress on an annual basis.   The idea of a Skills Mecca originates from the Garden Route Rebuild Initiative (GRRI), which followed the devastating fires that hit the district (Knysna/Plettenberg Bay) in June 2017.  Since last year’s summit, municipalities in the district, in collaboration with various stakeholders, among others, the local Business Chambers and Provincial Government,  progressively worked together in order to bring about and implement the Garden Route Skills Mecca concept.

The 2020 Skills Summit will focus mainly on the achievements of the previous year’s implementation of the summit resolutions. The “show and tell” (presentation/competition) will give municipalities an opportunity to showcase a project that was implemented within their respective municipal areas. The 2020 Skills Summit will also be focused on how to accelerate the district-wide Skills Mecca, and also to evaluate the resolutions determined in 2019 towards making the Garden Route a preferred pristine destination for learning in the country and continent.

Other role-players involved are:

  • Local Businesses
  • Garden Route Business Chambers
  • MECs
  • District Mayors
  • District Municipal Managers
  • Corporate Services Managers
  • LED Managers
  • Tourism Managers
  • Skills Development Facilitator
  • Youth Coordinators
  • Various government departments
  • Western Cape Government
  • Local NGOs

The following resolutions were taken during the 2019 Skills Summit:

  • Continue and accelerate collaboration and cooperation among all District skills development role players.
  • Ensure that the Skills Development leverages digital infrastructure as far as possible to ensure learning and processes methods are and remain cutting edge.
  • As far as possible link Skills Development to Investment and Economic Development opportunities to the advancement for all.
  • Ensure that all Skills Development processes in the Garden Route ALWAYS proactively considers renewable energy.
  • Engage with all willing partners, in particular the SETAs and the National Skills Fund, to explore the development and implementation of projects across the District.
  • Consider and leverage local skilled people, including retired people, within the District, to accelerate the growth of the Skills Mecca.
  • All public and / or private skills development projects and/or programmes in all municipalities are acknowledged, recorded on Skills Mecca on line solution and supported within resource limitations.
  • Progressively support the development of the new apprenticeship of 21st Century (A21) in the District
  • Budget, plan and implement an annual Skills Summit that is held in a different local municipality rotationally and alphabetically….2020 – Knysna – proposed on 5 March 2020.

Municipalities are expected to prepare and present a case study of an actual skills development project implemented within their municipality at this year’s Summit. A ten minute presentation will form part of a competition to determine the annual Garden Route Skills Mecca Champion for 2020.  Presentations will be evaluated by the delegates on the day of the event through a simple ballot system.  Each case study will be judged against three criteria:

  • Did the partnerships in the project add value? – Yes or No?
  • Did the project support transformation in a creative way? – Yes or No?
  • Did the project make learners more employable? – Yes or No?

The envisaged outcome of the Summit is to ‘’fine-tune” the resolutions from 2019 and develop ideas on how to accelerate implementation of the Skills Mecca in the Garden Route. The Skills Summit will be an annual event on a rotational basis; municipalities therefore also need to budget and plan towards this purpose. The 2019 Skills Summit attracted approximately 180 people in Stilbay, while arrangements are in place to accommodate 200 – 250 people this year.

For more information contact the GRDM’s Training and Development Section, Mr Reginald Salmons at 044 803 1363.

Garden Route Regional Waste Management Facility

Public Private Partnership with Eden Waste Management Pty Ltd

The Garden Route District Municipality, through a public-private partnership (PPP) with Eden Waste Management Pty Ltd, on 11 February 2020, celebrated the launch and sod-turning of the region’s first Garden Route Regional Waste Management Facility. This is the very first PPP of its kind in South Africa and is a leading innovation in creating environmental and social benefits for communities.

Executive Mayor of Garden Route District Municipality, Cllr Memory Booysen, during his address, said: “I am as old politically as this initiative.” He highlighted: “Thank you to Bitou Municipality who was one of the first municipalities to budget for this initiative, with Knysna who followed. Mayor Booysen also extended a word of gratitude to Mossel Bay Municipality by saying: “Whenever we submit plans, Mossel Bay does not sit on decisions – thank you Mossel Bay Municipality. He continued: “To our predecessors, you continued to support this initiative – thank you for not giving up on this project – if you can’t think it or dream it, you can’t do it”.

Executive Mayor of Garden Route District Municipality, Cllr Memory Booysen, during his address made it clear that when Council works together, communities will thrive.

This facility will provide a regional waste management service to accommodate approximately 8 500 tons of domestic waste generated per month in the municipal areas of Bitou, Knysna, George and Mossel Bay. However, it is also designed to accommodate domestic waste from Hessequa and Oudtshoorn Municipalities in the future, as Hessequa Municipality has already indicated their interest to dispose of domestic waste from the towns of Gouritsmond and Albertinia, once site becomes operational.

The Western Cape MEC for Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, Minister Anton Bredell, at the event, commended the District Municipal team for their hard work and commitment to get this project off the ground. “This is the first in South Africa and serves as key project for other municipalities too.”

To the Mayors and Municipal Managers in the Garden Route, MEC Bredell said: “You need to work hand-in-hand to make this a flagship in the Western Cape, but also in South-Africa. He congratulated the Bitou, Knysna, George and Mossel Bay municipalities for their vision in supporting this initiative.

MEC Anton Bredell urged all municipalities to work hand-in-hand with one another to uphold the reputation of the Garden Route and this flagship PPP.

Mr Jason McNeil, Chief Executive Officer of Eden Waste Management, who forms part of the public-private partnership, presented how the operations of the Regional Waste Management Facility will work and said: “This project will develop infrastructure and create jobs in the region”.

“I am excited to be part of the 1st project of its kind and look forward to its implementation that will create a safe haven for waste management in the Garden Route district”. He concluded: “The facility will set a tone of how waste management must be done,” said McNeil.

The facility will have a lifespan of approximately thirty (30) years. The site will include a domestic waste cell (Class B landfill) and a separate hazardous waste cell (Class A), that will accommodate hazardous waste with low and medium hazard ratings. The services of a roaming chipper and crusher will also be made available to Mossel Bay, George and Knysna municipalities on a rotational basis in order to manage their green waste, construction and demolition waste, respectively.

Further to this, bulk waste transport services will be available to George Municipality to transport domestic waste from Uniondale and George Waste Transfer Stations to the regional facility. Other infrastructure includes roads, stormwater pipelines, a leachate storage dam, a contaminated stormwater dam, offices, a laboratory, a weighbridge, fencing and security infrastructure.  The footprint of the waste management site will cover an approximate area of 115 hectares and the landfill waste cells itself will reach a maximum height of twelve (12) metres.  Three individual domestic waste cells, and one hazardous waste cell, will be excavated to six (6) meters below ground level and filled sequentially.

“In 2007, we decided to commission our own waste management facility – having made use of the Petro SA landfill to accommodate our waste, due to lack of airspace in Mossel Bay, Knysna, George and Bitou municipalities. And so, today, we celebrate this incredible milestone – a facility that is aligned to long term environmental sustainability goals and the latest in landfill legislation,” Mayor Booysen continues.  “However, given the need to meet changing legislative requirements in landfill design and compliance, the cost of municipal waste collection has been increased. We trust however, that our residents will understand the importance of a quality landfill site in managing the environmental impact of waste and that the long-term goals of sustainability and job creation are as close to their hearts as ours.”

Mr Morton Hubbe, Manager: Waste Management, was thanked by Mayor Booysen, MEC Bredell and other stakeholders for his persistence and his role in making the regional landfill facility a reality.

All relevant feasibility studies have been concluded and approved in order to ensure compliance with South African Waste Legislation. To this end, the following has been undertaken:

  • 2008: An Environmental Impact Assessment started and was finalised in February;
  • 2013: the municipality has been issued an Environmental Authorisation from the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning;
  • July 2014: A Section 78 investigation, in terms of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, No. 32 of 2000, was done, where it was finalised that an external mechanism or the use of an external service provider would be a more affordable option for the district municipality;
  • 2014: The Public Private Partnership process started;
  • A Section 120, Municipal Finance Management Act, No. 56 of 2003, process was followed, and the project was registered with the Department of National Treasury as a PPP. The PPP process included several prescribed reporting and commenting stages with National and Provincial Treasury who were part of the process throughout;
  • GRDM received all four views and recommendation reports from both National and Provincial Treasury (TVR I, TVR II A, TVR II B and TVR III);
  • November 2015: Our Waste Management Licence was issued by the Department of Environmental Affairs (now the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries); and
  • 13 December 2019: Council approved the appointment of the Private Partner and also approved the proposed PPP Agreement where Eden Waste Management (RF) Pty Ltd was approved as the Private Partner to build and operate the regional waste management facility over a period of 10 years from start of operation of the facility.

In addition to all legal requirements, GRDM also conducted an organic waste characterisation study in the district in order to determine the quantities and types of organic waste generated, to identify and determine the feasibility of possible alternative technologies. Through a district’s pilot waste minimisation project, it was found that households were very good at composting. Approximately 30% of our waste going to landfills consists of organic waste and can potentially be diverted by means of composting. As a result, GRDM is currently in the process of implementing alternative technology at their facility to accommodate certain organic waste streams.

In conclusion, GRDM Executive Mayor said: “A compliant facility that offers a safe, ethical and environmentally sustainable solution to the region – utilising the latest design and technology – is what we are aiming towards and we believe that, through our PPP, we are in a great position to meet this goal as well as ensuring that we are creating jobs.  Through this development, we aim to drive forth a new era that will environmentally and socially benefit our communities of the Garden Route district”.

View the full gallery of images here:

Severe Weather Alert – Advisory

Please find below severe weather alerts issued by the Cape Town Weather Office

Hazard Alert Level Valid From (SAST) Valid To (SAST)
Extreme Heat Advisory 11/02/20 08h00 12/02/20 20h00


Expected over northern parts of the West Coast District (Western Cape) today (11/02/2020), but over the Central and Little Karoo, Breede Valley Municipality tomorrow (12/02/2020).

Description: Dangerous veld/bush fire conditions

Whenever there are prolonged periods of little and no rain coupled with warm dry winds, veldt or bush fires can easily be sparked and will spread rapidly in strong winds.

Precautions: Dangerous veld/bush fire conditions

Don’t make fires in the open and/or leave fires unattended. Don’t throw cigarette butts out of cars or in the open veldt. Don’t throw bottles in the veldt as they can magnify the sun’s rays and start fires. Prepare and maintain fire breaks in controlled manner. In the case of a large fire report it immediately and move away from the area to let the professionals deal with it. Never throw water onto a fire started by an electrical fault or fires started by oil or paraffin lamps. In this case sand or a blanket should be used to smother the fire. Listen to the radio or TV for warnings and obey the instructions from disaster management officers.

 Description: Extremely High Temperatures

When temperature and the humidity is high at the same time or when the temperature exceeds a certain threshold, human’s ability to cool their bodies through sweating is reduced. This can be a real threat that leads to hyperthermia.

Precautions: Extremely High Temperatures

Stay indoors in a cool room near a fan if possible. The old and infirm must take extra care to stay hydrated and cool. Avoid strenuous outdoor activity, playing excessive sport and hard labour. Dress in light weight clothes and drink plenty of liquids NOT alcohol.

Listen to the radio or TV for warnings and obey the instructions from disaster management officers

Novel Coronavirus (2019-NCoV) Outbreak in China and other countries in the world

On 31 December 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) office in China reported a cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China. During January 2020, it was reported by the WHO that the cases were caused by Coronavirus. This virus is officially known as the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Most of the initial cases identified, were linked to seafood, poultry and a live wildlife market (Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market) in the Hubei Province of China. Researchers suspect that the virus was transmitted by infected animals to humans, the source is, however, not confirmed.

According to the Executive Manager of Garden Route District Municipality’s (GRDM) Department Community Services, Mr Clive Africa: “There have been no cases of the 2019-nCoV reported in South Africa because active surveillance is in place to identify an imported case should one occur. This includes fever screening at international airports. Procedures are also in place for case isolation, management, as well as rapid specimen collection and transport to speed up the diagnosis. Designated hospitals with isolation facilities have been identified and protocols to follow up case contacts to ensure that the virus is held at bay.

What is 2019-nCoV?

Human coronaviruses are common throughout the world. Many different types of coronaviruses are found in animals, but some of them can be transferred to humans.

The 2019-nCoV is a zoonotic disease is that spreads between animals (usually vertebrates) and humans.

Who is at risk to contract 2019-nCoV?

 Any person who travelled to or from Wuhan city, Hubei Province in China and has been in close proximity of an infected person who shows symptoms of being infected. Healthcare workers who care for patients with severe acute respiratory infections. People who have been in contact with an animal or an animal source in countries where 2019-nCoV is prevalent (the animal source transmission is still undetermined). Those who have compromised immune systems, especially vulnerable age groups like infants and the elderly, are at high risk of contracting the virus.

 How is 2019-nCoV transmitted?

Exposure to an animal source is suspected, but it is also known that the virus can spread from person-to-person via respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes (airborne).

The majority of the infections, to date, occurred in people who had close physical contact with confirmed cases and in health workers caring for patients with 2019-nCoV.

Coronavirus can also be spread in the following ways:

  • Touching or shaking hands with a person that has the virus;
  • Making contact with a surface or object that has the virus and then touching your nose, eyes, or mouth; and
  • Contact with faeces – on rare occasions.

What are the signs and symptoms of 2019-nCoV infection in humans?

The reported symptoms include mild to severe respiratory illness with fever, cough and difficulty breathing.

How to protect yourself if the virus breaks out here

  • Wash your hands thoroughly on a regular basis (see six (6) steps when washing your hands);
  • Avoiding close contact with people who are or appear to be sick.
  • Stay home while you are sick;
  • Practice respiratory hygiene (covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, followed by hand hygiene;
  • Use disposable masks;
  • Dispose of waste (especially tissues and masks) in a responsible manner; and
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces (diluted bleach solution =1-part bleach to 99 parts water).

Follow these six (6) steps when washing your hands.

  1. Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap.
  2. Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
  3. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice.
  4. Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
  5. Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.
  6. Close the tap with the towel

For any additional information with regards to 2019-nCoV, please contact:

Executive Manager – Community Services: Clive Africa on 083 253 3928.

Manager – Municipal Health and Environmental Services: Johan Compion on 082 803 5161.


 Disaster Management Graduate Internship Programme

Garden Route District Municipality is fully committed to Employment Equity.
Applications are invited for the following;                                     

 Disaster Management Graduate Internship Programme

(In collaboration with Western Cape Government Department Local Government)


Garden Route District Municipality in partnership with the Western Cape Government – Local Government is proud to present a Disaster Management Graduate Internship Programme opportunity for youth residing within the Garden Route District area.

The aim of this programme is to provide opportunities for practical local government work experience to unemployed young graduates who have completed their qualifications.


  • Young persons who have completed an NQF level 7 qualification (Degree) in the last three years (2017– 2019), from a registered Higher Education Institution.
  • The applicant must reside within the municipal area.


  • Disaster Management


 DATE OF ASSUMPTION OF INTERNSHIP: (On or before 01 February 2019)

STIPEND: R 6 666.67 per month

Interested applicants who meet the abovementioned criteria should apply using the prescribed application form obtainable from HR Development & Training Section (during normal office hours 07h30 – 16h30), as well as from our website For any enquiries contact Reginald Salmons at 044-803 1363, Angeline Naidoo at 044-803 1420 during office hours.

Certified copies of the following documentation must be attached:

  • A comprehensive Curriculum Vitae
  • Proof of qualification / latest examinations results
  • Certified copy of Identity Document (not older than 3 months)
  • Proof of residential address (municipal account)


Application forms and further information:

Please forward a completed application form with a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae, accompanied by a certified copy of your Identity Document (not older than 3 months) and certified copies of highest qualifications to Garden Route District Municipality, Registration Section, 54 York Street or P.O. Box 12, George, 6530. The application forms are available at the offices of Garden Route District Municipality or visit our website at

Failure to submit the required documents will result in the application not being considered.  No faxed or emailed documents will be considered. 

If you have not heard from us by the 01 March 2020 then consider your application unsuccessful.

Contact Person: Angeline Naidoo @ 044 803 1420 during office hours.

Closing date: Closing date: 31 January 2020

Notice no: 12/2020

Candidates with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Garden Route sprekers bemagtig Parkie-prefekte

Die Garden Route Distriksmunisipaliteit het Saterdag 25 Januarie 2020 by die prefekte kamp van Parkdene Primêr ‘n leierskapsopleiding sessie behartig.

Me Mercy James van die Geïntegreerde Ontwikkelingsplan-afdeling het die prefekte aangemoedig om in hulself te glo en met selfvertroue hul funksie as leiers uit te leef. “’n Leier moet n visie hê, beheer neem oor hom of haar lewe en verantwoordelikheid neem vir keuses en besluite”. Sy het verduidelik dat leiers nie probleme sien, maar eerder geleenthede sien vir ontwikkeling en bemagtiging.

Me Mercy James (middel), saam met hoofleiers, vlnr: me Keisha Jantjies (Onder-hoofdogter), me Chaynique Du Plessis (Hoofdogter), mnr Sedwin Gysman (Hoofseun) en mnr Suleiran Dolf (Onder-hoofseun)

Volgens me James moet leiers ‘n lus vir leer ontwikkel, sodat hulle relevant en ingeligte leiers  kan wees.  Tydens ‘n interaktiewe groep sessie het leerders ook sinvolle  oplossings voorgelê vir die rommelstrooiing kwessie en vroe skoolverlaters in ons gemeenskappe.

Na afloop van me James se praatjie het Senior Kommunikasiebeampte van Garden Route Distriksmunisipaliteit, mnr Herman Pieters, leerders se kennis verryk deur eienskappe van Spekbome mee gedeel. Leerders het self uit twee groepe die top-bydraers tot antwoorde identifiseer. Teagan Arendse en Carmelita Hedenrycht is as wennners aangewys.

Ter afsluiting van die sessie het leerlinge hul dank en waardering uitgespreek teenoor die Distrik vir hul bereidwilligheid om 40 prefekte te verryk met kennis.

Garden Route District Municipality presented a talk about leadership to prefects from Parkdene Primary School on 25 January 2020. Integrated Development Planning Officer, Ms Mercy James, urged learners to believe in themselves and to strive to be leaders filled with self-confidence. “A leader must have a vision, take control and responsibility for his or her life choices,” said Ms James.

According to her, leaders should not see problems but solutions to transform issues into approaches of developmental and empowerment.

She also said that “leaders must develop an eagerness to learn, in order for them to become informed leaders.” Later during the session, learners were given the opportunity to present workable solutions for littering and learners who drop-out from school.

Shortly after Ms James’s presentation, Senior Communicator, Mr Herman Pieters, educated learners about Spekboom plants and the impact they have on the environment. Two Spekbome were donated to the top-performing groups, who then chose the top-contributor in their respective groups as the overall winners to receive a plant each.

In conclusion, learners thanked Garden Route District Municipality for availing themselves to share their wisdom and knowledge with all 40 prefects.