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Author: Herman Pieters

Durban FilmMart attended by Garden Routers

Eleven (11) delegates from the Garden Route, including Garden Route Film Office (GRFO) members, visited the Durban FilmMart (DFM) between 18 and 22 July 2019. This festival is a joint programme of the Durban Film Office (DFO) and the Durban International Film Festival (DIFF) and takes place in conjunction with Durban International Film Festival that spans over a 10-day period, between 18 and 28 July 2019.

Mr Jacques van der Merwe (Director: GRFO), Mr Philip de Vries (Chairperson: GRFO) and Mr Clyde Berning.

Cllr Liza Stroebel, who represented Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) at the DFM, said: “The presence at such a festival is vibrant and exciting.   To see the hype of activities within the film industry under one roof and to be able to meet and greet foreign contingents, attend panel discussions and interact socially with artistic individuals within the broader film industry in South Africa and abroad, was an amazing experience.    I learnt so much about the film industry and will now be able to better represent the Garden Route District Municipality in the film industry in the Garden Route.”

Mr Jacques van der Merwe (Director: GRFO), left, with students at the DIFF, (fltr): Cara Botha, Amy Jansen, Antonie Botha, Moses Williams, and Stefan Kloppers (Standing)

“The purpose of the inclusion of learners from our region to the DFM was to expose them to the functioning of the industry on ground level and the value which could be added and brought to the Garden Route,” said Cllr Stroebel.

What the Durban FilmMart offers

On an annual basis, the DFM offers creatives, producers and other film industry experts the opportunity to develop content, skills and expertise, while also paving the way for cross-border collaborations and networks. Moreover, it offers a jam-packed programme of panel discussions, seminars, workshops, masterclasses, a finance forum and mini-conferences and exhibitions formed part of the festival.

Team of delegates

  • Mr Philip de Vries (GRFO Chairperson);
  • Mr Jacques van der Merwe (Director: GRFO);
  • Patrick Walton (Director: GRFO);
  • Lika Berning (Director: GRFO and owner of Ikasi Media;
  • Cllr Liza Stroebel (Garden Route District Municipality Councillor and EXCO member of GRFO);
  • Amy  Jansen (GRFO Secretary);
  • Stefan Kloppers (Learner);
  • Cara Botha (Learner);
  • Antonie Botha (Learner);
  • Moses Williams (Learner).


Visit to read more about the International Film Festival.

More information is available on the DFM website too –

Students overfilled with joy after completing 3-month Cater Care Course

“The day you were born you were given many gifts. One such gift is the gift of ‘free will’. What you do with opportunities presented to you, like for instance, being offered the opportunity to study here – depends on you. It is, therefore, without a doubt, a fact that the sky is the limit,” said Councillor Liza Stroebel.  In her concluding remarks, she emphasised the importance of decisions of students and that they need to take every opportunity presented to them, “or someone else will”.  Councillor Stroebel shared these wise words during the Cater Care Certificate handover ceremony which took place on 12 July 2019 in George.

The group of GRDM Councillors who witnessed the certificate handovers (seated, fltr): Rowan Spies (Portfolio Chairperson, Roads and Transport Planning Services), Jennifer Harnick, Joslyn Johnson (Portfolio Chairperson: Property Management & Development), Liza Stroebel, Khayalethu Lose (Portfolio Chairperson: Community Services), Erica Meyer (Portfolio Chairperson: Strategic Services) and Daniel Saayman. At the back (fltr), are: Cheri-Lynn Speelman (FFA, Senior Lecturer), Elizabeth Theron (FFA, Academic Manager), Denver Johnson (GR&KK Tourism Officer), Patricia Khumalo, Johannes Jafta (Economic Development Officer), Jessica Kalse, Jackson Lencoe, Sandiswa Booysen, Kyle Titus, David Griffith, Ronaldo Booysen, Markus Pretorius, Asanele Magama, Jabes Honne, Pheliswa Salman, Melanie Wilson (Manager: Tourism and Local Economic Development), Sindile Malobola, Denise Lindley (FFA Vice-Principal), Amagene Koeberg (GR&KK Tourism Coordinator), Asanele Magama, Natalie Raubenheimer (GR&KK Senior Local Development Officer) and Francois Ferreira (FFA Principal).

It was a chest-cramming task to single out 15 learners from a list of 37 hopeful applicants who applied for a three-month course Cater Care Course that started on 4 March and ended on 31 May 2019. Garden Route District Municipality fully funded the course of R300 000.00. Francois Ferreira Academy equipped the humble youth from the Garden Route with various hospitality and culinary skills.

Councillor Liza Stroebel delivering a keynote address to students where she highlighted that everyone is in control of their own destiny and that one should grab every opportunity in life that presents itself.

Selection Criteria for Cater Care Course

GRDM was responsible for the coordination and the mobilising of trainees through a formal recruitment and selection process. This has been the case for nearly 10 years.
Students are carefully selected by making use of the following criteria:
• Between the ages of 18 and 35;
• Be unemployed;
• Completed Grade 12;
• Showcase eagerness to make the hospitality industry a career; and
• Live in the Garden Route District.

Francois Ferreira’s Cater Care Course is underpinned by not only basic food preparation, but also life skills. These skills include, but are not limited to:

  • personal money management;
  • entrepreneurship,
  • conflict handling,
  • personal hygiene,
  • applying for a job,
  • teamwork; and
  • writing a curriculum vitae.

Additionally, the training course is the “first step” for aspiring chefs to a sustainable career in the hospitality and culinary industry.

Additional opportunities arranged for 30 learners

FFA subsequently applied and secured additional funding from a Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Sector Education and Training Authority Discretionary Grant and for an “Assistant Chef Skills” programme. A total of 30 learners will benefit from this training, which will include the 15 learners who completed their Level 1 Skills in Basic Food Preparation and Basic Service Skills. Students have already started with the “Assistant Chef” course and will continue until the end of August 2019.

During his opening remarks at the Certificate Ceremony which was held on 12 July 2019, Chef Francois Ferreira, Francois Ferreira Academy Principal, said: “It was a joy to teach a group with such enthusiasm and willingness to absorb information.” He also commended students for their “collective positive attitude as a team” which set them apart from previous groups. “You set the bar for future cater care students – each and every one of you have excelled.”

Francois Ferreira Academy Principal during the Certificate Ceremony boasting about the students’ teamwork and dedication to the programme.

Editor’s note:
Youth development is an essential component of GRDM’s efforts to grow the economy. A consequence of saddening statistics that indicate that the Garden Route District has the highest levels of youth unemployment amongst districts within the Western Cape. Youth are under-represented among the employed segment of Garden Routers.

The Municipal Structures Act 117 of 2000, Section 84(1)(m) reads: “Division of functions and powers between the district and local municipalities:
(1) A district municipality has the following functions and powers:
(m) Promotion of local tourism for the area of the district municipality”. 

Municipal Managers and Mayors meet to discuss region’s public sector EPWP jobs and future projects

After Municipal Managers of the Garden Route engaged this morning, a follow-up session with Executive Mayors from the region subsequently took place. Currently, similar contents of the Municipal Manager’s Forum are discussed at the District Coordinating Forum (DCF). Executive Mayors of the region are present and topics on the table, include:

  • The National Department of Public Works – Presenting Protocol Agreement targets for the fourth phase;
  • Contextualised inputs for discussion at the Cabinet Bosberaad (Circular 21: District Strategic and Planning priorities as well as service delivery challenges); and
  • A Special Economic Zone District-Wide Approach.

During his opening remarks as the chairperson of the DCF, Cllr Memory Booysen, Executive Mayor of Garden Route District Municipality, said: “The major purpose of this meeting is for me to understand what you require at a local municipal level. If we don’t engage, I will not be able to understand what is happening at a b-municipal level.”


“Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) targets will also be discussed today – how we are performing, where we can improve, etc. EPWP is an important component of putting food on the table and creating sustainable jobs. Gone are the days when we saw EPWP as a tick-box exercise. As a district, we want the jobs created to form part of our mainstream economy and the development of it. We will continue to punch above our weight to see that the people on the ground experience what we intended them to experience,” said Cllr Booysen.