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Author: Herman Pieters

Wellness day for Garden Route District and George Municipalities

Garden Route District Municipality’s (GRDM) Employee Assistant Practitioner, Ms Shandré Abrahams, in collaboration with George Municipality’s Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) section hosted a joint Wellness event earlier today at the George Civic Centre.  GRDM’s EAP section partners with George and Oudtshoorn municipalities on an annual basis to provide such a platform where employees in from their northern and southern offices can engage with professionals in the field of finances, health, social well-being and emotional advice. Joint sessions like these also provide a substantial cost-saving for all those involved.

During today’s event, the official welcoming was done by Cllr Raybin Figland, a Councillor who serves on both the Garden Route District and George Municipal Councils. During his address, he said: “We understand that in life it is not always as simple as we think to share one’s vulnerabilities, many might feel embarrassed. We must, however, put our trust in EAP officers as they have to keep all information confidential.”

Comments from GRDM employees at the session:
“I am here today to check my health – it is a time that our employer gives us to check our fitness, wellness, medical aids, pension funds and insurance. I work out of town most of the time so this platform provides a perfect opportunity for me to check up on all these matters” – Mr Patrick Masongo.

“Ek is vandag hier om uit te vind of oor gesondheid en ek beoog om vrae te vra aan die verskillende organisasies wie hier is vandag.” – Ms Gail Bekeer.

“I am here to find out more details from the banks about investment opportunities, our provident fund and women’s health issues” – Nocwaka Ndabeni.

This session catered for countless employees from both municipalities, who engaged with the following stakeholders: Absa, Nedbank, Capitec, Standard Bank, Old Mutual, Medical Aids (Bonitas, SAMWUMED, HOSMED, LA Health), Aloe Vera, Assupol Life, Metropolitan Financial Solutions, AVBOB, Sanlam, Herbalife, Liberty Life, HRMA ministries, Law for All, Cook for Life, Western Cape Department of Health, ASSEPOL, Virgin Active, Wellness World Gym, South African Narcotics Association and the Cancer Association of South Africa.


Editor’s note: The Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is designed to assist the identification and resolution of problems associated with employees impaired by personal concerns, but not limited to health, family, financial, alcohol, drug, legal, emotional, stress or other personal concerns and addictions which may adversely affect employee’s performance.

A Representative Forum is currently underway in George.

Garden Route District Municipality Representative Forum currently underway in George

The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Representative Forum exists with the purpose of aligning the GRDM Integrated Development Plan (IDP) to its budget, as well as to align the district IDP with local municipal IDPs, which includes their projects and programmes.

At the Forum, sector departments present their planned programmes and projects for 2019/2020 which will be xrolled out in the Garden Route. Executive Mayors throughout the Garden Route are presenting their municipality’s at the Forum. All stakeholders, including ward committees (one member per ward), have been invited too.

An Institutional Strategic Planning Session is underway (12 and 13 March 2019)

The Garden Route District Municipality’s (GRDM’s) second Institutional Strategic Planning Session takes place on the 12th and 13th of March 2019. The session is aimed at reflecting on how GRDM performed over the 2018/19 financial year and if resolutions have been successfully implemented.

By continually striving to fulfill its vision, reaching intended objectives and implementing strategies, the municipality will also ensure that its alignment with national and provincial government goals are in place. The municipality is serious about mitigating its threats and
transforming it into opportunities, as well as growing its unique strengths and taking advantage of opportunities presented.

Extension of SLA between AON (PTY) Ltd and Garden Route District Municipality for 3 months

Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Council has appointed AON (underwritten by Lion of Africa) during the 2015/2016 financial year, after a competitive bidding process was followed (Tender E/02/15-16). AON was appointed for a 3-year period to provide insurance coverage to council. On 27 February 2019, the GRDM Council discussed and approved the extension for three months from 1 April 2019 – 30 June 2019, having due regards for the requirements as per section 116 of the Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003 in order to allow Council to conclude the tender processes.

AON is willing to continue to render the contracted services to GRDM for the said 3-month extension period to conclude the tender process.

In terms of Section 116 of the Municipal Finance Management Act, Act 56 of 2003, a contract of agreement procured through the Supply Chain Management policy, may be amended by parties, but only after the local community has been given reasonable notice of the intention to amend the contract or agreement.”

The local community is henceforth invited to provide comments, if any, in writing to Mr Monde Stratu, Municipal Manager, Garden Route District Municipality, 54 York Street, George or e-mail before 26 March 2019.

For any information about the above, contact the Manager: BTO/AFS/Assets, Ms L Hoek at

Media Release: Avian Deaths reported along Divisional Road 1614 caused by Avian Botulism

Media Release: Avian Deaths reported along Divisional Road 1614 caused by Avian Botulism

For Immediate Release
4 March 2019

On 13 February 2019, a resident of Rondevlei via a local newspaper reported a number of bird deaths in the Rondevlei area in close proximity to Divisional Road 1614. The resident alluded to the possibility of the herbicide used by the Garden Route District Municipality: Roads and Transport Planning along the road reserve for Divisional Road 1614 being the cause of the aforesaid bird deaths. Lab tests have indicated otherwise.

On 15 February 2019, SANPARKS informed the GRDM that the bird deaths were caused by a disease known as avian botulism.

Avian botulism is a neuromuscular illness of birds caused by a toxin that is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Fish-eating birds are poisoned by eating fish that contain the toxin.

Ingestion of maggots from the carcass of an infected animal can continue the spread of avian botulism. Avian botulism is most prevalent during summer months. The decease cannot be transmitted to humans, but as a precautionary measure SANPARK rangers collected the carcasses daily. The decease cannot be transmitted to humans, but as a precautionary measure SANPARK rangers collected the carcasses daily. SANPARKS also indicated that a statement will be released.

Various departments in the GRDM responded promptly to establish the cause of the bird deaths, and to determine whether the GRDM held any liability therein. Although we could establish that the deaths were not caused by herbicides used by the GRDM: Roads and Transport Planning Services, we will endeavour to exercise caution in the selection of the herbicides that are used for road reserve management and the effect that it may have on the receiving environment.