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Author: Herman Pieters

Eden DM Recycling Mascot

Eden District Municipality has designed a recycling mascot which will be branded on all waste management and minimisation initiatives as decided by all municipalities in the district. The mascot will assist in creating awareness about waste minimisation matters and is also a means of encouraging younger generations to partake in waste minimisation.

Eden DM has procured a mascot to be used by all municipalities for any waste minimisation / management events. The mascot, Rocky (the Recycling Rooster / RRR / Alliteration Reduce Reuse Recycle) was designed with three different characters namely: ‘Cool’, ‘Superhero’ and ‘Boxer’.

Eden District Municipal Offices Recycling Programme

The Office Recycling Programme has been successfully implemented at all offices of Eden DM, in order to create waste minimisation awareness amongst employees.   A thousand cardboard recycling boxes, branded with the Eden Waste Minimisation Mascot and fifteen wheelie-bins, were procured for this programme.  These boxes were placed at all offices and emptied once a week into the wheelie-bins.

The objectives of the programme, include the following:
•    The provision of recycling receptacles at all Council offices;
•    Training of all Cleaners and responsible employees;
•    Interaction with local recycling companies; and
•    Awareness among employees about recycling.

Each office weighs and records their waste quantities on a weekly basis; these quantities will be published in Eden DM’s quarterly newsletter.  Between January 2017 and April 2017 (4 Months) a recorded 5077,5kg (5 tons) of recyclable material was recovered from Eden DM’s satellite offices in Plettenberg Bay, Knysna, George, Mossel Bay, Oudtshoorn, Riversdale, Albertinia and Heidelberg and Eden DM’s Head Office in George.  This is an average of 1,25 tons of waste diverted from landfill on a monthly basis.

Furthermore, the campaign is also driven with the aspiration to create awareness amongst the public that visits council’s offices, demonstrating Eden DM’s commitment towards waste minimisation by practising what they preach.

Eden DM Madiba Day Celebrations

The global call to action for people and organisations to embrace the values and legacy of Utata Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela is one that is closely linked to Eden District Municipalities’ commitment to uplift people and the communities.

In the spirit of Madiba and his vision to create positive change to the lives of others, the Eden DM Executive Mayor, Councillor Memory Booysen, Deputy Executive Mayor, Councillor Rosina Ruiters, Mayoral Committee Members and Eden DM Officials, on 18 July 2017 visited George Hospital paediatric ward to Give love, support and handed out “Care Kits” which consisted of basic necessities such as toothpaste, toothbrush, dettol, face cloths, soap and blankets.

Chief Executive Officer: George Hospital, Michael Vonk, sent a special letter of appreciation to Eden DM Executive Manager: Corporate-/Strategic Services, Ms Trix Holtzhausen and said: “On behalf of the patients and mums in the paediatric ward, I would like to thank you and your team for spending your 67 minutes at George Hospital. The generous donations and warm smiles that you all brought to the hospital would definitively have brightened the day of these children, as we all celebrate Madiba’s birthday. Please will you extend my thanks to the Executive Mayor and all of his Councillors who also came to give their time to support this worthy cause”.

An excited group of Eden DM Official at the entrance of the George Hospital.

Eden DM Executive Manager: Corporate-/Strategic Services, Ms Trix Holtzhausen extended a word of gratitude: “I would like to thank the officials who joined this initiative and for all their effort to make it special for the mothers and children in the hospital and by demonstrating the spirit of Mandela Day”.

Few of Eden DM employees expressed how they felt when giving back to those in need, this Mandela Day:
Assistant Human Resources Manager: Calvyn Scheepers responded, “What a day (67 minutes) well spent at George Hospital especially in the children’s ward and noticing the smiling faces of these children when our Mayor handed them the care kits. Madiba was fond of kids and it was just appropriate that we gave our 67 minutes to these wonderful kids. There can be no greater gift than that of giving one’s time and energy to others without expecting anything in return.” Let’s make Madiba day an everyday occurrence.

Bandile Mbalo also mentioned: “It was so inspirational and an honour to contribute his 67 minutes to the goodwill of the Mandela day and humble to touch the lives of the children and see them walking the mile that Mandela has walked”. Umtu ngumtu ngabantu.

Eden DM is very proud of the wonderful employees and how they continue to strive to give back to those in need to help build our beautiful country. Mandela Day reminds us of Madiba’s famous saying that, “what counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead”.

Eden DM Madiba Day Celebrations

The global call to action for people and organisations, embracing the values and legacy of Utata Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, is one that is closely linked to Eden District Municipality’s commitment to uplift people and communities.

In the spirit of Madiba and his vision to create positive change to the lives of others, the Eden DM Executive Mayor, Councillor Memory Booysen, Deputy Executive Mayor, Councillor Rosina Ruiters, Mayoral Committee Members and Eden DM Officials, visited the George Hospital Paediatric Ward, to give love, support and handed Care-kits (facecloth, soap, toothbrush & toothpaste), to children.

We would like to thank the CEO of George Hospital, Mr Michael Vonk, for allowing us to visit the Paediatric Ward.

The Eden DM delegation with the Managing Staff of the George Hospital Pediatric Ward.

Hats off to Eden DM firefighters and volunteers

Management of Eden District Municipality, on 30 June 2017, recognised and praised efforts by all the dedicated, courageous and heroic Eden DM firefighters and those who volunteered during the June 2017 inferno. It was the most devastating fire that swept through the Eden district since 1869.

Cllr Memory Booysen, Executive Mayor of Eden District Municipality, during his keynote address at the Appreciation Ceremony, explained to those present that there are no words to describe what firefighters and volunteers went through. “No matter what we say or how we say it, we will never experience the emotions and trauma that you all had to. You all saw properties destroyed, people and animals die. I also understand that you might have felt helpless at times, but be assured that we were and will always support and pray for you, every step of the way”.

Mr Johan Brand, Eden DM Station Officer (white shirt, left with Drone controls) takes a photo of firefighters, volunteers and managers who were given recognition for their efforts during the June 2017 inferno.

Cllr Booysen boasted about the firefighters’ accolades and reminded those present, that Eden DM has the best firefighters in South Africa. “You know when you are good; it rubs off on others, you make me feel like a Toughest Firefighter too.” He said that during his engagements with the President of South Africa, Mr Jacob Zuma and the Premier of the Western Cape, Ms Helen Zille, he reiterated to them about Eden DM having the best firefighters in South Africa and that they did the best that they could under the circumstances.”

The Mayor also reminded everyone that when one house or twenty houses are destroyed, it is a disaster and that when a family suffers, it is also a disaster. Mayor Booysen made a promise that the conditions that firefighters return to at the Eden DM Fire station’s dormitories and facilities will be improved, “starting today”. He was baffled by the fact that firefighters never complained about the space they returned to after hours of tireless work and pleaded with them to raise issues in the future.

Mr Monde Stratu, Eden DM Municipal Manager (MM), committed to the Mayor’s instruction of creating a long-overdue relaxing space for firefighters. He also announced that Mr Gerhard Otto, Eden DM Manager: Disaster Management, was nominated to form part of the National Disaster Management Centre’s task team responsible for preparing guidelines that will be used to address disaster relief initiatives in South Africa.

Mr Gerhard Otto gave a brief overview of the fires over the past seven months and stressed that firefighters hardly had a normal life. “Many firefighters in the Eden District had to sleep at work for days on end, leaving families alone and worried at home.” During December 2016, persistent dry weather conditions fuelled wildfires which affected large parts of Knysna, Mossel Bay, Hessequa and George. It is predicted that annually, 7% of the Eden District will burn.

For Mr Otto, the June 2017 inferno reminded him of the seriousness of the tragedy that struck the United States of America on 11 September 2001. The entire world watched in shock and horror how the tragedy unfolded. “Fortunately for the district, we were able to deploy 1106 firefighters from all over South Africa. Every single person’s efforts had an invaluable effect on lives and properties saved.”
Recent statistics about the disaster, are as follows:

  • Aircraft from various institutions dropped approximately 1700 water bombs. In total, this amounted to 2.9 million litres of water bombs.
  • Knysna lost 805 formal dwellings and Bitou, 80.
  • 48 Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) houses were destroyed.
  • 180 Informal structures were destroyed.
  • The wind damaged 456 homes in George.
  • Aerial firefighting costs amount to R13.5 million (SANDF R8 million, Working on Fire R5.5 million).
  • The has amounted to R4.2 billion in damages.
The Eden DM Mayoral Committee and Speaker salute firefighters and volunteers. Fltr are: Cllr Memory Booysen (Executive Mayor), Cllr Rosina Ruiters (Deputy Executive Mayor and Portfolio Chairperson: Local Economic Development), Cllr Khayalethu Lose (Portfolio Chairperson: Community Services), Cllr Joslyn Johnson (Portfolio Chairperson: Rural Development), Cllr Erica Meyer (Portfolio Chairperson: Strategic Services), Cllr Jerome Lambaatjeen (Portfolio Chairperson: Financial Services) and Cllr Mark Willemse, Speaker.
As a sign of respect for lives and property lost, Mr Emile Conrad, Eden DM Senior Firefighter(left) performed a beautiful saxophone rendition of “I was blind, but now I see” with Mr Deon van Wyk, Deputy Fire Chief (right) who rang the firefighter’s bell.
Shortly after firefighters performed a parade, Cllr Memory Booysen, Eden DM Executive Mayor and Mr Monde Stratu, Eden DM Municipal Manager awarded firefighters with medals and certificates. Pictured is Ms Michelle Smalberger, Senior Eden DM Firefighter, walking towards the Mayor and MM to receive a medal and certificate.
Cllr Memory Booysen, Eden DM Executive Mayor, promises that Eden DM Management will ensure that the dormitories are conducive to a relaxing and well-deserved environment for firefighters.

Mr Johan Brand, Eden DM Station Officer, who presented the Appreciation Programme, also made use of a slideshow to visually present how different areas in the Eden district have been affected since December 2016.  All firefighters received medals of honour and certificates. Special recognition was given to Mr Phillip Wilken, who voluntarily fought fires by working side-by-side with Mr Deon van Wyk, Eden DM Deputy Fire Chief. Mr Deon Van Wyk, rang a bell in tribute to efforts by all firefighters. While the bell rang, Eden DM Firefighter, Mr Emile Conrad performed a beautiful saxophone rendition of I was blind, but now I see.

Mr Clive Africa, Eden DM Executive Manager, Community Services, during his address said: “Out of the ashes, beauty has come forth in the form of hope, compassion, courage, kindness, forgiveness, and above all, the spirit of generosity by the people of South Africa and across the world”.

Food Safety training provided to food handlers in Oudtshoorn

Food safety is one of the nine Key Performance Areas (KPAs) of Municipal Health and Environmental Services, which forms part of the Directorate Community Services at Eden District Municipality (Eden DM). Food safety includes the monitoring of food premises and safe handling of food at formal and informal food premises. Education on hygiene awareness is also done by Environmental Health Practitioners to the public.

Food safety training was recently presented to food handlers of formal and informal food premises in Oudtshoorn.

Environmental Health Practitioners Mr Francois Koelman, Ms Elizna Barnard and Mr Pieter Crous of Oudtshoorn Municipal Health office presented the training.

The content of the training focused on the World Health Organisation’s Five keys for safer food, which include:

1. Keep clean

Wash your hands before handling food and often during food preparation;
Wash your hands after going to the toilet;
Wash and sanitise all surfaces and equipment used for food preparation;
Protect kitchen areas and food from insects, pests and other animals;

2. Separate raw and cook foods

Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from other foods;
Use separate equipment and utensils such as knives and cutting boards for handling of raw foods;
Store food in containers to avoid contact between raw and prepared foods;

3. Cook thoroughly

Cook food thoroughly, especially meat, poultry, eggs and seafood
Bring foods like soups and stews to boiling to ensure that they have reached 70 ͦ. For meat and poultry, make sure that juices are clear, not pink. Ideally, use a thermometer.
Reheat cooked food thoroughly.

4. Keep food at safe temperatures

Do not leave cooked food at room temperature for more than 2 hours.
Refrigerate promptly all cooked and perishable food (preferably below 5ºC).
Keep cooked food piping hot (more than 60ºC) prior to serving.
Do not store food too long even in the refrigerator.
Do not thaw frozen food at room temperature.

5. Use safe water and raw materials

Use safe water or treat it to make it safe
Select fresh and wholesome foods
Choose foods processed for safety, such as pasteurized milk
Wash fruits and vegetables, especially if eaten raw
Do not use food beyond its expiry date

Participants now have a greater understanding about the importance of their roles and responsibilities in when handling food. A Certificate of Attendance was issued to those who received training and informal food traders also received incentives, which included cooler boxes and aprons.

PJ Badenhorst Primary School given training through WASH Project

The WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) Project in Schools is a programme which is supported by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to improve water, sanitation and hygiene conditions at schools. The school manager, educators of PJ Badenhorst Primary School in Dysselsdorp and the Eden District Municipality (Eden DM) Municipal Health Section based in Oudtshoorn, collaborated to establish a WASH committee. The committee strives to ensure that sustainable good health prevails among educators and learners and that the school environment is kept clean and healthy. The committee is supported by the school governing body. Involvement of educators, learners, parents, communities and government institutions is important in WASH projects.

The Manager of the Eden DM Municipal Health Services: Klein Karoo, Mr Desmond Paulse, gave a presentation to the WASH committee on the important components of a Programme, which include:

  • water facilities, water conservation and access to water;
  • hygiene promotion;
  • sanitation;
  • control of communicable and vector-borne diseases;
  • cleaning and waste disposal;
  • food storage and preparation especially in case of school feeding schemes; and
  • importance of hand washing.


Environmental Health Officials from Eden DM with staff and learners of PJ Badenhorst Primary School in Dysseldorp who is involved in the school’s WASH project. Front FLTR: Mr Desmond Salmans (Chairperson: School Governing Body), Ms Clinique Esau (Learner), Mr John Wayne Pietersen (Learner), Ms Lorinda Paulse (Acting Principal). Middle FLTR: Mr Willie Plaatjies (Senior Environmental Health Practitioner), Ms Beverley Oktober (Food preparer-School feeding scheme), Ms Sunelle Zaayman (Admin Clerk), Ms Ann Botha (Food preparer), Ms Cecelia Lindt (Food preparer). Back FLTR: Mr Francois Koelman (Environmental Health Practitioner), Mr Jacques Van Aswegen (Educator), Ms Gran Ayford (Educator), Ms Caroline Botha (Food preparer),Mr Desmond Paulse (Manager Municipal Health: Klein Karoo).

Environmental Health Practitioners Francois Koelman and Willie Plaatjies did a presentation to food preparers of the school feeding scheme on food safety and safe storage of food. The Municipal Health Section of Eden DM will continue to support the school with WASH projects.

Diarrhea and worm infections, which are two of the main diseases that affect school aged children, can be drastically reduced through improved water, sanitation and hygiene practices. Children can carry infectious agents from childcare settings and schools into the home and vice versa, causing those in contact with them to get infected. WASH in schools focuses generally on the prevention of diseases that can be transmitted from person to person, and the program aims to ensure the following:


  • learners that are healthier,
  • learners that can positively influence hygiene practice in their homes, among family members and in the wider community;
  • learners to observe, communicate, cooperate, listen and carry out decisions about hygienic conditions and practices for themselves; and
  • change in current hygiene behavior and continue better hygiene practices in the future like correct hand washing with soap which is an important barrier to transmission of infections and has been cited as one of the most cost-effective public health interventions. Hand washing with soap can reduce the incidence of diarrhea from 48 to 42 percent. Improved sanitation behavior has also been associated with a reduction in gastro-intestinal illnesses.

District celebrates Women’s day

Eden District Municipality’s women, on 18 August 2017, were treated to a day of motivational talks in commemoration of Women’s Day at the George Correctional Services recreational hall. Financial planning and donations were provided by Capitec; women’s health information was shared by Agness Maree from CANSA; dressing according to your body shape by Annalidda; and self-defense tips by Mr Malcolm Pojé. Ladies from Eden DM were dressed up to the theme “Sassy, Candy, Mismatch”, which represents a woman being bold, full of spirit and talkative, colourful, sweet and not one in the same.

Cllr Rosina Ruiters‚ Eden DM Executive Deputy Mayor delivered the keynote address and expressed her passion for progressive women and especially the contribution that women offer to their families and society in general. “I am here to honor the power and struggles of women who have broken all barriers and reached the pinnacle of success in every sphere of life,” she said. Cllr Ruiters also highlighted 09 August 1956, as one of the turn-around events in the struggle for freedom and women’s rights in South Africa. “It was on this day that more than 20 000 women of different races staged a march to the Union Buildings in Pretoria to protest against the proposed amendments to the Urban Areas Act (commonly known as the pass laws) of 1950.”

“Women are like glue to their families, but still face abuse in today’s life; emotionally, physically and financially.”
“Women must speak out and put a stop to the abuse. Wathinta abafazi wathinta imbokodo ‘you strike a rock – you strike a woman’,” Cllr Ruiters concluded.

Malcolm Pojé, Communication Officer and Spokesperson of the Southern Cape, South African Police Service (SAPS), shared his admiration and respect for women. He then presented various self-defense skills, which proves to be effective when a person faces an attacker. He specifically pointed out how a woman should target specific areas of a man’s body to temporarily disable him, which would ensure her with adequate time to escape to a safe space.

SAPS Communication Officer and Spokesperson, Malcolm Pojé, educated Eden DM ladies about self-defense by
demonstrating possible situations of how attackers could be temporary disabled. Ms Amagene Koeberg, the Garden Route and Klein Karoo Tourism Coordinator, took part in the demonstration.

Eden District Municipality, Portfolio Chairperson of Strategic Services, Cllr Erica Meyers, extended a word of appreciation to Eden DM women for their hard work and dedication. She also thanked, CAPITEC Bank, Malcom Pojé from SAPS, Annalida (fashion designer) and Ms Maree from CANSA for supporting and offering motivational talks to Eden DM women.
The décor was done by Margaret Powell and Marlene Nqumse, who had to make do with minimal funds – Eden DM would like to thank them for doing a sterling job!

Life after death

Mr Geoff Brown, Executive Chairperson of Black Oyster Capital in Knysna, recently donated a photograph, printed and framed, piece of artwork to the Eden District Municipality’s Executive Mayor, Cllr Memory Booysen. The picture was taken by a well-known photographer from Knysna; Warren Fleming and was taken two days after the devastating fires hit the town. The piece called ‘Life after Death’, portrays a Cape White Eye bird, sitting among remains left after the Knysna Fires that raged through the district in June 2017.

Eden DM Executive Mayor, Cllr Memory Booysen (left) in ecstasy after unveiling the artwork he received from Mr Geoff Brown (right).

Mr Brown explained to the Mayor that the reason for donating the artwork to Eden District Municipality (Eden DM), is because he believes that Eden will become the centre of regional economic development over the next five to ten years. “This District Municipality is going to transform into the most important commercial, political and administrative hub for the entire region. With de-urbanisation and people moving away from the cities, the district has already been declared as the next economic growth point after Stellenbosch. Due to that, it is vital for all organisations, private-, political- and social groups to develop relationships with the Eden District Municipality,” said Brown.

Executive Mayor Booysen responded by explaining that the district mayors and municipal managers took a conscious decision during a recent quarterly District Coordination Forum, to re-position Eden District as the next economic hub, and that “we will take the aftermath of the Knysna/Plettenberg Bay disaster and use the rebuild process as an opportunity to do it better; to do it sustainable; and to create more as an economic driver. He concluded by saying that the artwork is a symbol of the pain the district experienced, but at the same time, it portrays a healing tool. “You can’t change the past, but you can remember the past and build from there,” he added.

When asked where he plans to hang the artwork, Mayor Booysen responded, “definitely where it will be seen by everybody visiting the District Municipality’s Head office”.

Firemen to compete at Ethekwini Grinder Challenge

25 to 26 August 2017

Four of Eden District Municipality’s (Eden DM’s) toughest firefighters are ready to compete in the “6th Fire and Emergency Services Fire-Fighter Competition” this coming weekend, after receiving a special invitation from eThekwini Fire and Emergency Services, due to Eden team’s successes of the past couple of years.

This Grinder Challenge will be hosted by eThekwini Fire and Emergency Services on 25 and 26 August 2017 at the Durban North Beach Amphitheatre.

This annual fitness challenge is specifically for fire-fighters, which must traverse a gruelling course of fire-fighting specific tasks/obstacles in the fastest time possible.  The overall winner will be crowned the “Toughest Fire-Fighter in Kwazulu-Natal”.

The Eden District Municipality Council, Management and Co-workers would like to extend best wishes to firefighters Emile Conrad, Branville Abrahams, Jano Minnie and Petrus Jordaan, who will represent the Eden district at the challenge.

Good luck to our Eden DM toughest Firefighters!