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Author: Marlene Nqumse

Severe Weather Alert

The Cape Town Weather Office has issued the following severe weather alert:

HAZARD: Damaging Winds
Alert Level: Warning
Valid From (SAST): 01/07/2019 – 11h00
Valid To (SAST): 02/07/2019 – 21h00

Gale force westerly to south-westerly winds (65-70km/h) are expected along the coastal areas between Knysna and Plettenberg Bay this afternoon (Monday). Gale force north-westerly winds (65-75km/h) are expected along the coastal areas between Cape Point and Cape Agulhas from early tomorrow morning (Tuesday), moderating the evening.

Description: Strong damaging winds
Strong damaging winds often occur along coastal regions, but also often occur during thunderstorm activity. These winds are sudden and can cause much damage.

Precautions:  Strong damaging winds
Stay indoors where possible away from the windows that open towards the severe winds. Be aware of the following: – sudden cross winds if traveling especially between buildings, fallen trees or power lines and flying debris.
Small boats must stay away from the open sea and seek shelter of a harbour, river estuary or protected bay.
Parked aircraft should be pointed into the direction of the wind and secured. Listen to the radio or TV for warnings and obey the instructions from disaster management officers.

Report any incidents to the Garden Route District Municipality Disaster Management Centre at: 044-805 5071.


Both parties in agreement when electing New Speaker

The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) is delighted to announce that the Acting Speaker, Cllr Barend (Barnie) Groenewald was unanimously elected as the new Speaker during a Council meeting held on 27 June 2019.
The position became vacant following the recent resignation of Cllr Eleanore Bouw-Spies as Speaker of Council and her inauguration as a member of the National Assembly.
Cllr Barnie Groenewald previously acted in the position of Speaker before the appointment of Cllr Bouw-Spies and was once again re-elected as Acting Speaker during a Council meeting on 28 May 2019.
Cllr Ivan Mangaliso, spokesperson of the ANC, during the Council meeting, congratulated the newly elected Speaker on his appointment and emphasised that his party regards Groenewald fit for the position and believe that he will bring and keep the ‘house’ in order.
GRDM Executive Mayor, Cllr Memory Booysen, referred to the occurrence where both sides of the house nominated and agreed in placing their trust in Cllr Groenewald, as an unusual event. “Our side of the ‘house’ welcome you as the new Speaker; we acknowledge your competence and the manner in which you have managed the house in the past. We believe that you will take us to higher levels,” Mayor Booysen said.
The leader of the PBI (Plaaslike Besorgde Inwoners), Cllr Virgil Gericke, commented by congratulating Cllr Groenewald and advised him to “always act just and fair, and try to look for the right thing to do”.
During his first address, Speaker Groenewald said: “I would like to thank you for the opportunity. I will serve my Councillors diligently and continue to stay humble. My objective is to make you all happy councillors, to remove your frustrations and assist you where I can,” Speaker Groenewald added.
He concluded by saying that he will always allow his Christian principles and the following words to guide him in performing his work: “In everything you think, say or do, ask yourself – is this true, is it fair for concern, will it build better friendships and understanding, and lastly, will it be of benefit to all”.

Severe Weather Alerts

The Cape Town Weather Office has issued the following two severe weather alerts:

HAZARD 1: High Seas
Alert Level: Advisory
Valid From (SAST): 28/06/19 – 00h00
Valid To (SAST): 28/06/19 – 00h00

Wave heights between 6m – 8m is expected between Table Bay and Plettenberg Bay on Friday.

HAZARD 2: Damaging Winds
Alert Level: Advisory
Valid From (SAST): 27/06/19 – 00h00
Valid To (SAST): 28/06/19 – 00h00

Strong to gale force north-westerly (55-65km/h)winds are expected over the Central Karoo on Thursday, including the Garden Route and Breede Valley on Friday. These winds are expected along the coast between Dassen Island and Cape Agulhas on Thursday, spreading to Plettenberg Bay on Friday.

Description: Strong damaging winds
Strong damaging winds often occur along coastal regions, but also often occur during thunderstorm activity. These winds are sudden and can cause much damage.

Precautions:  Strong damaging winds
Stay indoors where possible away from the windows that open towards the severe winds. Be aware of the following: – sudden cross winds if traveling especially between buildings, fallen trees or power lines and flying debris.
Small boats must stay away from the open sea and seek the shelter of a harbour, river estuary or protected bay.
Parked aircraft should be pointed into the direction of the wind and secured Listen to the radio or TV for warnings and obey the instructions from disaster management officers.

Description: Storm surges / High Seas

Generally heavy seas or damaging waves are a result of strong winds blowing over a large area called a fetch combined with low pressure systems. Long period swells are often very dangerous to tankers as they may literally snap them in half. Dangerous waves or surges may also be caused by storm surges and tsunami’s resulting in widespread coastal damage and loss of life.

In oceanography, a sea state is the general condition of the free surface on a large body of water—with respect to wind waves and swell—at a certain location and moment. A sea state is characterized by statistics, including the wave height, period, and power spectrum. The sea state varies with time, as the wind conditions or swell conditions change.

Precautions: Storm surges / High Seas

Ships should “idle” into the swell and wind so that the bow of the ship always faces the oncoming swell. If in a small sailing vessel reduce the sail area and steer into the oncoming swell. If along the shore-line stay well back from the highest high water mark as Secure all hatches, doors, windows and ports. Secure all loose items in the interior.
Pump the bilge’s dry and keep pumping them dry at regular intervals. Stow away all loose gear and lash down any large items that cannot be stowed. Break out your life preservers and inform your crew that everyone will be putting them on well in advance of their necessity.

Break out emergency gear like flares and first aid kit, sea anchor, safety harnesses, etc.
Check your position and update your course as plotted on your chart. Prepare alternative routes to more protected areas. If you think you will be in for relatively long haul prepare some hot soup, coffee or stew freak waves may run up beyond the normal high water mark.

If the sea recedes exposing rock and sea bed normally not exposed immediately seek higher ground at least 50m above your current position. Do not try swimming or fishing or other marine recreation during these events. Only extremely experienced surfers will temp their fate under these conditions.

Listen to the radio or TV for warnings and obey the instructions from disaster management officers.

Report any incidents to the Garden Route District Municipality Disaster Management Centre at: 044-805 5071.