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Author: Marlene Nqumse

Swedish Delegation explores potential investment opportunities in the Eden district

A group of Sweden delegates, on Tuesday, 5 December 2017, visited the Eden District Municipality (Eden DM) satellite office in Mossel Bay, to discuss the progress of the Regional Landfill Facility that is now in the final stage until the operation.  The aim of these deliberations was to sketch a clear picture of the Landfill Facility to the visitors and unlock potential investment opportunities.

The group, together with representatives from Business Sweden (CEB, Johannesburg) and Greencape (Cape Town), South Cape Economic Partnership, as well as Eden District Municipality and Mossel Bay Municipality after the formal discussions in front of the Eden District Municipality satellite office in Mossel Bay.

Mr Morton Hubbe, Manager of District Waste Management at Eden DM, took them through the approval process followed, the layout and progress made to date with the development of the Landfill Facility. The short and long-term development and management activities at the landfill facility were also discussed with the delegation.

According to Mr Hubbe, Eden DM has entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with USAID: SA LED to assist them with a study on the availability and composition of Biomass feedstock in the Eden DM area and to identify feasible and cost-effective alternatives to manage this, rather than taking it to landfill sites to be landfilled. “Problem waste lines that will be included in this study are abattoir waste, wood waste, green waste and sewage sludge,” Mr Hubbe said.

As soon as the Biomass Report is finalised and made available during February next year, these potential investors will also be allowed to examine its content, before making an informed decision on their possible future commitment towards the project.

During the discussions relating to the Eden district Regional Landfill Facility, are representatives from Cortus Energy, Ecopar and the South Cape Economic Partnership.

In a press statement issued on 7 July this year, Western Cape MEC for Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, Minister Anton Bredell, said that the project is a top priority because an existing contract with PetroSA, which allows municipalities to dispose waste at the PetroSA facility ends on 31 July 2018.

The delegation was represented by officials from Cortus Energy, Ecopar and Business Sweden (CEB) and  are currently visiting various organisations within the Eden district, such as MTO Forestry, PetroSA, the Western Cape Department of Agriculture, SANParks, Transnet, Portnet, the National Port Authority, Airports Company of South Africa etc.  Mr. Jarrod Lyons, a  representative from Greencape (Cape Town) and Mr Shaan Padayachy from Business Sweden (Johannesburg), also accompanied the delegation throughout their itinerary, as well as officials from Eden District and Mossel Bay Municipalities. Mr Paul Hoffman, from the South Cape Economic Partnership, coordinated the visit.

Eden DM, using its mandate, will continue to engage with relevant role-players and use every single platform to address challenges relating to the finalisation of the process, to ensure that the Landfill Facility gets off the ground before its envisaged launch date.

Plea to businesses and industry within the Eden district to adapt operations and behaviour

On Thursday, 09 November 2017, a Water Dialogue was held between the Kannaland Municipality, the Western Cape Government: Department of Economic Development and Tourism and local businesses and business associations within Kannaland in order to enable and facilitate a collective response to the serious drought and water security risks within the Western Cape.

This dynamic and vital dialogue session included information sharing and discussions on the current status of water shortages within the province, the economic risks of the water shortages, response actions by government and business taken to reduce these risks, the development of water services and technologies, business support available and how partnerships can be formed to respond collectively to the water crisis.

Business and industry are recognised as the drivers of the economy and development within the Eden district. Eden District Municipality and the Western Cape Government would therefore like to call on all businesses and industry to meter their water use, so as to identify and fix leaks and identify and reduce wasteful water usage; adjust processes and behaviour to only use water when required and in the most efficient way; apply water conservation measures such as installing  water sensitive fixtures; install alternative, more water sensitive operations and methods; replace water intensive equipment with more efficient technologies, install alternative water resource technologies such as rainwater harvesting, greywater re-use, blackwater recycling, groundwater usage; recycle water used within operations; and make employees and customers aware of the seriousness of the current situation so that they do everything possible to reduce their water use at work as well as at home. Businesses are also encouraged to understand the level of risk that their Western Cape based supply chains face due to the drought and, where possible, support their supply chains to reduce their water use and plan for their own supplies.

Mr Lourencio Pick addressing Kannaland businesses regarding the serious drought situation and its implications.

Please visit the website of the City of Cape Town, which provides valuable information and resources that can be printed and displayed within your place of operations, The non-profit organisation, GreenCape, can also be approached for assistance with water saving measures at no cost to businesses. Email: or visit:

The Western Cape Government: Economic Development and Tourism can also be contacted for further information and advice.  The contact persons are Mr Lourencio Pick, or Ms Helen Davies, email:

The current drought can only be broken with three to four years of good rains and its impact will affect us all, for years to come. Businesses need to diversify technologies, methodologies and behaviour in order to adapt to a new “normal”.  We need to take hands in preparing for the coming water security impacts within our district.  All economic sectors need to take the responsibility of ensuring risk mitigation and water sustainability within their businesses.

Eden DM Municipal Manager elected as the President of ILGM

Mr Monde Stratu, Eden DM Municipal Manager, was elected as the President of the Institute for Local Government Management of South Africa (ILGM), on 16 November 2017. Currently, there are nearly 300 Municipal Managers in South Africa (Local, district and metros combined).  ILGM is a platform where the Municipal Managers (Section 56 and 57) come together at an annual conference to share best practices in terms of service delivery models and how to deal with various factors relating to the changing political landscape in South Africa.

Proud political leaders from Eden District Municipality with Mr Monde Stratu (seated), who has been elected as the President of the ILGM, South Africa. Standing from left to right behind Mr Stratu is Cllr Memory Booysen, Executive Mayor, Cllr Rosina Ruiters, Deputy Executive Mayor and Cllr Mark Willemse, Speaker.

During a Special Council meeting today, 20 November 2017, Speaker Mark Willemse congratulated Mr Stratu on his election as the president of ILGM and said that it is a remarkable achievement which he has reached in such a short time of being a Municipal Manager at Eden DM.

Cllr Memory Booysen, Eden DM Executive Mayor commented that: “It is a major achievement and privilege for Eden District Municipality to be home to a Municipal Manager who wears the crown as the President of an institution that represents many of the Municipal Managers in South Africa. We are very proud of Mr Stratu.”

While Mr Stratu leads the ILGM, his main goal is to see that the sector is professionalised through an act of parliament. Some of his other goals for the ILGM include:
•    An increase of ILGM memberships;
•    More beneficial programmes;
•    Continuous capacity building;
•    Life-long learning through strategic partnerships; and
•    Constant improvement of conditions of service for Senior Managers.

Eden DM Councillors stand by Mr Monde Stratu (front row, 5th from left) after congratulating him on his election as the President of the ILGM South Africa.

Eden DM Councillors experience the working environment of EHPs in Knysna

The Eden District Municipal Health Services section in Knysna was afforded the opportunity to host all the Portfolio Councillors responsible for Community Services earlier in November this year.

Mr Clive Africa, Executive Manager for Community Services accompanied the Councillors, together with Mr Johan Compion, Senior Manager: Municipal Health and Environmental Services.

Hilder Stent Crèche youngsters showed much eagerness during the visit of the Eden DM Councillors and Officials, to their crèche.
Hornlee Bakery was part of the itinerary of the delegation.

Mr James McCarthy, Manager of the Municipal Health Services office, explained:  “The purpose of the initiative was for the councillors to visit various premises in Knysna, to experience the daily tasks that Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) occupy themselves with”.
The following premises were visited during the “walk- about “.

During the inspections, the EHPs introduced the Councillors to the different Key Performance Areas within the daily Municipal Health Services scope of practice. Councillors were furthermore introduced to the various owners and/or managers of the different premises and participated in lively interaction with all stakeholders.

Key issues and challenges were identified at the different premises during the individual inspections and will be addressed by means of remedial actions, with the assistance of the Municipal Health Services section, as well as the Knysna Municipality.

All councillors made use of the opportunity to express their gratitude towards the Knysna residents who were visited, for rendering a commendable service to the community of Knysna.

The Eden DM delegation also visited the Knysna Taxi Rank.

Media Release: Youth from Oudtshoorn, George and Great Brak River benefit from First Aid Training

Media Release: Youth from Oudtshoorn, George and Great Brak River benefit from First Aid Training

For Immediate Release
28 May 2018

Tears of joy were flowing on Friday, 27 October 2017, when 13 youth from Oudtshoorn and George, as well as 10 youth from Great Brak River Youth Cafés respectively received their certificates following a First Aid Level 3 training course they have completed successfully.

The one week training programme was presented by the Eden District Municipality’s (Eden DM’s) Disaster Management Centre during September this year for staff of the Oudtshoorn, George and Great Brak River Youth Cafés.

During both ceremonies the Executive Deputy Mayor of Eden DM, Cllr Rosina Ruiters, inspired the youth with her own life story; how she changed from one profession to another over the years and how she was always open to learn new skills and her willingness to help others. While motivating them, she said: “You cannot have a 1st Aid Level 3 certificate, but you do not apply it by helping others”.  Cllr Ruiters also referred to the disasters that hit the Eden district recently and encouraged them: “If anything would break out in our district in the near future, be willing to use your skills and help where possible”.  Cllr Erica Meyer, Portfolio Chairperson for Strategic Services, also motivated the youth when she said:  “This is not the end. If you persevere, have faith and have a passion for the community, you will achieve much more in life,” Cllr Meyer added.

At the ceremony held in Great Brak River, Manager of the Youth Café, Ms Aa’ishah Alexander, praised the Eden DM delegation for their efforts and highlighted:  “The training does not only contribute to the personal development of our youth, but also gives us an idea who we can count on should we experience a crisis in our area”.

Ms Gail Bekeer, facilitator of the programme, referred back to the lessons learnt in class and praised the participants for their willingness to learn. Ms Bekeer further encouraged them not be afraid when they find themselves in a situation where their skills are needed. “When you feel nervous, quickly remove yourself from the incident, calm down and try again,” she emphasised.

Both ceremonies were directed by Mr Johannes Jafta, Local Economic Development Officer, who is passionate about the advancement of youth in the Eden district.

National Children’s Day

On Wednesday, 1 November 2017, officials from Eden District Municipality’s (Eden DM) Municipal Health Services, George Municipality’s Civil & Engineering Waste Management Section and Cape Nature celebrated National Children’s Day, with learners of the Waboomskraal Primary School.

Mr David Papier, Environmental Health Practitioner (EHP) started the session with a presentation on water safety and health.  He explained the importance of water, not only for present survival, but also for future generations.  “Without water, we cannot exist,” he said.   He concluded by explaining in lamens terms the functions of water in the body.

Mr Deon Makwena talked to learners about nature conservation.

Second on the programme was Mr Deon Makwena from Cape Nature, who informed learners about the importance of looking after and caring for the environment.  Mr Makwena used dramatic gestures to explain the ripple effect littering have on rivers and the environment as a whole. Followed by Ms Carika Soman, EHP of Eden DM who made a presentation on Personal Health & Hygiene Awareness.  Ms Soman engaged with learners by using practical examples and frequently asking question throughout the presentation.

Ms Janine van Wyk, also from Eden DM did a demonstration on proper techniques when washing hands.  She used two volunteers from the audience.  The last speaker of the day was Mr Geoffrey Bredenkamp of George Municipality who explained the process of water purification.

The core message for learners was to care for your environment, yourself, to save and appreciate our water resources.

Ms Neo-Lay Klue (left) assisted Ms Janine van Wyk (far left) in demonstrating the techniques of washing hands.

Vehicle Emission Testing

The National Framework for Air Quality Management in South Africa, 2012, lists vehicle emissions monitoring as a function of a Local Municipality.   Not all municipalities in the Eden district have the capacity and facilities to measure vehicle emissions.  It is for this reason that the Air Quality Unit of the Eden District Municipality (Eden DM) is coordinating matters pertaining to air quality in the district and subsequently assisting municipalities with vehicle emissions testing.

Vehicle emission testing is done by making use of the Smoke Check 1667 Opacity Meter. The opacity meter measures diesel smoke in ‘percent opacity’, which is the percentage of light that is blocked when shining through a smoke plume, which can range from 0% to 100% opacity.

During the 3rd quarter of 2017, Eden DM undertook vehicle emission testing in Mossel Bay, Plettenberg Bay and Sedgefield in collaboration with the concerned local municipalities. A total of 112 diesel vehicles were inspected. Each vehicle first underwent a visual inspection of exhaust gas, and if a vehicle emitted excessive dark smoke, further testing by means of the Smoke Check 1667 Opacity Meter was undertaken.  The opacity meter gives a printout of the test results and states if the vehicle complies or not. The local municipality may issue a fine or warning, if a vehicle does not comply.

The main objective of this project is to create awareness of vehicle emissions and to minimise the impact it has on ambient air quality in the Eden district. Public awareness plays an important role in protecting the environment for the present and future generations as enshrined in the Constitution’s Bill of Rights.

Different role-players worked together to make the project a success.

Eden DM Environmental Health Practitioners held Information Red Meat Traders Workshop in Knysna

Informal food traders with their incentives and certificates for food trading together with the Eden DM Executive Manager for Community Services, Mr Clive Africa, Portfolio Chairperson for Community Services, Cllr Khayalethu Lose and EHPs from the Eden DM office in Knysna, Ms Mendy Tyhawana, Mr Mthetho Sithonga and Mr Linden Herwels, in closing of the session.

On Wednesday, 27 September 2017, Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) from the Eden District Municipality (Eden DM) office in Knysna presented a third informal red meat traders training session in Knysna.

The aim of the session was to improve the level of food safety by improving knowledge of legal requirements and responsibilities, good operational procedures and red meat handler’s awareness of food safety issues.

The following topics were covered, namely:

  • Health and hygiene practices in an informal food environment.
  • Five keys to safer food and legal requirements.
  • Implications for formal and informal slaughtering.

Eden DM Councillor Khayalethu Lose, Portfolio Chairperson for Community Services (right) and Mr Clive Africa, Executive Manager for Community Services (left), give a word of encouragement to the informal food traders at the session.

The Local Economic Development Section of the Knysna Municipality was also invited to the session and presented their responsibilities towards empowering small businesses.  What is expected from the informal food traders, also formed part of their discussion points.

To end the programme on a higher note, incentives were handed over to the red meat handlers by Eden DM’s Portfolio Chairperson for Community Services, Cllr Khayalethu Lose and the Executive Manager for Community Services, Mr. Clive Africa.

A total of 24 food handlers were accommodated in this session.

Eden DM Firefighters attending the 2017 SAESI Conference

Six (6) Firefighters and one EMS officer, have been given the opportunity to travel to Johannesburg to attend South African Emergency Services Institute (SAESI) training and competition from 30 October – 3 November 2017.

Representatives currently at SAESI include Mr Lushiano James, Mr Hein Leslie, Mr Branwille Abrahams, Mr Kirwin Gericke, Mr Emile Conrad, Deon Madekane and Mr Jetro Jacobs.

The focus of the past two days of training was on vehicle extrication. Today Firefighters will compete in a vehicle extrication and Firefighter Combat Challenge until 3 November 2017.

Mr Clive Africa, Executive Manager: Community Services, explains: “The training is essential for firefighters because of the intricacy and technical aspects related to vehicle extrication. Firefighters have to be careful in their approach to similar emergency situations. I also think that with the holiday season coming up, we will be more than ready for any possible emergency.”

Executive Mayor, Cllr Memory Booysen extended a word of encouragement to representatives by saying: “Eden DM Council wishes the representatives all the best for the challenge tomorrow – they will make us proud – as always”.

Eden DM receives recognition for its contribution to the Wetlands South Africa project

At the National Wetlands Indaba 2017, the Eden District Municipality (Eden DM) was awarded a Certificate of Participation for its outstanding contributions towards the successful implementation of the ICLEI Local Action for Biodiversity (LAB): Wetlands South Africa project. The Eden DM was one of a few other district municipalities which contributed towards the LAB: Wetlands South Africa project which won the prestigious Wetlands Crane award during the National Wetlands Awards ceremony held at this year’s Wetlands Indaba in Port Edward, Kwazulu-Natal.

The prestigious Crane awards are annually sponsored by Mondi and consist of unique bronze Wattled Crane sculptures designed by sculptor Sarah Richards. It is awarded annually to recognise outstanding contributions to wetland work in South Africa. ICLEI’s LAB: Wetlands South Africa project contributed significantly to the long-term conservation and sustainable use of wetlands and also served as an inspirational and practical example for others. The project has been enhancing the awareness of wetlands as well as the integration of biodiversity considerations into local government planning and decision-making. It has built the capacity of district municipalities to prioritise and effectively manage wetlands and biodiversity.

The Eden DM has fully supported and benefitted from this project. Its participation within the project highlighted the challenges experienced with wetland management within the district which resulted in the development of two essential documents, the Eden District Wetlands Report as well as the Eden District Wetlands Strategy and Implementation Plan. These documents were co-developed by both ICLEI as well as the Eden District Municipality as part of the LAB project. The Wetlands Strategy and Implementation Plan provide for key implementation strategies within the district as well as its incorporation within the Eden DM Spatial Development Framework and Integrated Development Plans. This will facilitate dynamic and focused wetland management and protection initiatives within the district.

Eden DM recognizes that wetlands are of immense value as it contributes to service provision and disaster risk reduction through ecosystem services such as flood attenuation, water filtration and water security, which are increasingly important in a changing climate. The municipality seeks to enhance the conservation and management of the districts’ natural wetland resources through the integration of biodiversity considerations into local government planning and decision- making.