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27 July 2020 Speech by Mayor Booysen at an Ordinary Council Meeting of Garden Route DM

Thank you Alderman Speaker and once again, good morning to all Councillors present, those in Council Chambers and those who are working from home.

Alderman Speaker, in my culture they say that one builds a relationship by giving a handshake to another or by having eye-to-eye contact. I am now making eye contact with Councillor Wilbert Harris. I would like to relay to him that he is warmly welcomed as a member of our council. We have worked together on other platforms and are not strangers to one another, hence I will relay as Councillor Gericke did, when he congratulated our new Alderladies – let’s continue to do what we are elected to do. I am convinced that you will be able to efficiently do what you were elected to do.

Alderman Speaker, I must remind the people of the Garden Route that we are taking a lot of strain under COVID-19. Our region is still a hotspot and now one of the fastest growing in terms of rising active cases. This has been calculated in terms of COVID-19 cases per 100 000 in our area. We unfortunately keep peaking on a daily basis.

Once again, my plea to Garden Routers is to please abide by what we have been asked to do. We must wear our masks when we go out in public, we must wash our hands frequently for 20 seconds or longer, we must exercise social distancing, and we must look after ourselves when making use of public transport. It is in every individual’s hands to collectively beat this virus together

Alderman Speaker, you did allude to some of our own colleagues who are infected, some are Councillors too. Our prayers are with them and we support them in everything they do. We hope and pray that those in quarantine do not become infectious.

Alderman Speaker, also on another sad note, there was a horrible accident in Plettenberg Bay over the past weekend and I am not going to mention names, because I was not given permission to do so. What I can say is that the lady who died was a personal assistant of mine when I was Mayor for Bitou Municipality. My heartfelt condolences go out to the friends, family and colleagues of the deceased. On behalf of the Garden Route District Municipality, our prayers go out to them – may the Lord give them strength over this time.

Alderman Speaker, we also buried our former Integrated Development Manager the past weekend in Molteno, one of the last items he prepared for today’s meeting. I want to say that those of us who had been to Mr Cekiso’s funeral followed all necessary protocols and safety measures on the day. We did not even get out of our vehicles at the cemetery or anything. Apart from us being sanitised our clothes and the area around us were disinfected.

Thank you Alderman Speaker.

27 July 2020 Media Release: Alderlady status conferred upon two (2) additional Councillors of the Garden Route District Municipality

Media Release: Alderlady status conferred upon two (2) additional Councillors of the Garden Route District Municipality

For Immediate Release
27 July 2020

Alderlady status conferred upon two (2) additional Councillors of the Garden Route District Municipality. They include Alderladies Jennifer Harnick & Iona Kritzinger.

The bestowment of Alderman or Alderlady statuses occurs upon the commencement of a councillor’s term as Executive Mayor, Executive Deputy Mayor or Speaker of Council. Furthermore, any Councillor who obtains a minimum of ten (10) points on the following scale, also qualifies for the conferment: One (1) point for every year of service as a Councillor at one or more municipalities and it need not be continuous; and one (1) additional point for every year of service as a member of the Mayoral Committee.

Aldermen/Alderladies also receive the following privileges:

  • provision of a special parking space in the municipal parking area on prior arrangement;
  • provision of agendas even after retirement in electronic format if so required;
  • Alderman/Alderlady is kept on municipal invitation lists; and
  • reserving of special seats at Council Meetings should a member so wish; issuing of an Honorary certificate.

30 June 2020 Speech by Executive Mayor, Alderman Memory Booysen – Garden Route DM Council Meeting

Thank you very much for this opportunity.  I’m going to firstly deal with what we are busy with on a daily basis, which is known as the COVID-19 pandemic.  We’re reaching our peak as the Garden Route District.  We must do what we’ve been asked to do – to keep our social distance, to wear masks in public, and now parents in our region also need to face the fact that within a week schools will open for more learners. This means that there might be an increase in COVID-19 infection rates, but rest assured,  schools have put the required measures in place to ensure the safety of learners.

We’re also aware that some of us have lost loved ones – our heartfelt condolences go out to all those affected.  Also, the economy and the lockdown regulations have unfortunately had an impact on the economy.  We appreciate that the economy has been opened a little bit.  But, in our case, we’re disappointed that the George Airport has not been given the thumbs-up to become fully operational.  A lot of people from Johannesburg commute here on a weekly basis, and some businesses transport goods here too.  That National Government, however, did not give the go-ahead for the George Airport to be opened to ensure that our economy gets back on its feet again.  This is unfortunate whilst we deal with COVID-19.

Another pressing matter is gender-based violence which continues to plague our people on a daily basis.  We, as men, really need to occupy our rightful place to protect our women and children.  The Garden Route District Men’s Parliament is back in full swing to deal with the issues at hand.  Also want to say thank you to “Love George” – also on board to deal with this matter and with many other humanitarian matters.  We’ve also had discussions with Love George and requested that they spread its wings to assist the entire Garden Route and perhaps rename themselves to “Love Garden Route”.

Thank you.

30 June 2020 Media Release: Alderman/Alderlady status conferred upon seven (7) Councillors of the Garden Route District Municipality

Media Release: Alderman/Alderlady status conferred upon seven (7) Councillors of the Garden Route District Municipality

For Immediate Release
30 June 2020

Municipal Honours was bestowed on seven (7) Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Councillors, who are now officially recognised as Alderman Memory Booysen (Executive Mayor), Alderman Barend Groenewald (Speaker), Alderlady Rosina Ruiters (Deputy Executive Mayor), Alderman Stephen De Vries, Alderlady Georlene Wolmarans, Alderman Virgil Gericke and Alderman Pieter Van Der Hoven.

This was the number of Councillors who met the minimum criteria of 10 points J set out in section 5(10)(a) of a GRDM policy approved by Council on 27 May 2020. The conferment ceremony took place at a council meeting today, 30 June 2020 in view of the GRDM Council – some at the Council Chambers, others via Zoom.

The bestowment of Alderman or Alderlady statuses occurs upon the commencement of a Councillor’s term as Executive Mayor, Executive Deputy Mayor or Speaker of Council. Furthermore, any Councillor who obtains a minimum of ten (10) points on the following scale, also qualifies for the conferment: One (1) point for every year of service as a Councillor at one or more municipalities and it need not be continuous; and one (1) additional point for every year of service as a member of the Mayoral Committee.

Aldermen/Alderladies also receive the following privileges:

  • provision of a special parking space in the municipal parking area on prior arrangement;
  • provision of agendas even after retirement in electronic format if so required;
  • Alderman/Alderlady is kept on municipal invitation lists; and
  • reserving of special seats at Council Meetings should a member so wish; issuing of an Honorary certificate.

The conferment of Councillors to Alderman or Alderlady has not happened at GRDM over the past 10 years, which is a highlight for the 2016/2021 term of Council.

Feature image caption: Executive Mayor Memory Booysen (left) receives his certificate confirming his conferment of Alderman status by Speaker Barend Groenewald (right).