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Garden Route

8 March 2021 Weather Alert: Weather forecast: 8 March – 14 March 2021

Weather Alert: Weather forecast: 8 March – 14 March 2021

Garden Route District Municipality disseminates the information below on behalf of the South African Weather Service.

Today will be predominantly cloudy over the province with rain expected along the Eastern parts of the South-coast during the morning. Cloudy conditions are expected from tomorrow until Thursday with the approaching cold front. This will result in strong North-Westerly winds ahead of the front for Tuesday and Wednesday, particularly over the central and Eastern interior as well as over the South-Western coastal areas. The system will result in the rain over the Western parts from Tuesday evening and will spread along the South coast from Wednesday afternoon, clearing during the afternoon of Thursday. 

 The bulk of the rain is expected over the Western parts (20-40mm, 50mm over the mountains). Severe weather warnings will be sent by SAWS later today. The rest of the week will remain sunny to partly cloudy. On Saturday afternoon another cold front will reach the country resulting in cloudy conditions and there is a chance of rain over the South-Western parts from Saturday afternoon that will spread along the south coast during Sunday. The rain will start to clear in the West from Sunday afternoon. Temperatures in the mid to high twenties are expected during the week.

Along the coast the winds are expected to be moderate to fresh South-Westerly today, becoming North-Westerly tomorrow and will remain like that for the rest of the week except on Thursday and Sunday when it will be South-Easterly. Strong winds are expected from tomorrow afternoon until Wednesday night reaching gale force along the South-West coast on Tuesday and Wednesday. 

 Coupled with the strong winds, 4.0 to 6.0m South-Westerly swell is expected along the South coast from tomorrow afternoon until Wednesday afternoon, which will result in very rough and choppy seas. We expect warnings from SAWS later today. Apart from Tuesday and Wednesday, 3.0 to 4.0m South-Westerly swell is expected.

Issued by the South African Weather Service.

Report any severe weather-related incidents to the Garden Route Disaster Management Centre at telephone number 044 805 5071.

9 February 2021 Weather Alert: Impact Based Warning for the Western Cape and Namaqua region

Weather Alert: Impact Based Warning for the Western Cape and Namaqua region

LEVEL 1 for Damaging Waves

Warning valid from Wednesday 10 February 00:00 – until Thursday 11 February 00:00

Affected DM / LM / Metro area:  Bergrivier, Bitou, Cape Agulhas, Cederberg, City of Cape Town, George, Hessequa, Kamiesberg, Knysna, Matzikama, Mossel Bay, Overstrand, Saldanha Bay, Swartland and Table Bay.

Short Message:  Coastal areas between Hondeldip Bay and Plettenberg Bay tomorrow morning until Thursday morning (10-11/02/2021).

Discussion:  A tight pressure gradient over the western parts of the country is expected to result in strong (50-Gokh) southerly to south-easterly winds along the west and south-western coastline in conjunction with significant wave heights of 4.0-4.5m with short periods of 6-s are expected between Hondeklip Bay and Betty’s Bay from Wednesday morning, resulting in choppy rough seas which poses risk of minor impacts at sea

Impacts Small vessels, as well as personal watercraft such as kayaks and surfboards, are expected to experience difficulty in navigation in choppy waves and be at risk of taking on water and capsizing in totality Impacts such as disruption to beach activities and risk to rock anglers (big waves crashing on the coastline) are expected particularly between Cape Point and Plettenberg Bay including False Bay region as well.

Instruction:  Be aware of large unpredictable waves along the coast Small vessels are advised to seek shelter in harbours, bays or inlets.

Report any severe weather-related incidents to the Garden Route Disaster Management Centre at telephone number 044 805 5071.

Legal notice:
“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.  It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

27 January 2021 is National Police Day

National Police Day – 27 January 2021

Annually, 27 January marks National Police Day in South Africa and on this day, South Africans and others residing in our country remembers the sacrifices that the men and women in blue have made and continue to make as they provide safety for all who live in South Africa.

As the Garden Route District Municipality, we would like to salute all members of the South African Police Service (SAPS) and express our gratitude for their continuous loyalty and efforts towards making our district and country, a safer and more secure place to live.  We understand that much of the work that SAPS has been tasked to do over the past few months have been highly controversial, but we recognise the efforts by SAPS in risking their lives to fight crime, curb gender-based violence and domestic violence in our district.

We also honour the memories of the fallen heroes and heroines that have served our land with integrity and loyalty.

Keep up the good work – we are proud of you!

25 January 2021 Media Release: Recent storms in the Klein Karoo caused severe damage to rural roads

Media Release: Recent storms in the Klein Karoo caused severe damage to rural roads

For Immediate Release
25 January 2021

Isolated thunderstorms were experienced in the Klein Karoo region during the first two weeks of January 2021. This caused severe damage to rural roads, stretching from Ladismith / Van Wyksdorp in the Kannaland municipal area to Uniondale in the interior of the George municipal area.

Temporary repair work is underway to ensure safe use and access to the roads and is expected to be completed by the end of January 2021. Work is done by the maintenance teams of Garden Route District Municipality’s (GRDM) Roads Services.

All ‘damaged roads’ in the Ladismith and Van Wyksdorp areas are already accessible for users.  Repair work is still in progress in the Vlakteplaas area, East of De Rust and at the De Hoop – Kouga and Toorwater areas in Uniondale.  All road users in the affected areas have access to the outside world by making use of detours; however, the department’s is currently trying to limit detours.

Road users who are making use of rural roads are encouraged to obey traffic signs and to drive patiently and carefully at all times.

25 January 2021 Media Release: Ambient Air Quality Monitoring conducted in Louis Fourie Road Mossel Bay 

Media Release: Ambient Air Quality Monitoring conducted in Louis Fourie Road Mossel Bay 

For immediate release
25 January 2021

The stretch of the Louis Fourie Road between Hartenbos and Mossel Bay was identified as an Air Quality hotspot in the Garden Route District Municipality’s (GRDM) 3rd Generation Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP),  as a result of mobile emissions. This declaration was made based on estimate emissions, making use of traffic counts and international-based emission factors from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA).

According to Dr Schoeman, GRDM Manager: Air Quality: “Based on the traffic counts obtained from the South African National Roads Agency Ltd (SANRAL), the highest traffic density in the Garden Route district is most probably experienced along the R102 provincial road between Hartenbos and Mossel Bay through the Voorbaai area. A total number of 9.5 million vehicles were counted during 2018”.

It is recommended in the AQMP that ambient air quality monitoring be undertaken to verify the estimated emissions and compliance with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards.

From 5 January 2021 to 11 January 2021, the GRDM District Air Quality Unit commissioned its Zephyr mobile Air Quality monitoring station on Louis Fourie Road in Mossel Bay to verify the estimated emissions in the AQMP. Monitoring work was also intended to determine whether the stretch of road is indeed a hotspot.

“The results indicated periods of exceedances of the 24-hour average concentrations for both Sulphur dioxide (SO2) as well as Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx), 24-hour average concentrations as specified in the National Ambient Air Quality Standards,” said Dr Schoeman.  According to Dr Schoeman, the Zephyr monitoring station does not make use of reference methods for sampling, hence it is calibrated, and the results are highly accurate and therefore the perfect tool for screening purposes. The Zephyr was imported from the UK, who is using it extensively for more than five years to determine the impact of vehicle emissions in the greater Londen.

The exercise helps in creating awareness and to demonstrate that non-industrial activities also have an impact on ambient air quality.  The results will be discussed with Mossel Bay local municipality, which can be used as supplementary motivation to improve traffic flow along Louis Fourie road with the Provincial Roads directorate.

25 January 2021 Media Release: Garden Route Investment Prospectus formulated to attract domestic and foreign investment

Media Release: Garden Route Investment Prospectus formulated to attract domestic and foreign investment

For immediate release
25 January 2021

On Friday, 22 January 2021 the Garden Route Investment Prospectus was tabled and adopted by the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Council during an Ordinary Council meeting. This investment guide is the official regional publication which highlights many of the investment opportunities for the region.

According to Mr Lusanda Menze, GRDM Executive Manager for Planning and Economic Development, “the prospectus was developed and compiled during 2020 financial year and contains regional catalytic investment opportunities of all seven local municipalities, as well as opportunities relating to the GRDM”.

“The investment prospectus situates opportunity zones on several levels and provides an economic context for such zones,” said Menze.

The overarching objectives of this prospectus are to attract national and international investors to the Garden Route by:

  • displaying the vast range of investment opportunities available in the region;
  • providing insights into the region’s investment friendly climate; and
  • not only attracting new investments but also to expand existing investments in the Garden Route.

Local municipalities, business chambers, government agencies, private sector stakeholders amongst others, were consulted in the process of compiling the document and identifying the most promising investment opportunities. WESGRO, the Western Cape’s Tourism, Trade and Investment Promotion Agency, remains a partner in the roll-out of the process to attract investment and will work alongside stakeholders to promote the region’s opportunities.

The high-quality print catalogue is available digitally, while 200 printed copies are currently available for distribution. The GRDM is approaching growth and development in a holistic nature looking at all sectors of the economy. It is also important to view the linkages that would promote widespread socio-economic growth. Therefore, GRDM is looking at achieving the following:

  • to attraction both outward and inward investment;
  • investment in both hard and soft infrastructure;
  • making the business environment more conducive to business;
  • involve a participatory approach to local economic development;
  • involve Public Private Partnerships (PPP) wherever possible; and
  • move towards community-based local economic development

Local economic development is one of the key focus areas for the GRDM and by realising its strategic importance, sustainable and inclusive growth will be possible.

Click on the link below to download the document:

Garden Route Investment Prospectus

22 January 2021 Weather Alert: Severe Weather Alert: Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua

Weather Alert: Severe Weather Alert: Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua

The South African Weather Service has issued the following Impact Based Severe Weather Forecast:

HAZARD: Veld Fire Conditions

Alert Level: Red(L10)

Affected Municipalities: Beaufort West, Breede Valley, Cederberg, Hantam, Kamiesberg, Kannaland, Karoo Hoogland, Laingsburg, Langeberg, Matzikama, Nama Khoi, Prince Albert and Witzenberg.

Valid From (SAST): 22/01/2021 – 01h00

Valid To (SAST): 23/01/2021 – 18h00

Discussion: Weather conditions which include hot temperatures, fresh to strong winds and low humidity might result in the development of runaway and veld/bush fires.

Impact: Conditions are such that the FDI index is above 75. Under these conditions, fires may develop and spread rapidly resulting in damage to property and possible loss of human and/or animal life.

Instruction: All personnel and equipment should be removed from the field. Fire teams, labour and equipment are to be placed on full standby. At the first sign of smoke, every possible measure should be taken in order to bring the fire under control in the shortest possible time.

Report any severe weather-related incidents to the Garden Route Disaster Management Centre at telephone number 044 805 5071.

Legal notice:
“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.  It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

21 January 2021 Weather Alert: Severe Weather Alert: Impact Based Weather Warning for Western Cape and Namaqua

Weather Alert: Severe Weather Alert: Impact Based Weather Warning for Western Cape and Namaqua

The South African Weather Service has issued the following Impact Based Severe Weather Forecast:

HAZARD: Veld Fire Conditions

Alert Level: Red(L10)

Affected Municipalities: Beaufort West, Breede Valley, Cederberg, Drakenstein, Hantam, Kamiesberg, Kannaland, Karoo Hoogland, Laingsburg, Matzikama, Nama Khoi, Prince Albert, Swartland and Witzenberg.

Valid From (SAST): 21/01/2021 – 08h00

Valid To (SAST): 22/01/2021 – 20h00

Discussion: Weather conditions which include hot temperatures, fresh to strong winds and low humidity might result in the development of runaway and veld/bush fires.

Impact: Conditions are such that the FDI index is above 75. Under these conditions, fires may develop and spread rapidly resulting in damage to property and possible loss of human and/or animal life.

Instruction: All personnel and equipment should be removed from the field. Fire teams, labour and equipment are to be placed on full standby. At the first sign of smoke, every possible measure should be taken in order to bring the fire under control in the shortest possible time.

Report any severe weather-related incidents to the Garden Route Disaster Management Centre at telephone number 044 805 5071.

Legal notice:
“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.  It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

14 January 2021 Public Notice: Grant-in-Aid: Call for Proposals

Public Notice: Grant-in-Aid: Call for Proposals

Organisations and/or bodies who qualify for financial assistance, in terms of the criteria and prescriptions contained in Garden Route District Municipality’s Grant-in-Aid Policy and Section 67 of the Municipal Finance Management Act 2003, are hereby invited to submit proposals for programs they endeavour to undertake during the 2021calendar year.

Only applications submitted on the prescribed application form and accompanied by all the required information, documentation, financial statements, covering letter, etc. and received by the Office of the Executive Mayor on/or before 12 February 2021 at 11h00, shall be considered.

Copies of the said policy and application form are available at the Garden Route District Municipal website:

Your application form can be dropped in a GRDM office near you; see the list as outlined hereunder:

  • 54 York Street, George, 6529
  • 24 Queen Street, Knysna, 6570
  • Corner of Marlin & Samson Streets, Extension 23, Mossel Bay, 6506
  • 15 Regent Street, Oudtshoorn, 6620
  • 24 Mitchell Street, Riversdale, 6670
  • 4 Virginia Street, Plettenberg Bay, 6600

NB: Kannaland to use Oudtshoorn and or Riversdale offices.

Please direct all queries to Mr Nkosiyabo Lose at telephone number: 044 803 1300

Garden Route District Municipality reserves the right not to make any award and may disqualify organisations that have received funds in the previous book year, and who have not submitted a final report on its previous expenditure.

MG Stratu

Municipal Manager

54 York Street



Closing Date: 12 February 2021 at 11h00

Notice Number: 92/2021

Click on the link to download the application form:  Grant-in-Aid-Application-Form

13 January 2021 Media Release: Vehicle control points continue as Covid-19 infections stabilise

Media Release: Vehicle control points continue as Covid-19 infections stabilise

For immediate release
13 January 2021

Various approaches to flatten the curve of infections and mitigate the virus from spreading had to be adopted over the festive season. One of the many measures identify and taken in the Garden Route district has been to enhance law enforcement by Provincial and Municipal Traffic Officials. This was done through the roll-out of Vehicle Control Points (VCPs) and roadblocks to motivate and educate travellers and residents about the virus.

During these engagements, Traffic Officials are responsible for law enforcement whilst Environmental Health Practitioners (EHP) of the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) use the opportunity to educate and motivating motorist; distribute Covid-19 pamphlets and verbally giving advice and information to prevent people from getting sick.

The information-sharing points include the following topics:

–      The importance of good ventilation;

–      The correct way of wearing a mask;

–      Proper handwashing techniques;

–      Social distancing; and

–      Sanitising and to congregate outside rather than indoors.

Roadblocks are held at all hours of the day, on public holidays and at different places in the district.  Hats-off to all the role-players in the Garden Route district who selflessly commit their energy and time to curb the spread of the Covid-19 virus.