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Garden Route

6 July 2022 Media Release: Calitzdorp Hot Springs to host a Music, Arts, and Food Gathering with a purpose

Media Release: Calitzdorp Hot Springs to host a Music, Arts, and Food Gathering with a purpose

6 July 2022
For Immediate Release

Echo Outdoor Gatherings is no stranger to the regional electronic music scene and for years they have hosted events of the highest quality.

After holding their flagship event – Elements of Life – successfully at De Hoek Mountain Resort near Cango Caves for the past five years, Daniel Mentz (event organizer), branched out to Calitzdorp Hot Springs in March with another exciting festival: Valley Of Dreams. The three-day event turned out to be a huge success, which was sold out completely, with people trekking from across the country to attend. According to David, the event attracted nearly 600 festival-goers, which was also a much-needed boost for business and tourism. Festival-goers venture out into the area during an event to explore and some opt to stay for longer as they usually travel from all over the country to attend such festivals.

“Our festival-goers want to make the best of their stay and frequently talk about what they were up to when venturing out to explore the area,” said Mentz.

This July, Echo Outdoor Gatherings will return to Calitzdorp Hot Springs with an even bigger event called ‘Elements of Fire’.

From Friday, 29 July to Sunday, 31 July festival-goers can look forward to a weekend that promises to be a visual and sonic experience like no other. Food stalls will sell falafels, breakfasts, steaks, and freshly pressed juice. Vegan and vegetarian options will also be made available.

Various craft stalls will sell items like dream catchers, leather works, jewellery, clothing brands, and macrame. There will also be two fire shows every night.

Winter Warmer Drive

Echo Outdoor Gatherings wanted to say thank you to the community of Calitzdorp for their warm welcome and decided to give back. This is why they are currently running a food and blanket drive for Friends Of Calitzdorp Animals (FOCA).

FOCA was launched six years ago when the founding member helped some friends to look after stray animals. Today they feed 250 dogs, 70 cats and facilitate up to 30 sterilisations a month. FOC are also constantly building kennels and continues to educate the local residents on animal welfare.

‘The amount of neglect FOCA witnesses every day is horrifying, to say the least,” said Mentz.

To supplement the Winter Warmer Drive, Echo Outdoor Gatherings and Feel Good Entertainment will donate 10% of the bar proceedings for the weekend to FOCA.

Garden Route District Municipality is proud to host the Echo Outdoor Gatherings events as Daniel takes pride in what he does. Every event is carefully planned and those attending must adhere to strict rules.

“Family is at the core of Echo Outdoor Gatherings and will always be,” said Mentz


01 July 2022 Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality launches electronic job application platform

Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality launches electronic job application platform

For immediate release 
01 July 2022

The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) is pleased to announce that, as of 1 July 2022, it will introduce its own E-recruitment system. The aim of the system is to make it convenient for applicants to apply for a vacant position at the municipality.

This paperless online job application system will allow applicants to apply for a vacancy without having to complete an application form, make copies of their Curriculum Vitaes (CV) and relevant qualifications every time they apply for a vacancy.  GRDM’s vision is to be a leading, enabling, and inclusive district. With this in mind, this system will provide a platform where job vacancies can be advertised, viewed, and applied for online, enhancing the recruitment and selection process by increasing responses.

When a candidate registers and creates a profile on the E-recruitment system, it is mandatory to upload their CV and qualifications, which is stored on the system and can be updated at any time.  This makes the application process for a vacancy flow more efficiently.

Why an E-recruitment system?

  • E-recruitment will improve the efficiency of filling vacancies because of semi-automated digitisation processes;
  • The system stores a backup file of all the applicant information; and
  • A move from paper to an electronic system improves auditing processes.

What does this system mean for the public?

  • To apply for a vacancy, a person can use any computer or visit a Thusong centre or library in his area;
  • No more traveling to the post office or the GRDM offices to submit a completed application;
  • No more emailed applications because, once applying for a position, the system will automatically send an email informing an applicant that they’ve applied and successfully uploaded their application; and
  • Candidates will be able to track how far along the vacancy process is on the e-recruitment system.

How does the application process work?

  • The vacancy will be advertised on several platforms, clearly marked that only online applications will be accepted;
  • Applicants will be reminded to register and create their profiles on the system;
  • Others who are already registered are welcome to apply for a vacancy;
  • Once registered, one can apply for any vacancy by selecting the vacancy and filling out the mandatory fields; and
  • The recruitment process will be fast and accurate since there will be no manual capturing of information.

When will the system be officially active?

  • The system will be live from Friday, 01 July 2022.
  • One vacancy will be advertised on the E-recruitment system as a trial run to monitor and evaluate public response.
  • In the beginning, only vacancies on T10 and above will be advertised on the system.
  • After two months an evaluation will be done to see how effective the system was.
  • After that, the system will be fully implemented for vacancies below T9.
  • Please note, currently the system is not mobile-friendly; it is only functional on a computer for now, but it will be compatible with a cell phone during the next phase or the system enhancement.

How to access the system?

Brows to and it will take applicants to the landing page to start their registration process.  This page also gives applications the option to update their profiles or to apply for a vacancy.

GRDM calls upon the public to start registering and creating their profiles on the e-recruitment system.  If anyone doesn’t have access to a computer, the GRDM encourages those to visit any of the Thusong centres or libraries in their respective areas where they can register and create their profiles.

Who should I contact if I need assistance with the system?

Ms Amanda Booysen – GRDM Human Resources Representative – 044-803 1389 / 078 450 7950

Ms Margaret Powell – GRDM IT Representative – 044 803 1409

Click on the link below to view a short training video that will help you to understand how the Garden Route District Municipality E-recruitment system works and how to apply for vacancies.

28 June 2022 Media Release: Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) and SASSETA visit GRDM

Media Release: Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) and SASSETA visit GRDM

28 June 2022
For Immediate Release 

An Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) delegation consisting of national and provincial officials visited the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) on 13 and 14 June 2022. The aim of the two-day visit was to learn more about the Garden Route Skills Mecca (GRSM) model and to investigate the possibility of replicating the Skills Mecca concept in other parts of the country.

On the first day, representatives from GRSM and the GRDM EPWP section accompanied the delegation on several site visits to training centres in the area that support the GRSM. Delegates visited Cheeba Africa, African Skills and François Ferreira Academy where they were given thorough insights of each facility and the type of training provided.  Through several Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) grants and EPWP programmes, learners have successfully completed courses at the training centres visited by delegates and have been able to enter the job market.

The second day was reserved for engagement.  Lusanda Menze (GRDM Executive Manager:: Planning and Economic Development) gave an overview of GRDM and its Growth and Development Strategy and Dr Florus Prinsloo (GRSM Coordinator) gave a comprehensive overview of the GRSM model.

Tsholofelo Pooe from National EPWP presented on the their EPWP Training Framework and possible linkages to the Garden Route Skills Mecca.

MOU between GRSM and SASSETA discussed.

Joining the delegation on the second day, were Chris Mudau and Thamsanqa Mdontswa from the Safety and Security SETA (SASSETA). After listening to the presentations given by GRDM and GRSM, they presented on the SETA’s mandate, Skills Development Levy (SDL) breakdown, and strategic scope amongst other topics.

SASSETA’s sub-sections and constituencies include:

  • Policing
  • Corrections
  • Justice
  • Defence
  • Intelligence Activities
  • Legal Services
  • Private Security and Investigation Activities

There are 17 SDL contributors in the Garden Route, which comprises law firms and security companies.  It is for this reason that SASSETA and GRDM will enter into talks to establish an MOU that will see closer cooperation with GRSM.

The two-day delegation visit was concluded with a visit to Calitzdorp Hot Springs where a Security Training Centre has been established through formal partnership between BM Skills Development (who is a SASSETA Accredited Training Provider) and the GRDM.




17 June 2022 Media Release: World Day to combat desertification and drought: Blossom’s Emergency Pipeline Project

Media Release: World Day to combat desertification and drought: Blossom’s Emergency Pipeline Project

For Immediate Release
17 June 2022

The Greater Oudtshoorn region continues to be plagued by ongoing droughts, and alternatives have had to be found to ensure water security for the region. Since 2018, the water supply from the Raubenheimer dam was under severe pressure as the amount of water available from the dam, exceeded the amount that could be relied upon with a 98% degree of assurance. The future and ongoing supply of water in the Oudtshoorn area is severely constrained and drastic measures had to be planned to address the situation urgently.

Furthermore, the Vermaaks Rriver boreholes near Dysseldorp are used to maximum capacity and the Huis River, which supplies De Rust with water, is unreliable during the summer months, which holds negative implications for the Klein Karoo Rural Water Supply System (KKRWSS).

The Blossom’s Emergency Pipeline is a project that was started in 2001 to investigate and develop alternative and additional water supplies for the Oudtshoorn area. Nine deep, and three monitoring boreholes were drilled in the Blossom’s wellfield, which were monitored and tested for 13 years. The test was completed in 2014, and it was concluded that the boreholes yield enough groundwater to supplement the water supply from the Raubenheimer Dam. It was determined that 60l/s (5Ml/day) can be supplied from 5 existing boreholes within the C1 Blossoms wellfield. The test also found that the impact on the environment would be minimal.

The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) approved a license for the total yield of 8 million m3/a for the ultimate full development of the Blossoms wellfield and gave the nod for the construction to commence. Originally, the project was intended as a medium to long-term bulk water augmentation intervention but given the current water crisis in the Oudtshoorn area, it will be implemented soon.

Funding for the current phases of the project, which started in February 2022, comes from the Municipal Disaster Relief Grant, which allocated a total of R47 million. To date, more than R150 million was spent, which was co-funded by DWS and Oudtshoorn Local Municipality. The current phase of the project is expected to be completed by March 2023.



16 June 2022 Today is Youth Day – Let’s all lead by example

Today is Youth Day – Let’s all lead by example
16 June 2022

16 June 1976 was a very dark day for South Africa as many students lost their lives during an uprising against the Apartheid Government who issued a directive that Afrikaans should become the medium of instruction in schools. Students marched peacefully to protest and demonstrate against the Government’s directive but were met with force by heavily armed police, causing the uprising that ended tragically.

Those who lost their lives that day did not do so in vain as they helped to expose the brutality of the Apartheid Government, which received more international revulsion afterward. There are many lessons that 16 June 1976 has taught us, one of which is to lead by example. In other words, show, don’t tell.

Many children and students have already lost hope because of the COVID pandemic, not returning to school, and falling victim to drugs and alcohol abuse. It is up to the entire country to assist Government, NGOs, and parents to turn issues around and break the vicious cycle of hopelessness.

Leading by example can be many things and encouragement is one of them.

Maybe you are someone who fell into the same trap and managed to get out of it. If so, why not share your experiences with someone you know are in need of your positive message? Explain to them the challenges you faced but that it was not impossible. Show them the positive results your actions yielded and if you can, commit yourself to walk a journey with them.

Even if you have not had the unfortunate experience of staying away from school, you can help through encouragement and being there for others.

Remember, this is not something you have to do on your own. Ask your parents, teachers, community and religious leaders for advice.

Follow the example of those who stood together on 16 June 1976 and help rebuild a legacy of a prosperous South Africa.


13 June 2022 Media Release: Garden Route Skills Mecca Focuses on Renewable Energy

Media Release: Garden Route Skills Mecca Focuses on Renewable Energy

For Immediate Release
13 June 2022

The fifth quarterly Garden Route Skills Mecca (GRSM) Forum was held virtually on in May 2022 and focused on renewable energy strategies for the Garden Route.

This follows a fruitful engagement Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) had with the Energy & Water Sector Education Training Authority  (EWSETA) on Tuesday, 17 May 2022.  During the engagement, EWSETA expressed its desire to support renewable energy projects in the Garden Route, which is in line with its support of Just Energy Transition (JET),  Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), and the work done in South Africa by The South African Photovoltaic Industry Association (SAPVIA).

EWSETA has a significant demand-based focus, and it is important for them to determine what the needs are of employers and businesses. They receive a limited skills levy income and need to partner with other agencies to address this challenge. This is why they’ve agreed soon enter into a memorandum of understanding with GRDM.

During his opening remarks, the GRSM Forum chairperson, Ald. De Vries remarked that renewable energy is gaining momentum as countries around the world are increasingly understanding the benefits it offers.

During the forum, Mr. Warrick Pierce, Technical Leader on Energy Systems Modeling at the Energy Centre of CSIR, presented the Draft Municipal Electricity Master Plan for the GRDM. The Draft document was funded by GIZ and co-funded by the CSIR and is considered to be a mini Integrated Resource Plan (IRP).

Mr. Pierce noted that the plan looks at different possible energy futures and the employment opportunities it may hold. Furthermore, the plan’s focus is twofold as it looks at each municipality individually in the region and the Garden Route as a whole to achieve optimisation.

To draft plan addresses issues of future demand usage and that municipalities need to know their customers – their past behaviors towards energy and how this is changing in terms of self-generation.  There seems to be clear indication that Solar PV is the priority option for the Garden Route to consider. The Draft Energy Master Plan will be tabled to the GRDM Council this month for adoption and a media release about it will be issued.

The final presentation was done by Kirsten Freimann, from GIZ, who is the Head of Project: Career Path Development for Employment (CPD4E), which is a new 3-year program that started in June.

The program aims to address two major concerns identified by GIZ, which are the economic recession and the high youth unemployment rate plaguing South Africa. With the help of the Swiss Development Agency, The German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Government was able to raise €10.5 million for the project.

CPDE4E strives to improve the employability of the youth by unlocking employment potentials by supporting entrepreneurship and SME development in township economies, as well as (ecologic) industrial parks.

The transition from learning to earning will be done by matching soft skills with entrepreneurship training with specific measures in place for girls and women.

Demand-driven TVET/ skills development will improve delivery capacities, through lecturers, in-company mentors, short skills programs, new occupational profiles, and curricula development. It is anticipated that it will strengthen private sector involvement in agile training interventions. This could lead to job creation and meeting demands.

13 June 2022 Opportunities For Unemployed Youth in the Western Cape

Opportunities For Unemployed Youth in the Western Cape

13 June 2022

The Western Cape Government has several opportunities for unemployed youth in the province. Please find all the details below, or visit the following link for more information.

Please contact the designated persons on each advertisement/application should you have any queries. Garden Route District Municipality will not be able to answer any queries regarding the adverts.

West Coast


Garden Route

City of Cape Town

City of Cape Town (1)

Central Karoo

Cape Winelands

17 May 2022 Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua: 17/05/2022 – 19/05/2022

Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua: Veld Fire Conditions

Please find included the Impact Based Warning for the Western Cape and Namaqua Region of the Northern Cape

Hazard Affected Municipalities Valid From (SAST) Valid To (SAST)
Veld Fire Conditions Beaufort West, Bergrivier, Cederberg, George, Hantam, Hessequa, Kamiesberg, Kannaland, Karoo Hoogland, Khâi-Ma, Laingsburg, Langeberg, Matzikama, Oudtshoorn, Prince Albert, Swellendam 17/05/22 – 10h00 18/05/22 – 20h00

Discussion: The warm to hot temperatures, dry conditions and strong winds could result in the development of runaway and veld/bush fires.

Impact: Conditions are such that the FDI index is above 75. Under these conditions, fires may develop and spread rapidly resulting in damage to property and possible loss of human and/or animal life.

 Instruction: Fireteams, labour and equipment are to be placed on stand-by.  A first sign of smoke, every possible measure should be taken in order to bring the fire under control in the shortest possible time.


Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua: Yellow level 2: Disruptive Rain

 Hazard Alert Level Affected Municipalities Valid From (SAST) Valid To (SAST)
 Disruptive Rain Yellow(L2)
(High likelihood of Minor Impacts)
Bitou, George, Knysna 19/05/22 – 00h00 19/05/22 – 23h59

Discussion: Rain associated with a cold front will spread to the coastal areas of the Garden Route on Thursday. Rainfall accumulations are expected to reach 30-40mm in George, Knysna and Bitou municipalities from Thursday late morning into the evening. Due to the expected rainfall figures, there is a high likelihood of minor disruptions in these municipalities.

Impact: Localised flooding of susceptible formal/informal settlements and roads may occur. Major roads may be affected but can still be used with increased travel times. There could be localised motor vehicle accidents due to wet slippery roads and/or reduced visibility. Difficult driving conditions on dirt roads can also be expected.

Instruction: In buildings, move valuables to a safe place above the expected flood level. Switch off electricity at the supply point to the building. Be especially cautious at night when it’s harder to recognize flood dangers when driving. Listen to the radio or TV for warnings and obey the instructions from disaster management officers.


Please plan accordingly and report any incidents to the Garden Route District Municipality Disaster Management Centre at 044 805 5071.

Legal notice:
“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.
It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

Cape Town Weather Office
2nd Floor: Oval Office Park
Cape Town Int airport
Freight Road
Cape Town

Tel: 021 935 5700

4 May 2022 Media Release: Garden Route and Klein Karoo Tourism currently marketing the region at Indaba in Durban

Media Release: Garden Route and Klein Karoo Tourism currently marketing the region at Indaba in Durban

For Immediate Release
4 May 2022

Garden Route District Municipality’s Tourism Section is currently attending Africa’s Travel Indaba in Durban from 03 to 05 May 2022. Africa’s Travel Indaba is one of the largest tourism marketing events on the African calendar and one of the top three must-do events of its kind on the global calendar. It showcases the widest variety of Africa’s best tourism products and attracts international buyers and media from across the world!