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Garden Route

17 March 2022 Media Release: The GRDM Proudly Prepares Itself as a Provider of Sustainable Housing Opportunities

Media Release:  The GRDM Proudly Prepares Itself as a Provider of Sustainable Housing Opportunities

For Immediate Release
17 March 2022

The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) has now positioned itself to be a provider of affordable housing. This is in addition to the support role that it plays to the seven local municipalities, namely, Bitou, Knysna, George, Mossel Bay, Hessequa, Oudtshoorn and Kannaland.The GRDM has developed a Human Settlements Strategy, which will guide the development.

Four staff members have, to date, been appointed at the GRDM Human Settlements Division, with funding from the Western Cape Department of Human Settlements (WC DoHS).  The most recent appointments were that of a Town Planner who will assist with Spatial Planning, Town Planning Authorities and Project Feasibilities and an Administration Officer who will concentrate on the Demand Data Base and Subsidy Administration.

In the near future GRDM will make announcements about the Affordable housing opportunities:

  1. Social Rental Housing – for households whose monthly income is between R1501 and R15 000
  2. Student accommodation
  3. Finance Linked Individual Projects (FLISP) – This is an ownership program targeting potential beneficiaries whose monthly income is between R3501 and R22 000
  4. Inclusionary Housing – This is a new ownership concept that encourages partnerships between the GRDM and various private developers, employers, etc.

 Milestones achieved during the 2021/22 Financial year 

  • Formulated an Integrated Human Settlements (IHS) Strategic Plan;
  • Established an organisational structure for the newly established Human Settlements Division;
  • Prepared a draft Municipal Accreditation Business Plan, which awaits final approval by both the Provincial and National Departments of Human Settlements;
  • Worked with the seven B-municipalities to ensure a coordinated and structured approach in dealing with the District Development Model;
  • Appointed a Social Housing partner, Own Haven, to develop Social Housing; and
  • Appointed an external consultant team to assist with the formal production of a Human Settlements Sector Plan  which will show the program for the various projects.

More significantly, the GRDM Human Settlement Department has begun to align its functions with the Garden Route’s local municipalities in an attempt to meet the requirements of co-planning, co-budgeting and co– implementation.

Public Service Sector Education and Training Authority (PSETA) 

GRDM Human Settlements, in conjunction with Cape Peninsula University of Technology, are hosting two interns namely Messrs. Lubabalo Ketani and Loyolo Ndima.

Alignment to the District Development Model (DDM)/Joint Metro Development Approach (JMDA)

 GRDM has been identified as one of the District Councils in South Africa where the District Development Model will be piloted.

The DDM approach will strengthen cooperation between the following stakeholders:

  • GRDM
  • Hessequa, Mossel Bay, George, Knysna, Bitou, Oudtshoorn and Kannaland
  • WC DoHS
  • National Department of Human Settlements (N DoHS)
  • Social Housing Regulatory Authority (SHRA)
  • Housing Development Agency (HDA)
  • SHRA Accredited Social Housing partners
  • Private developers

These relationships will enable the GRDM to plan, package, and implement projects in a coordinated manner.

Stakeholder involvement  

Two weeks ago, the GRDM placed an invitation on all their media platforms, inviting interested members of the public to register on an affordable housing demand database. The housing demand database will assist Council with defining the extent to which it rolls out Affordable Housing.

A standard questionnaire, for those interested in Affordable Housing, is still available at the following locations:

  1. The Garden Route Corporate Website at:
  2. At all local Human Settlements (Housing) offices of the seven B-municipalities in the district.
  3. All the GRDM sub-offices in the region.

For any related enquiries, please direct them to the GRDM Human Settlements office representatives, namely Ms. Shehaam Sims, Mr. Luyolo Ndima or Mr. Lubabalo Nicholas Ketani at telephone 044 803 1454.

You have three options to obtain and submit the questionnaire.  

  1. Obtain and submit it at a Local Municipality
  2. Obtain and submit it at any of the Garden Route District Municipality offices in the region
  3. E-mail a scanned copy of the forms to

15 March 2022 Media Release: NYDA Focusses on Youth Development In The Garden Route

Media Release: NYDA Focusses on Youth Development In The Garden Route

15 March 2022
For immediate release


The second keynote speaker at the first Garden Route Skills Mecca for 2022 was Tshepo Manyama – Regional Manager of the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) Western Cape. He outlined NYDA’s skills development plans, opportunities, and needs that support youth development in the Garden Route.

NYDA is a South African-based agency established primarily to address challenges faced by the nation’s youth. The youth development agency was established by an Act of Parliament (Act 54 of 2008) to be a single, unitary structure addressing youth development issues at the National, Provincial and Local Government levels. The Agency should be seen within the broad context of South Africa’s development dynamics.

During Manyama’s presentation, he outlined their economic participation goal, which is to enhance the contribution of young people to the economy through targeted and integrated programs.

He added that programs created by the NYDA aims to facilitate and provide employment opportunities for the youth and to include them in the economy.

The implementation of this goal is at the following strategic objectives:

  • To provide socio-economic empowerment interventions and support for young people in South Africa
  • To provide increased universal access to young people

NYDA runs several economic programs that include:

  • Grant funding R1 000.00 to R10 000.00
  • Business Consultancy Services
  • Sales Pitch and BBBEE Training
  • Business Management Training
  • Mentorship
  • Market Linkages

On youth with disabilities, Manyama had the following to say: “Young people with disabilities are not homogenous as there are different disabilities that require different interventions. The sector representing youth with disabilities proposes the establishment of a disability unit at the NYDA to undertake to facilitate all programs aimed at transforming the lives of youth with disabilities.”

He concluded his presentation by stressing the importance of eradicating discrimination and stigmas against people with disabilities and increasing economic opportunities for them.

Access to education is limited and inadequate and this needs to be addressed. Integration of people with disabilities will also need to be addressed as there is a tendency of lumping them together despite their different needs.

15 March 2022 Media Release: Growth And Development Of The Agricultural Sector In The Garden Route

Media Release: Growth And Development Of The Agricultural Sector In The Garden Route

15 March 2022
For immediate release

Clyde Lamberts from the Western Cape Department of Agriculture was invited to speak at the first Garden Route Skills Mecca (GRSM) Forum of 2022 and his focus was on the growth and development strategy of the department for the Garden Route. He opened his comprehensive presentation with the following quote by Allan Savory:

“Agriculture is not crop production as popular belief holds – it’s the production of food and fiber from the world’s land and waters. Without agriculture, it is impossible to have a city, stock market, banks, university, church or army. Agriculture is the foundation of civilization and any stable economy”.  

To put this quote into perspective, Lamberts shared one of the Department’s recent success stories: A farm in Herald was in a dilapidated state due to a lack of interest in purposing the land. A businessman who was passionate about farming bought it, and spent the next five (5) years turning it into a viable business that now produces honeybush and proteas. He is the first black commercial farmer to produce honeybush in the Southern Cape. It is because the Department assisted him that his business was able to create sixteen (16) permanent jobs, with opportunities for an additional twenty (20) seasonal workers.

Before this, in Waboomskraal, the Department assisted another farmer, who became the first black farmer in the area to produce proteas and hops.

Lamberts noted: “When all spheres of government work together in an integrated fashion, these are the type of results we will see”. 

Lamberts listed the activities and services the Department provides to farmers and all other stakeholders as the following:

  • Independent agricultural advice and information
  • Supporting Livestock farmers – Development program. Livestock Forum
  • Performance testing/annual evaluation/ID limitations and opportunities
  • Investigating and implementing new hardy breeds and crossbreeding
  • Investigations in lowering inset cost through conservation agriculture – cover crops
  • Investigations into pasture species for marginal lands
  • Crop production advice and information
  • Niche crops/markets
  • Training

The type of training that is provided includes evidence-based and practice-based farmers’ capacity building. This is done through farmers’ days, demonstrations, peer-to-peer learning, and face-to-face interactions. Since 2018, the department trained 820 beneficiaries and this ranged from vegetable training to farm implement operation training.

The Department has a memorandum of understanding with GRDM and vacant land has been identified that the municipality owns which is conducive for agricultural development opportunities. The Department is researching the potential of commodity processing facilities in the Garden Route, which will be a source of immediate job creation – a game-changer for job creation in the region.

The Department furthermore envisions the building of Agri-Business Platforms for clients where potential products can be processed ready for consumption. Through Conservation/Regenerative agriculture, farmers are encouraged to rehabilitate and look after their own soil to turn it into organic matter that fertilizes with very few chemicals. Trials on livestock projects have yielded very positive results to date, and the global view is that going regenerative holds many financial and ecological benefits.

Agritourism needs to be promoted as it holds several untapped opportunities for the tourism sector. There is a need to compile tour packages to visit farms and processing facilities for both local and international tourism. The Roads Department has a role to play as well, as it must ensure easy access through regular road maintenance and upgrades.

The Department is in the process of revisiting mechanization which would allow for a central point that offers services such as ploughing, for example, as well as repair and maintenance services on farm implements.

Lamberts concluded his presentation by saying that we can be very proud of our district and that the Department is very excited to continue its work in the area.

14 March 2022 Media Release: Garden Route Skills Mecca Forum Focuses On Youth Development And Agriculture

Media Release: Garden Route Skills Mecca Forum Focuses On Youth Development And Agriculture

14 March 2022
For Immediate Release

The first quarterly Garden Route Skills Mecca (GRSM) Forum for 2022 was held on 25 February 2022 and was attended by delegates in person and online via Microsoft Teams. This setting provides Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) and its stakeholders a chance to collectively work towards achieving Skills Summit resolutions.

The forum was chaired by Ald. Stephen de Vries briefly explained the role of the GRSM in relation to the National Skills Development Plan. He alluded to President Cyril Ramaphosa’s speech during the State of the Nation Address (SONA) debate where he stressed the importance of skills development to support economic growth as part of the economic recovery plan. The GRSM aligns itself with the National Development Plan 2030 vision to improve access to occupations in high demand and priority skills in supporting economic growth, job creation, and social development.

We want to contribute to the vision of an educated and skilled workforce for South Africa.

The forum hosted two keynote speakers. The first was Clyde Lamberts from the Western Cape Department of Agriculture who outlined, in detail, the department’s growth and development strategy.

The second keynote speaker, Tshepo Manyama – Regional Manager of National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) Western Cape – presented on matters of skills development plans, opportunities, and needs that support youth development in the Garden Route.

Dr. Florus Prinsloo (Skill Mecca Co-ordinator, GRDM) officially launched the GRSM website, which has been in development since last year.

The aim of the website is to serve as a central point of communication and to close the gap between service providers, investors, and candidates with learning opportunities needs.

There is still work that needs to be done which, once completed, will see the ‘partnership’ page going live. Once this happens, service providers will be able to register and list learning opportunities, which will then be communicated by GRDM’s Communication unit. A process has been established to vet all applicants before registration to ensure that the highest standards are always met.


25 February 2022 Public Notice: Demand Database information about Affordable Housing in the Garden Route District

PUBLIC NOTICE:  Demand Database information about Affordable Housing in the Garden Route District

For Immediate Release
25 February 2022

The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) recently approved a new Integrated Human Settlements Strategic Plan which will guide its eventual implementation of its affordable housing typologies. This critically requires the determination and understanding of the level of demand and supply from members of the public located in the Garden Route District. In order to be able to do that, GRDM needs therefore to generate an updated demand database mechanism that will assist in preparing its Affordable Housing programmes and projects.

The housing demand database will assist Council with defining the types of Affordable Housing preferences, in line with the expressed interests of members of the public from the various communities within the District.  Such interest should originate from all 7 B-municipalities (Bitou, Knysna, George, Mossel Bay, Hessequa, Kannaland and Oudtshoorn).

In line with the above, we have prepared a standard application form that those interested in Affordable Housing must complete. Forms are available through the following platforms, namely:

  1. The Garden Route Corporate Website at:
  2. At all local Human Settlements (Housing) offices of the 7 B-municipalities in the district.
  3. All the GRDM sub-offices in the region.

For any related enquiries, please direct them to the GRDM Human Settlements office representatives, namely Ms Shehaam Sims, Mr Luyolo Ndima and Mr Lubabalo Nicholas Ketani at telephone 044 803 1454.

You have three options to complete the application forms.

  1. Submit it at a Local Municipality
  2. Submit it at any of the Garden Route District Municipality offices in the region
  3. E-mail a scanned copy of the forms to

Download documents here:

GRDM Demand Database INFO on Affordable Housing 25 FEB 2022

GRDM Questionaire for Registering Interest in Affordable Housing 25 FEB 2022

Save The Date: Garden Route Skills Mecca Forum to Be Held on 25 February

Save The Date: Garden Route Skills Mecca Forum to Be Held on 25 February

For Immediate Release
14 February 2022

The first quarterly Garden Route Skills Mecca (GRSM) Forum for 2022 will be held on 25 February 2022 from 09:00-12:00 virtually. This setting gives Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) and its stakeholders a chance to collectively work towards achieving Skills Summit resolutions.

Tshepo Manyama, Regional Manager of National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) Western Cape, will be the keynote speaker. He will talk on matters of skills development plans, opportunities, and needs that support youth development in the Garden Route. Joining Manyama will be Clyde Lamberts from the Western Cape Department of Agriculture. Lamberts will focus on similar matters, but with a focus on the resilient Agriculture sector of the Garden Route Growth and Development Strategy. The chairperson of the Education and Training Committee of GRDM will chair the session.

Stakeholders who wish to attend the webinar can register here.

21 December 2021 Media Release: SA Harvest reflects on a successful year

Media Release: SA Harvest reflects on a successful year

21 December 2021

For Immediate Release

For the past year, SA Harvest, previously known as the Garden Route Food Pantry, effectively adhered to their primary mandate by sourcing food from various local suppliers, manufacturers and farmers and becoming a centralised point in coordinating food security needs in the district.  Alleviating hunger and promoting food safety and security in the district remained their top priority.

SA Harvest partnership with the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) as the strategic enabler with an oversight responsibility and Local Municipalities in the district, worked hand-in-hand to ensure that food safety and security received the much-needed attention it deserved the past year.  Considering the impact, the Covid-19 pandemic has had on unemployment and poverty, including the recent disastrous floods the district has experienced, SA Harvest facilitated the humanitarian relief of food to local areas in George and surrounding towns.

A recent wrap-up report on the funding received and services delivered the past year, SA Harvest proudly proclaim that they have had a positive impact regarding food safety and security in the district, thanks to the financial support of the Garden Route District Municipality.

According to Mr Carl van Blerk, Operations Manager of SA Harvest Garden Route, “We’ve received an amount of R603 908 in payments from GRDM, which made it possible for us to cover a significant portion of the operational expenses, allowing us to mainly focus on food security,” he said.

Mr Van Blerk furthermore elaborated that the number of meals distributed to the Garden Route and Klein Karoo region to date equates to 1250 143.  These were a combination of fresh products, non-perishables, emergency disaster relief, and fortified products to combat malnutrition.

The meals per Municipality were as follows:

Kannaland               –           46 511 Meals

Hessequa                 –           65 275 Meals

George                      –           676 827 Meals

Mossel Bay              –           85 220 Meals

Oudtshoorn            –           154 030 Meals

Knysna                    –           105 235 Meals

Bitou                        –           117 045 Meals

The above-mentioned meals were distributed through a network of 203 beneficiaries, ranging from small informal soup kitchens and feeding centres to larger registered facilities.

In conclusion, Mr van Blerk explained that the new facility, operating as SA Harvest, will be operating slightly differently in that they will only be including registered NPO/NPC centres for food donations.  “However, we will embark on partnering the small unregistered sites with a registered NPO so that they can still benefit, and will also assist them to get officially registered.  At this stage we are holding back on registering new sites, until this process is completed, and will then open the system again for new facilities as soon as possible,” Van Blerk said.

21 December 2021 Media Release: AVBOB George donated R31 500 to GRDM

Media Release: AVBOB George donated R31 500 to GRDM

21 December 2021

For Immediate Release

Today, 21 December 2021, AVBOB George branch donated R31 500 to the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) for humanitarian purposes. The GRDM will donate this money to SA Harvest  (previously known as Garden Route Food Pantry), the GRDM’s partner that promotes food safety and security in the Garden Route. AVBOB also donated 5000 x 1ℓ distilled water were also donated.

The handover ceremony was attended by the Executive Mayor of GRDM, Alderman Memory Booysen, Cllr Gert van Niekerk (GRDM Deputy Executive Mayor), Deon Stoffels, (GRDM) Acting Fire Chief, Chris Botha (AVBOB Area Manager, South Cape: George) and Julian Hendricks (AVBOB District Manager).

Alderman Booysen thanked AVBOB for their generous donation and ongoing support during a brief informal gathering. AVBOB also donated R500 000.00 during 2018 to a disaster fund of the GRDM to assist those who suffered losses during wildfires. “Today, we witnessed a continuation of a relationship that started even before 2018, and this also demonstrates that big things can happen when the public sector is trusted,” Booysen said.  He further explained that the water received will also be used “during incidents where residents lost their homes or when portions of towns in the district are without water”.

Deputy Executive Mayor van Niekerk also extended a word of gratitude to the management of AVBOB and said, “As we observe the impact the covid-19 pandemic had on the economy in our district, which resulted in unemployment and poverty, we are genuinely grateful towards AVBOB for this donation. I can assure you that this donation will help our municipality’s efforts to promote food security in the Garden Route”.

With Christmas only four (4) days away, GRDM embraces the holiday spirit of giving and helping others in need through strategically partnering with companies to support vulnerable communities.


15 December 2021


This is our second year of living through an unprecedented time. However, as Garden Routers, I continue to believe that we will bounce back from this situation as we are a resilient district.

South Africa, including the Garden Route District’s Tourism Sector, remains the backbone of our country’s economy; this is why we need people to visit us from all over the world. Support of our regional tourism sector is imperative because it advances prosperity, drives inclusive and sustainable development.

Last year, I also encouraged you to seek the little adventures the Garden Route offers, indulge yourself, take a break, and support our businesses. This year, my plea is the same. Please support our local businesses. Explore the region and the many tourist activities that are right on your doorstep; in turn, you will be contributing to the growth of the tourism sector. We depend on tourism for jobs and livelihoods. Thank you to the businesses that remain conscious of the current economic climate and provide budget-friendly tourism packages. This clever approach will attract more visitors to our region.

Before visiting us or when you arrive here, you will be able to find a myriad of activities to do in our region. A few that come to mind, include iconic sightseeing spots, fun-filled days and unmissable events, in particular this December. To see what I am talking about, visit our regional tourism website,

While enjoying your time with us, you have to exercise caution and be tolerant while travelling. Please obey speed limits; road rules; do not text or call while driving; do not drink and drive, and always wear a seatbelt. Save our 24/7 emergency call centre number if you find yourself in a troubling situation – 044 805 5071. As we head into the festive season we’d like to keep the Covid-19 infection rates low, so please, adhere to the Covid- 19 protocols and regulations. Remember to wear your mask, wash your hands, sanitize, avoid large crowds, and keep your social distance – hang outside with friends and family!.

Thank you for all the efforts to keep safe and move forward. See you in the Garden Route!

Alderman Memory Booysen

Executive Mayor

Garden Route District Municipality