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Garden Route

10 December 2021 Public Notice: Final Reviewed 2021/2022 Integrated Development Plan

Notice nr 122/2021


Notice is hereby given that Council at its inaugural meeting on 25 November 2021 adopted the Final Reviewed 2021/2022 Integrated Development Plan of its predecessor without amendments as per Section 25(3) of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 32, 2000.

The Final Reviewed 2021/2022 is available at the IDP unit of the Garden Route District Municipality and can also be viewed on the Garden Route Municipality’s website www.gardenroute. gov. za

For further enquiries, please contact:  Mrs M James (IDP Unit) Tel no: 044 803 1431




Click on the link below and download the Official Notice.

Final Reviewed 2021/2022 Integrated Development Plan


2 December 2021


This is our second year of living through an unprecedented time. However, as Garden Routers, I continue to believe that we will bounce back from this situation as we are a resilient district.

South Africa, including the Garden Route District’s Tourism Sector, remains the backbone of our country’s economy; this is why we need people to visit us from all over the world. Support of our regional tourism sector is imperative because it advances prosperity, drives inclusive and sustainable development.

Last year, I also encouraged you to seek the little adventures the Garden Route offers, indulge yourself, take a break, and support our businesses. This year, my plea is the same. Please support our local businesses. Explore the region and the many tourist activities that are right on your doorstep; in turn, you will be contributing to the growth of the tourism sector. We depend on tourism for jobs and livelihoods. Thank you to the businesses that remain conscious of the current economic climate and provide budget-friendly tourism packages. This clever approach will attract more visitors to our region.

Before visiting us or when you arrive here, you will be able to find a myriad of activities to do in our region. A few that come to mind, include iconic sightseeing spots, fun-filled days and unmissable events, in particular this December. To see what I am talking about, visit our regional tourism website,

While enjoying your time with us, you have to exercise caution and be tolerant while travelling. Please obey speed limits; road rules; do not text or call while driving; do not drink and drive, and always wear a seatbelt. Save our 24/7 emergency call centre number if you find yourself in a troubling situation – 044 805 5071. As we head into the festive season we’d like to keep the Covid-19 infection rates low, so please, adhere to the Covid- 19 protocols and regulations. Remember to wear your mask, wash your hands, sanitize, avoid large crowds, and keep your social distance – hang outside with friends and family!.

Thank you for all the efforts to keep safe and move forward. See you in the Garden Route!

Alderman Memory Booysen
Executive Mayor
Garden Route District Municipality

8 November 2021 Media Release: Ophthalmic service on the road again

Media Release: Ophthalmic service on the road again

For Immediate Release
8 November 2021

Ophthalmic eye surgeon for the region, Dr. Nicolaas Stempels and his team have been hard at work servicing those who need cataract eye surgery as well as other ophthalmic procedures.

Venessa Cassel (55) from Kranshoek was one of the patients who received a cataract removal at Plettenberg Bay Town Clinic on 26 October 2021.

“I can’t drive due to the cataracts, so I am excited to be here and to get this procedure done”, she said.

Dr Stempels and his team are busy with outreaches across the Garden Route and Central Karoo and have visited George, Knysna, Bitou and Beaufort West.

The pandemic has had a profound effect on ophthalmic services. “I used to do between 1000 and 2000 ophthalmic operations for both the Garden Route and Central Karoo a year. I was only able to do 150 in 2020”, he said.

Cases seen to now are the semi-urgent ones. These include people who are unable to walk unassisted, people with complications, those needing the service to be able to work(drivers) as well as children.

One billion people around the world have a preventable vision impairment or one that has yet to be addressed. Reduced or absent eyesight can have major and long lasting effects on all aspects of life, including daily personal activities, interacting with the community, school and work opportunities and the ability to access public services. Reduced eyesight can be caused by several factors, including diseases like diabetes and trachoma, trauma to the eyes, or condition such as refractive error, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration or glaucoma.

Western Cape Government Health offers a range of ophthalmology services. Primary health care facilities in the Garden Route district have specialized Eye Care Professional Nurses supporting the above team and eye services is rendered offering screening for spectacles.

Caption: Back row: Sr Kotze, staff nurse Shabalala, Dr Stempels, Nolusindiso Mfumbata(patient) and nurse Tini.  Front:  Sr Z Mnyaka-Baby


Nadia Ferreira

Principal Communications Officer

Garden Route and Central Karoo Districts

Western Cape Government Health



3 September 2021 Media Release: Tourism for inclusive growth

Media Release: Tourism for inclusive growth

For Immediate Release
03 September 2021

Tourism Month features themed activities aligned to the United Nations World Tourism Organisation’s (UNWTO) World Tourism Day Celebrations that take place annually on 27 September. The theme for this year’s World Tourism Day is “Tourism for inclusive growth.”

Annually, Tourism Month provides a heightened month-long focus on the importance of the tourism sector and the enormous contribution the tourism industry makes to provincial and national economic growth as well as job creation in South Africa. “This year, we align our efforts with the national and provincial government to emphasize the importance of domestic tourism and inclusive growth. The tourism industry has been severely affected by the Covid–19 pandemic, and in Tourism Month, we want to shift our focus to the recovery of the sector and to build back better. We believe that promoting our beautiful region and its diverse offerings to the domestic market could increase visitors/domestic tourists to the area, contribute towards employment in the sector, and contribute to the growth of the tourism sector within the district,” said Ms Amagene Koeberg, Tourism Coordinator for Garden Route District Municipality.

This year’s theme is all about tourism for all, and it is about the rural women and the innovative youth; it is for the villages, towns and the less-visited part of our country. “This theme is about the cultural diversity of our offerings and the travel tastes of the millennials. Importantly, growth is about the broad-based benefits and support for small enterprises that continue to bear the brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Tharage, Director-General of the Department of Tourism at the Golden Gate National Park outside of Clarens at the launch of Tourism Month.

Tourism Month in SA aims to encourage South Africans to travel domestically to understand better the affordable, exciting and world-class attractions available on their own doorstep.  It also serves as an opportunity to promote domestic tourism and create a culture of travel amongst South Africans.

Initiatives such as the; SHO’T LEFT TRAVEL WEEK 6 -12 September 2021 will present great travel deals, with airlines, hotel groups, tour operators and tourist attractions offering discounts of up to 50%. These deals must be bought during this week but can be redeemed at any other time, depending on the partner’s terms and conditions. This presents an opportunity for South Africans to tour and experience their own country.

As the country begins to open up again during COVID19, the appetite for domestic travel must be re-ignited, and South Africans should be encouraged to travel their country.

By visiting the website: South Africans can access great holiday deals. Some of these deals feature Garden Route & Klein Karoo tourism partners.  By visiting our regional tourism website’s events page at you can be enticed by the various events/festivals hosted in our local towns during Tourism Month and beyond, suitable to please any and every tourist with the array of diversity we have to offer.



On Monday, 30 August 2021, Western Cape Minister of Human Settlements, Tertuis Simmers, concluded his outreach to the Garden Route with a visit to the Informal settlements in Sedgefield and Kwanonqaba in Mossel Bay. These visits were to ascertain how the Informal Settlements Support Programme has improved these living standards of the informal dwellers.

Minister Simmers met with key stakeholders, which included the Ward Councilor, the Community Leadership and the appointed NGO, to discuss current the state of the projects as well as future plans.

Minister Simmers said: “It is pleasing to note that the ISSP is making a significant difference in the lives of our people. It remains the priority of the Western Cape Government to ensure our people live in safer and improved conditions, as this will go a long way in restoring our people’s dignity. I’m also delighted to note the good working relationship between the community leaders and the Ward Councillor, as this helps to remove any and all hindrances from projects.”

Through the ISSP, the Department has erected 104 new toilets and taps, as well as upgraded 74 toilets in Sedgefield. The ISSP provides individuals with a service stand with access to running water, sanitation and electricity services. The beneficiaries of the UISP are eligible to apply to build a house on their stand, through one of the government’s other housing subsidies, applicable to qualifying criterion.

“As the Western Cape Government we remain committed to accelerating human settlement delivery, while promoting social inclusion through the development of integrated, safe, resilient and sustainable human settlements in an open society,” added Simmers.

Media Enquiries: Marcellino Martin

Spokesperson for Minister Tertuis Simmers

021 483 3397 (o) / 082 721 3362 (m)


Mr. Nathan Adriaanse

Director: Communication and Stakeholder Relations

Tel: 021 483-2868 / Cell: 083 263 1720

30 August 2021 Media Release: Newly appointed MEC of Transport and Public Works visits the Garden Route District

30 August 2021

For immediate release

Newly appointed MEC of Transport and Public Works visits the Garden Route District

This morning, the newly appointed Western Cape Government Provincial Minister of Transport and Public Works, MEC Daylin Michell, visited the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) and region, to conduct an introductory meeting with all the Executive Mayors and Municipal Managers in the district.

During his opening remarks, a confident MEC Michell assured local municipal representatives that service delivery to citizens is not new, although he might be new to the position. He also said that the concerns raised during the meeting might not be unique.  His department will try and find solutions in the system to best address emerging and old challenges.  He further mentioned that his visit to the Garden Route District would not be from something new but that today’s process aimed to kick off his predecessors and continue in that fashion.

The GRDM Executive Mayor, Alderman Memory Booysen, introduced the discussions by explaining that the GRDM has the biggest road network compared to other district municipalities in the Western Cape.  Alderman Booysen further explained how roads in other districts, especially the West Coast, are used as economic networks for farmers getting their harvest to airports and harbours in Cape Town and that those critical roads are tar.  He stated that he believes that there should be no difference in the Garden Route District. Alderman Booysen concluded by requesting that the upcoming Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the Western Cape Government Transport and Public Works and the GRDM address the previous years’ learning curves.

Afterwards, the different local municipal representatives raised their areas’ concerns and welcomed the visit of the Minister of Transport and Public Works.

As part of his visit, MEC Michell and his delegation, joined by Alderman Booysen and some of the other Executive Mayors, visited several sites in the George Municipal area.


17 August 2021 Media Release:  New Quarantine and Isolation facility to relieve pressure in the Garden Route

Media Release:  New Quarantine and Isolation facility to relieve pressure in the Garden Route

For Immediate Release
17 August 2021

On Wednesday, 4 August 2021, a new Quarantine & Isolation facility has been open at the Gateway Lodge, 6km outside of George.

The Gateway Lodge site and PetroSA sites are the designated quarantine and isolations facilities in the Garden Route district. In terms of proximity, people from George, Knysna, Bitou and Oudtshoorn will first be accommodated at Gateway Lodge, which has a 28-bed capacity; if this site becomes full, those in quarantine and isolation, will be moved to PetroSA. People from Mossel Bay, Hessequa and Kannaland will be accommodated at the PetroSA facility which has a 150-bed capacity.

Both these sites are operational seven days a week and accept persons between 09h00 and 17h00 daily. The process for any public member requiring either quarantines or isolation facilities is to contact the local Provincial Department of Health sub-district health representative, who will assess the request and make the necessary arrangements.

It is important to note that if a person tested positive for coronavirus, they need to isolate. And if you have symptoms or have come into close contact with someone who has coronavirus, they are required to be in quarantine. If you can isolate or quarantine safely at home, do so, but if it is not possible, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the local Provincial Department of Health sub-district health representative.

Contact details:

Knysna/Bitou subdistrict:

Contact number:  044 302 8405 /

Kannaland subdistrict:

Contact number: 028 551 1010 /

Oudtshoorn subdistrict:

Contact number: 044 203 7207 /

George subdistrict:

Contact number: 044 814 1124/5 /

Mossel Bay subdistrict:

Contact number: 044 604 6194 /

Hessequa subdistrict:

Contact number: 028 713 8640 /

11 July 2021 Weather Alert: Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua: Damaging Winds, Damaging Waves and Disruptive Snow

Weather Alert: Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua: Damaging Winds, Damaging Waves and Disruptive Snow

Please find included the Impact Based Warning for the Western Cape and Namaqua Region of Northern Cape

Legal notice:
“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.

It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and 
no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

Hazard Alert Level Affected Municipalities Valid from (SAST) Valid to (SAST)
Damaging Winds Yellow(L2) Beaufort West, Hantam, Karoo Hoogland, Laingsburg, Bitou, Cape Agulhas, Cape Agulhas, City of Cape town, George, Hessequa, Knysna, Mossel Bay, Overstrand, Saldanha Bay, Swartland, Table Bay, Prince Albert 12/07/21 00h00 13/07/21 00h00

Discussion: Northwesterly winds associated with the cold front, will reach average speeds of 55-60km/h gusting up to 65-70km/h over the Namakwa District and the Western Cape eastern interior from mid-morning through into early Tuesday morning. Over the offshore areas between Cape Columbine and Cape Agulhas, These wind northwesterly winds (55-60km/h gusting 70km/h) are expected from Monday morning, becoming west to southwesterly and spreading to Plettenberg Bay in the afternoon, persisting into Tuesday afternoon.

Impact: Localised damage to formal and informal settlements is possible. Fallen trees may affect properties and road travel. High sided vehicles may be at risk of falling over as result of strong crosswinds (particularly on N1, N2, N7, R321, R43). Strong north-westerly winds over the eastern parts of the province may fuel runaway fires. Offshore: difficulty in navigation for small vessels and personal water craft can be expected. Disruption of beachfront activities is possible as well as danger to rock anglers.

Instruction: Be aware of the following: – sudden cross winds if traveling especially between buildings, fallen trees or power lines. Ensure that all temporary structures are well anchored. Small boats must stay away from the open sea and seek the shelter of a harbour, river estuary or protected bay.

Hazard Alert Level Affected Municipalities Valid from (SAST) Valid to (SAST)
Damaging Waves Yellow(L2) Bergrivier, Bitou, Cape Agulhas, Cape Agulhas, Cederberg, City of Cape town, George, Hessequa, M_Kamiesberg, Knysna, Matzikama, Mossel Bay, Overstrand, Saldanha Bay, Swartland, Table Bay 12/07/21 00h00 13/07/21 00h00

Discussion: The cold front is expected to affect the Western Cape on Monday. South-westerly swell with wave heights between 4.5-6.0m and wave periods of 16 seconds are expected along the south and southwest coastline behind the cold front persisting into Tuesday afternoon. The area of concern is between Hondeklip Bay and Cape Agulhas from Monday morning, and through to Plettenberg Bay in the afternoon.

Impact: Difficulty in navigation at sea for small vessels and person water craft (e.g. kayaks) can be expected. This may lead to vessels taking on water and capsizing in locality. Disruption to beach front activities is likely.

Instruction: Be aware of large unpredictable waves along the coast. Small vessels are advised to seek shelter in harbours, bays or inlets.

Hazard Alert Level Affected Municipalities Valid from (SAST) Valid to (SAST)
Disruptive Snow Yellow(L4) Breede Valley, Cederberg, George, Hantam, Karoo Hoogland, Oudtshoorn, Witzenberg 12/07/21 00h00 13/07/21 00h00

Discussion: Forecasts indicate a spread of 05-10cm with some parts receiving 15cm of snow over the mountains of the Cape Winelands and the West Coast District (Cederberg mountain range), as well as the southern high ground in the Hantam and Karoo Hoogland municipalities (N. Cape) from Monday afternoon. The snowfall will spread to the Garden Route mountain ranges during Monday evening, persisting into Tuesday afternoon with significant impacts expected in the Outeniqua and Swartberg mountains.

Cape Town Weather Office
2nd Floor: Oval Office Park
Cape Town Int airport
Freight Road
Cape Town

7 July 2021 Media Alert: Memorial Service of the late GRDM Fire Chief on 8 July at 10:00am

Media Alert: Memorial Service of the late GRDM Fire Chief on 8 July at 10:00am

Garden Route District Municipality will host a memorial service for the late Fire Chief Freddy Thaver on Thursday, 8 July 2021 at 10:00am.

You can join the proceedings via the following channels:



Youtube link:
