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Garden Route

5 May 2021 Media Release: Cut-off low to cause adverse weather conditions over parts of the Western Cape

Media Release: Cut-off low to cause adverse weather conditions over parts of the Western Cape

For Immediate Release
5 May 2021

Cut-off low to cause adverse weather conditions over parts of the Western Cape – 5 to 6 May 2021

A cut-off low is expected to affect the Western Cape from tomorrow (Wednesday 5 May) into Thursday, resulting in widespread showers and thundershowers, strong winds, and very rough sea conditions especially from Wednesday evening, extending into Thursday.

Read more: SAWS Media Release – Medrel 4 May 2021

30 April 2021 Media Release: Adaptive Capacity Facility Climate Resilient Human Settlements Pilot Programme to be project managed by the GRDM

Media Release: Adaptive Capacity Facility Climate Resilient Human Settlements Pilot Programme to be project managed by the GRDM

For immediate release
30 April 2021

Adaptive Capacity Facility Climate Resilient Human Settlements Pilot Programme to be project managed by the GRDM

The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) is one of three (3) district municipalities that were selected to be the beneficiaries of the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries (DEFF) Adaptive Capacity Facility (ACF): Climate Resilient Human Settlements Pilot Programme. The Government of Flanders will fund this programme through its Country Strategy Paper (CSPIII) over five years. The funds will mainly be used to implement climate change adaptation projects that build human adaptive capacity.

The programme intends to select projects across three (3) typologies. These include urban settlements, peri-urban settlements, and rural settlements. These settlement typologies fall under the banner of “testing climate-resilient human settlements”.

After an extensive two-day site visit investigation by DEFF from 22 – 26 March 2021, the high fire risks within the GRDM and the threat of these fire risks to vulnerable communities were identified as a focus area for a project that will be funded as part of the programme.

The first co-creation workshop (one of three planned workshops) was arranged in Knysna to workshop possible fire resilient projects and challenges. The workshop included all the key stakeholders within the project area and the participation of some vulnerable community leaders/members.

The day before the workshop, on 23 March 2021, DEFF’s videographer visited some key fire risk areas in the Garden Route to document the conditions and challenges on the ground.

At the workshop, various presenters provided information on the project focus areas, fire risks and impacts within the GRDM, as well as current and future climatic changes and predictions on what this will mean for the fire risks to vulnerable communities going forward.

The workshop also included conveying the traumatic experiences of stakeholders such as the authorities and vulnerable community members during the 2017/18 Knysna/Plettenberg Bay fires.

Second Workshop – 23 April 2021

From 21 to 23 April 2021, the GRDM, DEFF/ACF and critical stakeholders had a fruitful second workshop to have more detailed discussions on priority interventions to be unpacked into projects. The workshop outcomes included the following priority intervention categories:

  • Ecosystem-based fuel load management: To include block burning, fire breaks, alien clearing as well as an initial follow-up; fire-scaping; access /escape route management;
  • Early fire detection and monitoring: cameras and towers;
  • Training: Development of a training academy, train the trainer, “training – to be wildfire ready”, basic land management principles; workshops on legislative requirements.

During the two workshop engagements, all the stakeholders agreed upon the following project criteria. The GRDM will lead the project, and although the initial idea was that the interventions would be geographically focused in the Knysna area, particular emphasis will be on the areas identified as high-risk areas in the recently completed macro fire risk assessment by the GRDM.

The project will address fire risk from a climate change adaptation perspective. The project interventions must have a robust interface with human settlements (meaning that we need to consider the project interventions’ impacts on the selected human settlements, and we need to take into consideration the needs of that human settlement/s);

The project interventions will be located within an urban setting. This does not mean that the settlements need to be formal dwellings and “high-income” communities; on the contrary, grassroots communities vulnerable urban settlements will be the primary target audience. This means that informal settlements and forest communities with strong links to urban areas will be targeted.



30 April 2021 Media Release: Western Cape Premier Alan Wine and Minister Tertuis Simmers visit Garden Route Housing Projects


30 April 2021

Yesterday, Western Cape Premier, Alan Winde and Provincial Minister of Human Settlements, Tertuis Simmers visited the Mountain View Integrated Residential Development Programme (IRDP) in Mosselbay, which is currently still under construction. Pursuant to this, Premier Winde and Minister Simmers also visited the Syferfontein IRDP in George.

The Premier of the Western Cape, Alan Winde, said: “As the Western Cape Government, we are committed to creating opportunities for ownership and are driving this through the Department of Human Settlements’ numerous catalytic projects. During our visits to Mountain View project in Mossel Bay and the Syferfontein project in Pacaltsdorp today we had the opportunity to engage with recipients of housing opportunities who have now become home-owners.”

By creating opportunities for ownership, we are enabling residents to accrue assets which not only give them security but can also be leveraged. This ultimately ensures that vulnerable families can start to change the financial circumstances of generations to follow. Ownership must be our aim when creating sustainable human settlements, as it guarantees that we empower residents in the province into the future.”

The Mountain View IRDP which commenced in July 2019 with a budget of R 297 million is estimated to be completed by July 2022. Upon conclusion, it is expected to create 1 006 housing opportunities, which consists of 725 BNG units, 278 FLISP units, 1 Commercial Sites and 2 public open spaces/Playground.

The Syferfontein IRDP in George which has a budget of R 434 million commenced August 2018 and is expected to be concluded later this year. It is set to deliver 2 113 housing opportunities. This will consist of 1 668 Breaking New Ground (BNG)/free housing, 233 FLISP and various other commercial, faith and social entities. To date, 67 qualifying and deserving beneficiaries have already moved in.

Minister Simmers said: “I was happy to witness how quickly the beneficiaries are settling in and how they’re taking ownership of their space. The joy on their faces and general positive feedback serves as encouragement to continue serving our people in this manner.

This also demonstrates the Western Cape Government’s commitment to continue improving the lives of the most vulnerable in our society. It is further pleasing to note how the Syferfontein development is playing its role in integrating our citizens, as people from various backgrounds, creeds, languages, cultures and sexual orientations are now living in one new community.

I’d also like to thank all provincial and municipal officials for ensuring there’s been a swift response from the contractor to address some of the snags reported by beneficiaries. We’re looking forward to the conclusion of both projects so that more people can take ownership of these new opportunities and participate in this lifechanging experience.

As the Western Cape Government, we remain committed to accelerating human settlement delivery, while promoting social inclusion through the development of integrated, resilient, safe and sustainable human settlements in an open opportunity society.”

Media Enquiries:

Marcellino Martin

Spokesperson for Minister Tertuis Simmers

021 483 3397 (o) / 082 721 3362 (m)


Nathan Adriaanse

Director Communication & Stakeholder Relations

Tell: 021 483 2868 / Mobile: 083 2631720


15 March 2021 Media Release: 90 People benefit from a Garden Route District Municipality Road Construction Leadernship

Media Release: 90 People benefit from a Garden Route District Municipality Road Construction Learnership

For Immediate Release
15 March 2021

This month the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) officially launched the Supervision of Construction Process Learnership in Calitzdorp. GRDM first initiated the Road Construction NQF Level 2 program in 2016; a program that aims to equip all GRDM Road Construction officials with added competencies to ensure safer roads within the district. The outcome of the initial program was extremely successful with a pass rate of 97%. Later in 2017, a NQF Level 3 program was launched and targeted 60 officials to participate 100% of students passed this program.

The newly launched National Certificate in Supervision of Construction NQF Level 4 program includes 75 officials of the GRDM and 15 unemployed youth from the Garden Route. The one year program will be divided into 30% theory focused classes and 70% on the job training.

GRDM Portfolio Chairperson for the Roads Department, Councillor Rowan Spies, during the launch of the programme alluded to the fact that this is the first programme where 25 participants were attending theoretical training from various locations throughout the district. “Covid-19 has robbed us from having huge gatherings. However, at GRDM we have to adapt to a new approach to training,” said Cllr Spies. He wished all the learners on the program the best of luck and said that he was extremely excited and filled with pride that everyone would benefit from the program.

The Executive Manager of Roads Services, Mr John Daniels encouraged participants to grab the opportunity with both hands. He explained that his department follows the concept, “from sweeper to engineer”, where all staff members are presented with equal opportunities to be able to achieve the peak of their careers, regardless of where they started. Mr Daniels boasted that his Department invested a further substantial amount of funding towards bursaries. “This is all done to improve the department’s vision of providing quality services to the public,” he said.

Ms Nokuthula Dube, Chief Executive Officer of Nokuthula Dube and Associates, the service provider for the training, shared a broad overview of the programme. She explained to participants that the programme wasn’t easy as it includes a wide variety of supervisory skills and project planning. However, she wished the learners well and encouraged them to be committed to their studies and concluded that only hard work will pay off at the end of the day.

Two employees of GRDM who are also participants in the programme, Ms Valentyn and Mr Mona, thanked the GRDM Management on behalf of all participants for providing them the opportunity and investing in their future. The chairpersons from both trade unions IMATU and SAMWU pledged their support towards the programme and encouraged learners to make use of the opportunity presented to them with energy and optimism.

During his keynote address, the Executive Mayor of GRDM, Alderman Memory Booysen, motivated learners by sharing his own life story and challenges faced during his upbringing and career path. Alderman Booysen explained: “My goal while at school was to become a truck driver. My primary and tertiary school years were not all plain sailing and I started believing that I wasn’t going to pass matric. The only hope I had was to follow in my family’s footsteps to become a truck driver. To my surprise, I passed matric and at that time I did not have any plans to continue studying; I took a leap year and ended up being an “agter-ryer” – an assistant to a truck driver,” Booysen said.

Alderman Booysen promised participants that he will share with them how he managed to become the Executive Mayor of the GRDM, but only on the day they graduate. However, he encouraged learners to take the opportunity seriously and meet GRDM’s same intent – to take the development of everyone serious. To conclude, Alderman Booysen encouraged the GRDM Training and Development Section to make sure that no participant drops out of the program and to provide management with monthly reports to ensure that the participants stay in the program and complete the program.


During the closing remarks, Cllr Spies thanked the Executive Mayor for his leadership role, the Management Team for their commitment to Skills Development and all the participants for their courage to enrol for further studies. He also thanked the Program Director Ms Simile Mqoto (Manager Roads) for directing the program.


15 March 2021 Weather Alert: Weather forecast 15 – 22 March 2021

Weather Alert: Weather forecast 15 – 22 March 2021

Garden Route District Municipality disseminates the information below on behalf of the South African Weather Service.

An upper cut-off low-pressure system is dominating the atmospheric circulation resulting in cloudy and rainy conditions over most parts of the province, with rain abating in the West Coast District and Cape Metropole as well as the Northern parts of Cape Winelands during the afternoon. The continuous onshore flow along the Overberg and Garden Route coastal areas will result in localised flooding in these areas as well as disruptions on the roads.

(A warning detailing these impacts has been issued already on 14/03/2021 and it is still on track).

Tomorrow Tuesday, rain will be confined to the Southern parts of the province, especially the coastal areas, persisting into the evening.

Further, into the week, a coastal low pressure will bring foggy conditions along the West and Southwest coastlines on Thursday morning. Cloudy and rainy conditions are expected along the Overberg and Garden Route coast from late Thursday night, persisting into Saturday afternoon, with no risk of impacts at this stage.

Coastal Wind– A strong South Easterly wind of 45 to 55km/h can be expected along the coast today and tomorrow, and again on Friday.

Most recent Spring Tide date: 14 March 2021 at 01:54 SAST

Sea State– 2.5 to 3.0m wave heights with a Southerly swell today into Wednesday and again on Friday into the weekend.

Weather conditions will be monitored during the week and any further developments will be communicated if needs be.

Issued by the South African Weather Service.

Report any severe weather-related incidents to the Garden Route Disaster Management Centre at telephone number 044 805 5071.

12 March 2021 Public Notice: Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC) Meeting on 23 March 2021 at 10:00 am

Public Notice: Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC) Meeting on 23 March 2021 at 10:00 am

Notice is hereby given in terms of the MFMA Circular  No 32  of the Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act 56 of 2003) that the Garden Route District Municipality’s Municipal Public Accounts Committee, responsible for the Review and Analysis of the 2019/20 Annual Report, will be taking place on 23 March 2021.

Date: 23 March 2021

Time: 10h00-12h00

Place: Virtual Link here

Questions will be posed to Management to get clarity on the contents of the Annual Financial Statements and the Annual Report.  The draft oversight report will be written after this meeting.

For any further enquiries regarding this MPAC meeting kindly contact Mr Thembani Loliwe at 044 803 1430



12 March 2021 Media Release: Garden Route Health Platform Update

Media Release: Garden Route Health Platform Update on 12 March 2021

The Garden Route district has to date vaccinated 680 healthcare workers since the district’s roll-out of the vaccination plan on 3 March 2021 at George Hospital.

“We are happy to report that our first two weeks of vaccinations went without major hiccups and we have used 100% of the allocated vaccines. We also thank the staff who have received the vaccination, who despite experiencing mild side-effects, still showed up for work in order to provide a health service to our clients. It took effort and teamwork to set up the vaccination site at George Hospital. I would like to thank everyone involved, directly and indirectly for your contribution”, said District Director for Garden Route and Central Karoo districts, Mr Zee Brickles.

The overall intent of the vaccination roll-out is to prevent severe illness and death and to protect the health system. During Phase 1, healthcare workers are being targeted first, to ensure that we are able to vaccinate the most at risk healthcare workers first to ensure our readiness for a third wave. 

To date, the Western Cape received 25 960 vaccines in two tranches as part of the J&J/Sisonke implementation study: Tranche One (13 160) and Tranche Two (12 800).   

George Hospital remains the only vaccination site in the Garden Route as part of the Sisonke programme.

Planning for Phases 2 & 3

Phases 2 and 3 will cover larger numbers of residents and will include other frontline services, people in congregate settings, essential workers, those at risk due to age or comorbidity, and finally, in phase 3, the general adult population. We are working hard to put all the systems in place to roll out these phases as soon as approved vaccines arrive.   The current planning is for quarter 2, likely from May onwards.  

Register for vaccine 

During phase 1, only healthcare workers who wish to take up vaccination can register on the national Electronic Vaccination Data System (EVDS): Once registered they will be issued with a voucher indicating the vaccination site and date to go for the vaccination. Registered healthcare workers are asked to liaise with the relevant person at their workplace to book their appointment after they have received their voucher.  

Currently, we request non-healthcare staff not to register on the system. We will inform the public when they can start registering on the system.

Importance of vigilance 

We cannot become complacent. We want to remind the public of the need for continued COVID-19 vigilance in order to prevent a third wave.  Avoid crowded places, close-contact settings and confined and enclosed spaces. Always wear a mask when in public, wash your hands, don’t touch your face, keep 1.5m apart, cover your cough and stay home when sick– this is the best way to prevent a third wave.

Garden Route Stats







1 936


1 818


Mossel Bay

7 266


7 039



11 736


11 165



4 779


4 594



2 717


2 606








3 914


3 565



33 213


31 599

1 291



Nadia Ferreira

Principal Communications Officer

Garden Route and Central Karoo Districts

Western Cape Government Health

Town Clinic, Plettenberg Bay

Tel: 076 379 5423



9 March 2021 Media Release: Thembalethu Bridge upgrade will boost Southern Cape economy

MEDIA RELEASE: Thembalethu Bridge upgrade will boost Southern Cape economy
Issued on behalf of SANRAL and George Municipality, Tuesday 9 March 2021

Western Cape, 9 March 2021 – With road infrastructure being prioritised in South Africa’s economic recovery plan in a post-COVID environment, the upgrade of the Thembalethu Bridge in George, bodes well for the Southern Cape economy. This project is a collaborative venture between SANRAL and the George Local Municipality, with the Department Transport having provided R82,127 million towards the funding of the project. SANRAL is the Implementing Agent working closely with the George Municipality.

The total construction period is between 24 and 30 months, which should create project participation opportunities for SMMEs as well as both direct and indirect jobs for the local community.

The scope of works involves the widening of the Thembalethu Bridge across the N2 from a single carriageway to accommodate two lanes in each direction, with additional turning lanes as well as extra space for pedestrians and cyclists.

“A new bridge will be constructed on the Western side. Once completed, the existing bridge will be raised and stitched to the new bridge, to ensure that the upgraded structure complies with the minimum bridge clearance of 5.2 metres,” explained Petronella Theron, SANRAL Project Manager.

Detailed design works are currently being finalised and the tender for a contractor will be out by June 2021. Taking the procurement processes into account, the contractor should be appointed by November 2021.

All SANRAL projects are guided by a 14-point plan that sets the tone for project liaison, sub-contracting and labour sourcing, as well as a commitment to its transformation policy that seeks to prioritise economic empowerment of black businesses in South Africa.

“With 30% of the project value being committed to targeted enterprises for subcontracting, there are huge opportunities for start-ups and emerging SMMEs to benefit from project participation,” said Thembinkosi Mosobela, SANRAL Stakeholder Coordinator in the Western Region.

A process of engagement with relevant stakeholders is already underway and SANRAL, together with the George Local Municipality will explore opportunities to provide training and development of SMMEs in the road construction sector, to ensure that they are equipped, capacitated and ready to tender for work packages that become available on this project.

“These information-sharing and training sessions are of cardinal importance to ensure we broaden the scope of economic opportunities to businesses in the surrounding communities. Our transformation objectives are particularly aligned to facilitate the participation of persons with disabilities, women-owned business as well as youth-owned operations,” continued Mosobela.

– Ends –

Issued on behalf of SANRAL by FTI Consulting. For assistance please contact Melany Kühn on 078 8877 004. For editorial content or additional information contact:


Chantèl Edwards-Klose

Manager: Communications & IGR

Office of the Municipal Manager

Office:044 801 9160

Cell:082 350 2420
