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Local Government News

23 February 2024 Media Release: GRDM funds training for 120 unemployed youth as Patrol Officers

Media Release: GRDM funds training for 120 unemployed youth as Patrol Officers

For immediate release
23 February 2024

The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) was granted funding by Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority (SASSETA) to train 120 unemployed learners as Patrol Officers across the Garden Route district. This programme includes all the (7) b-municipalities, under the coordination of the Garden Route Skills Mecca (GRSM) program – a skills development initiative owned by the GRDM.

Training commenced on 30 October 2023 and will conclude on the 1st of March 2024.

Management and officials from Garden Route District Municipality, with beneficiaries of the Patrol Officer Training Programme.

The allocation per municipal area includes: Bitou – 17, Knysna – 14, George –13, Mossel Bay – 10, Kannaland – 31, Hessequa – 20 and Oudtshoorn – 15.

The course consists of both theory and practical experience that includes the following unit standards:

  • How to perform basic firefighting.
  • Carry out basic first aid treatment in the workplace.
  • How to use security equipment.
  • Conduct a security patrol in an area of responsibility.
  • Handle complaints and problems.
  • Perform handover and take-over responsibilities.
  • Give evidence in court.
  • Apply legal aspects in a security environment.
  • Explain the requirements for becoming a security service provider.

Training takes place at various venues across the region and learners are hosted at different workplaces to complete their practical part of the programme. Apart from learners receiving a monthly stipend, each student will furthermore receive a certificate for General Security Practices Skills Program: Patrol Officer NQF 3, when successfully completed.

These learners were placed at various institutions to do their practical training. These institutions include:

  • George Municipality
  • Knysna Municipality
  • Oudtshoorn Municipality
  • Hessequa Municipality
  • Kannaland Municipality
  • Mossel Bay Municipality
  • Alert Patrol Securities (Mossel Bay)
  • Plett Security (Bitou)
  • Isolomzi Securities (Bitou)

Sisanda Sajini, one of the twelve (12) Garden Route Skills Mecca Technicians who is based at the GRDM’s Economic Development Unit, currently provides project management assistance by coordinating meetings and continuously gives feedback and updates to the GRDM.

Project Manager of the SASSETA, Boniswa Witbooi, on the 7th of September 2023, visited the GRDM for an induction session as part of a monitoring process organised by the Corporate Service Department of GRDM.

GRDM is grateful for the opportunity to work with the SASSETA, especially the team, including Wahida Moosa, Boniswa Witbooi and Katlego Pitso, in combating unemployment and poverty within the Garden Route district.

Did you know?

After completion of the Patrol Officer Training, learners will be able to work as Patrol Officers, Security guards and will operate mainly in the security sector.

This is an entry-level qualification which will enable individuals to enter the Security industry and develop competencies in standard security practices, such as access and egress control, security response and patrols, asset protection and visible security operations and will also enhance their career opportunities within the security environment.


22 February 2024 Opportunity: The National Business Initiative (NBI)

Opportunity: The National Business Initiative (NBI)

14 February 2024

The National Business Initiative (NBI) wishes to appoint a professional that will provide Construction Project Management and Quantity Surveying services to support the establishment of skills and enterprise development hubs (Installation, Repair and Maintenance Hubs) across various locations across the country. In the initial stages, the PM/QS will work as part of a team of consultants, to deliver concept and viability stages. At the point of handover
during stage 3, their role will shift to act as a client representative and to oversee the work of the professionals appointed to deliver stages 3-6.

The National Business Initiative (NBI) is the Project Executing Agency; for the establishment of 7 IRM Hubs across South Africa.

IRM hubs are multi-functional industrial facilities that act as interfaces between supply and demand of labour. They support all facets of job creation throughout the value chain in different kinds of installation, repair and maintenance businesses. The IRM hub is a public institution (facility) that serves entrepreneurs and SMMEs from the local community: It provides workspaces, technology, business development support and skills training to existing enterprises and start-ups. The hub also serves as a public institution (facility) that supports the delivery of short skills programmes to enable unemployed youth to access employment opportunities in entry level technical roles in installation, repair and maintenance. The IRM hub builds networks of the business community and acts as facilitator for SMMEs to access business opportunities.

Infrastructure-wise, the hubs will consist of a set of workshop spaces for different user groups, a maker space, meeting and training rooms and an entrance area that foresees a hall for multiple purposes as well as a space for selected businesses to open up the hub towards the community.

It is envisaged that the construction programme will be completed in 2028 as such the contract period will be from the 15 th March 2024 until programme completion. Resource allocation will however not be full-time during the project duration. This will be reviewed annually.

We are anticipating that the successful professional will be contracted for at least 10 days per month.

Please provide your response via email to and copy no later than the 1st March 2024, indicating your availability and kindly provide the following for consideration:
• CV with relevant supporting documents.
• Evidence of having completed similar work.
• Proof of registration with the SACPCMP.
• A daily professional fee rate for the Provision of the aforementioned services

Click here to read more.

Issued: National Business Initiative (NBI)

20 February 2024 Public Notice: Council Meeting, 27 February 2024 at 10:00

Notice of a Council Meeting: 27 February 2024 at 10:00

Notice Number 13/2024

Notice is hereby given that a COUNCIL MEETING of the Garden Route District Municipality will be held at the CA Robertson Council Chambers and via Zoom, 54 York Street, George, on 27 February 2024 at 10:00.

MG Stratu
Municipal Manager
54 York Street
P O Box 12

Tel: 044 803 1300
Notice Number 13/2024
20 February 2024

Click here to download the official Notice.

19 February 2024 Media Release: African Swine Fever (ASF) outbreak in pigs in George

Media Release: African Swine Fever (ASF) outbreak in pigs in George

19 February 2024

Last week, 7 February, a new outbreak of African Swine Fever (ASF) was confirmed in pigs of small farmers on the outskirts of Groeneweide Park, George. This is the fourth outbreak of this disease in the Garden Route area since 2022. Previously there had been outbreaks in KwaNonqaba and Mossel Bay in 2022 and 2023 which were both resolved; and an outbreak in Thembalethu in 2022 which remains a concern.

It is estimated that about 45 pigs have died thus far with about 250 pigs remaining in the area. The area has been placed under quarantine and community members have been urged to not remove any pigs or pig products from the area to prevent further spread of the disease.

ASF is a virus that affects pigs and there is no vaccination or treatment currently available for the prevention of the disease. Good biosecurity measures remain the best way to protect the pig industry.

The following measures are critical to minimising the spread:

– All carcasses should be disposed of safely;

– Pigs should be confined to prevent roaming and potentially picking up and spreading the disease;

– Hands, shoes, clothing and equipment should be sanitised before and after being in contact with a pig, so people do not spread the virus between animals;

– Any meat products should be thoroughly cooked before being fed to pigs; and

– Farmers should confirm that any purchased pigs are bought from known ASF-free herds.

– ASF virus is specific to pigs and does not affect humans or other species of animals. The public needs to know that pigs slaughtered at abattoirs have undergone meat inspection. Pork products found in supermarkets are safe for human consumption.

Usually, the first signs of an ASF outbreak are the sudden death of pigs. Still, in some cases, other symptoms can include breathing difficulties, redness of the skin, especially underneath the pig and on the ears, hind leg weakness and loss of appetite. Occasionally the pig may also have blood in their faeces and their vomit. Should these signs be seen, please contact your closest State Veterinary Office at

The department calls on all pig owners to implement strict biosecurity to protect their livestock from this disease and to call their nearest State Veterinary Office should farmers have any concerns.

Expert Advice

Dr Leana Janse van Rensburg

State Veterinarian: George

Western Cape Department of Agriculture

Cell: 083 797 0010


15 Februarie 2024 Mediavrystelling: Basiese Brandbestrydingsopleiding na Van Wyksdorp-inwoners uitgerol

Mediavrystelling: Basiese Brandbestrydingsopleiding na Van Wyksdorp-inwoners uitgerol

15 Februarie 2024

Die Tuinroete Distriksmunisipaliteit (TDM), Brand en Reddingsdienste het hierdie week vanaf 12 tot 15 Februarie 2024, inwoners van die Van Wyksdorp-area opgelei in basiese brandbestryding.

Die opleiding het begin met een (1) dag van teorie en (1) dag van praktiese vaardighede wat gefokus het om brande rondom strukture en binnenshuis te hanteer. Die studente is ook geleer oor die basiese beginsels wat gepaard gaan met die hantering van veldbrande in hul ontstekings fase.

TDM se Brandweerdienste sal ook ‘n 1000-liter watertenk en pomp-sleepwa aan die span voorsien. Dit sal aansienlik bydra tot vinnige reaksietyd op brande wat skielik ontstaan in die Van Wyksdorp-omgewing.

Daniel Dippenaar, TDM Stasiebevelvoerder: Brandveiligheid en Opleiding, het die opleiding gefasiliteer. Hy is ondersteun deur TDM-brandbestryders van Ladismith, asook Cornelius Willemse en sy medewerkers van die Kannaland Munisipaliteit se Beskermdienste.

Soorgelyke opleiding word beplan om plaas te vind aan die einde van Februarie 2024 vir die Witsand-area in die Hessequa-streek.

Media Release: First Responder Basic Firefighting Training rolled out to Van Wyksdorp residents

15 February 2024

The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Fire Services rolled out Community First Responder Basic Firefighting Training this week from 12 to 15 February 2024 to 15 locals.

The Training was done as a step in the direction of establishing a First Responder Team in Van Wyksdorp, Kannaland.

The training commenced with one day of theoretical and one day of practical skills to deal with fires around structures and within homes. The participants were also taught the basics of how to deal with suppressing wildfires.

GRDM Fire and Rescue Services will also supply the team with a 1000-litre water tank and pump trailer. This will greatly assist with rapid responses to fire outbreaks within the Van Wyksdorp area.

Daniel Dippenaar, GRDM Station Commander: Fire Safety and Training, facilitated the training and was assisted by the GRDM crew in Ladismith as well as Cornelius Willemse and a team of Kannaland Municipality Protection Services.

A similar intervention is planned for the Witsand area at the end of February 2024.



15 February 2024 Impact Based Weather Warning: Damaging Winds and Severe Thunderstorms

Impact-Based Weather Warning: Damaging Winds and Severe Thunderstorms

The Cape Town Weather Office has issued a weather warning valid from 15/02/2024 at 20h00 until 16/02/2024 at 21h00.

  • Areas affected by damaging winds, include Bitou, George, Hessequa, Knysna and Mossel Bay
  • Areas affected by severe thunderstorms, include Bitou, George, Hessequa, Knysna and Mossel Bay

Report weather-related incidents to the Garden Route Disaster Management Centre at 044 805 5071.

14 February 2024 Update 3 on the Construction of the GRDM Regional Waste Management Facility

Update 3 on the Construction of the GRDM Regional Waste Management Facility

14 February 2024

Bulk earthworks, including the final shaping of Cell 1A and excavation of the leachate and contaminated water dams, are in progress. The road box cut has been completed for the entire access road of 3.8km and the contractor has commenced with the road layer works.

The excavation of the subsoil drainage trenches in Cell 1A is in progress and all the required materials for the installation of the subsoil drainage is on site. The completion of the subsoil drainage will be followed by the installation of the various liners as legislatively required to prevent any underground water or environmental pollution. The clear & grub and removal of topsoil on Cell 1B (adjacent to Cell 1A) is also in progress.

There have been several delays in the construction process to date, however, all avenues to expedite the project is currently being pursued and a revised programme is to be submitted to Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) by 16 February 2024.


There are currently various activities taking place at the Regional Waste Management Facility in Mossel Bay.

14 February 2024 Frequently Asked Questions: Questions and Answers about Waste Management at the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM)

Frequently Asked Questions: Questions and Answers about Waste Management at the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM)

Click on the questions below to view the answers to frequently asked questions.

1. Who collects waste from households?

Local or metropolitan municipalities collect waste generated by households. District Municipalities provide technical support to local municipalities and assist with regional planning and coordination.

2. Who is responsible for operating a regional solid waste disposal site?

According to Section 84 of the Municipal Structures Act, regional solid waste disposal sites is a function of the District Municipality, in so far it relates to the determination of a waste disposal strategy; the regulation of waste disposal; and the establishment, operation and control of waste disposal sites, bulk waste transfer facilities and waste disposal facilities for more than one local municipality in the district.

The GRDM Council resolved that a service provider will operate the site for a period of ten years.

3. Who is responsible for operating a local waste disposal site?

Local municipalities are responsible for managing their own local waste disposal sites like Grootkop Landfill site in Oudtshoorn Municipality and Steynskloof Landfill Site in Hessequa Municipality. Due to the technical nature of operating a landfill site in accordance with Waste Management Licence conditions, it is common practice that municipalities outsource the operations to external service providers.

4. When was an Environmental Impact Assessment concluded for the Regional Waste Management Facility?

  • It was completed in 2012.
  • GRDM received Environmental Authorisation & a Waste Management Licence was issued by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment in 2014.

5. Why is a regional waste management facility needed?

The reason is because Bitou, Knysna, George and Mossel Bay Municipalities do not have landfill sites available anymore, requiring the GRDM to establish a regional waste management facility. These municipalities currently make use of the PetroSA Landfill site in Mossel Bay, which is near its full capacity. It is also a better choice to have a regional waste management facility because of economies of scale. It offers a reduced capital and operational costs and improved overall compliance. Further, the National Waste Management Strategy (Department of Forestry, Fisheries & the Environment) and the Provincial Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (DES&DP) advocates the regionalisation of waste management and disposal. DEA&DP is the licencing authority for general landfill sites and has indicated that they licences will only be issued for regional sites going forward.

6. What are more benefits of having a regional waste management facility?

  • Pooled funds ensure compliance to Waste Management Licence conditions, cost of compliance and rehabilitation is exorbitant.
  • Avoids detrimental environmental impacts – as opposed to a number of landfill sites spread across the district.
  • Reduces the utilisation of limited land for landfill sites.
  • Access control to the regional waste management facility will be limited – waste pickers and muggings will not happen at a regionally controlled site.
  • Waste will not be burned illegally.
  • Accurate reporting will be possible when it is controlled at a district-level because there will be weighbridges and sampling done.

7. Why has it taken so long for the Regional Waste Management Facility to get to this point?

  • The process already started in 2006 when municipalities agreed to pursue a regional waste management facility. The finalisation of all environmental processes and authorisations were concluded in 2014. The project first followed a Public Private Partnership approach, which includes substantial red tape and legislative processes, and unfortunately the appointed service provider withdrew from the PPP at the final stages of the process on 29 September 2020. The GRDM Council subsequently resolved to make use of a loan for funding the construction and to appoint a service provider to operate the facility on GRDM’s behalf.

8. Who designed the new site that is currently under construction?

Zutari (Pty) Ltd was appointed for the design, drafting of tender documentation & contract supervision for the Regional Waste Management Facility and associated infrastructure. A Service Level Agreement with Zutari was signed on 11 October 2021.

9. When was the loan tender process finalised?

  • The loan tender process was finalised and Standard Bank appointed. This required a Debt Agreement to be in place, which was signed on 03 July 2023.

10. Who is constructing the regional waste management facility?

Tefla Group was appointed as contractor to construct the Regional Waste Management Facility for R320 million.

11. What happens if waste is not stored, collected or disposed of properly – who intervenes?

GRDM’s Municipal Health Services monitors this in accordance with the provisions of the Health Act and reports on non-compliance to the local municipality or issue non-compliance notices to businesses in the private sector. The DEA&DP is the licencing authority and is responsible for the enforcement of waste management licences. The Environmental Management Inspectorate further enforces the National Environmental Management Act in terms of any environmental degradation emanating from non-compliance issues.

For Waste Management-related queries and assistance, contact Johan Gie (Mgr. District Waste Management), via e-mail:

Alternatively, contact Innocentia Sikweyiya, via e-mail:

10 February 2024 Media Release: Tacoma Sister Cities representatives from the USA have arrived

Media Release: Tacoma Sister Cities representatives from the USA have arrived

10 February 2024

Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) and domestic stakeholders hosted a meet-and-greet event today, 10 February 2024, at the Apprentice Restaurant within the Francois Ferreira Academy premises. This event marks a significant moment in the partnership between GRDM, local municipalities, the George Business Chamber, and many more with the Tacoma City Sisters.

The partnership between Tacoma and the Garden Route district seeks to support a wide range of cultural, educational, professional, and civic exchanges to improve trade and commercial activities. It encourages collaborative learning, working, and problem-solving, while also nurturing community bonds through cultural appreciation and joint endeavours.

Melannie Denise Cunningham, in her interim chairperson position of the formational phase of the Tacoma Garden Route Sister Committee, emphasised the importance of finding common ground to establish a foundation for impactful initiatives.

The Tacoma Sister Cities are embarking on this reconnaissance journey, while they are already aware of several opportunities that lie ahead. Their shared commitment allows them to explore avenues like golf with equal enthusiasm, and many more.

Ald. Memory Booysen, GRDM Executive Mayor thanked the George Municipality and Pastor Horne for their initial partnering with the Tacoma Sister Cities. “The experience around the tables here makes today a perfect gathering,” said Booysen. Ald. Booysen also explained that he sees the partnership as a conduit to make a meaningful difference to people at the grassroots level.

The George Business Chamber and George Municipality’s Cllr Dirk Wessels provide insights and contributions to the discussions. Cllr Wessels highlighted that he sees the Tacoma City Sisters as being here to uplift communities and to create a positive environment.

“It is fitting for us to be at the premises of the Francois Ferreira Academy where dozens of previously disadvantaged youth have been allowed to become the breadwinners of their families,” said Cllr Wessels. “Perhaps practical experience can be gained by some aspiring chefs in Tacoma in the future – that’s just one of many ideas for future collaboration”.

Keith Sharp from the George Business Chamber touched on the George Business Chamber and stated that one of their philosophies is to help businesses to employ more people. “Joblessness is the root cause of our social ills”. “We provide a platform for businesses to network more with one another and we are open for business with the Tacoma Sister Cities,” Sharp concluded.

An engaging week ahead lies ahead. The program, spanning until next Friday, includes various activities aimed at fostering closer ties and mutual understanding between all stakeholders. Starting with the GRDM will 11 February 2024 present its Growth and Development Strategy and the Garden Route Skills Mecca, local municipal areas will also be visited to discuss economic opportunities and community programmes and projects.

GRDM looks forward to fruitful discussions that will enhance partnerships and yield benefits to communities that are most in need of support.

Read about the previous engagement here

Feature image caption: The Meet-and-Greet attended by the City of Tacoma Sister City representatives, Garden Route District Municipality, George Municipality, the South Cape Economic Development Partnership, George Business Chambers and Eagle’s Nest Ministries.


9 Febuary 2024 Media Release: A Collaborative Effort in Disaster Preparedness: Strengthening Community Resilience, starting with our Schools

Media Release: A Collaborative Effort in Disaster Preparedness: Strengthening Community Resilience, starting with our Schools

For immediate release
9 February 2024

In a concerted effort to fortify community resilience against potential disasters, the Western Cape Provincial Disaster Management team joined forces with the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), Bitou and Knysna Municipalities. Together, they embarked on a mission to equip schools within our communities with knowledge and tools necessary to mitigate and respond effectively to various hazards with the key focus on floods, fires, and how to stay safe during loadshedding.

Recognising the pivotal role of education in disaster preparedness, the initiative placed schools at the forefront of the Departmental disaster awareness strategy. Drawing insights from a comprehensive Disaster Risk and Vulnerability assessment, it was a reminder that educational institutions serve as vital hubs for disseminating critical information to students and surrounding communities. Along the eastern border of the Western Cape and within the Garden Route district, ten (10) schools were identified as potential hosts for the Disaster Awareness Campaign that started on the 5th of February 2024 and end on the 9th of February 2024.

Among the schools that were earmarked for participation, are:

Bitou Local Municipal Area

– Wittedrift Primary School
– The Crags Primary School
– Formosa Primary School
– Phakamisani Primary School
– Kranshoek Primary School

Knysna Local Municipal Area

– Chris Nissen Primary School
– Thembelitsa Primary School
– Fraaisig Primary School
– Bracken Hill Primary School
– Karatara Primary School

These schools were strategically chosen based on their geographic positioning and capacity to engage with students. Spearheaded by the Western Cape Provincial Disaster Management Centre, the campaign sought to collaborate with schools in conducting a disaster awareness play tailored specifically for learners. The simulated plays helped to foster a culture of preparedness and responsibility within schools and surrounding communities. By empowering learners with the knowledge of what to do and whom to call in times of crisis, the initiative aimed to instill a sense of confidence and self-reliance among individuals.

Disaster educations sessions held at schools within the Knysna and Bitou areas.

Lee-Ann Joubert, Disaster Management Officer at GRDM, said: “As the Disaster Awareness Campaign reaching its conclusion, reflections on its success underscore the power of collective effort and collaboration. By harnessing the strengths of educational institutions and community stakeholders, significant strides are made towards building resilient and disaster-ready communities. Looking ahead, it is imperative to sustain the momentum generated by this initiative. Prioritising proactive measures and educational initiatives will be paramount in enhancing preparedness and response capabilities.

In closing Joubert said: “Together, let us remain steadfast in our commitment to navigating the challenges posed by natural disasters with resilience, unity, and unwavering determination”.

Feature Image: Lee-Ann Joubert, Disaster Management Officer at GRDM, during an education session.