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Local Government News

28 May 2020 Media Release: Extension of SLA between AON (PTY) Ltd and Garden Route District Municipality for 12 months

Media Release: Extension of SLA between AON (PTY) Ltd and Garden Route District Municipality for 12 months

For Immediate Release
28 May 2020

Council has appointed AON (underwritten by Lion of Africa) during 2015/2016, after a competitive bidding process was followed (Tender E/02/15-16). AON was appointed for a 3 year period to provide insurance coverage to council. The tender was extended until 30 June 2020 and a formal tender process was initiated during February/March 2020, but then the COVID19 pandemic struck South Africa which placed the procurement process on hold. On 27 May 2020, the Garden Route District Municipal Council discussed and approved the extension for 12 months from 1 July 2020 – 30 June 2021 of the Service Level Agreement between AON (PTY) Ltd and Garden Route DM, having due regards for the requirements as per section 116 of the Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003.

AON is willing to continue to render the contracted insurance services to Garden Route District Municipality for the 12 month extension period.

In terms of Section 116 of the Municipal Finance Management Act, Act 56 of 2003, a contract of agreement procured through the Supply Chain Management policy, may be amended by the parties, but only after the local community has been given reasonable notice of the intention to amend the contract or agreement.

The local community is henceforth invited to provide comments, if any, to Mr Monde Stratu, Municipal Manager, Garden Route District Municipality, via e-mail: before 15 June 2020.

For any information about the above, contact the Manager: BTO/AFS/Assets Ms. L Hoek at or Senior Accountant: Assets Mr J Samery at, telephone: 044 803 1325

26 May 2020 Media Release: Ecological grief sets in as the lockdown highlights the looming plight of greater humanity – the destruction of our environment

Media Release: Ecological grief sets in as the lockdown highlights the looming plight of greater humanity – the destruction of our environment

For Immediate Release
26 May 2020

“In an ongoing series of debates with experts in various fields, the Garden Route Environmental Forum (GREF) seeks to highlight aspects related to COVID-19 demands on humanity, and that which is unfolding as climate change steadily brings about corresponding and irreversible changes with daunting challenges,” says Cobus Meiring of the GREF Secretariat.

The matter of the fairly new concept of ecological grief and human behaviour, which was instigated by COVID-19, highlights the looming plight of greater humanity: the destruction of our environment.

According to Hanna Kotze, an organisational culture consultant and clinical social worker, climate change brings an unknown threat to normality in terms of how humans will experience the environment, and it will do so in many respects that are more often than not difficult to comprehend or even believe. In as much as the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is invisible, but the threat is very real and present, so is climate change, and humanity sense the danger, which in turn brings about a constant anxiety.

Says Kotze, “Ecological grief is a relatively new term for the subconscious but the concept embraces the collective grief humanity experiences when witnessing and experiencing loss of biodiversity and the destruction of the natural environment.”

“Natural disasters with their roots in climate change, such as the recent Knysna wildfire disaster, catastrophic drought in South Africa, Hurricane Katrina in the USA, wildfires in Australia and Europe, and the Idai tropical cyclone in Mozambique are all examples where humanity suffers from ecological grief, which no doubt impacts on the emotional well-being of nations affected,” explains Kotze.

“Many of us may feel paralysed by panic over climate change and overwhelmed by the pace and scale of ecological losses. Mourning nature does a great service by giving a name to this grief, setting us all within a community of others who mourn alongside us, and by guiding us to respond not with despair but with hope and courage”.

“Hopefully, the advent of COVID-19 will have the right kind of response in how we ensure a more sustainable future in South Africa and the world, and planning for what is to come will go a long way in ensuring just that,” concludes Kotze.

Humanity feels overwhelmed by the sheer destruction of our environment brought about by increasingly devastating natural disasters with their roots in a changing climate. (Photo: SCLI)

The Garden Route Environmental Forum (GREF) is a public platform for environmental management entities in the Southern Cape, and a regional think tank on climate change mitigation and adaption.


Cobus Meiring: Chair of the Garden Route Environmental Forum Secretariat

Cell: 083 626 7619



Hanna Kotze: Organisational Culture Consultant, Clinical Social Worker and Trauma Counselling

Mobile Number: 084 341 0059

Email Address:

25 May 2020 GRDM holds 2-day Institutional Strategic Planning Session to discuss its strategic direction

Press Release

25 May 2020

For Immediate Release

Councillors and management from Garden Route District Municipality, together with representatives from labour unions and various government stakeholders, on 7 and 11 May 2020, convened through a virtual platform, a Strategic Planning Session, to review all operations of the municipality since July to March 2020 and also to discuss the strategic direction that the municipality aims to undertake over the short- and long term.

This annual engagement, as described by the facilitator, Dr Florus Prinsloo, allowed all participants to share their inputs with regards to the damage that the COVID-19 pandemic has done to the economy of the district and also the district’s readiness and the interventions of the municipality to recover from the effects of the pandemic.

When describing the objective of the session, Executive Mayor of GRDM, Councillor Memory Booysen, emphasised the importance of all stakeholders, especially representatives from the various political parties, around one table to discuss strategic issues of the municipality.

With reference to the COVID-19 pandemic that also affects the rest of the work, including Garden Route,, Executive  Mayor Booysen said: “Nobody foresaw that by this time, we would all be affected by this pandemic”. He said: “We all have had to change our lifestyles; we now have to change our management styles as well as our political approach to provide direction to the management in our collective fight of this pandemic. We must use this time as an opportunity to prepare ourselves for change. All the initiatives we are busy with are all enforced by COVID-19. Some would not be sustainable and affordable, but we know that some initiatives have to be adjusted. We now have to realign how we use to do business and how we are going to adapt to the new norm,” Mayor Booysen added.

Municipal Manager of GRDM, Mr Monde Stratu, acknowledged that the pandemic has revealed the levels of poverty in South Africa, e.g. hunger, inhumane settlements etc., but also at the same time how the pandemic brought to the fore that government indeed works. He said: “As we plan for the new financial year, it will not be the same going forward. We have to re-look and review our strategies”.

Mr Stratu also provided feedback about the compliance of all committees from July to date and reported that all Council meetings that were scheduled to take place have been executed, all reports that were prepared to serve at oversight committees were processed and the annual report was approved in time. He furthermore provided an update on the application for GRDM to be registered as a Water Service Authority as well as an update regarding the catalytic projects such as the fresh produce market ,Renewable Energy Projects, Development Agency etc. which are still in its planning phases.

In respect of intergovernmental relations and public participation all forums took place including IDP forums. Mr Stratu furthermore reported that the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan and all planning processes to review the IDP and Budget have been undertaken and that all required financial reports have been submitted to the relevant structures. He therefore extended a word of appreciation to the political leadership for their role to ensure that the municipality complied with these legislative requirements. Mr Stratu also remembered and acknowledged the late Cllr Nomhiki Jacobs who participated in all these initiatives to ensure that Council adhered to all legislative requirements, however she sadly passed away on 18 March 2020.

In going forward, Mr Stratu highlighted the municipality is in a financially stable position, however, he said: “We now have to make serious changes in terms of the long term sustainability of the municipality”. He also acknowledged that the Cost Containment Regulations contributed to various strategies that had to be reviewed as many tourism and other projects came to a halt due to the lockdown.  He concluded with the following words:  “As a Council we do have the political will and we are confident to do everything possible to reignite the economy of the Garden Route in order to take our rightful place as a district municipality and lead as our vision reads”.

Dr Michael Sutcliffe, former City Manager of eThekwini Municipality made a presentation on the Municipal functions as outlined in section 84 of the Structures Act. He shared some findings on the research he has done on this functions and the recommendations that will be made with regards to possible review of Section 84 and 85 of the Structures Act. He acknowledged that the Garden Route District Municipality is capable of performing the functions of the district as outlined in Section 84. Dr Sutcliffe made an example that a district fresh model idea would address the needs of both the most impoverished communities to the richest of the rich.

Mr Walton Carelse from the Western Cape Government presented the Joint District Approach that started in July 2018. The model was developed in conjunction with Local Municipalities and was introduced at the Garden Route Municipal Managers Forum on 4 December 2018. The model included the identification and assessment of Municipal priorities throughout the district and developing a consolidated approach in achieving those priorities. Through these platforms the following themes were created to group the challenges of the municipalities, namely: climate change and water security, local economic development, immigration and urbanisation, infrastructure management, institutional governance, data management, intergovernmental planning alignment, partnering, partnerships and shared services, financial sustainability, citizen interface, political, administrative and social instability and waste management. Each district municipality had to identify their two/three top priorities from  the five top priorities identified across the Western Cape namely: community participation, infrastructure management, urbanisation, climate change and water security, as well as waste management. All these were identified prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. Now the municipality may have to review the priorities, in light of  Covid-19 pandemic. Currently the District has identified the following priorities from the broad themes:

  • Growing the Regional Economy
  • Developing Resilience as a Region
  • Integrated Management for Good Governance
  • Liveable Cities/Towns Social Cohesion
  • Sustainable Human Settlements

When presenting the COVID-19 Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) support programme, Mr Rashid Teofy, Head of the Western Cape Government COVID-19 Economic Cluster, together with members of the Cluster, explained the role of the Cluster since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. These include the access to incentives, the collating of information on all support measures to ensure that these are available to SMMEs etc. Furthermore, together with Provincial Treasury, a database has also been developed to deal with personal protective equipment, which municipalities and government departments can access for procurement of personal protective equipment such as cloth masks. Together with this, WESGRO created a platform for the private sector where suppliers and buyers can interact with one another regarding Covid 19 PPE. The unit also engages with businesses and banks on a bi-weekly basis to discuss the challenges of SMMEs. Another initiative that is also in its planning phase is to transform spaza shops into mini supermarkets which will allow a more sophisticated shopping experience for the community.

The concept of a digital economy was furthermore presented, whereby various components and services have been brought into one platform that can be accessed by SMMEs as a guideline or a digital support tool. The platform, known as Jump for Entrepreneurs, furthermore seeks to assist small businesses to become more competitive and have access to more markets. This tool can be accessed via The platform is updated on a regular basis and businesses are therefore encouraged to upload their profiles to interact with other businesses and remain competitive in this digital age.

The second day’s activities were in the form of presentations presented by the different Head of departments within the municipality.  Executive Managers used the opportunity to reflect on the past financial year’s achievements as well as the challenges experienced.  Councillors were enlightened with departments’ objective and strategies for the next financial year.  The impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic on service delivery was also discussed. These presentations outlined various exciting projects that the Municipality will be engaged in to ensure self-sustainability and improve the regional economy.


24 May 2020 Your mask can protect you – stay healthy!

There are a number of factors which have deterred some individuals from wearing masks or from wearing it correctly. Many have embraced the wearing of masks by buying or making their own colourful homemade varieties around their ears, while healthcare workers and other medical responders mainly wear N95 masks. There are, however, two distinct differences between cloth masks and N95 masks. Cloth masks protect people around the wearer, whereas respirator N95 masks protect the wearer from those around him or her.

The main benefit of wearing a mask is that it provides a bit of respiratory protection which can reduce depositing of droplets of the virus on surfaces and to others. Preventing a person from spreading the disease to others is important, because some people do not show any symptoms.

“We now understand that a significant portion of individuals with coronavirus lack symptoms and are therefore referred to as asymptomatic, said Gerhard Otto, Head of Garden Route District Municipality’s Disaster Management Centre. He further explains: “Those who eventually develop symptoms are called pre-symptomatic and can transmit the virus to others before showing symptoms.”

Why should you wear a mask?

The virus can spread between people interacting in close proximity — for example, speaking, coughing, or sneezing — even if those people are not exhibiting symptoms. This is important to note because one cough can produce up to 3 000 droplets. A recent study showed that humans spray thousands of droplets invisible to the naked eye into the air just by uttering the words “stay healthy”.

Remember wearing a mask is a precaution and courtesy to yourself and those nearby.

The GRDM Command Cenre therefore recommends that members of the public wear cloth face coverings in public settings. Businesses also have the right to prevent members of the public who are not wearing masks from entering their premises.

Keep your masks clean

When combined with proper hand washing and social distancing, masks may help the spread of COVID-19 in a community.

Remember to:

  • iron your mask after use or leave it in the sun;
  • avoid handling a mask without washing your hands;
  • wash your mask daily or after every extended use; and
  • wash your mask with a detergent containing bleach or a bleach-like ingredient, dry it, and it is good to go.

Five golden rules of good hygiene

  1. Wash your hands often for at least 20 seconds with soap and water
  2. Do not touch your face with unwashed hands
  3. Cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow and safely throw away the tissue
  4. Keep 1,5 metres apart from others
  5. Stay home if unwell. Contact a hotline or your health worker

Remember just because you can’t see the virus doesn’t mean that it is not there. Always wear your mask when required and badly fitting masks won’t protect you – wear your mask and wear it correctly to stay healthy.

  • National hotline: 0800 029 999
  • Provincial hotline: 021 928 4102
  • National WhatsApp: 0600 123 456

Media Queries
Herman Pieters | Senior Communicator
Garden Route District Municipality

24 May 2020 Media Release: Weekly update on the Coronavirus by the Garden Route District Municipality Command Centre

Media Release: Weekly update on the Coronavirus by the Garden Route District Municipality Command Centre

For Immediate Release
24 May 2020

The Garden Route has recorded three (3) COVID-19 deaths to date. We share our heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of the deceased and keep them in our prayers. Since 17 May 2020, the Garden Route has recorded 60 new positive COVID-19 cases – a total of 72 Garden Routers have now recovered from the virus.


The district has seen a sharp increase in the total number of positive COVID-19 cases over the past week. Most of the latest reported cases have been asymptomatic. This is a clear indication that there could be many more people who are already COVID-19 positive, but do not experience any symptoms. Rumours doing the rounds of parts of the Garden Route being identified as a hotspot for the Coronavirus are not true. According to the data provided to the Garden Route District Command Centre, there are only five (5) hotspots in the Western Cape and these fall outside the Garden Route district.

As at 26 May 2020, the stats are:

Most people who contract COVID-19 will not require hospitalisation, which is evidenced by the fact that nearly half the District’s total caseload has now recovered. However, we still need every resident to play their part to reduce infections and more specifically, to protect the vulnerable who are at a higher risk of becoming seriously ill.

This requires us to take stock of our behaviour and look at ways in which we can make changes to help flatten the curve and reduce the risk of transmission. Stay home as much as possible, especially if you are over 60 or have an underlying illness. When leaving home, hygiene measures such as washing or sanitising your hands, not touching your face and keeping your distance from other people are highly important. Wear a clean cloth mask should not replace these behaviours but should be used together for maximum effectiveness.

Graph above is applicable to COVID-19 stats from 01 April 2020 till 21 May 2020.


Social Relief Cluster: Department Social Development (DSD)

To date more than 50 000 food parcels have been delivered all over the Western Cape. To date 5 483 food parcels have been approved for people living in the Garden Route.

Western Cape DSD has done the above in terms of food parcels.
Garden Route shelters for the homeless.

Social Relief cluster: SASSA

Approximately 4,7 million people all over South Africa have applied for the special R350 relief fund. People between the ages of 18 and 59 are allowed to apply for the grant, while people who are 60 and over need to apply for an Old Age Grant. Those under the age of 18 qualify for a Child Support Grant.



WESGRO has created a digital marketplace link for PPE on the website where businesses can list and sell their products. To date, 20 Garden Route businesses have already signed up.

BET: Western Cape Department of Economic Development and Tourism (DEDAT)

DEDAT is going to procure PPE toolkits for informal traders/small businesses and these kits will include hand sanitizer, gloves, masks, COVID-19 awareness brochures and masks. DEDAT is currently focusing on hotspot management in the metropolitan area but will eventually expand their operations to the Garden Route. The Relief Impact survey closed on 22 May 2020 and results will be made available soon.

BET: Department of Labour

To date nearly R750 million have been paid towards COVID-19. Temporary Employer/Employee Relief Scheme countrywide, has benefited 149 263 workers representing 9 362 employers. Total amount paid out since April 16, 2020 has now topped R14 billion (R14 079 099 409.20). This is over and above ordinary UIF payment benefits which now stand at R1 849 992 773.21.

Given all required information and documentation, the fund is now paying out at best 24 hours after the claim is submitted, at worst 48 hours after claim was submitted.

Important contact details:
• UIF payment follow-ups can be done on toll free number 0800 030 007
• Website:

BET: Department of Agriculture

Disaster Fund
The Disaster Fund application process has been concluded. Vouchers will soon be issued to successful applicants.

Seedling Toolkits
The department is in the process of making available seedling toolkits and will engage with municipalities in this regard. Poverty stricken areas will be the main focus point.

24 May 2020 Western Cape – Severe Weather Alert

24 May 2020

Western Cape – Severe Weather Alert

The Western Cape Disaster Management Centre has been alerted by the South African Weather Service that severe adverse weather conditions are expected across large parts of the Western Cape starting late this evening.

Members of the public are advised that heavy rain and localised flooding can be expected in the following regions:

–  The City of Cape Town,

–  Overberg

–  Cape Winelands

In addition the SAWS has advised that disruptive snowfalls leading to temporary closure of mountain passes can be expected in the Cape Winelands District on Monday evening, spreading to the Little Karoo mountains overnight into Tuesday.

The Minister of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, Anton Bredell says the predictions indicate that winter has arrived in the Western Cape.

“While we welcome the wet weather given our drought situation, the concern is that the conditions may cause further challenges during this time of lockdown. We want to urge the public to take extra precautions and to contact the emergency services in the event of any emergency.”

The SAWS further predicts gale force winds and high seas with wave heights up to 9m between Cape Columbine and Plettenberg Bay from Monday morning, subsiding by early Tuesday morning. The winds are expected to move into the Central Karoo region by Tuesday.

“Provincial as well as Municipal Disaster Management Centres are already activated for the ongoing COVID-19 situation and will remain fully operational. The easiest number to remember to call in an emergency is 112. This number can be dialled toll-free from any cell phone. We are also calling on communities to cooperate with local authorities and emergency response personnel in the event of any emergency.”

In case of emergency other relevant numbers to call are:

Cape Winelands Municipality                               021 888 5837

Garden Route District:                                            044 805 5071

Central Karoo:                                                          023 414 2603

West Coast:                                                               022 433 8700

Overberg:                                                                 028 271 8111

City of Cape Town:                                                 107 landline or 021 480 7700

Flooding related Tip Sheet

How Can I Prepare for a Flood?

–  Identify the risk in your local area.

–  Prepare a home emergency plan, and identify risks around your home.

–  Remove leaves (from downpipes or gutters) or any other items that can increase the risk of flooding in your area.

–  Have an evacuation plan. Everyone in your family has to know where to go to find shelter.

–  Prepare an emergency toolkit. This should include a first aid kit, torch and portable radio with batteries, candles and waterproof matches, drinking water, a multi-tool, whistle and emergency contact numbers.

What Should I do during a flooding?

–  Monitor current flood warnings. Listen to the radio for emergency warnings, evacuation advice and weather updates.

–  Avoid entering floodwater unless it is necessary, and never underestimate the strength of floodwater, even if you are inside a vehicle.

–   Follow all instructions from emergency authorities.

–  Turn off all electricity and water and take your cellphone with you.

–  Assist elderly and disabled neighbours.

What Should I do after the flood?

–  Before entering your house, wait until the water has dropped below floor level.

–  Check with electricity and water authorities to know whether it is safe for you to use these resources.

–  Be aware of contamination if water sources have been flooded; this could be unsafe to drink.

Further tips provided by the SAWS:

–  (When moving around outdoors) dress in warm brightly coloured wet weather clothing.

–  If caught unawares by strong wind, barricade windows with wooded panels or strips (or furniture if needs be).

–  If ordered to evacuate do so immediately and in an orderly fashion. Listen to the radio or TV for warnings and obey the instructions from disaster management officers.


Media enquiries:

James-Brent Styan

Spokesperson for the Minister of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, Anton Bredell

Mobile:  084 583 1670 / Telephone: 021 483 2820 / E-mail:

21 May 2020 Media Release: Door-to-Door screening to continue

Media Release: Door-to-Door screening to continue

For Immediate Release
21 May 2020

Health Teams in the Garden Route District have screened more than 70 000 people and have referred 404 for testing through the  door-to-door screening and testing program. These community screening and testing outreaches are aimed at finding as many people as possible who might have COVID-19. During the community screening and testing the support of the community is essential for the success in stopping the spread of the virus.

Health teams are identifiable by their badges and clothing/uniform and allow them to screen you (ask questions regarding symptoms). If you are referred for testing, be assured these tests are safe. Testing for coronavirus is done by taking a swab in your nose.  While you await your results, we ask that you please quarantine at home in a separate room, if possible. We appeal to people who need to quarantine to stay home and not have visitors. If you cannot quarantine at home, speak to the health worker who will advise on facilities that are available for isolation and quarantine. Remember that only people who CANNOT isolate/quarantine at home will be advised on available facilities to do so.

Western Cape Government Health cannot do this alone.

“Every single person can help us in our effort, by staying home as much as possible, keeping a distance at all times, avoiding gatherings of people wherever it may occur, by always following the golden rules of good hygiene, and by properly wearing a clean cloth mask whenever out in public”, said Premier Alan Winde.

Members of the public are encouraged to continue practicing the 5 Golden Rules of Good Hygiene and to wear a cloth mask when in public spaces.

The 5 Golden rules of prevention:

  1. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  2. Keep surfaces clean
  3. Do not touch your face
  4. Cough and sneeze in your elbow fold
  5. Keep 1,5m away from people when you leave your home.

Teams have tested the following number of people as part of the door-to-door screening and testing program from 8 April to 20 May 2020:

  • Bitou subdistrict: 15 540 of which 37 were referred for testing
  • Knysna subdistrict: 5 134 of which 20 were referred for testing
  • George subdistrict: 14 961 of which 71 were referred for testing
  • Mossel Bay subdistrict: 12 307 of which 143 were referred for testing
  • Hessequa subdistrict: 14 939 of which 119 were referred for testing
  • Kannaland subdistrict: 3 034 of which 5 were referred for testing
  • Oudtshoorn subdistrict: 8 934 of which 9 were referred for testing

Door-to-door screening and testing sites for subdistricts 25 May – 29 May 2020

  • Bitou subdistrict: Crags (Kurland)
  • Knysna subdistrict: Sedgefield
  • George subdistrict: 25 May: Thembalethu Zone 3 / 26 – 29 May: Zone 4 (Lusaka-area)
  • Mossel Bay subdistrict: Alma
  • Hessequa subdistrict: 26 – 28 May: Slangrivier; 28 May: Albertinia; 25 – 26 May: Melkhoutfontein; 25 – 28 May: Riversdal; 27 May: Gouritsmond
  • Oudtshoorn subdistrict: 25 – 26 May: Bridgton; 27 – 28 May: Toekomsrus; 25 – 28 May: Dysselsdorp; 25 – 28 May: De Rust

Note: community screening is not the only place where screening is possible. Other methods of screening for COVID-19 include:

  1. 1.Self-assessment risk tool (
  2. Any Primary Healthcare facility is able to conduct screening (please be sure to call ahead)
  3. Your local GP and District Hospital (please be sure to call ahead)Caption: Community Health Workers will visit your home to ask you a few questions(screen).


Nadia Ferreira
Principal Communications Officer
Garden Route and Central Karoo Districts
Western Cape Government Health

21 May 2020 Severe Weather Alert

The Cape Town Weather Office has issued the following severe weather alert:

Hazard: Snow
Alert Level: Advisory
Valid From (SAST):25/05/2020 – 00h00
Valid To (SAST): 25/05/2020 – 00h00

Is expected over high-lying areas of the Western Cape province on Monday (25/05/2020).

Hazard: High Seas
Alert Level: Advisory
Valid From:25/05/2020 – 00h00
Valid To (SAST): 25/05/2020 – 00h00

High seas with wave heights of 6.0-7.0m are expected between Alexander Bay and Plettenberg Bay on Monday (25/05/2020).

Descriptions: Snow

Snow is precipitation in the form of flakes of crystalline water ice that fall from clouds. Since snow is composed of small ice particles, it is a granular material.

Precautions: Snow

If driving decrease your speed and leave yourself plenty of room to stop, you should allow at least three times more space than usual between you and the car in front of you.  Brake gently to avoid skidding. If your wheels start to lock up, ease off the brake. Even at temperatures above freezing, if the conditions are wet, you might encounter ice in shady areas or on exposed roadways like bridges. Listen to the radio or TV for warnings and obey the instructions from disaster management officers.

For more information or to report incidents, contact the Garden Route Disaster Management Centre at 044-805 5071.

21 May 2020 NMU George Campus remains closed for recreational activities

On 29 April 2020, the Government announced the easing of the national lockdown regulations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These regulations included the shift from lockdown alert level 5 to alert level 4, which allows for physical exercise within a 5-km radius of your home from 06h00 – 09h00.

We plead with the extended George community to honour this regulation and not use the George Campus for recreational or any other purposes so as to ensure the health and safety of those staff and students who are living on campus. The safety of our campus community is of paramount importance in these trying times as we strive to implement all COVID-19 related health and safety measures in line with Government regulations. We are unable to do so when there is ongoing unauthorised access to the campus via alternative entry points.

We trust that George residents are appreciative of these challenges and will seek alternative avenues for their exercise and recreational activities until such time as the pandemic is behind us and national regulations are lifted.

Thank you for your support.

Communication & Marketing
Nelson Mandela University: George Campus