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Local Government News

13 December 2021 Media Release: Water flowing in the Olifants River brings some relief to drought-stricken farmers

Media release: Water flowing in the Olifants River brings some relief to drought-stricken farmers

For Immediate Release
13 December 2021

Widespread heavy rains over the past few weeks have resulted in areas in the Garden Route experiencing flash floods. Meteorologists globally attribute this phenomenon to a “La Niña” weather season.

Rains in the Klein Karoo resulted in the Olifants River (Afrikaans: Olifantsrivier) flowing again after being dry for an extended period. The last time the river had this much water was in 2006.

It rained twice a week in the Klein Karoo for the past month and the recent cloud burst over Oudtshoorn pushed large amounts of water into the Olifants River.

Mr Gerhard Otto, Head of Disaster Management at Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) said that the GRDM, in conjunction with the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS), are carefully monitoring the water levels of the Olifants and Gamka rivers. They are also keeping a close eye on the upstream river water levels of Calitzdorp Spa.  “We have several early warning systems in place should the Spa be affected by flash floods,” said Otto.

This Olifants River has its origins in the Traka and Kalkwal Rivers north of the Swartberg, becoming the Olifants River after flowing through the Toorwaterpoort, flowing west through Oudtshoorn. It then joins the Gamka River to form the Gourits River and heads south to its mouth at Gouritsmond in the southern coast of the Western Cape.

Melanie Wilson, GRDM Manager, Economic Development and Tourism responded with enthusiasm about the rains by saying: “This is welcomed with open arms and will definitely give a break to the agricultural sector in that area.” She cautioned that the challenge still exists of the water running away from the area and that a system to store it is not in place yet. “This does not benefit the agricultural sector to the extent we’d like it to yet – those residing in the area barely cope with the severe drought that gripped the area for a few years”.

Otto agreed and noted that all possible measures should be taken to optimise every drop of rainwater, which is crucial for water-stressed areas like the Klein Karoo.

Although farmers are extremely grateful for each drop of water received, it must be noted that those who farm with stock, will only find themselves in a better position in about six weeks’ time. This is because grazing will become possible again, instead of having to rely on food pallets to feed the animals.

The levels of the major dams that provide drinking water for the Garden Route are as follows:

  • Garden Route dam: 100% – Source of drinking water for George;
  • Wolwedams dam:100,57% – Source of drinking water for Mossel Bay
  • Koos Raubenheimer dam: 100 % – Source of drinking water for  Oudtshoorn;
  • Korente Vet/ Poort dam: 104,23% Source of drinking water for  Riversdale;
  • Duiwenhoks dam: 102,38% Source of drinking water for  Heidelberg;
  • Roodefontein dam: 102,1% –  source of drinking water for Bitou; and
  • Calitzdorp dam: 64,55%- Source of drinking water for Calitzdorp.

The levels of the dams that provide water for irrigation in the Klein Karoo are in stark contrast to those in the rest of the Garden Route and the community remains hopeful that this will change. The levels of Stompdrift and Kammanassie are currently below 6 and 4% respectively.

Caption: Feature image: Olifants River flowing again after an extended dry period.


13 December 2021 Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua: Yellow level 1: Severe Thunderstorms

13 December 2021

Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua: Yellow level 1: Severe Thunderstorms

Please find included the Impact Based Warning for the Western Cape and Namaqua Region of Northern Cape

Legal notice:
“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.
It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

Hazard Alert Level Affected Municipalities Valid From (SAST) Valid To (SAST)
Severe Thunderstorms Yellow(L1)
(Medium likelihood of Minor Impacts)
Hessequa, Mossel Bay, Swellendam 13/12/21 10h00 13/12/21 15h00

Discussion: Showers and thundershowers are expected to develop over the southern and eastern parts of the Western Cape today where generally 10-25mm can be expected. However, there are a possibility of one or two of these thunderstorms to become severe for the Swellendam, Hessequa and Mossel Bay municipalities leading to pockets of heavy downpours (40-50mm in an hour) leading to flash flooding. Large amounts of small hail may also occur in pockets.

Impact: Localised areas of flash flooding of susceptible roads and low-lying areas along with localised damage to infrastructure and settlements (mainly informal) may occur. Very isolated events of a large amount of small hail are expected over an open area that can cause damage to livelihood and livestock.

Instruction: If possible stay indoors away from metal objects. Do not seek shelter under trees or tall objects. Do not go fishing or play golf as both the golf clubs and fishing rods are good conductor of electricity. Be aware that any combination of hail, strong winds and/or heavy downpours can accompany the storms.

Cape Town Weather Office
2nd Floor: Oval Office Park
Cape Town Int airport
Freight Road
Cape Town

10 December 2021 Media Release: GRDM Executive Mayor and stakeholders motivate matric students to achieve success

GRDM Executive Mayor and stakeholders motivate matric students to achieve success

For immediate release
10 December 2021

It was a stirring evening for matric students from Rosemoor, Thembalethu and Pacaltsdorp in George on 7 December 2021. They received a special visit from the Executive Mayor from Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) and George Municipality as motivation for them to achieve success.

These students attend evening classes driven by Indigo, a non-profit organisation based in Pacaltsdorp (George) to study towards obtaining their matric certificates. Since August this year, the night school has been running for people who need to complete their matric qualification.

The project has now been expanded to the areas of Rosemoor and Thembalethu to reach all those who have the vision to build a promising future for themselves. GRDM Executive Mayor earlier this year also got involved in the project by ensuring that R15 000 was donated to the school. 

Motivational speakers, representatives from Indigo and matric learners from Thembalethu, during the visit.

According to Myrtle Sacuenda (chairperson of Indigo), the funds were used to procure stationery for the participants. During the visit, the representatives handed the stationery packs over to the students in Rosemoor where the first visit took place.

During his address to the participants in the presence of the educators, Executive Mayor of GRDM, Ald. Memory Booysen, shared his background with a specific focus on his school years and the challenges he faced as a learner. He mentioned that those challenges never stopped him from achieving many successes. “I got second chances too; that is why GRDM did not hesitate to reach out to Indigo,” said Booysen. He added: “You must demonstrate perseverance”. He also emphasised that the future of South Africa is education. Adding to this he said: “I, therefore, take my hat off to the teachers – we must appreciate our teachers because when you plan to enter any career or profession in life, you have to go through a teacher”.

From left are: Pastor Vernon Arries , Georgina Arries (retired nurse, George Hospital), Alderman Memory Booysen (Executive Mayor of Garden Route District Municipality) and Myrtle Sacuenda (Chairperson and Project Manager of Indigo), soon after the event in Rosemoor.

Mayor Booysen also had a message for the teachers: “Be careful what you say to the learners.  We do not always understand what words can do to our learners.  Suppose an educator says something to a learner once per week. In that case, learners will probably start to believe what is said to them and then, sadly, those learners would want to drop out of school”.

In closing, Mayor Booysen praised the students, teachers and Indigo with the following words: “What you are doing with this initiative and what South Africa needs to succeed, is for every single person or individual to be able to help him or herself. He concluded: “By helping yourself, you are helping South Africa”.

Georgina Arries also inspired students by telling her story of when she matriculated, which she was able to do by pushing through life’s challenges working during the day and attending night school.

Myrtle Sacuenda, Chairperson and Project Manager of Indigo, also extended a word of appreciation to project coordinator at Indigo, Julian Folding, as well as the team and also the motivational speakers, including: Malcolm Damons (Western Cape Department of Education), Pastor Vernon Arries,  Georgina Arries (retired nurse, George Hospital), Cllr Jayze Jantjies, as well as Errol Jaftha (Jaftha Foundation), for their thoughtful and inspiring messages to the matric students.

Feature Image: Executive Mayor of Garden Route District Municipality, Alderman Memory Booysen during his motivational address to the matric students of Rosemoor.


10 December 2021 Public Notice: NOTICE OF 2020/2021 ANNUAL REPORT AND OVERSIGHT REPORT

Public Notice: 119/2021


Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 129(3) of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act 56 of 2003) that the Garden Route District Municipal Council hereby makes public the Oversight Report on the Annual Report for the 2020/2021 financial year.

The 2020/2021 Annual Report was also approved in a Council Meeting on 10 December 2021.

The 2020/2021 Annual Report and Oversight report is available at the IDP unit of the Garden Route District Municipality and can also be viewed on the Garden Route Municipality’s website

For further enquiries, please contact Mrs M James (IDP Unit) Tel no: 044 803 1431.




Click on the link below and download the Official Notice.

2020/2021 Annual and Oversight Reports Notice

10 December 2021 Media Release: Committees established for the new term of Garden Route District Municipality Council

Media Release: Committees established for the new term of Garden Route District Municipality Council

For Immediate Release
10 December 2021

During a Special Council meeting on 10 December 2021, Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Executive Mayor, Ald. Memory Booysen, and the GRDM Council, appointed various chairpersons and members into section 79 and 80 committees.  According to section 79 of the Municipal Structures Act, ‘a municipal council may establish one or more committees necessary for the effective and efficient performance of any of its functions or the exercise of any of its powers.

GRDM Council Secretary, Advocate Sinekaya Maqekeni said: “a section 80 committees are designed to assist the Executive Mayor and are chaired by a member of the Mayoral Committee. They thus report to the Mayoral Committee, not to the Council”.

“Section 79 committees, on the other hand, report directly to the Council. They scrutinise reports referred to them by Council emanating from the Executive. These committees advise the Executive Mayor, Mayoral Committee and Council. Lastly, they provide an oversight role on the performance of the Executive on behalf of Council and play a legislative advisory role,” said Maqekeni.

Section 80 committees include Roads and Transport Planning Services; Financial Services; Planning and Economic Development; Community Services; Property and Asset Management; Corporate Services; and Strategic Services. According to Maqekeni, section 80 committees “deal with the implementation of policy and the performance of the municipal administration”.

Chairpersons of the section 80 committees are as follows:

  • Ald. Petru Terblanche (Roads and Transport Planning Services);
  • Cllr Anco Barker (Financial Services);
  • Ald. Rosina Ruiters (Planning and Economic Development);
  • Cllr Nompumelelo Ndayi (Community Services);
  • Cllr Jobieth Hoogbaard (Property and Asset Management);
  • Ald. Iona Kritzinger (Corporate Services); and
  • Cllr Jerome Lambaatheen (Strategic Services).

Section 79 committees include a Budget Steering; Governance; Municipal Public Accounts; Training and Development; Occupational Health and Safety Committee; and Local Labour Forum.

Chairpersons for these respective section 79 committees include:

  • Cllr Anco Barker (Budget Steering);
  • Ald. Georlene Wolmarans (Governance);
  • Cllr Clodia Lichaba (Municipal Public Accounts Committee);
  • Ald. Stephen de Vries (Training and Development); and
  • Ald. Virgill Gericke (Occupational Health and Safety).

GRDM sees oversight committees as one of the characteristics and formal structures that promote good governance because it advocates the municipality’s accountability of the Executive.


10 December 2021 Public Notice: Final Reviewed 2021/2022 Integrated Development Plan

Notice nr 122/2021


Notice is hereby given that Council at its inaugural meeting on 25 November 2021 adopted the Final Reviewed 2021/2022 Integrated Development Plan of its predecessor without amendments as per Section 25(3) of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 32, 2000.

The Final Reviewed 2021/2022 is available at the IDP unit of the Garden Route District Municipality and can also be viewed on the Garden Route Municipality’s website www.gardenroute. gov. za

For further enquiries, please contact:  Mrs M James (IDP Unit) Tel no: 044 803 1431




Click on the link below and download the Official Notice.

Final Reviewed 2021/2022 Integrated Development Plan

9 December 2021 Media Release: Seasonal Firefighters appointed to assist the Garden Route over the fire season

Media Release: Seasonal Firefighters appointed to assist the Garden Route over the fire season

For Immediate Release
9 December 2021

The Garden Route region’s summer season is synonymous with high occurrences of veld, bush and mountain fires. This time of the year is popularly known as a ‘Fire Season’ across the Western Cape. However, climate change has blurred the timelines of fire seasons and authorities now remain on high alert throughout the year, even though summer is considered the peak season for fires.

In response to the risks associated with higher temperatures experienced locally and globally, the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Fire Services recently recruited twenty (20) temporary firefighters.

Seasonal firefighters must have the following essential qualifications: Firefighting 1, Hazmat Awareness and First Aid Level 3, as it provides a solid foundation for firefighting. Additional to their qualifications, each person attended an annual Fire Line Safety Training Refresher course, facilitated by the Western Cape Department of Local Government, as well as in-house training specific to wildfires. Such qualifications create superior skills, knowledge and leadership capabilities. It is therefore evident that the recruited seasonal firefighters, without a doubt, will enhance the GRDM Fire and Rescue Services’ effectiveness to fight wildfires.

During their time with the GRDM, they will work day and night shifts. Day shifts start at 06h00 and end by 18h00. Night shifts run throughout the evening from 18h00 until 06h00 in the morning. Each person will be deployed across the district at GRDM Fire and Rescue Service stations, including George, Ladismith and Riversdale. They are contracted until 31 March 2022.


GRDM urges the public to practice fire awareness, be vigilant at all times and be extremely cautious when braaing in open spaces. Acting Fire Chief, Deon Stoffels encourages the public not to make fires in any unpermitted areas and not to make fires on windy and hot days. “Those making fires in designated areas must douse fires after they’ve had a braai and use water, sand or moist soil to do this,” said Stoffels. The Acting Fire Chief also reminds the public not to discard any cigarette buds in the environment, because this remains one of the biggest causes of wildfires across the globe.

If any member of the public spots smoke or a wildfire in the Garden Route, which includes Hessequa, Mossel Bay, George, Knysna, Bitou, Greater Oudtshoorn and Kannaland areas, please get in touch with the 24/7 GRDM Emergency Call Centre on 044 805 5071.


Caption: Twenty (20) Seasonal Firefighters who will assist the GRDM until 31 March 2021


2021 12 09 Media Release: Health platform update

Media Release: Health platform update

8 December 2021

The Garden Route District had an increase of 272 COVID-19 cases the past 7 days.  There are now 54 active cases per 100 000 population( one week ago it was 14).

All sub-districts had an increase in the active cases per 100 000 population.

District Hospitals and George Hospital had a total of 14 COVID-19 patients as of 7 December.  Mossel bay Hospital:1; George Hospital: 2;  Harry Comay Hospital: 10 and Knysna Hospital: 1


With the new Omicron variant rapidly spreading, we once again appeal to those who have not yet been vaccinated to take up any of the many opportunities provided within the communities. Get vaccinated and be protected, especially as we are entering the fourth wave.

Western Cape Government Health will continue with efforts to increase uptake of vaccination in all groups. Get vaccinated at the Vooma Vaccination week from 3-10 December before the holidays so that you and your loved ones can be fully protected and have a safe holiday period together and help us prevent severe illness and death ahead of the fourth wave.

Over the last few days, the Western Cape breached the 50% mark of adults in the province being vaccinated with at least one dose. Though only halfway, the 51,36% or 2 556 131 of adults in the province have ensured they are protected against severe illness.

Pastor Grec Jantjies from Zoar received his vaccination.

Vaccination teams have administered 358 034 vaccine doses to date within the Garden Route District.

The percentage of the Garden Route population over 18 years who have received at least one dose vaccine stands at 53% (2 percentage points more than a week ago) and the percentage of the total Garden Route population who have received at least one dose vaccine stands at 36% (1 percentage points more than a week ago).

We implore anyone who has not yet received their vaccination to do so as a matter of urgency.


Nadia Ferreira

Principal Communications Officer

Garden Route and Central Karoo Districts

Western Cape Government Health

Tel: 044 813 1831



8 December 2021 Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality mourns the tragic loss of another employee

Garden Route District Municipality mourns the tragic loss of another employee

For Immediate Release
8 December 2021

On Monday, 6 December 2021, when management and staff arrived at the respective offices of Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), they learned about the tragic passing of their colleague, William Jonas.

William sadly passed away on Sunday, 5 December 2021 at the age of 44 after he was a victim of a brutal attack in George, a few days prior to landing up in the Intensive Care Unit. He leaves behind his wife and children, as well as many friends and colleagues.

According to a Human Resources official from GRDM, Lynn Marajh, the late William was appointed on 3 June 2016 on an Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) contract. His contract would have come to end during January 2022.

The late William will be remembered for his reserved and level-headed personality. Although he was employed at the EPWP Unit, he was known to almost the entire organisation, as his worked spanned across the entire region alongside the Maintenance Unit. Those who worked close to him such as Mario Appels, Superintendent at GRDM, remembers the late William as an enthusiastic, hardworking and goal driven individual – always respectful. “Being the reserved person he was, he had a fine eye for details around him. Apart from being his quiet self, he was also funny and knew how to make his colleagues laugh,” said Medron Bussak, Administrative Assistant: Resorts.  On a more personal level, William knew what his responsibilities as a family man were – “he loved his family,” Medron said. His music taste for the old school genre was symbolic to the type of characteristics he embodied.

“At GRDM we will always remember William as a helpful person who had a great passion for his work.”

The municipality will on Monday, 13 December 2021, host a memorial service to celebrate William’s life and to share a moment with his family, to bid him farewell.

“Rest in peace William, you will be dearly missed.”

The link to follow the proceeding via our Youtube channel will be published in due course.

Feature Photo: William Jonas, with the Executive Mayor, Memory Booysen (middle) and his team members (fltr) Wayne Cronje, Irvin Siljeur and Sheldon Flemming earlier this year at an event that was hosted by GRDM at the Rosemoor Stadium in George.