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Local Government News

6 December 2021 Media Release: Garden Route DM celebrates Clean Audit and commits to retain it

Media Release: Garden Route DM celebrates Clean Audit and commits to retain it

For Immediate Release
6 December 2021

The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) is pleased to announce that it has achieved a clean audit outcome for the 2020/2021 financial year. A clean audit is an unqualified audit opinion, with no findings, issued by the Auditor-General South Africa (AGSA) during their audit on financial statements, annual performance report and compliance to legislation.

This outstanding achievement confirms that the GRDM spent the public funds according to the applicable laws, regulations and policies.

Watch the video:

Nine (9) months ago, GRDM reported that it had missed a clean audit because of one finding. However, the municipality gradually addressed all the issues that the AGSA raised in the past while ensuring its financial management ethos at all levels of the organisation were enhanced. “We have instilled a culture of sound financial management, prudent financial choices, efficiency and accountability,” said Monde Stratu, Municipal Manager.  “We will do our very best to retain a clean audit for years to come and not to drop our standards,” he said.

Re-elected GRDM Executive Mayor Alderman Memory Booysen says that although South Africa faces a challenging economic situation, those in the Garden Route and investors can be assured that the Municipality remains committed to good governance.

“We will continue to spend public money to the best of our ability.”

Booysen hopes that this achievement will inspire other municipalities in the Garden Route to do better and improve governance. Mayor Booysen also made particular reference to Dr Adele Potgieter, Independent Member and Chairperson of the Audit and Performance Audit Committee (APAC) and her team for the oversight they provided on the Municipality’s financial reporting process. Other members of APAC at GRDM include Advocate Derick Block, Geoff Stenekamp and Suren Maharaj.

Also, Ald. Booysen extended his appreciation to Cllr Clodia Lichaba, Chairperson: Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC) and her fellow Councillors who exercised oversight over the executive functionaries of the council to ensure good governance in the institution.

Jan-Willem De Jager, Chief Financial Officer and Thembani Loliwe, Strategic Manager, also played a pivotal role in ensuring that the GRDM achieved a clean audit status. They worked hand in hand to ensure the municipality’s Operational Clean Audit Report (OPCAR) was implemented in response to the AGSA Management Reports from the previous financial years. “Various controls had to be put in place to ensure that the AG did not find similar issues as last year,” said Loliwe. “To mention just one example of control improvement, during the 2017/18 financial year, procurement through the supply chain deviation process was valued at more than R23 000 000 and in 2020/21 financial year that amount has reduced to less than R2 000 000, which is a result of thorough control interventions”  added Loliwe.

“During their audit, the AGSA focused on bulk infrastructure, supply chain management, and financial statements.”

De Jager specifically referenced the strides the GRDM made with procurement. “This year, we had no findings on procurement.”

The CFO has also shared his thank yous to officials who engaged with the AG because it was done in a respectful manner. The AGSA has been victimised for years in other parts of the country, where they often receive death threats, get offered bribes and are victims of intimidation.

GRDM remains committed to ensuring that it has all preventative controls in place and good governance, as organisational culture, continues for years to come. The audit outcome is, therefore, is a result of a concerted effort by all officials to ensure that good governance and sound financial management remain at the heart of what we do at the Municipality,” said Monde Stratu.


3 December 2021 Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua: Yellow level 2: Severe Thunderstorms

03 December 2021

Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua: Yellow level 2: Severe Thunderstorms

Please find included the Impact Based Warning for the Western Cape and Namaqua Region of Northern Cape

Legal notice:
“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.
It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

Hazard Alert Level Affected Municipalities Valid From (SAST) Valid To (SAST)
Severe Thunderstorms Yellow(L2)
(High likelihood of Minor Impacts)
Beaufort West, Bitou, Breede Valley, Cape Agulhas, George, Hantam, Hessequa, Kannaland, Karoo Hoogland, Knysna, Laingsburg, Langeberg, Mossel Bay, Oudtshoorn, Overstrand, Prince Albert, Swellendam, Theewaterskloof, Witzenberg 04/12/21 10h00 06/12/21 00h00

Discussion: Scattered to widespread thundershowers due to a cut-off low-pressure weather system are expected over the north and central parts of W. Cape (Cape Winelands, Central Karoo) and the southern Namakwa tomorrow Saturday (04/12/2021), and over south and eastern parts of W. Cape (Central Karoo, Garden Route, Langeberg and Overberg) on Sunday through to Monday (05-06/12/2021). Some of these storms may be severe, leading to periods of heavy downpours associated with rainfall accumulations of 20 to 35mm, lightning strikes, strong and gusty winds as well a large amount of small hail as they move through an area.

Impact: Localised flash flooding of susceptible roads, low-lying areas, and bridges due to heavy downpours may be expected. Large amount of small hail causing slippery roads may be expected. This can also contribute to vehicle accidents. Localised damage to infrastructure and settlements due to gusty wind as well as localised and short term disruption to essential services due to excessive lightning are also possible.

Instruction: Load Weather Smart APP, scroll to the last page and use two fingers to navigate the storm tracking application. If possible stay indoors away from metal objects. Do not seek shelter under trees or tall objects. Do not go fishing or play golf as both the golf clubs and fishing rods are good conductors of electricity. Be aware that any combination of hail, strong winds and/or heavy downpours can accompany the storms.

Please plan accordingly, keeping in mind the recent heavy rainfall experienced over most parts of the Garden Route with soaked soil, overflowing dams and already damaged infrastructure.

Cape Town Weather Office
2nd Floor: Oval Office Park
Cape Town Int airport
Freight Road
Cape Town

2 December 2021 Media Release: Employees offered health checks on World AIDS Day

Media Release: Employees offered health checks on World AIDS Day

For Immediate Release
2 December 2021

With 1 December that marked World Aids Day, the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) Unit arranged voluntary HIV testing and HIV/AIDS awareness sessions for GRDM employees. Each employee received a red ribbon seeing that the red ribbons are a symbol of support for those living with HIV and wearing them creates awareness about World AIDS day. The main focus of the day was to increase awareness and knowledge around HIV/AIDS. The theme for this year’s World AIDS Day – End inequalities. End AIDS. End Pandemics.

Testing is also a primary way of ending the spread of HIV. Only those who know their HIV status will be able to take the necessary measures to protect themselves and their partners.

Employees were also presented with the option to get tested for blood sugar and blood pressure. Tests were done by representatives from the Western Cape Government (WCG) and Bethesda. These stakeholders also facilitated family planning and health-related education sessions.

According to Ms Shandré Abrahams (EAP Practitioner), When sharing her plans for the 2022 calendar year, Ms Abrahams said: “Sessions will be arranged annually during March (Tuberculosis), August (Women’s Month), November (Men’s Health) and December (HIV, etc.)”.

Executive Mayor, Ald. Memory Booysen, also had some tests done at the mobile clinic from WCG, and with his permission, Jacoleen Feed, a Health Promoter from WCG, shared the test results of the Mayor: “Mayor Booysen’s tests looked great for his age group”.

“He had his blood pressure tested twice because the first results were a bit high, but his second result turned out great – he was probably a bit nervous when he had his first test done,” said Ms Feed.

WCG’s rollout of mobile clinics brings diagnostic healthcare closer to communities, and in this case, a workplace. It is therefore convenient for those getting tested to access mobile units. At a workplace, like GRDM, it is an easy way to roll out consultations and examinations without arranging transport or requesting all employees to go to a clinic for testing.

Adv. Sinekaya Maqekeni (Manager: Integrated Support Services and Legal Compliance) with Ms Trix Holtzhausen (Executive Manager: Corporate Services) who holds a candle that was lit in remembrance of those who have died of Aids-related illnesses.

All employees were also invited to a candle-lighting ceremony in remembrance of those who have died of AIDS-related complications.

The GRDM encourages the public to have health checks done frequently. On World AIDS day, GRDM encouraged those living with HIV to start antiretroviral treatment as soon as possible. It helps a person live a full, healthy, and productive life by suppressing the virus and ensuring it is not transmitted to others.

Editor’s note: The EAP is designed to assist the identification and resolution of problems associated with employees impaired by personal concerns, but not limited to health, family, financial, alcohol, drug, legal, emotional, stress or other personal matters and addictions, which may adversely affect employee’s performance.

Feature image caption: Seated is Ms Jacoleen Feed (WCG Health Promoter) with Ald. Memory Booysen (GRDM Executive Mayor). At the back (fltr): Mses. Maymoonah Abrahams (Intern: EAP), Shandré Abrahams (EAP Practitioner), Leana Hartzenberg (Bethesda), Nomkitha Mhlontlo (Intern: Communications), Thabisa Nqoza (HIV Counsellor from WCG), Patience Shipalane (WCG Nurse) and Bareniq Klase (Bethesda)



2 December 2021


This is our second year of living through an unprecedented time. However, as Garden Routers, I continue to believe that we will bounce back from this situation as we are a resilient district.

South Africa, including the Garden Route District’s Tourism Sector, remains the backbone of our country’s economy; this is why we need people to visit us from all over the world. Support of our regional tourism sector is imperative because it advances prosperity, drives inclusive and sustainable development.

Last year, I also encouraged you to seek the little adventures the Garden Route offers, indulge yourself, take a break, and support our businesses. This year, my plea is the same. Please support our local businesses. Explore the region and the many tourist activities that are right on your doorstep; in turn, you will be contributing to the growth of the tourism sector. We depend on tourism for jobs and livelihoods. Thank you to the businesses that remain conscious of the current economic climate and provide budget-friendly tourism packages. This clever approach will attract more visitors to our region.

Before visiting us or when you arrive here, you will be able to find a myriad of activities to do in our region. A few that come to mind, include iconic sightseeing spots, fun-filled days and unmissable events, in particular this December. To see what I am talking about, visit our regional tourism website,

While enjoying your time with us, you have to exercise caution and be tolerant while travelling. Please obey speed limits; road rules; do not text or call while driving; do not drink and drive, and always wear a seatbelt. Save our 24/7 emergency call centre number if you find yourself in a troubling situation – 044 805 5071. As we head into the festive season we’d like to keep the Covid-19 infection rates low, so please, adhere to the Covid- 19 protocols and regulations. Remember to wear your mask, wash your hands, sanitize, avoid large crowds, and keep your social distance – hang outside with friends and family!.

Thank you for all the efforts to keep safe and move forward. See you in the Garden Route!

Alderman Memory Booysen
Executive Mayor
Garden Route District Municipality

1 December 2021 Media Release: Health Platform Update – 1 DECEMBER 2021

For immediate release
1 December 2021

Media Release: Health Platform Update – 1 December 2021

The Garden Route District recorded 74 additional cases of COVID-19 in the previous 7 days (data until 30 Nov).  There are now 15 active cases per 100 000 (one week ago it was 10). Most sub-districts had an increase in the active cases per 100 000 population.  The Western Cape Government remains on high alert following the announcement of a new variant, Omicron.

The district has plans in place for the fourth wave of COVID-19 infections, based on learnings form the first three waves.  ‘As with previous waves, our hospitals are currently preparing for a possible increase in COVID-19 admissions’, said District Director for Health, Mr Zee Brickles. This includes staffing arrangements, oxygen contingency plans, decommissioning of wards when needed make space for COVID-19 patients and more.

George Hospital is also gearing up for the fourth wave by ordering sufficient stock of necessary consumables / Personal Protective Equipment,  significant upgrade of the hospital’s oxygen system to treat patients with high-flow nasal oxygen in general ward beds, recruiting additional contract nurses to allow for escalation of services, trying to maximize elective surgery during the current inter-wave period due to lost capacity in previous waves and expected reduction in 4th wave and encouraging staff and patient vaccinations and  booster injections.


Scientists agree that vaccination remains the most effective tool we have to save lives and that this is even more important now with the discovery of a possibly more transmissible variant.

We encourage our residents to take up this opportunity as soon as possible especially if you are over 50 years old, or if you have comorbidities.

Vaccinations in the Garden Route stands at 66% for the population over 18 years who are fully vaccinated and 42% for the population who have received at least one dose vaccine.

The total vaccinations administered to date stands at 350 194.


As from 1 December 2021, the following groups of adults 18 and older will be eligible to receive an additional dose of COVID-19 vaccine as part of their primary vaccine schedule:

 Individuals with the following conditions:

Haematological or immune malignancy

Moderate to Severe Primary immunodeficiency disorder

HIV infection with CD4 count < 200 cells/μL within the last 6 months


Individuals receiving the following treatments:

High dose steroids or systemic biologics (e.g. for autoimmune conditions)

Long term renal dialysis

Transplant recipients (Solid organ or bone marrow)


Vooma Week 3-10 December

The third  Vooma vaccination campaign kicks off on Friday 3 December 2021.

Vooma Vouchers for 50+!

The Vooma Voucher has been increased to R200 for those who vaccinate for the first time during Nov/Dec to spend at Shoprite, Checkers or Usave.

Lucky Draw– R1,000! R10,000! R100,000!

The lucky draw has been launched to encourage people in South Africa aged 12 and older to come forward for Covid-19 vaccination.

Everyone who has been vaccinated this year is automatically entered into the five weekly draws. Everyone who has been vaccinated this year is automatically entered into the five weekly draws. That is

if they have been vaccinated by the date of specific draws and by no later than the 31st of December 2021. Their details need to have been captured on the EVDS systemin time for each draw or, in the case

of the final draw, by 25 January 2022.

 Garden Route Vooma sites 4 & 5 December:

GARDEN ROUTE MALL POP-UP SITE 4 & 5 09:00 – 13:00
HEIDELBERG CLINIC 4 08:00 – 13:00
RIVERSDALE CLINIC 4 08:00 – 14:00
KHAYELETHU CLINIC 4 09:00 – 14:00
TOEKOMSRUS CLINIC 4 & 5 09:00 – 15:00

Please call 0860 142 142 for more information on weekly sites or visit our Facebook page

Also watch local media and municipal pages for details


Nadia Ferreira
Principal Communications Officer
Garden Route and Central Karoo Districts
Western Cape Government Health
Tel: 044 813 1831

01 December 2021 Media Release: Garden Route officials mourn the loss of another dear colleague

As 2021 drifts slowly towards its end, the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) family, sadly bids farewell to another colleague who has passed on in the early morning hours of Friday, 26 November 2021. This brings the total employees lost during 2021 to six (6).

The late Yolande Fielies, a talented Senior Worker in the Heidelberg Maintenance team, started her career at the then Eden District Municipality on 01 March 2008.  The 39-year-old Fielies was married to Wane Fielies and had two children, ages 13 and 18 years, respectively.

Fielies is remembered by her immediate Supervisor, Mr David Meyer and the Superintendent of the GRDM Riversdale Roads Maintenance, Mr Jacques Joseph, as a wonderful, hardworking and positive person. “When it comes to her work, she was known for being a loyal and reliable person, ready to always give her best in the workplace. Her positive attitude made her well-known and loved, resulting in colleagues always wanting to be around her. Yolande will be dearly missed,” Josephs concluded.

GRDM will host an official memorial service to celebrate the life of our late colleague on Thursday, 2 December at 09:00.  Family members, friends, colleagues and members of the public, who will not be in attendance, are invited to follow the proceedings through the municipality’s YouTube channel at: or join the webinar at:

Yolande Fielies leaves behind her husband, two (2) children, her parents, two (2) sisters, and three (3) brothers.

Rest in Peace, beloved Colleague – till we meet again!  

Memorial Services Program

01 December 2021 – World AIDS Day 2021

World AIDS Day takes place on 1 December each year. It’s an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, to show support for people living with HIV, and to commemorate those who have died from an AIDS-related illness.

Difference between HIV and Aids?

HIV – is a virus that attacks the immune system, the body’s natural defences against illness. If HIV is not treated, it can lead to AIDS.   

The human body can’t get rid of HIV, and no effective HIV cure currently exists. So, once you have HIV, you have it for life, but it can be suppressed by ARV treatment.



AIDS is the late stage of HIV infection that occurs when the body’s immune system is badly becoming extremely weak and “gives up” fighting the virus. If left untreated, a set of symptoms and illnesses develops at the final stage of HIV infection. Please note, if HIV is left untreated, a person’s immune system will get weaker and weaker until it can no longer fight off life-threatening infections and diseases. However, with ARV treatment, people living with HIV can enjoy a long and healthy life.

Prevention is better than cure.

Using male (external) condoms or female (internal) condoms during sex is the best way to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Never share needles and syringes with others because the virus can spread through blood.  Mothers can pass the virus from themselves to the unborn child during pregnancy? That is why it is essential to go for regular checkups.

Getting tested is the only way to find out if you have HIV. If you are living with HIV, starting treatment early means you can live a full, healthy and productive life.

Access to Antiretroviral is free in South Africa.

  • In 2020, 73% [56–88%] of all people living with HIV in South Africa were accessing ARV treatment.
    • 74% [57–90%] of adults aged 15 years and older living with HIV had access to treatment, as did 54% [37–69%] of children aged 0–14 years.
    • 79% [61–95%] of female adults aged 15 years and older had access to treatment; however, just 68% [52–83%] of male adults aged 15 years and older had access.
    • 85% [63– >98%] of pregnant women living with HIV had access to antiretroviral medicines to prevent transmission

27 November 2021 Media statement: Madiba Drive remains closed

Media statement: Madiba Drive remains closed

For Immediate Release
27 November 2021

Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) has noted with concern that some members of the community are still accessing Madiba Drive (MR355) in George. This is of great concern because the road was closed earlier this week. Signs were placed at various entry points and adjacent to the sinkhole that cut off George from Nelson Mandela University.

Pictures below show some of the many signs placed by GRDM on the MR355.

The public is kindly reminded not to make use of the road as it remains closed. It is a high-risk road that is extremely volatile at the moment.

Those planning to travel to Nelson Mandela University should do so via Wilderness.

An article appeared on the George Herald website today about a cyclist who sustained serious injuries after falling into the huge gap left in Madiba Drive


Issued by Garden Route District Municipality

26 November 2021 Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality council inaugurated – leaders elected

Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality council inaugurated – leaders elected

For Immediate Release
26 November 2021

Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) held its Inaugural Council meeting yesterday, 25 November 2021, at the Civic Centre in George. The GRDM had to wait for all seven (7) local municipalities in the District (Hessequa, Mossel Bay, George, Knysna, Bitou, Greater Oudtshoorn and Kannaland) to constitute their Councils. The Municipal Manager of GRDM, Monde Stratu, led the proceedings of the Inaugural Council meeting until a Speaker was elected.

Being sworn in requires each Councillor to pledge by swearing or affirming that they would be faithful to the Republic of South Africa and obey, respect and uphold the Constitution and all other laws of the country. This legal proceeding was officiated by Senior Magistrate from George, Mr Zeka.


The first voting that took place was for the Speaker of the GRDM. Ald. Georlene Wolmarans from the Democratic Alliance (DA) received the most votes for the position against the African National Congress (ANC) Cllr Chris Taute. Cllr Taute received 15 votes, while Ald. Wolmarans received 18.

The second voting that took place was for the position of Executive Mayor. Alderman Memory Booysen from the DA added another feather to his cap after being elected for this position with 18 votes. He was up against Ald. Virgill Gericke from the Plaaslike Besorgde Inwoners (PBI) who received 15 votes. The 2021/22 – 2026/27 term will be Ald. Booysen’s second one as Executive Mayor for GRDM and third term as a Mayor. He’s was also a Mayor for Bitou Municipality in the past. It is not often seen that Executive Mayors at a district-level get a second term, which is evidence that he has been highly favoured amongst others for being an Executive Mayor for all, no matter their political affiliation. He emphasised his commitment to being a leader for all during his acceptance speech – read it here.

Shortly after electing an Executive Mayor, Cllr Gert van Niekerk from the Freedom Front Plus (FF+) was elected as Executive Deputy Mayor. He managed to win by getting 19 votes against Councillor Richard Hector from GOOD, who received 14 votes. Subsequent to the Deputy Mayor being elected, Ald. Petru Terblanche from the DA was elected as the whip of Council. He is the former Speaker of Mossel Bay Municipality (MBM) – the best run local municipality in South Africa and the first municipality to have held its inaugural Council meeting. Theirs was held on 10 November 2021.

GRDM welcomes its new leadership and Councillors. “We look forward to working with the newly elected Council to continue the sterling work predecessors did for the region,” said Monde Stratu, Municipal Manager for GRDM.

  • View a gallery of photos of Councillors taking an oath of office here.
  • View general photos taken at the inauguration here.
  • Individual Portraits of Councillors are accessible here.
  • View the Youtube stream of the inauguration here.

The list of Councillors who now form part of the GRDM Council, includes:

  • Memory Booysen
  • Georlene Wolmarans
  • Stephen De Vries
  • Clodia Lichaba
  • Viniola Gungubele
    Jobieth Hoogbaard
  • Jacobus Meiring
  • Petru Terblanche
  • Coenraad A Swart
  • Koos Malooi
  • Clive Scheepers
  • Betsie van Noordwyk
  • Christopher Taute
  • Mercia Draghoender
  • Danie Acker
  • Jerome Lambaatjeen
  • Sharon van Rooyen
  • Kaynal Adams
  • Joey Canary
  • Hyran Ruiters
  • Rosina Ruiters
  • Anco Barker
  • Marulyn Kannemeyer
  • Mzwandile Mkonto
  • Nompulelo Ndayi
  • Nokuthula Seti
  • Hilton Stroebel
  • Aubrey Tswenga
  • Virgill Gericke
  • Iona Kritzinger
  • Daniel Cronje
  • Simphiwe Toto
  • Gert van Niekerk
  • Richard Hector
  • Thando Matika


25 November 2021 Acceptance Speech – Executive Mayor, Alderman Memory Booysen

Acceptance Speech – Executive Mayor, Alderman Memory Booysen

25 November 2021

Alderman Memory Booysen acknowledge the presence of the Western Cape MEC for Human Settlements, Minister Tertius Simmers and the Executive Mayor of Knysna, Cllr Levael Davis.


People of the Garden Route, I greet you all and greet you in the name of our different religions and traditions.

All protocol observed.

Ladies and gentlemen, for some people this might be bling, but for the majority of the people of the Garden Route, this is hope.

Madam Speaker, there are also times when people are looking up to a Mayor and expect to be helped, and then it so happens that as a Mayor, I will never be able to please everyone. At the times that I can’t please everyone, those are the times that one goes through blood, sweat and tears.

Madam Speaker, I want to make a special acknowledgement to people who are always by my side when I go through blood, sweat and tears. I want to start by mentioning my mother. My mum is here; she is 86 years old. My mom had two strokes. She will probably never say it to me, but probably at times, I went through the blood, sweat and tears – that is when she got worried about her son. To my mom, I know you will never experience this day again. I cherish this day; I cherish this moment. I will never be a Mayor again, but you will always be my mother and may God bless you.

We’ve just lit a candle to illustrate that we are against gender-based violence. It reminded me how important women are in our lives.  We are here because of women, then our brothers and sisters, etc. I also want to acknowledge another woman who is now part of my life. When it is hectic when I have to go home and cry, cowboys cry, especially mayors; then she is always there. To my wife, Nomthandazo, Florence, Elethu Booysen, thank you for being there during political hard times. I also want to acknowledge the presence of my sister, Laetitia Zembetha Booysen. Thank you very much for being by my side.

Now ladies and gentlemen and people of the Garden Route. I keep saying this; wherever you go and are a respectful person… you will always have a second mother; a second father, whether at school or work. There will always be someone you look up to. Colleagues, please also allow me to acknowledge my foster parents. I saw them; they are up in the gallery. People will never understand, and I will explain to you; my foster parents are white. My foster parents are nobody else than Wynn and Liz Mundel. Then there is also a guy, wherever I go, and again, I can explain this off the record. I used to be a hotel manager back in the day. People don’t understand this;  to become somebody – somebody must make you that person. There is a guy, Siphiwe Jeremaya Dladla and his wife – you’ve always been there for me. When you become an executive, the first thing you need to have is a briefcase. My first briefcase was an old briefcase of Siphiwe, which he gave to me.

I also want to acknowledge the people with who I have worked with. Monde Stratu – you and your staff. We’ve watched you like the old guard. We’ve seen you operating. We are extremely proud of the Municipal Manager and all the staff of Garden Route District Municipality. You are doing us proud; we have never been in the news for the wrong reasons. This can only be because of your commitment to this institution.

To the new Councillors and I am going to mention names. We have started a tradition from 2016 up to now. I want to say to Alderman De Vries, Alderman Gericke and Alderman Harris in his absence – the tradition we started in this municipality is that we regard ourselves in the Garden Route as a political school. The reason why is because we are all equal. People have voted for us to lead them, serve them, and to do what they expect of us. I want to say thank you to those names I have just mentioned. I’ve also learned that the ropes have slightly changed as well; to Councillor Lichaba, my Deputy Advocate Van Niekerk and to the Whip, Alderman Terblanche. It is now up to all of us to continue in that vein. Let’s show the rest of the Western Cape that this is how it is done. We are talking about the Garden Route becoming a Skills Mecca. We are also a place where we show as politicians that each and everyone’s voice counts in this municipality.

To the Mayors, those who were here earlier, those who sent me messages of support and those who are watching online. I must boast to all of you – I am more blessed than you all. The reason for that is that I have never ever in my short political life served with so many former mayors, speakers, current mayors somewhere else. The experience in this council – I am in awe. I want to say to the former Mayors here, former speakers, former whips. People who have been in this hot seat before me; people who have more experience than me – I do rely on that experience. Let’s have our open-door policy; let us pick each other’s brains. Let us engage constructively.

This, again, to those watching this – the debate we had earlier on – I’ve seen it in other municipalities somewhere in South Africa. This could easily have turned out as a fiasco, but once again, because of the people’s experience in this building – Alderman Gericke, De Vries, everyone else in here. This is how it is done in South Africa.

We can differ – we can differ constructively, but most importantly, we’ve set the tone in the previous term. We’ve done unorthodox things as a district municipality. We got involved in Human Settlements; we got involved in becoming a Water Services Authority. It is not heard of in other places. The majority of district municipalities in the Western Cape are not water services authorities. I want to hammer on this; it is because we want to do better. It is because we want to work with the local municipalities.

I want to say, especially to the municipality and the people of Oudtshoorn and Kannaland. To those mayors in absentia – you are not an island in this district. If one looks at what happened during the elections, sometimes it is human nature; we tend to stick to the colours of our t-shirts – blue, red, green, yellow and black. This is not how we do it here. We forget about our political parties. This is why I am zooming into Oudtshoorn and Kannaland – there is not going to be a mentality that we, as Garden Route, or me as the Mayor, will only deal with my “blue friends”.

Oudtshoorn, Kannaland – you are part of this. You are not going to be an island. I am saying this to the Mayors out there – as of today; we will do things differently.

Now ladies and gentlemen, to the people of the Garden Route. Thank you very much for this occasion. To all the Councillors and officials in here, the work starts now.

Thank you, Madam Speaker.