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13 October 2021 Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua: Yellow level 2: Damaging Winds

Please find included the Impact Based Warning for the Western Cape and Namaqua Region of Northern Cape

Legal notice:
“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.
It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

Hazard Alert Level Affected Municipalities Valid From (SAST) Valid To (SAST)
 Damaging Winds Yellow(L2)
(High likelihood of Minor Impacts)
M_Bitou, M_Cape Agulhas, M_Cape Agulhas, M_City of Cape town, M_George, M_Hessequa, M_Knysna, M_Mossel Bay, M_Overstrand, M_Table Bay 13/10/21 18h00 17/10/21 00h00

Discussion: A series of cold fronts are expected on Thursday and Saturday over the south western parts of the country. Resulting in strong to gale force ( NW/W 60-75km/h) winds along the south-western coastal regions on Wednesday evening into Thursday morning, and again on Saturday afternoon until Sunday morning between Table Bay and Plettenberg Bay. Alongside, wave heights of 4.0 to 5.0m are expected Thursday morning along the south-western coast, reaching 4.5 to 5.5m Saturday afternoon into Sunday morning between Table Bay and Plettenberg Bay.

Impact: Difficulty in navigation at sea for small to medium vessels and personal watercraft (e.g. kayaks) can be expected. Choppy and rough seas may lead to vessels taking on water and capsizing in the locality. Localised disruption to harbours and beachfront activities is also likely.

Instruction: Small boats must stay away from the open sea and seek the shelter of a harbour, river estuary or protected bay.

Cape Town Weather Office
2nd Floor: Oval Office Park
Cape Town Int airport
Freight Road
Cape Town

Tel: 021 935 5700



13 October 2021 Media Release: Save our summer

Media Release: Save our summer

For Immediate Release
13 October 2021

The Garden Route District is slowly moving towards its target of 70% fully vaccinated persons above the age of 50 years and 70% partially vaccinated for the age group 18 – 49 years.

The district currently stands at 57% for those fully vaccinated aged 50 years and older.  To reach the target, a further 59 652 vaccines will need to be administered to that age group. The district has also partially vaccinated 37% of those in the age bracket, 18 – 49 years. To reach 70% of partial vaccinations, a total of 193 968 1st dose vaccines must be administered.

As have been widely publicised, a fourth wave is anticipated towards the end of this year. The Department urges citizens not to delay taking the first vaccination to ensure they have enough time between doses to complete their vaccination by December. If you wish to fully vaccinate by Christmas, your first vaccine should be administered no later than 20 October. The Health Department appeals to all citizens to prioritise vaccination.

No one needs to pre-register. Please don’t delay but visit your closest site. Please visit our web page for the list of weekend and week sites or call 0860142142 for directions.

COVID stats 12 October 2021

George Regional Hospital is experiencing decreased pressure in wards and the Critical Care unit.  The latest available data showed that there were 14 Covid patients in the Covid ward compared to the 28 a week ago. There were 4 patients in Critical Care of which one is on a ventilator.

Harry Comay Hospital, as a step-down facility for George Hospital, has no Covid patients in the wards. There are now 89 active cases per 100 000.  (One week ago it was 133).  The situation for the district as a whole continues to improve.


Nadia Ferreira

Principal Communications Officer

Garden Route and Central Karoo Districts

Western Cape Government Health

Tel: 044 813 1831




13 October 2021 Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua: Veld Fire Conditions

Please find included the Impact Based Warning for the Western Cape and Namaqua Region of Northern Cape

Legal notice:
“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.
It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”


Hazard Affected Municipalities Valid From (SAST) Valid To (SAST)
Veld Fire Conditions Beaufort West, Bergrivier, Cederberg, Hantam, Kamiesberg, Kannaland, Karoo Hoogland, Khâi-Ma, Laingsburg, Matzikama, Nama Khoi, Oudtshoorn, Prince Albert 12/10/21 08h00 13/10/21 18h00

 Discussion: The warm temperatures, dry conditions and strong winds could result in the development of runaway and veld/bush fires.

Impact: Conditions are such that the FDI index is above 75. Under these conditions, fires may develop and spread rapidly resulting in damage to property and possible loss of human and/or animal life.

Instruction: Fireteams, labour and equipment are to be placed on stand-by. The first sign of smoke, every possible measure should be taken in order to bring the fire under control in the shortest possible time.

Cape Town Weather Office
2nd Floor: Oval Office Park
Cape Town Int airport
Freight Road
Cape Town

Tel: 021 935 5700

12 October 2021 Garden Route Skills Mecca hosts Capacity Building Session for Skills Development Stakeholders

Building Session for Skills Development Stakeholders

For Immediate Release
12 October 2021

On Tuesday, 5 October 2021, the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) held a Skills Mecca Capacity Building Session by means of a webinar.  The aim of the event was to bring all service providers (public and private), who are interested in becoming part of the Garden Route Skills Mecca (GRSM) process, together, and to provide them with insights into the programme and build their capacity when applying to become accredited providers in South Africa.

When providing an overview of the progress made so far, Dr Florus Prinsloo, coordinator of the Garden Route Skills Mecca (GRSM), highlighted the following:

  • The GRDM envisages to start building a database of service providers including professional technical specialists that can help the GRSM to move forward with their work.
  • GRDM has initiated a process with the necessary legal colleagues to copyright the GRSM brand, to strengthen and grow the brand to become a global and well-known international brand. “We want the Garden Route to be the first choice when people want to develop skills,” Florus said.
  • The next Skills Summit is scheduled to place in March 2022 – a Skills Summit Working Group will be established within the next few weeks to drive the arrangements for the Summit.
  • Service providers should consider all resolutions taken at the GRSM Summit when developing their proposals as training providers for the GRSM. For this purpose, service providers also need to study the DDM (JDMA) One Plan and the Garden Route District Skills Development Strategy. These documents can be accessed on the Garden Route District Municipality’s website.

After sharing the concept and overview of the Skills Mecca, Dr Florus said:

“Everything that we do at the GRSM is directly linked to the District Development Model, also known as the JDMA in the Western Cape”.

During the webinar, Dr Florus referred to the recent National Skills Development Summit where both the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Blade Nzimande and the Minister of Cooperate Governance and Traditional Affairs Dr Nkosasana Dlamini-Zuma, were both participating in. He said: “Most of participants at the Summit clearly made reference to skills development as part of the district development model”. Echoing the words of Minister Nzimande, Dr Florus said: “What we need to do is to create a district skills profile, which is necessary for such a district development model”.

To the potential service providers he advised: “Have a look at what are the strategic documents and strategic plans of the organisation that you want to partner and align your proposals to. You would want to align your proposals to the District Development Model, the One Plan of the JDMA and the GRDM Growth and Development Strategy (the two key documents that the GRSM is founded on).

The actual skills Mecca has a short, medium and long term approach. That approach will be implemented over a short period (2023) using a coaching methodology to grow internal capacity. He explained: “The GRSM, as the skills development component of the district development model is a permanent feature of what happens in the district – it’s not just a once-off, it should become a permanent feature that has staff, resources, programmes, and it just continues on and on. This concept is necessary and is now needed in the country so that we can bring skills development, right down to where it is really needed, at grass roots level”.

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When Dr Florus elaborated on the function of the Task Team that is already established to drive the concept, he said: “We’ve got the implementation plans and reports. Those implementation plans and reports are guided by the Task Team”. Adding to this, he explained the function of the team and said: “The Task Team is the first structure that is already established and consist of a group of internal individuals that is led by the GRDM Executive Manager of Corporate Services, Ms Trix Holtzhausen. Representatives from the local municipalities in the Garden Route and at least four external technical experts that also form part of the team”. He added: “The team guides and drives all the work of the GRSM”.

Two important parts of the Task Team include the working groups and managing the external stakeholder based Skills Mecca Forum.

One of the working groups that is already well-established and submitted their first formal item to the District Council for a plan to establish a multipurpose and highly specialised training academy in the Garden Route. The need for community-based training in firefighting is a big focus area, which is a critical need in the district.

The Forum is an external stakeholder forum that is a webinar-based platform and is held every three months. The platform is led and chaired by Councillor Stephen de Vries, who is the Chairperson of the Training and Skills Development Portfolio Committee at GRDM. Dr Florus extended a word of gratitude to Cllr De Vries for his support relating to the GRSM so far. He said: “We hope that the new Chairperson will similarly support the GRSM and the Forum look forward to welcoming the new Chairperson after the elections in November this year”.

The forum already has five programmes/projects with substantial amounts of funding behind it. This is an indication how well in operation the forum is. The aim is, however, to multiply these proposals with the help of the service/training providers and other officials that are welcome to form part of these initiatives. Florus said: “We look forward to growing that progressively here in the Garden Route, because ultimately these efforts will benefit the people of the Garden Route”. A Funding Strategy is also in place and is starting to be utilised progressively.  However, capacity around it still need to be built so that the Strategy gets more and more people get to understand it and use it.  Part of the Strategy is a pre-approved Provider Database.

The transversal scope of work of the Garden Route Skills Mecca (GRSM) requires that the District Municipality establishes partnerships and invites bids for the registration of public, private and state owned companies as service providers on a pre-approved database to offer skills development related programmes and workplace services as required by employers and entrepreneurs within the prioritised economic growth and enabling sectors of the District.

Dr Florus explained: “After conclusion of the supply chain process and once placed on the approved list, such service providers would be expected to provide quotations on selected programmes and/or services as requested by the District Municipality”.  Meaning, “approved service providers would be selected as possible providers for a particular programme or service and then be requested to provide a quotation for the intended programme or service,” he added.

It will be expected from service providers to deliver programmes or services that must be relevant to at least one or more of the Garden Route District Growth and Development Strategy socio economic priorities that may be amended quarterly; These include: occupational based education training development, occupationally based assessment services including recognition of prior learning services; generic work readiness programmes inclusive of Core Skills within the framework determined by the International Labour Organisation; and Professional Technical Expertise Services within the categories of Facilitating, Consulting, Mentoring, Coaching, Research and Data Analytics.

According to Dr Florus, the database plays a significant role to get service providers to help the GRSM to spend the money. He emphasised: “You can sometimes get the cash, but it is almost twice as hard to spend the funds and it need to be spend in a way that is correct and under proper governance”. The provider database, as well as other documents such as the funding strategy etc. will always form part of the agendas directing the Summits and Indabas. These documents will influence the resolutions around the GRSM.

Dr Florus praised the local municipalities in the district for establishing their local structures where economic development and skills development colleagues meet to discuss their program.  So far, these local structures have provided the GRSM with up to four projects that they want assistance on. He said: “This is great if one has this kind of cooperation – we will progress, and this will help us tremendously in our region in terms of skills development”.

The other side of the support system focuses on “customer orientation”. This approach refers to helping particularly employers and learners, as two big customer groups, together with the GRDM and the members of Council. The GRSM work closely with the GRDM Digital Transformation Strategy Group to build an employer database which will be a multi-faceted employer database.

This database is formally part of the Digital Strategy with the employer data as records that will be well-controlled. The database plays a significant role as it can build skills profiles and skills needs of employers.  “This part is linked back to the district development model, because if the GRSM does not have an effective employee database like that, regarding what employers in the area really need and be able to deliver on those skills, then the district development model will not work,” Dr Florus said.

To ensure the effective marketing of these programs and projects of the GRSM, a Digital Marketing Strategy together with the website that is being developed, as well as a comprehensive e-marketing strategy, is in the process to be implemented. The website is envisaged to go live in due course. Through this website, all the necessary information that it shared at the Forum, can be accessed.

Recruitment of seventeen (17) young people

The GRSM is in the process of securing funding to recruit seventeen (17) unemployed people as GRSM Technicians. Technicians will be trained to run the various elements of the GRSM. Two technicians will be placed at each local municipality in the district and three at the GRDM.  Dr Florus highlighted that, “as a team, we will work with them over three years to develop the skills and assist them to become professionally registered skills development technicians and in that way, we hope to make them highly employable over the three years”.

Ms Gillian Tobin from the Local Government SETA furthermore made a presentation on the requirements for Skills Development Providers in the Local Government Sector. The requirements for Skills Development Providers in the Occupational Qualifications Sub Framework were also presented by Mr Emmanuel Mbuwe from the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations.

In closing, Ms Holtzhausen encouraged participants to form part of all future engagements of the Garden Route Skills Mecca.

6 October 2021 Media Release: Get your vaccine now for a safe summer season

6 October 2021

Media release: Get your vaccine now for a safe summer season

Those who have not yet received their vaccine should do so now. If you want to be fully vaccinated by 1 December, the start of the festive season, you will need to:

  • Receive your first dose of Pfizer by no later than 20 October 2021.
  • Receive your second dose 42 days after. This means that you will have received your second dose by 1 December 2021 latest.

It takes approximately two weeks from full vaccination (after your second jab) for you to develop maximum immune protection. This means if you get your second jab on 1 December, you will have the best possible protection from around 14 December – just around the time that many people have planned to start their festive season plans.

Western Cape Government Health has set December as the target to ensure that residents have a summer that they can look forward to and aims to fully vaccinate 70% of those over 50 years old by December and 70% of the eligible population with at least one dose.

The recently held Vooma vaccination weekend drive saw 59 429 vaccines administered in the Western Cape of which 1104 were administered in the Garden Route.

“Although the turn-out was much less than anticipated, we commend every person who came for their vaccination, despite rainy and very cold weather. We want to encourage our communities to take up the offer of vaccination as it has been demonstrated to offer significant protection against severe COVID related disease and death”, said Mr Zee Brickles (Health Director: Garden Route and Central Karoo).

“We all want to enjoy the festive season which is why I have also launched the jabs b4jol campaign to encourage especially young people to get vaccinated. Vaccines are safe and very effective. We are seeing a lot fewer hospitalisations and deaths in people who get vaccinated. While some people have minor reactions after getting vaccinated like headaches or fever, these are often easily managed at home, and the benefit of getting vaccinated is much greater than being unvaccinated and getting COVID-19. Please use any one of our vaccine sites. Many who are 18 years and older, who received their jabs from 20 August, are now eligible for their second shot. Please do not hesitate, fully vaccinate”, said Minister of Health, Dr Mbombo.

Caption: Walk-about at Harry Comay Hospital’s Vooma vaccination site from left front: Mr Jewel Jonkers (Director Education Garden Route), Mr Memory Booysen (Garden Route mayor), Sr Linda Geweld (Nursing Manager Harry Comay Hospital),  Back: Dr Terence Marshall (Health), Mr Zee Brickles (Health Director: Garden Route and Central Karoo District), Mr Leon van Wyk (George mayor), Dr Zilla North (medical manager George subdistrict)


Nadia Ferreira

Principal Communications Officer

Garden Route and Central Karoo Districts

Western Cape Government Health



5 October 2021 Save the Date – Invitation: Garden Route Skills Mecca Webinar



Capacity Building for Skills Development Providers

You are invited to attend our upcoming Garden Route Skills Mecca Capacity Building Session. Through this engagement, we wish to bring all skills development providers, both public and private, interested in becoming part of the Garden Route Skills Mecca process on board.

This session will allow stakeholders to gain insights into our programme offerings and build their capacity when applying to become accredited providers in South Africa.

Join the proceedings as follows: 

1 October 2021 Media Statement: Fraud case opened against two GRDM employees and service provider

Media Statement: Fraud case opened against two GRDM employees and service provider

For Immediate Release
1 October 2021

Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Municipal Manager, Mr Monde Stratu, has opened a case of possible fraud against two (2) suspended GRDM employees and a Supplier. This is for the alleged payment of goods that were not received by the Municipality. The Municipality has conducted a preliminary investigation and the supplier has agreed to pay back the money that was not due and payable. This payment relates to the procurement of premix and slurry bags.

According to Mr Stratu, the Municipal Finance Management Act, 56 of 2003, section 32(6) clearly states: “The accounting officer must report to the South African Police Service all cases of alleged – (a) irregular expenditure that constitute a criminal offence; and (b) theft and fraud that occurred in the municipality. ”

GRDM Executive Mayor, Ald. Memory Booysen, commended the administration for proactively probing the alleged procurement irregularities. “Corruption at our municipality will not be tolerated because it takes away the scarce resources that are set aside from public funds,” said Booysen. The Executive Mayor urged the public to allow the legal processes to take their course.

Booysen stated that the GRDM remains committed to working together with the public and private sectors to ensure that corrupt elements in the private and public sectors face the full wrath of the law.

Remember to report any instance of fraud that is linked to the GRDM Ethics & Fraud Hotline, 0800 004 006 or e-mail


(5 – 14 October) SAVE THE DATES: FREE Facebook, Instagram & WhatsApp for Business training sessions

Are you a small business owner or entrepreneur looking to take your business online to improve competitiveness and expand markets?

Please see the training invitation below and REGISTER by clicking on the topic/s you would like to attend:

5 October 2021 – Topic 1: Facebook Business Page 

7 October 2021 – Topic 2: Instagram for Business

12 October 2021 – Topic 3: Facebook Ads

14 October 2021 – Topic 4: WhatsApp for Business


1 October 2021 Media Release: Take action during Breast Cancer Awareness month

Take action during Breast Cancer Awareness month

For Immediate Release
1 October 2021

Annually, October marks “Breast Cancer Awareness month”. During this month awareness about the risks and signs of breast cancer are shared with the broader public and through this, support to those affected by it is also supported.

According to studies, early detection remains the cornerstone of controlling cancer. This means, early and adequate diagnosis can lead to effective treatment, resulting in an excellent chance to cure breast cancer. Therefore, women must empower themselves with the knowledge to lower their health risks and be able to take action to address the warning signs of cancer as early as possible.

In South Africa, breast cancer is known to be one of the most common cancers among women of all races. All women are at risk, particularly women with a family history of breast cancer. Approximately 90% of patients survive breast cancer after diagnosis during early detection, but this should be 100% – a whole of society approach is required for this to be achieved.

South Africans are lucky to have an organisation like CANSA (Cancer Association of South Africa) involved in lowering cancer risks and providing an integrated service to all people affected by cancer. CANSA continuously supplies the public with information and support. They are committed to offering day-to-day help, including emotional support to the patients. In addition, they strive to ensure that cancer survivors and their loved ones don’t have to face cancer alone.

In support of “Breast Cancer Awareness Month”, women are encouraged to go for annual medical check-ups and cancer screening; and familiarise themselves with the early warning signs and symptoms of cancer. It is also crucial for women to regularly check their breasts and visit health care practitioners if changes are noticed. Awareness of risk factors can help women reduce their cancer risk.

The following are common breast cancer signs and symptoms, which include:

  • a lump or swelling in the breast, upper chest or armpit – you might feel the lump but not see it;
  • a change to the skin, such as puckering or dimpling;
  • a change in the colour of the breast – the breast may look red or inflamed;
  • a change to the nipple, for example, it has become pulled in (inverted);
  • rash or crusting around the nipple;
  • any unusual liquid (discharge) from either nipple; and
  • changes in the size or shape of the breast.

Women must develop the habit of regularly checking their breasts, including the upper chest areas and armpits. It’s simple using the TLC technique (Touch Look Check).

  • Touch your breasts: can you feel anything unusual?
  • Look for changes: does anything look different?
  • Check any changes with your GP

Remember, awareness of the symptoms and early detection can result in an early diagnosis, resulting in improved treatment outcomes. It is in a woman’s nature to generally put others first – BUT, women need to realise that they too have the right to prioritise their own health.