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Local Government News

1 October 2021 Financial Assistance towards Further Studies 2022


Applications are invited from students currently receiving tuition at Tertiary or Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions and learners who are currently Grade 12 or have passed Grade 12, for financial assistance towards further studies during the 2022 academic year. The financial contribution by GRDM, is restricted to full-time study and attendance at SAQA accredited tertiary, or TVET institutions. This is ONLY applicable to students whose parents permanently reside within the Garden Route municipal area.

Application forms are available at the GRDM and satellite offices during normal office hours (Monday – Thursday 07:30 – 16:30; Friday 07:30 – 13:30). Application forms are also available from the GRDM’s website at


A detailed Curriculum Vitae and cover letter, application form, and certified copies of the following documentation must be attached: Latest or Grade 12 results or equal qualification; latest examination results of students currently enrolled at tertiary institutions; certified copy of I.D.; affidavit of parents’ combined income and proof of residential address (municipal account).

Please forward the application form and all documents to: Records, Garden Route District Municipality, 54 York Street, P.O. Box 12, George 6530, for attention: Training and Development Section.

For any enquiries, do not hesitate to contact:

  • Mr Reginald Salmons at 044 803 1363,
  • Ms Angeline Naidoo at 044 803 1420 /or
  • Mrs Angela-Ziva Coetzee at 044 803 1344, during office hours.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Should candidates not be contacted within two-months of the closing date, they must consider their application as unsuccessful.

Closing date: 22 October 2021 before 13:30

Click here to download/view the Full Advert.

30 September 2021 Media Release: Garden Route DM’s long-awaited fire station is coming soon

Garden Route DM’s long-awaited fire station is coming soon

For Immediate Release
30 September 2021

During a Council meeting the Garden Route District Municipal (GRDM) Council took an in-principle decision to proceed with the proposed plan to build a District Fire Station in George. This decision was taken subject to a supporting Council decision from the George Municipality, who subsequently resolved that property would be donated to the GRDM for the construction of such a premises.

According to the GRDM Acting Fire Chief, Mr Johan Brand, the original plan was for the GRDM Fire Services to move from George to Mossel Bay because GRDM has property in Mossel Bay and logistically it would be advantageous to do so. However, after a thorough investigation, consultation, and calculations, the move was reconsidered because of the impact it would have on personnel and their families.

For the GRDM to have its own fire station is a considerable upgrade for the institution, especially one built according to SA Regulations and Standards for fire stations.  The proposed fire station will be furnished with overhead automotive roll-up doors, a traditional firefighter sliding pole, a backup electricity generator, firefighters sleeping quarters and a fully equipped gym.   The GRDM never had their own fire station, and years ago, they had to operate fire services from a makeshift base consisting of tents.

The GRDM Fire and Rescue Services is pleased and excited about the new fire station. “We aim to start construction by the end of 2021 and foresee that it will take about a year for the construction to be completed,” said Mr Brand.

The new GRDM Fire Station will cover 5 877 m2, situated on erven 22494 & 22495, Pearl Street in the Tamsui Industria, George.

Photo Credit:dusanpetkovic


29 September 2021 Speech by Executive Mayor at the 2016/2017 -2021/2022 final Garden Route District Municipality Council Meeting

Speech by Executive Mayor at the 2016/2017 – 2021/2022 final Garden Route District Municipality Council Meeting

Thank you Mr Speaker.

Mr Speaker, we, as believers, we believe that there is a time for everything. And the sad part about this is that some of these occasions are very emotional. There is a time to laugh, a time to come, and a time to go and also a time to celebrate. And you know, Mr Speaker, as we just announced, whilst people are celebrating, other people are grieving. We just heard the sad news about Alderman Gericke’s family; our prayers are with him and his family.

Mr Speaker, the main thing is that we’ve come a very long way and so did I. I know we all started in 2016, ‘our first term’, and along the way we’ve lost some of our fellow councillors. We have lost officials and some of us here have lost loved ones…the list goes on and on. So we are not a full team anymore, the team we started with in 2016 is no more; I will always carry great memories with me Mr Speaker. Mr Speaker, what a lot of people don’t know, is sometimes we have to say these things.

On the other side of the house of the Council Chambers – the side of the African National Congress, there are two specific councillors; I have never said it to them and probably this is the best time to say it now. It is Aldermen Van der Hoven and De Vries. Politically I grew up with them being my leaders (political leaders) many years ago. I recall this being in the 90’s, in the early 2000’s. De Vries, at the time, was our Regional Chairperson and Alderman Van der Hoven, the party he still represents used to utilise him to come and check up on all the branches. Whenever there was something happening at branches (we did not understand our own party’s Constitution back at the time), they used to send Alderman Van der Hoven. At that time I was always wearing shorts, but now I wear a suit. Thank you very much to all the Councillors. You know, but one learns, a person learns good things – tricks of the trade to help you with your duties. So I took the best from what I’ve learned from them and I now blend it with what I have learned under the new blue machine. This approach has made me to become very versatile – so I want to thank them for the role they played in my career development.

Mr Speaker, the other thing on top of that, which is not something one would necessarily want to say out loudly, is that some of us are not coming back after the elections. For some of us it is deliberate, while for others it is because of misfortunes. But what I do want to say is that, I don’t care who says what. Whether I go to any other province; whether I would go to our federal offices; whether I go to Cape Town; wherever I go – I regard myself as the Mayor who is standing on a solid foundation. I am standing on a solid foundation because of each and every one of you here. I have learned something from all of you. Whether you are a Councillor or an official, it doesn’t matter. I have always learned something from somebody here. The others are not here today; they are online. The others are probably still at home and part of the meeting, but I have learned a lot from everybody. Even the people who serve tea and coffee at work. In the morning I greet them. In the morning they say something to me before we start our day; I’ve learned something out of that. And that is – what I’m applying as a parent, because I regard them as parents.

So, colleagues, it will never be the same again after this meeting Mr Speaker – it will never be the same again. I will say it in Afrikaans. Ek weet nie of van die Afrikaans-sprekendes dit weet nie. Hulle sê, die oumense sê: “Jou voete kan nie ruik nie”. Wat dit beteken is “jou voete lei jou waar jy nie weet waar jy môre gaan wees nie, maar jou voete lei jou iewers heen”. So, as jou voete kon ruik, dan sou dit vir jou gesê het: “I am not going into that direction”. You never know where God is leading you to. So, to everyone here, the full complement of this team, after the first of November we will be friends again and after the 1st of November we will all still be Garden Routers, regardless of what happens after 1 November. Fortunately for me, God willing, I will come back. I might not come back as the Executive Mayor, but I will come back as a Councillor. So, still be nice to me, because I will come back. Remember the reason why I am saying this. I had a discussion with Alderman De Vries at one stage many years back, because I know tonight we are going to have our own makietie as well. So we are going to meet up here again. The reason, why I am saying that we should still be nice to each other tonight, is because we don’t know what is going to happen after the 1st of November. We had a discussion with Alderman De Vries in Knysna at an occasion, the one politician kicked the Municipal Manager back then, so we do not want that to happen tonight, certainly not to me, but these things happen. Alderman Van der Hoven might also have received that report many years ago about somebody who kicked the Municipal Manager.

Colleagues, I will miss those who are not coming back, those of you who are going into retirement. What I also learned is that what we need to do, is certainly something that I always press the button on, is that those with more experience than myself and those who have been there, done that, please keep your phones on. I will still call you.

I thank you very much.

27 September 2021 Media Release: Vaccination Weekend Garden Route

Media Release: Vaccination Weekend Garden Route

27 September 2021

The Vooma Vaccination Weekend is on our doorstep, taking place from 1 to 3 October nationally.  The aim of this vaccination drive is to vaccinate 70% of adults by the end of the year – that’s 17 million more people. If we achieve that, projections are that we will save at least 20 000 lives.

The Garden Route has administered 256 879 vaccines to date.  The percentage of the Garden Route population over 18 years who have received at least one dose vaccine stands at 41% . If you are 18 or older, don’t wait any longer! Go and get vaccinated at a site near you. The vaccination is free to everyone living in South Africa, whether you are a South African or from another country.

VOOMA Weekend Sites: 

COVID cases

The district is still showing a decrease in the total number of new cases over the last 7 days compared to 7 – 14 days ago. George Regional Hospital is also experiencing decreased pressure in wards as well as the critical care unit. Today there are 26 COVID patients in the COVID ward and 10 patients in the critical care unit. Harry Comay Hospital, a step-down facility for George Hospital has 7 COVID-19 patients. All district hospitals have decreased pressure except for Oudtshoorn Hospital, which although less busy, still has a high number of COVID inpatients.

Phumla Priscilla Mantwana (62) is a take-away and accommodation owner in Kwanokuthula, Plettenberg Bay and has been vaccinated.

“I live with my two son’s and rent out two spare rooms for temporary rentals and also sell fast food take-aways to my community. I took the vaccine because I believe in safety first for my kids and my customers. My businesses are my daily bread. I have to be up every day receiving and talking to people. I don’t want to die and leave my kids without nothing to depend on”, she said.

The Garden Route currently has one quarantine and isolation site, PetroSA. Gateway Lodge in George has been decommissioned.

COVID stats as of 27 September 2021.

Caption: Phumla Mantwana opted to get the vaccine for financial security.


Nadia Ferreira
Principal Communications Officer
Garden Route and Central Karoo Districts
Western Cape Government Health

27 September 2021 News Release: Garden Route District Municipality’s Environmental Health Practitioners fulfill significant role in Water Quality Monitoring

News Release: Garden Route District Municipality’s Environmental Health Practitioners fulfill significant role in Water Quality Monitoring

For Immediate Release
27 September 2021

Water is a national resource, fundamental to life, as well as growth and development. It, therefore, stands to reason that the quality of our drinking water and water resources is highly dependent on the overall management of the water cycle.  

According to Johan Compion, Garden Route District Municipality’s (GRDM) Manager for Municipal Health and Environmental Management, GRDM is mandated by various legislation to monitor the quality of our drinking- and wastewater. He said: “The applicable legislation is enforced by Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) and is stipulated in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996, the Water Services Act, no 108 of 1997, the National Water Act no. 36 of 1998 and the National Health Act no. 61 of 2003”. To this he added: “Therefore all these health powers are vested in district municipalities, which includes water quality monitoring and environmental pollution control”.


GRDM has eight regions with offices to ensure that water quality in all regions is monitored at intervals required by the legislation mentioned above. The offices are situated in the following areas of the Garden Route district, including Plettenberg Bay, Knysna, George Head office with two sub-regions, Mossel Bay, Riversdale and Oudtshoorn, with a sub-office in Ladismith.


Typical water types that are monitored, sampled and analysed include, but are not limited to: drinking water, surface water (rivers and dams), treated sewage effluent, recreational waters (seawater and public swimming pools) and industrial effluent. Compliance rates for potable water are above ninety (90) per cent, and where samples do not comply with legislation (norms and standards), the reasons are investigated and corrective measures implemented. Waste water plants are also inspected, and sampling is done to ensure that the final effluents are safe to discard in the environment as per permit requirements.


Compion further highlighted and said: “Close cooperation with local municipalities, the Department of Water Affairs, the Department of Environmental Affairs, other government departments and private entities, as well as role-players, exist, to ensure that short-, medium- and long-term goals are met.


In conclusion he emphasised: “Notwithstanding all the above-mentioned facts, residents in the Southern Cape, are the main shareholders to ensure a healthy and safe environment and are encouraged to use water sparingly, to report any form of pollution and refrain from discarding any chemicals or foreign matter in sewage systems and water bodies”.


24 September 2021 Heritage Month – in celebration of struggle icons

Heritage Month – a celebration of struggle icons

Heritage Month in September and Heritage Day on 24 September in particular is commemorated annually to mark our nation’s diverse culture and heritage.

The 2021 theme for Heritage Month is “The year of Charlotte Maxeke: Celebrating South Africa’s Intangible Cultural Heritage”. This year’s theme pays tribute to the 150th anniversary of the liberation struggle heroin and human right activist Charlotte Maxeke. She is being celebrated to inspire the women of this country to follow her example.

Heritage Month is also an opportunity to commemorate the centenaries of our late resistance and liberation struggle icons, and honour their contributions towards a free and democratic South Africa.

Let us continue honour and celebrate these struggle icons!


21 September 2021 Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Interns receive cellular devices 

Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Interns receive cellular devices

For Immediate Release
21 September 2021

The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) interns recently received cellular devices from CapaCiti, and One Digital Media these companies are partnering with the GRDM to nurture the talent of the youth. Eleven (11) CapaCiti interns and two (2) One Digital Media interns, these interns are currently being hosted by the GRDM and will use these devices as part of their duties and report-back activities to CapaCiti and One Digital Media.

The GRDM Executive Manager for Corporate Services, Trix Holtzhausen, said: “We have never before been in a position to ensure that interns have access to such tools of trade and we are thankful to CapaCiti and One Digital Media for assisting us with these resources”. “Additionally, the GRDM provides interns with Wi-Fi to access the Internet, which reduces their personal data costs,” said Holtzhausen. The two apps installed on each device are known as YES4YOUTH and YES4LIFE.


“Yes4Youth” is an educational tool for action-based learning and it consists of “bite-sized knowledge” – it, therefore, contains value-driven and principle-based contents. The app is designed for busy professionals and executives who have no time, although they want to continue learning for their personal and professional development.


The Yes4Life app is designed to assess and measure the “Yes Youth” quality work experience through weekly, monthly baseline mid line and end line surveys. These surveys require “YES Youth” to complete a series of questions pertaining to their background, their ongoing experience taken from the very beginning of their journey and throughout their 12-month quality work experience in order to compile their unique profile, as to reassure the quality assurance and continued improvement throughout their YES journey.

GRDM remains committed to youth development, in particular developing the skills of women to be form part of the job market.

Feature Image: Onke Jako, working under the Recruitment and Selection Unit, received his cellular phone from One Digital Media