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Local Government News

20 August 2021 Media Release: Garden Route Fresh Produce Market a step closer to fruition

Media Release: Garden Route Fresh Produce Market a step closer to fruition

For Immediate Release
20 August 2021

Section 84 of the Municipal Structures Act 117 of 1998 provides a comprehensive list of functions for which each district municipality in South Africa is responsible. Over the years preceding the 2016 Council’s appointment, many functions were delegated to Local Government institutions. However, the current Council of Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) collectively agreed to take control of each mandate assigned by law incrementally. One such mandate is for the GRDM to establish, conduct and control fresh produce markets and abattoirs serving the area of the district municipality as a whole.

According to GRDM Executive Mayor Alderman Memory Booysen, “the GRDM Council firmly supports efforts to promote food security, economic growth and for the GRDM to raise funds to establish a Garden Route Fresh Produce Market (GRFPM)”. Booysen said: “GRDM plans to provide R10,5 million to the GRFPM on a grant or concessional loan basis for 1-year”. He confirmed that a feasibility study and business plan have already been developed and approved by the GRDM Council.

The Garden Route is well-known for its abundant natural resources, particularly its rich soil for agricultural development. In addition, boosting the agricultural sector will also provide the GRDM to invest in small-scale farmers to help them grow their businesses and create a more inclusive agricultural economy. This is in line with GRDM Growth and Development Strategy. Once the fresh produce market is up and running, local producers will be able to supply produce to the regional market and save a lot of costs on transport and reducing greenhouse emissions. These agricultural producers will grow and eventually export their produce to other parts of South Africa and globally.

The agro-based value chain will be positively impacted too, because a fresh produce market can act as appoint where market-related and product information can be made available. Thus, a fresh produce market can serve as more than only a place to sell and buy food from – in essence, a place where expertise can be shared to ensure that everyone grows together.

International Organization for Standardization

Traditionally, previously marginalised farmers grew fruits and vegetables for subsistence and distribution through household and local markets, which has since changed. The globalisation of vegetable and fruit trades demanded improved quality and the meeting of the stringent International Organization for Standardization (ISO) norms. In order to comply with the standards, there are challenges, such as a lack of post-harvest handling technologies, which included the use of more effective cold and/or controlled atmosphere storage facilities and better transport systems. These facilities are most vital if the extended shelf life of the fresh produce commodities is to be insured. The improved technologies would allow more distant and lucrative markets to be penetrated.

The South African Government has subsequently instituted various interventions, which focused on beefing up entrepreneurial skills through capacity building and various empowerment schemes. However, most of the initiated interventions through multiple organisations and Sector Education Training Authorities (SETA) initially focused on the production part of the fresh produce chain, with recent efforts focusing on the entire value chain of a given commodity.

Post-harvest handling technologies in fresh produce depots, when established, would reduce post-harvest losses incurred by previously marginalised fresh produce farmers in South Africa. The GRDM views the establishment of crucial marketing infrastructure as imperative for the survival of the emerging producers and the inclusive economic growth of the region. If producers were well-organised, the sharing of market infrastructure and transport could significantly reduce their business costs.

An approved business plan by Council confirms a dire need for the aforementioned infrastructure. The infrastructure is also anticipated to generate a massive return on investment and promote more trade thereby creating a greater platform for local and national market agents.

Feature image: Istock


19 August 2021 Media Release: Ald. Memory Booysen gets his 2nd Pfizer jab

Media Release: Ald. Memory Booysen gets his 2nd Pfizer jab

For Immediate Release
19 August 2021

Executive Mayor of Garden Route District Municipality, Ald. Memory Booysen, today, 19 August 2021, received his 2nd Pfizer jab at the Knysna Town Hall. Last month, on 8 July, Mayor Booysen received his 1st Pfizer jab at the Thembalethu Clinic in George – read about it here. Like most Mayors in the region, Booysen has been encouraging the public to also get the jab to protect themselves from severe illness. A joint statement was issued about this recently.

During a short interview, Mayor Booysen said: “My wife, Elethu, and I made a decision to get vaccinated because we want protection from severe Covid-19 illness. We’ve witnessed too many friends and family members being ripped away from our lives over the past year and a half. This is why I want to urge you to register to get vaccinated. Let’s all make the right choice together; please, I encourage you to trust science. We all want to enjoy a normal festive season later this year and not be faced with losing more loved ones.”

According to Mr Gerhard Otto, Manager for Disaster Management at GRDM, the vaccination uptake in the Garden Route is going well. “We encourage Garden Routers to keep up the momentum so that we reach our milestone of having at least 80% of citizens vaccinated before the end of November 2021,” said Otto.

Mr Siphiwe Dladla, Chief of Staff for the GRDM also joined Ald. Booysen to Knysna. They were both vaccinated at the same site on 8 July over a month ago.

Here is what to do if you are 18 or older and interested in getting the COVID-19 vaccine: Register for your COVID-19 vaccine by browsing here: or by calling 0860 142 142 between 8 am and 8 pm on weekdays. You can also leave a message and the Health Department will call back. Alternatively, WhatsApp the word REGISTER to 0600 123 456 or dial *134*832# from any SA network for free.

Feature image caption: Sister Claire Vegter with Ald. Memory Booysen at the Knysna Town Hall, shortly after Ald. Booysen received his second Pfizer jab. Photo credit: Ms Nwabisa Pondoyi, Knysna Municipality



18 August 2021 Impact Based Weather Warning: Disruptive Rain

Weather Warning: Impact Based Warning – Disruptive Rain

The Cape Town Weather Office has issued an Impact Based Warning for the Western Cape and Namaqua Region of the Northern Cape as follows

Report any weather related incidents to the Garden Route Disaster Management Centre at 044 805 5071.


Legal notice:
“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.
It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

18 August 2021 Media Release: Garden Route DM hosts successful Waste and Biomass Beneficiation Conference 

Media Release: Garden Route DM hosts successful Waste and Biomass Beneficiation Conference

For Immediate Release
18 August 2021

The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), in partnership with the Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, Western Cape Economic Development Partnership and Climate Neutral Group, concluded a very successful Waste and Biomass Beneficiation Conference on 12 August 2021.

During his opening remarks, Ald. Memory Booysen said that he was confident that the GRDM would be setting the tone for the Garden Route to become the most resilient and progressive in the Western Cape and South Africa. Mayor Booysen stated that the GRDM regards energy remained a central part of what was being explored during the Conference. “Beneficiation is key for us to become sustainable – we already tick many of the boxes and we have the political will to carry it through,” he said.

During the Conference, it was evident that there is an appetite for developing waste and biomass beneficiation solutions and how it can benefit the Garden Route to form part of a new drive to go green with a selection of technologies. These technologies include alien invasive plants (AIPs) and general waste as a resource. Some applications discussed during the Conference included the manufacturing of syngas or ethanol, to produce Black Pellets or carbon-rich material produced during a pyrolysis process for agricultural use, generating energy (electricity) and many other applications.

Twenty-four (24) industry experts presented their topics under the following main conference themes:

  • The Waste and Biomass situation in the Garden Route and Western Cape
  • Completing the value chain — keeping the Cluster sustainable and looking after the environment
  • Logistics and infrastructure
  • Turning Waste and Biomass into Value
  • Finance and Development options

The Conference covered a wide variety of topics to assist technology and solution providers with access to all the essential facts and numbers needed to build a true business development project, based on tangible collaboration opportunities in a potential Waste Beneficiation Cluster or precinct. Close to 180 delegates (including presenters and organisers) attended the Conference with representation from the Private Sector, Government, Investors, NPOs and Academia.

During his closing remarks and unpacking of the steps to follow the Conference, GRDM Municipal Manager, Mr Monde Stratu thanked the organisers and said: “We invite all stakeholders to participate in formulating a strategic framework and action plan for the invasive biomass economy in South Africa and more specifically the Garden Route.” Stratu also stated that the development of a new brand of Small-, Medium and Micro Enterprises would be a critical component to ensure that the biomass value chain of the region is elevated beyond the supply and demand towards a restorative economic model.

The GRDM and its partners are keenly looking forward to taking the next steps forward to find solutions to minimise waste and maximise value.

Download all presentations here.

View the conference:


17 August 2021 Media Release:  New Quarantine and Isolation facility to relieve pressure in the Garden Route

Media Release:  New Quarantine and Isolation facility to relieve pressure in the Garden Route

For Immediate Release
17 August 2021

On Wednesday, 4 August 2021, a new Quarantine & Isolation facility has been open at the Gateway Lodge, 6km outside of George.

The Gateway Lodge site and PetroSA sites are the designated quarantine and isolations facilities in the Garden Route district. In terms of proximity, people from George, Knysna, Bitou and Oudtshoorn will first be accommodated at Gateway Lodge, which has a 28-bed capacity; if this site becomes full, those in quarantine and isolation, will be moved to PetroSA. People from Mossel Bay, Hessequa and Kannaland will be accommodated at the PetroSA facility which has a 150-bed capacity.

Both these sites are operational seven days a week and accept persons between 09h00 and 17h00 daily. The process for any public member requiring either quarantines or isolation facilities is to contact the local Provincial Department of Health sub-district health representative, who will assess the request and make the necessary arrangements.

It is important to note that if a person tested positive for coronavirus, they need to isolate. And if you have symptoms or have come into close contact with someone who has coronavirus, they are required to be in quarantine. If you can isolate or quarantine safely at home, do so, but if it is not possible, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the local Provincial Department of Health sub-district health representative.

Contact details:

Knysna/Bitou subdistrict:

Contact number:  044 302 8405 /

Kannaland subdistrict:

Contact number: 028 551 1010 /

Oudtshoorn subdistrict:

Contact number: 044 203 7207 /

George subdistrict:

Contact number: 044 814 1124/5 /

Mossel Bay subdistrict:

Contact number: 044 604 6194 /

Hessequa subdistrict:

Contact number: 028 713 8640 /

16 August 2021 Joint Media Release: COVID-19 Vaccinations: Garden Route Executive Mayors lead by example and encourage others to do the same

Joint Media Release: COVID-19 Vaccinations: Garden Route Executive Mayors lead by example and encourage others to do the same

For Immediate Release
16 August 2021

Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Executive Mayor, Ald. Memory Booysen and Executive Mayors from local municipalities in the Garden Route call on all Garden Routers eligible to register (35 years and older) to get their COVID-19 jab.

 “I received my first COVID-19 jab at the Thembalethu Clinic in George on 8 July 2021 and will receive my second 19 August 2021,” said Ald. Booysen.

He added: “I want to make it clear, the Medici has clearly stated that minor side-effects after receiving your jab is normal and doesn’t mean that it is more or less effective”.  Mayor Booysen also stated that with the help of Western Cape MEC for Health, Dr Nomafrench Mbombo’s three-day visits, two weeks ago, a lot of awareness was created and many Garden Routers became better informed about the importance of taking the COVID-19 vaccines to prevent severe illness.

Details of each Mayor’s vaccination status has been made publicly available and include:

  • Hessequa Executive Mayor Cllr Grant Riddles received his first jab on 19 July 2021 and will get his second one at the end of August.
  • Mossel Bay Executive Mayor Ald. Harry Levendal received his first jab on 9 June 2021 and his second in July.
  • Knysna Executive Mayor, Cllr Ricky van Aswegen, received his first jab on 9 July 2021 and his second one is on 20 August 2021.
  • Bitou Executive Mayor, Cllr Sandiso Gcabayi, received his first vaccine dose on 16 July and will receive his second one on 27 August 2021.
  • Greater Oudtshoorn Municipality Executive Mayor, Cllr Chris Macpherson, received his first vaccine dose on 10 June 2021 and his second one 22 July 2021.
  • Kannaland Municipality Executive Mayor, Cllr Magdalena Barry, received her first vaccine dose on 23 June 2021 and received her second one on 11 August 2021.

Mayors agree that there remains a strong alignment between saving lives and saving livelihoods – two inseparable priorities. They’ve asked that the generation of tech-savvy youngsters go out of their way to help their elders with registering. It is easily done in a quick and simple process. Mayors also trust the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) findings of the current vaccines and their efficacy, safety and quality are up to standard. This is only one of many other reasons why all Garden Routers are urged to register when it’s their turn to fight back against COVID-19 and continue to save lives and livelihoods.

People 35 or older must register to receive their free COVID-19 vaccine by following these quick and easy steps:

  • You can also dial *134*832# and follow the prompts (FREE on all South African Networks) or WhatsApp the word REGISTER to 0600 123456
  • You will need your ID/Passport/Refugee number, as well as a smartphone, tablet or computer
  • The welcome screen will tell you what to do next
  • Follow the instructions to complete your registration
  • When you have registered, the EVDS system will send an SMS to the phone number you provided. You will receive a second SMS to tell you when and where to get your vaccination. You will need to show this at vaccination sites together with your identification document.


13 August 2021 Public Notice: Noise Disturbance Advisory, Mossel Bay (13-15 August 2021)

MOSSEL BAY (13 – 15 AUGUST 2021)

Starting this afternoon (Friday 13 August 2021 until 15 August 2021), PetroSA Voorbaai Tank Farm (TK 109D) will be emptying one of its tanks at Voorbaai using air pumps. There are no risks associated with the activity other than noise disturbance in the Voorbaai and Bayview areas.

PetroSA apologises in advance for any inconvenience caused and would like to thank the public for their patience during this time.

MG Stratu
Municipal Manager
54 York Street
PO Box 12

Tel: 044 805 5071 (after-hours)

NOTICE NO: 68/2021

10 August 2021 Weather Advisory: Western Cape and Namaqua

Please find included the Impact Based Warning for the Western Cape and Namaqua Region of Northern Cape:

Alert Level Affected Municipalities Valid From (SAST) Valid To (SAST)
Advisory Beaufort West, Breede Valley, Hantam, Kannaland, Karoo Hoogland, Laingsburg, Langeberg, Oudtshoorn, Prince Albert andWitzenberg. 12/08/21  – 00h00 13/08/21 – 00h00

Discussion: The public and small stock farmers are advised that very cold conditions with daytime temperatures below 10°C are expected to set in over the Western Cape and southern Namakwa District (N. Cape) on Thursday and Friday, due to a cold front moving through the areas, bringing in light snowfalls over the mountain peaks and very cold conditions. Fresh to strong south-easterly winds (30-50km/h) can be expected for both days resulting in a significant wind chill factor. This will cause temperatures to feel much colder outdoors.

Impact: For the farmers, low temperatures, especially in the early hours of the mornings may lead to a loss of vulnerable livestock and crops.

Instruction: Keep warm by wearing appropriate winter clothes, where possible stay indoors. Avoid brazier or open fire to keep warm, in an unventilated room to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Listen to the radio or TV for warnings and obey the instructions from disaster management officers.

Cape Town Weather Office
2nd Floor: Oval Office Park
Cape Town Int airport
Freight Road
Cape Town

Tel: 021 935 5700

>>>Legal notice:<<<

“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.

It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

Report any weather related incidents to the Garden Route Disaster Management Centre at: 044 805 5071.

10 August 2021 Media Alert: Garden Route Waste and Biomass Beneficiation Conference to take place on 12 August 2021 from 09:00 till 17:00

Garden Route Waste and Biomass Beneficiation Conference – 12 August 2021 from 09:00 till 17:00

Presentations and panel discussions on the state of the Waste and Biomass situation in the Garden Route and possible opportunities for Waste and Biomass beneficiation and minimisation solutions.

Despite the Covid-19 economic implications and other issues, there is a huge interest to develop waste and biomass beneficiation solutions that can benefit not only our region, but also be part of a new drive to go green with a selection of technologies, using both alien invasive plants (AIPs) and general waste as a resource.

Interest was expressed to use AIPs and other waste to either manufacture syngas or ethanol, produce Black Pellets or biochar for agricultural use, generate energy (electricity) for local use and becoming less dependent on Eskom, or many other applications.

The Garden Route District Municipality, the Western Cape Government, the Garden Route Development Partnership and the Climate Neutral Group have partnered to present the Waste and Biomass Beneficiation Conference in August. We are privileged to confirm the services of more than 20 presenters and experts across a wide variety of topics to assist you – as a technology and solution provider – with
access to all the important facts and numbers you will need to build a true business development project that is based on tangible collaboration opportunities in a Waste Beneficiation Cluster or precinct.


  • The Waste and Biomass situation in the Garden Route and Western Cape
  • Completing the value chain — keeping the Cluster sustainable and looking after the environment
  • Logistics and infrastructure
  • Turning Waste and Biomass into Value
  • Finance and Development options

Join us to minimise waste and maximise value –

Biomass Expo 2021 – Invite

Presenter Biographies -Waste and Biomass Conference 12 Aug 2021

Programme Waste and Biomass Conference 12 Aug 2021