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Local Government News

9 August 2021 Media Release: Progressive steps towards gender equality and mainstreaming by Garden Route District Municipality

Progressive steps towards gender equality and mainstreaming by Garden Route District Municipality

For immediate release
09 August 2021

The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) seeks to bring change as we are looking at Women’s Month. This year marks 65 years since the watershed 1956 women’s march to the Union Buildings. The year 2020 also marks the twenty-sixth anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action, which created a platform for greater gender equality. This district sees the importance of a formal structure like a District Gender Forum to promote change in terms of gender equality and women empowerment within the region. The forum held its first meeting on Friday, 25 June 2021.

The Gender forum was created to team up with key role players like the Commission Gender Equality (CGE) and the Western Cape Department of Local Government (DLG). During the first engagement, stakeholders were present at the forum gave their full support and encouragement. Each Municipality is tasked to appoint a Gender Focal person-that is important because they will be institutionalising gender mainstream activities in order to balance out gender inequalities and to promote gender empowerment beyond the workplace.

In its policies, GRDM took the initiative and developed “The Stop Gender- Based Violence Policy,” as well as the “Gender Mainstreaming Policy”. These policies are being reviewed after consultation with Local Government and the CGE. In addition to these, a Sexual Harassment Policy and the Employment Equity Policy are already in place to attempt to address gender sensitive issues within the municipality.

A number of workshops will also be held during August 2021 (Women’s month) under the theme – Gender Equality: Realising women’s rights for an equal future.

17 August 2021 Generation Equality: Realising women’s rights for an equal future Commission for Gender Equality representatives
18 August 2021 Human Trafficking Awareness Session Western Cape DLG  representative
24 August 2021 Human Trafficking Awareness Session Western Cape DLG representative
31 August 2021 An overview of the National Strategic Framework on Gender Based Violence and Femicide Western Cape Provincial Community Liaison Officer (Social Development)

GRDM believes the empowerment of women is key to our nation’s advancement and they play a key role in rebuilding a peaceful region. It is therefore important to note that peace and security must remain a priority for all in their diversity.

Written by: Nomkhita Mhlontlo


05 August 2021 Performance Agreements 2021/22 approved

Public Notice: Performance Agreements 2021/22 approved

The following Performance Agreements for the 2021/2022 financial year are approved and are available on the municipal website:

  • Municipal Manager
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Executive Manager: Corporate Services
  • Executive Manager: Community Services
  • Executive Manager: Planning and Economic Development
  • Executive Manager: Roads and Transport Planning Services

Click here to access and download the documents.

For more information, please contact the GRDM Performance Manager, Ms Ilse Saaiman at:
Reception: 044 803 1300

02 August 2021 Media Release: Health platform update

Media Release: Health platform update 2 August 2021

The Garden Route district has a total of 51 300 confirmed COVID-19 cases, this is an increase of 3003 cases from last week.  The district now has 5 974 active cases. George has the highest active cases per 100 000 people.  Second is Mossel Bay sub-district and then Hessequa sub-district. All situations are being actively monitored.  It is important that we all play our part in curbing the spread of the virus by avoiding crowded places, confined spaces with poor ventilation and settings where you are a close contact.

Hospital services

George Regional Hospital remains under pressure.  Today there are 84 Covid patients in the hospital, of whom 22 are in Critical Care. This is a slight improvement compared to last week.

Harry Comay Hospital, as step-down facility for George Hospital, also remains under pressure.  There are now 24 patients in the two wards.

All district hospitals are very busy with an increase in admissions.  The supply of oxygen to hospitals is sufficient.

Vaccination programme

We have received fewer vaccine from the National Government than anticipated for this week.

Our Department is working behind the scenes to ensure that we receive additional vaccines to be able to sustain the high demand.

This does mean some of our sites are under pressure, and we ask for your support and patience. We continue to do everything possible to get available supplies to every corner of the province, and our staff are working extremely hard to provide you with an excellent vaccine service.

Our priority for walk-ins remains the same in principle.

Priority 1: People 60 years and older requiring their 1st and 2nd dose of Pfizer vaccine.

Priority 2: People aged 50-59 years requiring their 1st dose of Pfizer vaccine.

Priority 3. People aged 35 – 49 requiring their 1st dose of Pfizer vaccine.

Please note that vaccinations on the day will be guided by local demand at that specific site.

To register visit or go to and click on the link to register or  WhatsApp the word REGISTER to 0600123456 or Dial *134*832# from any SA network for free.

Vaccination sites for week 2 – 6 August  2021.

SUB-DISTRICT Town Dates 2 – 6 August
Knysna sub-district Knysna Community Day Centre 2 – 6 Aug
Knysna sub-district Knysna Town Hall 2 – 6 Aug
Knysna sub-district Sedgefield Clinic 2, 5, 6
Knysna sub-district Karatara Satellite Clinic 2
Knysna sub-district Keurhoek Satellite Clinic 6
Bitou sub-district Kwanokuthula Community Day Centre 2, 5, 6
Bitou sub-district Kranshoek Clinic 3
Bitou sub-district Plettenberg Bay Town Clinic 2 – 6 Aug
Bitou sub-district Crags Clinic 3, 4
George sub-district Harry Comay TB Hospital 2 – 6 Aug
George sub-district Thembalethu CDC (Sandkraal road) 2 – 6 Aug
George sub-district George Central Clinic 2 – 6 Aug
George sub-district Uniondale Hospital 2 – 6 Aug
George sub-district Mobile Outreach 2 – 6 Aug
George sub-district Pacaltsdorp Clinic 2 – 6 Aug
George sub-district Haarlem Clinic 6
George sub-district Touwsranten Clinic 6
Hessequa sub-district Riversdale Civic Centre 2 – 6 Aug
Hessequa sub-district Heidelberg Duivenhoks Hall 3, 4, 6
Hessequa sub-district Albertinia Theronsville Hall 2, 5, 6
Hessequa sub-district Melkhoutfontein Satellite Clinic 4
Hessequa sub-district Still Bay Civic Centre 2, 3, 5, 6
Hessequa sub-district Slangrivier Satellite Clinic 2, 6
Hessequa sub-district Witsand de Duine Hall 4
Hessequa sub-district Gouritsmond Hall 4
Kannaland sub-district Ladismith DRC Church Hall 2
Kannaland sub-district Zoar Sports Club 4
Kannaland sub-district Calitzdorp DRC Church Hall 5
Kannaland sub-district Van Wyksdorp Kerksaal 3
Mossel Bay sub-district Alma Community Day Centre 2, 4, 5
Mossel Bay sub-district Wolwedans Community Hall 2, 4, 5
Mossel Bay sub-district Mossel Bay Town Hall 2, 4, 5
Mossel Bay sub-district D’Almeida Community Hall 2, 4, 5
Mossel Bay sub-district Mobile Outreach Boggomsbaai & Vleesbaai 03-Aug
Mossel Bay sub-district Mobile Outreach Herbetsdale 04-Aug
Mossel Bay sub-district Mobile Outreach Kleinbrak & Toekoms 05-Aug
Mossel Bay sub-district Mobile Outreach Sonskynvallei 06-Aug
Oudtshoorn sub-district Toekomsrus Community Hall 2 – 6 Aug
Oudtshoorn sub-district Dysselsdorp Clinic 03-Aug
Oudtshoorn sub-district De Rust (Blommenek) Clinic 05-Aug
Oudtshoorn sub-district Oudtshoorn Clinic 2 – 6 Aug


COVID-19 stats as of 2 August 2021

Sub-district TOTAL Active Recovered Deaths
Bitou 3 308 160 3 041 107
George 19 608 2 864 16 095 649
Hessequa 3 199 557 2 501 141
Kannaland 1 266 146 1 064 56
Knysna 6 497 623 5 680 194
Mossel Bay 12 109 1 213 10 542 354
Oudtshoorn 5 313 411 4 556 346
Sub-total 51 300 5 974 43 479 1 847


Nadia Ferreira

Principal Communications Officer

Garden Route and Central Karoo Districts

Western Cape Government Health


02 August 2021 Media Release: “EHPs ends off Madiba Month on a high note”

Media Release: “EHPs ends off Madiba Month on a high note”

For Immediate Release
02  August 2021

In honour of the legacy of the late former President Nelson Mandela, Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) of the Garden Route District Municipality’s (GRDM) George Office, in collaboration with the Western Cape Government Department of Health (WCDOH), devoted 67 minutes of their time to educate visitors at the Blanco Clinic for Madiba Day.

To demonstrate their commitment and dedication to protecting public health during the current Covid-19 pandemic, these men and women conducted health & hygiene education and awareness sessions for the patients visiting the clinic.

EHPs rolled out this initiative while adhering to all COVID-19 protocols. They distributed buffs and educational pamphlets for later use and to emphasise that the only way to protect them against COVID-19 is by:

  • Proper hand-wash practices;
  • Wear a mask in public that covers the nose and mouth; and
  • To keep social distancing of at least 1, 5 m.

Mandela Day is a global call-to-action that celebrates the idea that each individual has the power to transform the world and the ability to make an impact. This year’s Mandela Day campaign message was, “Nelson Mandela has fought for social justice for 67 years. We’re asking you to start with 67 minutes.”

26 July 2021 Media Release: Health platform update 26 July 2021

Media Release: Health platform update 26 July 2021

The Garden Route District had a 29% increase in new cases over the last 7 days compared to 7-14 days ago. All sub-districts had percentage increases, except Mossel Bay which has essentially maintained the status quo.  Hessequa and Bitou has had the biggest percentage increases.  The new cases are widespread with many household clusters.  The total number of positive patients for the district on 26 July 2021 was 48 297.  (One week ago it was 45 017). There are now 922 active cases per 100 000.  (One week ago it was 830.)  There are now a total of 1 706 deaths.  This is regretfully an increase of 97 since the report of last week.  This is a high number and reflects the very difficult position hospitals are in at the moment for staff who have to manage this and the trauma and grief that many families and friends have to bear.

Hospital services

George Regional Hospital is now under severe pressure.  On 26 July, the hospital had  97 Covid patients, of whom 24 were in Critical Care.

Harry Comay Hospital, as step-down facility for George Hospital, is under pressure.  There are now 27 patients in the two wards, which is the maximum capacity with the available staff.  Additional measures have been put in place to accommodate more patients.  All district hospitals are very busy with an increase in admissions. The supply of oxygen to hospitals has dramatically increased and meticulous monitoring of available oxygen and ordering is being done.

Vaccination programme

100-year-old Mrs Wilkinson received her vaccination at Knysna Town Hall on 20 July 2021. With her in the photo is son Rodney(right) and Zoswa(left) from Lifeline.

The Garden Route has administered 90 139 vaccines to date.  We currently have 35 active public sites.

The EVDS system is accepting registration and scheduling appointments for 35+ year old.

Our priority for walk-ins remains the same in principle.

Priority 1: People 60 years and older requiring their 1st and 2nd dose of Pfizer vaccine.

Priority 2: People aged 50-59 years requiring their 1st dose of Pfizer vaccine.

Priority 3. People aged 35 – 49 requiring their 1st dose of Pfizer vaccine.

Please note that vaccinations on the day will be guided by local demand at that specific site. To register visit or go to and click on the link to register or  WhatsApp the word REGISTER to 0600123456 or Dial *134*832# from any SA network for free.

Vaccination sites for week 26 – 30 July 2021.

SUB-DISTRICT Town Dates 26 – 30 July
Knysna sub-district Knysna Community Day Centre 26 – 30 July
Knysna sub-district Knysna Town Hall 27 – 30 July
Knysna sub-district Sedgefield Clinic 26, 29, 30 July
Knysna sub-district Karatara Satellite Clinic 26-Jul
Knysna sub-district Keurhoek Satellite Clinic 30
Bitou sub-district Kwanokuthula Community Day Centre 26, 28, 30
Bitou sub-district Kranshoek Clinic 29
Bitou sub-district Plettenberg Bay Town Clinic 26 – 30
Bitou sub-district Crags Clinic 27-Jul
George sub-district Harry Comay TB Hospital 26 – 30 July
George sub-district Thembalethu CDC (Sandkraal road) 26 – 30 July
George sub-district George Central Clinic 26 -30 July
George sub-district Uniondale Hospital 26 -30  July
George sub-district Farm Mobile Outreach 26 -30 July
George sub-district Pacaltsdorp Clinic 26 -30 July
Hessequa sub-district Riversdale Civic Centre 26 – 30 July
Hessequa sub-district Heidelberg Duivenhoks Hall 27, 28, 30
Hessequa sub-district Albertinia Theronsville Hall 29, 30
Hessequa sub-district Melkhoutfontein Satellite Clinic 28
Hessequa sub-district Still Bay Civic Centre 26, 27, 29, 30
Hessequa sub-district Slangrivier Satellite Clinic 30
Hessequa sub-district Witsand de Duine Hall 28
Hessequa sub-district Gouritsmond Hall 27
Kannaland sub-district Ladismith DRC Church Hall 26, 27 July
Kannaland sub-district Zoar Sports Club 28-Jul
Kannaland sub-district Calitzdorp DRC Church Hall 29-Jul
Mossel Bay sub-district Alma Community Day Centre 26, 28, 29, 30 July
Mossel Bay sub-district Wolwedans Community Hall 26, 28, 29, 30 July
Mossel Bay sub-district Mossel Bay Town Hall 26, 28, 29, 30 July
Mossel Bay sub-district D’Almeida Community Hall 26, 28, 29, 30 July
Mossel Bay sub-district Mossel Bay Mobile Outreach 26, 28, 29 July
Oudtshoorn sub-district Toekomsrust Community Hall 26 – 30 July
Oudtshoorn sub-district Dysselsdorp Clinic 27-Jul
Oudtshoorn sub-district De Rust (Blommenek) Clinic 29-Jul
Oudtshoorn sub-district Oudtshoorn Clinic 26 – 30 July

COVID-19 stats as of 26 July 2021

Sub-district TOTAL Active Recovered Deaths
Bitou 3 236 153 2 978 105
George 18 209 2 719 14 900 590
Hessequa 2 886 435 2 326 125
Kannaland 1 191 141 995 55
Knysna 6 159 545 5 432 182
Mossel Bay 11 492 1 324 9 852 316
Oudtshoorn 5 124 389 4 402 333
Sub-total 48 297 5 706 40 885 1 706


Nadia Ferreira

Principal Communications Officer

Garden Route and Central Karoo Districts

Western Cape Government Health


26 July 2021 Weather Alert: Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua: Veld Fire Conditions

Weather Alert: Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua: Veld Fire Conditions

Please find included the Impact Based Warning for the Western Cape and Namaqua Region of Northern Cape

Legal notice:
“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.
It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

Hazard Affected Municipalities Valid From (SAST) Valid To (SAST)
Veld Fire Conditions Beaufort West, Kannaland, Karoo Hoogland, Khâi-Ma, Laingsburg, Oudtshoorn, Prince Albert 26/07/21 – 08h00 27/07/21 – 20h00

Discussion: The warm temperatures, dry conditions and strong winds could result in the development of runaway and veld/bush fires.

Impact: Conditions are such that the FDI index is above 75. Under these conditions fires may develop and spread rapidly resulting in damage to property and possible loss of human and/or animal life.

Instruction: Fireteams, labour and equipment are to be placed on stand-by. A first sign of smoke, every possible measure should be taken in order to bring the fire under control in the shortest possible time.

Report any severe weather related incidents to the Garden Route Disaster Management Centre at telephone number 044 805 5071.

Cape Town Weather Office
2nd Floor: Oval Office Park
Cape Town Int airport
Freight Road
Cape Town

22 July 2021 Media Release: GRDM Environmental Health Practitioners donate essentials in celebration of Mandela Day

Media Release: GRDM EHPs donate essentials in celebration of Mandela Day

For immediate release
22 July 2021

Environmental Health Practitioners (EHP) from the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) based in the Klein-Karoo and Mossel Bay recently visited and donated essentials to two establishments in Mossel Bay and Oudtshoorn, respectively.

The Mossel Bay team, according to Shandré Abrahams, Employee Assistance Practitioner at GRDM, visited the Creating Effective Families (CEF) establishment in Mossel Bay. CEF is an organisation that caters for the abused mothers and children where temporary shelter for these individuals from abused relationships are provided for. The team donated toiletries, clothes, baby goodies and other essentials to the facility.

Officials from the Oudtshoorn office, including (fltr) Elizna Cairncross, Johan Smith, Desmond Paulse, Georg Hendriksz, Maxweline Fatuse, Willie Plaatjies and Elizabeth Verwey (front), with the essentials donated to the Rin-Tin-Tin Crèche in Kruisrivier,  Calitzdorp.

On Monday, 19 July 2021, the Klein Karoo Municipal Health Section based in Oudtshoorn donated gift packs to toddlers of the Rin-Tin-Tin Crèche in Kruisrivier, in Calitzdorp. Each packet contained a face cloth, soap bar, toothpaste, toothbrush, chips and a sweet.

The principal of the crèche, Inge Ewerts, expressed her appreciation towards the GRDM officials for showing commitment towards caring for the community, primarily due to the basic necessity needs that exist within the community.

Members of the community appreciated the gesture and extended a word of appreciation to both teams, who prioritised them as beneficiaries of their initiatives. The officials contributed from their personal funds to make a success of this outreach.

The Human Resources Unit of GRDM are planning further Mandela Day activities towards the end of this month. The entire GRDM also participated in the Walk-A-Child to School campaign which ended at the end of June 2021. Donations will be distributed to various less fortunate schools within the next two weeks if the COVID-19 restrictions are relaxed.

Feature Photo: The Mossel Bay team (fltr) including Neo-lay Britz, Jenay van Niekerk, Analize Fuzani, Monique Anthony, Marlene Losper, Rinay Cloete, Delmarie Lewis and Sam Bendle, with the essentials donated to the Creating Effective Families facility in Mossel Bay


20 July 2021 Weather Alert: Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua: Damaging Winds & Waves and Disruptive Rain & Snow

Weather Alert: Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua: Damaging Winds & Waves and Disruptive Rain & Snow

The Cape Town Weather Office has issued Impact Based Warnings for Damaging Winds, Damaging Waves, Disruptive Rain and Disruptive Snow for the Western Cape and Namaqua Region of Northern Cape as follows:

Legal notice:
“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.
It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

Report any weather related incidents to the Garden Route District Disaster Manager Centre at 044-805 5071.