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Local Government News

16 July 2021 Media Statement: All political parties represented in the Council of the Garden Route District Municipality

Media Statement: All political parties represented in the Council of the Garden Route District Municipality

For Immediate Release
16 July 2021

Statement: Shortly after this morning’s interview with Eden FM, Political leaders at the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) pledged to stand together against mass civil unrest, riots, and looting witnessed elsewhere in South Africa. All political parties unanimously signed a joint media statement in support of keeping the Garden Route safe from civil unrest, looting and riots.

Feature image: Pictured (fltr): Morne Pietersen (Eden FM Station Manager), Ald. Virgill Gericke (GRDM Chief Whip: Plaaslike Besorgde Inwoners), Ald. Memory Booysen (GRDM Executive Mayor, Democratic Alliance) and Cllr Wilbur Harris (GRDM Chief Whip: Independent Civic Organisation of South Africa). Ald Pieter Van Der Hoven (GRDM Chief Whip: African National Congress) joined the interview via phone and committed to stand firm against the recent civil unrest, riots and looting.

14 July 2021 Public Notice: Draft Joint District and Metro Approach (JDMA) Implementation Plan/One Plan

Public Notice: Draft Joint District and Metro Approach (JDMA) Implementation Plan/One Plan

Notice 63/2021

In 2019 National Government endorsed the District Development Model (DDM) as an “All of Government and Society Approach” providing a method by which all three spheres of government and state entities work in unison to accelerate service delivery.

The DDM is anchored on the development of the One Plan (JDMA Implementation Plan) that outlines a common vision and desired future for the district to guide investment and delivery in district.

The Garden Route district in collaboration with B municipalities, civil society organisations and Sector Departments compiled a Draft One Plan (JDMA Implementation plan).

The Draft One Plan (JDMA Implementation Plan) is available for public inspection and comments at Garden Route District Municipality’s IDP Unit, 54 York Street George, and on the GRDM municipal website (Click here to download) from 15 July 2021. Comments can be directed to the Municipal Manager electronically via e-mail to on or before 3 August 2021.

Persons who are unable to read or write are encouraged to contact the Garden Route District Municipality during ordinary office hours, where they will be assisted to formulate their written comments or objection.


Publieke Kennisgewing: Konsep Gesamentlike distrik en Metro Benadering (GDMB) Implementeringsplan / Een-Plan

Kennisgewing 63/2021

Gedurende 2019 het die Nasional Regering die Distriksontwikkelingsmodel as ‘n “Hele Regering en Samelewing Benadering” goedgekeur wat ‘n metode bied waarby al drie regering sfere en staat entiteite in eenheid saam kan werk om dienslewering te versnel.

Die Distriksontwikkelingsmodel is geanker in die ontwikkeling van die Een Plan (GDMB Implementeringsplan) wat ‘n gemeenskaplike visie en gewenste toekoms vir die distrik voorstel om belegging en dienslewering in die distrik te begelei.

Die Garden Route Distriksmunisipaliteit, in samewerking met B-munisipaliteite, burgerlike organisasies en Sektor Departemente het ‘n Konsep Een Plan (GDMB Implementeringsplan) saamgegestel.

Die Konsep Een Plan (GDMB Implementeringsplan)
is beskikbaar vir publieke inspeksie by die Garden Route Distriksmunisipaliteit se GOP Eenheid te 54 York Straat George en op die GRDM webtuiste, (Laai hier af) vanaf 15 Julie 2021. Kommentaar en insae moet elektronies gerig word aan die Munisipale Bestuurder via e-pos: op of voor 3 Augustus 2021.

Persone wat nie kan lees of skryf nie word uitgenooi om die kantore van die Garden Route Distriksmunisipaliteit te kontak gedurende normale kantoor-ure waar personeel behulpsaam sal wees met die formulering van die kommentaar of beswaar.

Kontak gerus die Distrik GOP Bestuurder (Mev Mercy James) by 044 803 1431 vir enige verdere navrae


13 July 2021 Media Release: Development of a strategic framework for an alien and invasive biomass economy

Media Release: Development of a strategic framework for an alien and invasive biomass economy

For Immediate Release
13 July 2021

Announcement and invitation to participate: Development of a strategic framework for an alien and invasive biomass economy in RSA 

A new initiative to develop a strategic framework for an alien and invasive biomass economy was initiated in June. The purpose of the initiative is to identify and unlock the opportunities of an invasive and alien biomass economy in South Africa that targets problematic alien and invasive woody biomass through ecosystem rehabilitation.

The clearing of alien and invasive woody biomass provides opportunities for developing green value chains that will support the restoration of ecosystems for climate change adaptation and mitigation, catalyse private sector financing and provide energy alternatives, amongst other uses. The initiative will support the uptake of an economy around the biomass use with the aim to support the creation of jobs.

“Every day, thousands of South Africans set out to the countryside, town and city perimeters to harvest significant amounts of invasive alien plant biomass in order to transform it into something useful which can be marketed and sold on any scale and format, or to simply utilise as firewood at their households,” says Cobus Meiring of the Southern Cape Landowners Initiative (SCLI).

“But exactly how big is the industry dependent on invasive alien, as well as invasive but indigenous bush encroachment biomass in South Africa? How deep and valuable is the market for products derived from these plants and trees? How do we go about giving the alien and invasive biomass industry a voice and assist it in growing in order to be more sustainable and to make an even more meaningful contribution to the fast-emerging green, circular and climate-ready economy.”

“To get a better understanding of these questions, SCLI, with support from the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) and its partners, is embarking on a process aimed at developing a strategic framework for the purpose of advancing the biomass industry in South Africa. The ultimate aim is to come up with a strategic framework and action plan, and a roadmap to the establishment of a National Biomass Industry Platform in the country,” says Meiring.

SCLI invites all who work directly and indirectly with invasive alien plant/tree material to support the initiative and join the series of national dialogues on the biomass economy.

Stakeholders in the biomass economy value-chain include entities or individuals involved in related research, the biomass-to-energy industry, timber manufacturers for the building and woodwork industries, companies manufacturing wood chips and shavings for example, for the poultry industry, manufacturers of sawdust, and companies producing charcoal from wattle and other types of invasive infestations. Businesses in the biochar, industrial-scale composting, harvesting equipment and transport services sectors are all encouraged to join in and provide critical input within the next few months, seeing that the baseline study will be concluded in October 2021.

Other stakeholders include South Africa’s national, regional and local authorities, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), water boards, water catchment agencies, mining companies, agricultural bodies and the forestry industry.

“Groups and individuals are encouraged to list their interests and concerns, make suggestions and make their voices heard,” says Meiring.

As a result of Covid-19 restrictions, the standard public participation processes, including extensive face-to-face interaction and meetings countrywide used to develop a strategic framework such as the biomass industry is just not feasible and for this purpose, a series of virtual dialogues is planned for those interested. The virtual dialogues will take place between August and September.

The final topics/themes for virtual participation by interested and affected parties will be announced in due course and will be made available to all relevant stakeholders who are registered on the biomass economy strategic framework database.

To register as a stakeholder/participant, interested or affected party, please send an email with your full contact details to Louise Mare, email: or contact her by sending a WhatsApp message to 082 078 1629 during office hours.

For more information, please follow the link:


High-volume manufacturers, industrial-scale companies, and small-scale businesses in the invasive alien plant biomass value chain are invited to contact the biomass economy study group through SCLI to register on the database for further engagement. Stakeholders can include invasive alien plant contractors, entrepreneurs creating products by making use of invasive alien biomass as base material, and landowners making available biomass for biomass harvesting on their land, be that indigenous or to reduce bush encroachment. (Photo: SCLI) 


Cobus Meiring, Chairperson, Southern Cape Landowners Initiative (SCLI) 

Cell: 083 626 7619


12 July 2021 Media Release: Garden Route COVID Update 12 July 2021

Media Release: Garden Route COVID Update 12 July 2021

For Immediate Release
12 July 2021

The Garden Route District has seen a 56 % increase in cases the last 7 days compared to 7 – 14 days ago.  The district had an increase of 1225 new COVID-19 cases the past 7 days.  All sub-districts had large percentage increases, except Bitou sub-distrct which has essentially maintained the status quo.  George sub-district in particular had a big increase.

All district hospitals are starting to feel pressure with an increase in admissions.  This is especially so for Oudtshoorn, Mossel Bay and Riversdale Hospitals.  We can however confirm that our supply of oxygen to our hospitals is under control. There are now a total of 1 520 deaths.  This is an additional 66 deaths compared to the total of last week.

There are now 778 active cases per 100 000.  (One week ago it was 580.)

COVID-19 stats as of 12 July 2021

Sub-district TOTAL Active Recovered Deaths
Bitou 3 089 127 2 858 104
George 15 459 2 085 12 868 506
Hessequa 2 431 269 2 045 117
Kannaland 1 052 105 897 50
Knysna 5 601 456 4 976 169
Mossel Bay 10 119 1 445 8 410 264
Oudtshoorn 4 724 328 4 086 310
Sub-total 42 475 4 815 36 140 1 520

Vaccination roll-out

Due to a smaller supply of vaccines, the district had to make adjustments to the schedule for the week 12 – 16 July. The Garden Route vaccination sites will be prioritising people over the age of 60 coming for their first or second dose and people over the age 50 years coming for their first dose. A reduced number of walk-in clients will be accommodated this week.

The district has to date vaccinated nearly 60 000 people. This includes health care workers, old age homes, public vaccination sites and the teacher program.

Vaccination sites and dates for week 12 – 16 July 2021.

SUB-DISTRICT Town Dates 12 – 16 July
Knysna sub-district Knysna Community Day Centre 12 – 16 July
Knysna sub-district Knysna Town Hall 12 – 16 July
Knysna sub-district Sedgefield Clinic 12, 15, 16
Knysna sub-district Keurhoek Satellite Clinic 16
Knysna sub-district Karatara 12
Bitou sub-district Kwanokuthula Community Day Centre 14
Bitou sub-district Plettenberg Bay Town Clinic 13, 14, 15, 16
George sub-district Harry Comay TB Hospital 12 – 16 July
George sub-district Thembalethu CDC (Sandkraal road) 12 – 16 July
George sub-district George Central Clinic 12 – 16 July
George sub-district Uniondale Hospital 12 – 16 July
George sub-district George Mobile Routes 12 – 14
George sub-district Herold Mobile Routes 12 – 15
George sub-district Touwsranten Clinic 16
George sub-district Pacaltsdorp Clinic 12 – 16 July
Hessequa sub-district Riversdale Civic Centre 12 – 16 July
Hessequa sub-district Heidelberg Duivenhoks Hall 13,14,16
Hessequa sub-district Albertinia Theronsville Hall 12,15,16
Hessequa sub-district Melkhoutfontein Satellite Clinic 14
Hessequa sub-district Still Bay Civic Centre 12,13,15,16
Hessequa sub-district Slangrivier Satellite Clinic 12, 16
Hessequa sub-district Witsand de Duine Hall 14
Hessequa sub-district Gouritsmond Hall 13
Kannaland sub-district Ladismith DRC Church Hall 12, 13
Kannaland sub-district Zoar Sports Club 14
Kannaland sub-district Calitzdorp DRC Church Hall 15, 16
Mossel Bay sub-district Alma Community Day Centre 13, 14, 15, 16
Mossel Bay sub-district Wolwedans Community Hall 13, 14, 15, 16
Mossel Bay sub-district Mossel Bay Town Hall 13, 14, 15, 16
Mossel Bay sub-district Buisplaas Outreach 13
Mossel Bay sub-district D’Almeida Community Hall 14, 15, 16
Oudtshoorn sub-district Toekomsrust Community Hall 12 – 16 July
Oudtshoorn sub-district Dysselsdorp Clinic 13
Oudtshoorn sub-district De Rust (Blommenek) Clinic 15
Oudtshoorn sub-district Oudtshoorn Clinic 12 – 16 July

Keeping safe during the Third Wave 

We are currently in the midst of an established Third Wave of Covid-19 infections. The best way we can protect each other is to avoid social gatherings outside our immediate home environment and protect our ‘bubble’. This is your ‘safe space’.  Thus, let’s keep this behavior going for the next few weeks, to break the chain of transmission and flatten the curve.

We can avoid a transmission chain from setting in by protecting our air space.

  • Avoid all large gatherings;
  • Avoid any social gatherings where possible;
  • If you need to go out to do activities such as shopping, always wear your mask and keep it short;
  • If you must meet, keep it outdoors, small and short;
  • When indoors, dress warmly and ensure the windows are open so your space is well ventilated with fresh air;
  • If sick, stay home


Nadia Ferreira
Principal Communications Officer
Garden Route and Central Karoo Districts
Western Cape Government Health

11 July 2021 Weather Alert: Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua: Damaging Winds, Damaging Waves and Disruptive Snow

Weather Alert: Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua: Damaging Winds, Damaging Waves and Disruptive Snow

Please find included the Impact Based Warning for the Western Cape and Namaqua Region of Northern Cape

Legal notice:
“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.

It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and 
no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

Hazard Alert Level Affected Municipalities Valid from (SAST) Valid to (SAST)
Damaging Winds Yellow(L2) Beaufort West, Hantam, Karoo Hoogland, Laingsburg, Bitou, Cape Agulhas, Cape Agulhas, City of Cape town, George, Hessequa, Knysna, Mossel Bay, Overstrand, Saldanha Bay, Swartland, Table Bay, Prince Albert 12/07/21 00h00 13/07/21 00h00

Discussion: Northwesterly winds associated with the cold front, will reach average speeds of 55-60km/h gusting up to 65-70km/h over the Namakwa District and the Western Cape eastern interior from mid-morning through into early Tuesday morning. Over the offshore areas between Cape Columbine and Cape Agulhas, These wind northwesterly winds (55-60km/h gusting 70km/h) are expected from Monday morning, becoming west to southwesterly and spreading to Plettenberg Bay in the afternoon, persisting into Tuesday afternoon.

Impact: Localised damage to formal and informal settlements is possible. Fallen trees may affect properties and road travel. High sided vehicles may be at risk of falling over as result of strong crosswinds (particularly on N1, N2, N7, R321, R43). Strong north-westerly winds over the eastern parts of the province may fuel runaway fires. Offshore: difficulty in navigation for small vessels and personal water craft can be expected. Disruption of beachfront activities is possible as well as danger to rock anglers.

Instruction: Be aware of the following: – sudden cross winds if traveling especially between buildings, fallen trees or power lines. Ensure that all temporary structures are well anchored. Small boats must stay away from the open sea and seek the shelter of a harbour, river estuary or protected bay.

Hazard Alert Level Affected Municipalities Valid from (SAST) Valid to (SAST)
Damaging Waves Yellow(L2) Bergrivier, Bitou, Cape Agulhas, Cape Agulhas, Cederberg, City of Cape town, George, Hessequa, M_Kamiesberg, Knysna, Matzikama, Mossel Bay, Overstrand, Saldanha Bay, Swartland, Table Bay 12/07/21 00h00 13/07/21 00h00

Discussion: The cold front is expected to affect the Western Cape on Monday. South-westerly swell with wave heights between 4.5-6.0m and wave periods of 16 seconds are expected along the south and southwest coastline behind the cold front persisting into Tuesday afternoon. The area of concern is between Hondeklip Bay and Cape Agulhas from Monday morning, and through to Plettenberg Bay in the afternoon.

Impact: Difficulty in navigation at sea for small vessels and person water craft (e.g. kayaks) can be expected. This may lead to vessels taking on water and capsizing in locality. Disruption to beach front activities is likely.

Instruction: Be aware of large unpredictable waves along the coast. Small vessels are advised to seek shelter in harbours, bays or inlets.

Hazard Alert Level Affected Municipalities Valid from (SAST) Valid to (SAST)
Disruptive Snow Yellow(L4) Breede Valley, Cederberg, George, Hantam, Karoo Hoogland, Oudtshoorn, Witzenberg 12/07/21 00h00 13/07/21 00h00

Discussion: Forecasts indicate a spread of 05-10cm with some parts receiving 15cm of snow over the mountains of the Cape Winelands and the West Coast District (Cederberg mountain range), as well as the southern high ground in the Hantam and Karoo Hoogland municipalities (N. Cape) from Monday afternoon. The snowfall will spread to the Garden Route mountain ranges during Monday evening, persisting into Tuesday afternoon with significant impacts expected in the Outeniqua and Swartberg mountains.

Cape Town Weather Office
2nd Floor: Oval Office Park
Cape Town Int airport
Freight Road
Cape Town

8 July 2021 Media Release: GRDM Council, Management and Staff bid their final farewell to Fire Chief Freddy Thaver

Media Release: GRDM Council, Management and Staff bid their final farewell to Fire Chief Freddy Thaver

08 July 2021
For immediate release

This morning, Council, Management and Staff of Garden Route District Municipality  (GRDM) bid their colleague, the late Fire Chief, Mr Freddy Thaver, farewell during a touching memorial services held by the Municipality at its Council Chambers in George. Mr Thaver passed away in George on Thursday, 1 July 2021 at the age of 53 after experiencing Covid-related complications.

Ms Louise Hoek, with her daughter (back), receiving the helmet of the departed Fire Chief, Mr Thaver, as token of appreciation for his selfless service rendered to the Garden Route district. With them in the back are: Municipal Manager, Mr Monde Stratu (left) and Mayor Memory Booysen (right).

Mr Thaver joined the GRDM on 1 April 2016, to lead the Fire Services Unit as Chief Fire Officer.  He owned diverse characteristics, from being a firm, decisive and strict leader and person, to being a father figure for many and always joyous and full of laughter.

During his eulogy at the event, Executive Mayor of GRDM, Alderman Memory Booysen, referred to Mr Thaver as an expert in his field.  He recalled an incident at one of the wildfires in Hessequa. He explained that the wildfire was of such a nature that it almost burned down the Joint Operating Centre (JOC).  “In a state of panic, farmers arrived at the JOC with ideas to contain the wildfires.  However, Freddy was determined and took a stance that the idea would not work”. He said that it was due to these firm attributes that Freddy was a unique and admirable Fire Chief.

Municipal Manager, Mr Monde Stratu, said that Thaver was no push-over. “He had principles and stood for what he believed in”. He also recalled many experiences with him and fellow firefighters, but up to this far he was not aware of anything that Mr Thaver said behind his back which he did not tell in his face. Adding to this Mr Stratu said: “It was always a marvel to watch him fight his battles. Through this, Mr Stratu highlighted: “He was passionate about his work, very strong-willed and very decisive about his positions”.

Ms Louise Hoek, fiancée of the late Mr Thaver, mentioned that he was a proud family man and that he was passionate about firefighting and saving lives. She also remembered how he fought for those who he dearly loved. “I will never forget the example he set. When I met him the first time, he was clearly presented as a proud man in uniform”. Adding to this, she said: “I never thought that today I would be paying tribute to his life at a memorial service, instead I thought we would have done our wedding vows around now”.  She concluded: “Despite of the heartbreak I am grateful for the opportunity to have met him and that we could be part of the life of this special human being”.

Mr Deon Stoffels, GRDM Station Commander, on behalf of the team members at the various GRDM fire stations, described Mr Thaver not only as a fire chief, but a father to the firefighters, a mentor and motivator.  “He was also a man with great respect for his career and others, disciplined and a person of integrity.  He furthermore had a high level of intellect relating to his profession. He had good interpersonal skills and was a hard-working fire chief, determined, but also funny with a unique sense of humour”. The GRDM Riversdale team remembered Mr Thaver as a highly valued and respected member of the Fire Services Department, as well as GRDM. “The effects of his passing are already felt”. Further to this, they said, “Mr Freddy Thaver was a wonderful Chief who understood the meaning of the word ‘leader’. He was always focused on the good of this Fire Services Unit, rather than of his own benefit”.

Apart from only focusing on managing the firefighting team, Mr Thaver made many contributions to this department. The female firefighters recalled the efforts of Mr Thaver in relation to their needs in the service.  “We could do anything that we put our minds to, because we had our Chief’s full support – we will miss him for all his efforts in ensuring that we live our full potential in our profession”.

The service was directed by Mr Clive Africa, Executive Manager for Community Services, responsible for fire services at GRDM.

Mr Thaver was laid to rest in at his home town in Durban, on Sunday, 4 July 2021.

“Rest in Peace Freddy Thaver.

We as Council and Staff, most of all the Firefighters, will sorely miss you”.


8 July 2021 Media Release: COVID-19: Executive Mayor Memory Booysen receives his first vaccination

Media Release: COVID-19: Executive Mayor Memory Booysen receives his first vaccination

For Immediate Release
8 July 2021

Executive Mayor for Garden Route District Municipality, Alderman Memory Booysen, encourages Garden Routers, in particular, those 50 years and older to register to get their COVID-19 vaccinations. Booysen received his first Pfizer dose at the Thembalethu Clinic on Thursday, 8 July 2021. He will return to the clinic on 19 August, after 42 days, for his second jab.

Mayor Booysen arrived at 12:05 pm and got his jab at 12:35 pm. He waited in line with other Garden Routers for his turn.

“I felt a little sting when they gave me the injection, but otherwise I feel perfectly fine. I trust that the public will continue to turn out in big numbers to get vaccinated. I also urge the public to help stop the spread of misinformation, fear and fake news about vaccines.”

To date 53 582 people in the Garden Route have been vaccinated since the start of the vaccine program and more are expected to register to get their injections going forward.

COVID-19 Facts

Here are the facts about COVID-19 vaccines:

  • COVID-19 vaccines are tested rigorously and are proven to be safe and effective.
  • If you are an adult with an underlying medical condition or illness, you have a greater risk of severe COVID-19 and should get the vaccine to protect you.
  • It gives protection against severe COVID-19 and COVID-19 related death.
  • It cannot give you COVID-19 as it does not contain any live virus.
  • It cannot change your DNA.
  • No COVID-19 vaccine contains animal products or eggs. The vaccines are suitable for vegans and are halal. The rubber stoppers of the vaccine vials do not contain latex.

Feature image: Alderman Memory Booysen, Executive Mayor for Garden Route District Municipality excited and relieved to have received his first Phizer Jab – Zilla North (Manager: Medical Services for the George Sub-District) was by his side throughout the process. The wall behind them was painted by students from the Life Skills Club at the Inkcubeko Youth and Science Center.


7 July 2021 Weather Alert: Impact Based Warning: Veld fire Conditions

Weather Alert: Impact Based Warning: Veld fire Conditions

The Cape Town Weather Office has issued the following Impact Based Warning.

Legal notice:
“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.
It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

Report any weather related incidents the Garden Route Disaster Management Centre at 044-805 5071.


7 July 2021 Media Alert: Memorial Service of the late GRDM Fire Chief on 8 July at 10:00am

Media Alert: Memorial Service of the late GRDM Fire Chief on 8 July at 10:00am

Garden Route District Municipality will host a memorial service for the late Fire Chief Freddy Thaver on Thursday, 8 July 2021 at 10:00am.

You can join the proceedings via the following channels:



Youtube link:


7 July 2021 Public Awareness: The roles and responsibilities of Environmental Health Practitioners in Vector Control

Public Awareness: The roles and responsibilities of Environmental Health Practitioners in Vector Control

07 July 2021
For immediate release

Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), in terms of the powers vested in Section 156 (2) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act No. 108 of 1996 read with Section 13(a) of the Local Government Municipal Systems Act, 2000, stipulates that the Environmental Health Practitioner (EHP) within the is responsible for the health and hygiene surveillance of food premises. In terms of the Scope of Practice for EHPs, one (1) of the nine functions of Municipal Health Services is Vector Control.

What are vectors, the control thereof and its impact on public health?

According to research, vector-borne diseases account for approximately 17% of the estimated global burden of infectious diseases. Vectors are insects or animals that spread an infectious disease through a bite, or contact with their urine, faeces, blood, etc. Vectors include mosquitoes, flies, ticks, rodents, cockroaches and fleas. Diseases spread by vectors include malaria, dengue fever, Zika, chikungunya, yellow fever, Rift Valley fever and plague.

The role of Environmental Health Practitioners in vector controlling is to understand the vector and how it transmits infectious pathogens. The team also has to monitor the possible existence of environmental factors that can create a conducive environment for the breeding of vectors; and lastly, they also have to conduct case investigations of vector-borne diseases, as well as public health education on preventative measures.

The National Health Act of 2003, National Environmental Norms and Standards and the Garden Route District Municipal By-Laws of 10 December 2018, obligates food premises to comply with the following requirements for pest control purposes:

  1. Effective measures to prevent and control infestation from pests.
  2. Pest control programmes which sets out procedures necessary to prevent and control pests within the premises. This includes identification of pests, the level of infestation and measures implemented to prevent and control pest infestation in the internal and exterior perimeters of the food premises.
  3. The pest control program should include procedures on the correct storage of food, management of waste and housekeeping to ensure proper management of conditions that may promote pest infestation.
  4. Suitably trained and competent personnel for the implementation and maintenance of documented pest control programs.

What are the hygiene requirements at various settings?

Waste management

  1. Waste generated on the food premises should be properly removed and stored at all times.
  2. Remove waste regularly to eliminate potential food sources and harbourage for pests and keep the area where waste is stored clean.
  3. Containers for the discarding or storage of waste should be fitted with tight-fitting lids, rodent-proof and constructed of material that may not be penetrated by rodents.
  4. Waste storage containers to cleaned and disinfected regularly to avoid attracting pests. Storage containers kept closed at all times.


  1. Good housekeeping practices to ensure premises are free of conditions that may attract pests.
  2. A cleaning program to promote the immediate cleaning of minor spills and filth, for example, clean-as-you-go-principle.

Water and Food

  1. Avoid stagnating water in and around the premises. This can be possible breeding for mosquitoes and attraction for rodents and other pests.

Bait stations

  1. Locked, labelled, tamper-resistant bait station.
  2. Securely placed to ensure no removal and maintained in good condition.
  3. Regular inspections on the bait stations to check for any activity/ presence of rodents.

Rodent Proofing

  1. The food premises must be rodent-proof and must be in accordance with the SANS Code 080 of 1972.

Challenges relating Vector Control

  1. An increasing amount of food premises are found not to be compliant with their pest control programmes.
  2. Food premises managers or owners cannot provide the EHP with receipts for pest control servicing on request.
  3. Food premises managers or owners are not reporting immediately or not at all when they have pest infestations. These include spaza shops.

The effective execution of a pest control program must be regularly monitored. Therefore, Environmental Health Practitioners appeal to the public to report any nuisances caused by vectors to the Municipal Health Services Section of GRDM.  An Environmental Health Practitioner will attend swiftly to all the complaints brought to their attention.

For more information relating to Vector Control, contact the GRDM Municipal Health Services Section at 044-803 1300/1525.