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Local Government News

10 June 2021 Media Release: Garden Route Clean Fires Campaign reach expands year-on-year

Media Release: Garden Route Clean Fires Campaign reach expands year-on-year

10 June 2021
For Immediate Release

For the last seven (7) years, Garden Route District Municipality has incorporated air pollution as part of its community awareness-raising activities. The project was identified due to poor air quality, especially in informal settlements. This pollution is often caused by fires used for household purposes, such as cooking and heating.

The peer education project was first launched in the Klein Karoo in 2014 and was later rolled out in the rest of the Garden Route. The project advanced over the last three years, where the focus was shifted to primary school learners. More communities are being reached when primary school learners are educated.

Dr Johann Schoeman, Manager: District Air Quality Control at GRDM, said, “The municipality awarded a three-year tender to Mingcele Africa NPC.  Mingcele facilitates and manages community development projects with a special focus on educational training support and environmental awareness”. Adding to this, he said: “The Western Cape Education Department was approached whereby the Clean Fires campaign is now incorporated as part of the Grade 3 curriculum”.

The course material covers the following air pollution aspects:

  • what air pollution is;
  • the health effects thereof;
  • what causes air pollution;
  • how you can help to reduce air pollution;
  • how to make a fire;
  • how to make a “cleaner” fire for heating purposes; and
  • how to construct a stove from waste material.

Each participating school receives a study pack with the course material that is very convenient to the teacher. The course material is in line with the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS), are printed in English, isiXhosa and Afrikaans, and each resource pack consists of:

  • Six printed posters;
  • A game pack to learn about pollution and the environment;
  • Five lesson plans; and
  • Five worksheets in English, isiXhosa and Afrikaans.

(Lesson plans and worksheets are all bound in a full-colour booklet DVD with five plug-ins for an interactive whiteboard).

This year alone, 66 schools in the Garden Route participated in the programme – that is, 115 teachers and 4400 children. It is anticipated that four family members are reached per child with a cumulative impact of 17 600 community members reached through this project for this year alone.

The project statistics for the last three years are as follows:

  • 2019: 37 schools and 72 Teachers;
  • 2020: 46 schools and 63 Teachers; and
  • 2021:  66 schools and 151 Teachers.

For the last three years, the project almost reached 50 000 people in the Garden Route district.

Continuous monitoring and evaluation of the project occur through follow-ups and communication through two-way social media channels and attendance registers.

Due to the success of this project and the positive feedback received from the participating schools, the GRDM committed itself for another three years and a new tender was subsequently advertised for the continuation of the project.

As at Wednesday, 9 June 2021, the sixty-six (66) schools in the district have already received their study packs.

For any further information on the project, please contact Dr Johann Schoeman or Mr Angus Andries at: or 044 693 0006.

Feature image: Study packs ready for distribution to schools in the Garden Route district.


10 June 2021 Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality establishes a dispersion modelling function

Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality establishes a dispersion modelling function

For Immediate Release
10 June 2021

The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) recently procured the Enviman AERMOD (Air Quality Dispersion Modelling) software programme that enables the GRDM Air Quality Unit to conduct dispersion modelling studies. This is a new initiative to expand the scope of work of the GRDM Air Quality Officers.

According to Dr Johann Schoeman, GRDM Manager: Air Quality: “Air dispersion modelling is defined as a series of mathematical simulations of how air pollutants disperse in the ambient atmosphere. It is performed with computer programs that solve the mathematical equations and algorithms which simulate the dispersion of pollutants.”

Dr Schoeman says AERMOD is also listed as an approved dispersion model in the Regulations that governs Dispersion Modelling, 2014, Government Notice R533. Thus, the program allows for creating air quality maps for comparison against national guidelines and limit values.

The application of this software will assist the Air Quality unit in dealing with air quality complaints. It predicts the emissions and effect of a specific source on a particular residency, depending on real-time weather data availability. For example, suppose a person phones the GRDM to complain about the smoke from a stack of Facility X. In that case, the GRDM can execute a theoretical predication of the dispersion by entering the real-time weather data and stack parameters, and the model will determine the concentrations at the complainant’s residency. GRDM can then determine if the complaint is indeed justified by comparing it with the National Ambient Air Quality standards.

The GRDM can also determine the air quality impact of area sources such as landfill sites on communities. The below dispersion model for Methane was done for the proposed GRDM Landfill site in Mossel Bay, based on the predicted landfill volumes during year one and the historical weather data for Mossel Bay over the last three years.

The programme can also determine various percentile equations to determine a specific source’s worst-case scenario on a community. The 99 percentile, for example, predicts the highest concentration of a pollutant for 1% of the year. This is demonstrated in the picture below.

Feature image: Average hourly period concentrations for Methane from the proposed Landfill site in Mossel Bay computed over a year. As can be seen in both examples, the methane concentrations are insignificant and will not cause any harm to the community. 


8 June 2021 Public Notice: GRDM Top Layer Service Delivery & Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP) open for public perusal and comment

Public Notice: GRDM Top Layer Service Delivery & Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP) open for public perusal and comment

8 June 2021

Notice is hereby given that the Garden Route District Municipality’s SDBIP is available for public perusal and comments for 14 days, ending 21 June 2021.

All questions and recommendations must be directed to the Performance Manager (Ms Ilse Saaiman) at 044 803 1300.

Please note that Circular 88 of the Municipal Finance Management Act (Act 56 of 2003) is added to the document merely as an annexure as per the requirements, and the KPI’s listed will not form part of the current SDBIP.

Click here and download the document

4 June 2021 Media Release: Garden Route Climate Change Indaba to coincide with the United Nations World Oceans Day

Media Release: Garden Route Climate Change Indaba to coincide with the United Nations World Oceans Day

For Immediate Release
4 June 2021

The Garden Route Fire Commemoration Event and Climate Change Indaba will this year coincide with World Oceans Day, taking place on Tuesday 8 June 2021. The Indaba is hosted by the Garden Route District Municipality and the Garden Route Environmental Forum (GREF).

The theme for the 2021 United Nations World Oceans Day is Life and Livelihoods. It is a day for humanity to celebrate and support the life and the livelihood that the ocean sustains and puts the spotlight on biodiversity and the interconnectivity between the ocean and its ecosystems.

According to Cobus Meiring, chairperson of the Garden Route Environmental Forum (GREF), entities tasked with environmental management in the Garden Route are increasingly emphasising the importance of restoration and rewilding of natural ecosystems and habitat in the region, which serves to highlight the interconnectivity between a healthy ocean and terrestrial environment.

“A point in case is the drive to reconnect the Indian Ocean with the Outeniqua mountains and the creation of biodiversity conservation and migration routes through the restoration of Garden Route forests, streams, wetlands, rivers and catchments in collaboration with private landowners.”

Stretching from Mossel Bay to the Storms River mouth, the Garden Route is one of the most beautiful stretches of coastline in the world.

Says Meiring: “The scenic splendour of the Garden Route is a precious resource. Celebrating a healthy and vibrant ocean and dependent ecosystems is an opportunity to boost the conservation of the region’s very special natural environment.”

“Climate change, and the challenges and opportunities it offers, is no doubt worth reflecting upon.  We dare not wipe out the memories of events like the 2017 and 2018 wildfire disasters which wreaked havoc in the Garden Route, nor the perpetual drought which decimated much of the agricultural capacity of the regional interior – much of which can be ascribed to slight climate changes with significant effects.”

“As the world celebrates World Oceans Day, South Africa in general, and the Garden Route in particular, will do well to use the opportunity to show respect for what remains of what nature blessed the country with, and even as we focus all our energy and resources to survive Covid-19 and its socio-economic impact, we have to plan to conserve our oceans and natural environment, as therein lies our ultimate survival as a species,” says Meiring.

Climate Change Indaba, Wilderness

The theme for this year’s Garden Route Fire Commemoration Event and Climate Change Indaba is “Adapt to a Sustainable Future”. The keynote address will be delivered by the Deputy Minister of the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment (DFFE), Ms Makhotso Magdaline Sotyu.

Professors Christo Fabricius and Hervé Fritz will present the latest findings on global change research in the Garden Route. Professor Fabricius is Lead, CARMa-Afrika: Capacity for African Resource Management at Nelson Mandela University (NMU) and Professor Hervé Fritz is Director of the ECO REHABS International Research Lab, CNRS France, together with the Nelson Mandela University.

The challenges of climate change and invasive alien species in Africa will also come under the spotlight in a presentation by Dr Arné Witt, Invasive Alien Plant Specialist and Regional (Africa, Asia and the Caribbean) Invasive Alien Species Coordinator for the international science-based development organisation, CABI.

Other presentation topics include disaster management, water resource management, freshwater ecology, and sea-level rise and its impact on coastal infrastructure along the Mossel Bay coastline.

A field visit, hosted by Knysna Municipality, the Garden Route Trail Park and the Garden Route Environmental Forum (GREF) will also be taking place on Wednesday 9 June 2021. The focus of the field visit will be on methods for killing blackwood including herbicide mixing and application, as this remains one of the most difficult weeds to control.

Interested organisations or individuals who would like to attend the indaba and/field visit can send an email to Louise Maré, for more information. Due to Covid-19 regulations, is it essential to register in advance for the Indaba.

Coastline as the world celebrates World Oceans Day 2021, the Garden Route reflects upon the way we manage our coastline in the face of the severe impact of development and coastal vulnerability. (Photo: SCLI)

The Garden Route Environmental Forum (GREF) is a regional forum and public platform for collaboration in conservation, environmental adaptation and community interaction.  It is a think tank for national, regional and local government, conservation bodies, academics, the media, landowners and land managers, active in the full spectrum of environmental matters in the region. Website:



Cobus Meiring: Chairperson of Garden Route Environmental Forum (GREF)

Cell: 083 626 7619


3 June 2021 Media Release: GRDM Executive hands over registration certificates for cooperative and PPE to ‘Farming-with-Pride’ Small Scale Farmers in Calitzdorp

Media Release: GRDM Executive hands over registration certificates for cooperative and PPE to ‘Farming-with-Pride’ Small Scale Farmers in Calitzdorp

For Immediate Release
3 June 2021

The Executive Mayor of the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), Ald. Memory recently delegated two officials to engage with the Farming-with-Pride Small farmers in Calitzdorp, Kannaland, to investigate the possibility of assistance from the District. After discussions and meetings with the participants, interventions were initiated, and a surprise visit from Mayor Booysen took place. The purpose of the visit was for the Mayor and his delegation to view the farm’s operations and progress.

The visit occurred after GRDM approved their application for R15 000 Grand-in-Aid funding on 22 April 2021. GRDM made the funding available for the project to boost and expand the business activities of the farm.

Last year the project owner, Christolino Perel, applied for grand-in-aid funding to GRDM after Mayor Booysen saw the potential for the project to be expanded. He explained: “The project started from nothing to a coffee shop named Lino’s PTY, to a small tomato farm that still needed infrastructure to store and process tomatoes into various products to be market-ready. The project is now fully registered with the intervention of GRDM and the Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA). A training session was scheduled on 09 March 2021 with the Farming-with-Pride team. The session’s objectives were to outline the cooperative registration and draft their constitution.

During his address, Richard Dyantyi, GRDM Manager for the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP), said: “It may seem as we took a long time to come up with a solution, but time is sometimes needed to see significant results.” He explained that some of the grant-in-aid funds were also used to clean the site after earmarking the project. GRDM also went as far as to appoint six (6) of the workers from 1 April to the end of June 2021 as part of its EPWP programme under the principle of supporting Small Macro Enterprises (SMEs).

Mayor Booysen, during the latter part of the programme, handed two certificates over to Perel – SEDA issued the 1st Certificate to declare the project legally registered. The second document is the Certificate of Acceptability issued by the GRDM Environmental Health Practitioners. Together with this, Mayor Booysen donated Personal Protective Equipment (clothing) to the team members. When handing over the items, Mayor Booysen commended the team for starting the project from nothing. He said:  “As far as possible, we have to do what we are supposed to and at the same time address unemployment and drug abuse issues in the area. Your location and your distance from the major towns is also one of those challenges.”

In concluding the visit, Mayor Booysen encouraged commercial farmers to support the project as it would benefit the lives of the communities of Calitzdorp.


2 June 2021 Public Notice: Final Review of the 2021/2022 Integrated Development Plan and 2021/2022 – 2023/2024 Multi-Year Budget

NOTICE 51/2021



Notice is hereby given that the Garden Route District Municipal Council’s Final Review of the 2021/2022 Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and Multi-Year Budget for the period 2021/2022 to 2023/2024 were compiled in accordance with the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) and Municipal Finance Management Act 2003 (Act 56 of 2003).

These documents were adopted by the Garden Route District Municipal Council at a District Council meeting on Tuesday, 25 May 2021.

These documents will be available for public inspection on the GRDM municipal website, all satellite offices and the Garden Route District Municipality’s IDP Unit, 54 York Street George from 2 June 2021.

Please contact the District IDP Manager (Ms Mercy James) or Budget Manager (Ms Louise Hoek) at 044 803 1300 with any enquiries.


Click to download the following documents:

Official Notice

2021/2022 Final Reviewed IDP (25 May 2021)

2021/22 Final A1 Schedule Budget (25 May 2021)


31 May 2021 Public Awareness: World No-Tobacco Day

31 May 2021 Public Awareness: World No-Tobacco Day

 The theme from this year’s World Health Organisation World No-Tobacco Day on 31 May 2021 is “Commit to Quit”.

Research has shown that many smokers have tried to quit but believes that they have ‘failed’ as they are still smoking. However, each attempt shows what method does not work for that individual, and maybe another technique will. 

Some people just decide to stop one day. Others prefer to do it gradually. Here are some tips to help you change your smoking patterns.

The main thing is not to do this on your own but to establish a support system for those who have the same goal. Surround yourself with others who also want to quit. This buddy system will encourage you during difficult times. Share with your family and friends your commitment to quitting. They will support you in

achieving your new smoke-free life.


  • Choose a date on which you plan to quit, but avoid a date during a stressful time such as exams.  
  • As a smoker, your hands would be fidgeting with matches or holding a cigarette. 
  • Decide on how you will keep your hands busy by using a stress ball or playing with elastics.
  • Plan how you are going to manage when you stop. 
  • You are breaking a long-standing habit, so write down why you smoke and why you want to stop.
  • Start breaking the habit of reaching for a packet by putting elastic bands around the packet to make it difficult to open.  
  • Break your usual pattern by holding the cigarette in the other hand or smoke a brand you don’t like. 
  • If you smoke immediately when you get out of bed, then try and delay that first cigarette till later.

 On the quit day 

  • Get rid of all reminders of the old smoking days, such as ashtrays and lighters.
  • Take deep breaths as this will help to handle stress.
  • When the urge to smoke strikes: drink a glass of water or do something physical like washing windows or going for a walk. 
  • Have healthy things to nibble, e.g. raisins, seeds, chewing gum. 
  • Chat to your support buddies. 
  • Keep chatting. 
  • Keep busy.

 Danger signs

Many people drink alcohol and smoke at the same time. Avoid these things, these places and even those friends until you feel strong enough not to smoke and party. 


Within two weeks of quitting the cigarettes, the sense of smell and taste will have returned to normal, as well as your blood pressure. Circulation will start improving, and energy levels will increase as bronchial tubes relax. All nicotine will have left your body. Oxygen levels will return to normal. The chance of having a heart attack will have decreased.


Make a note of all the money you are saving and use if for a treat because you are doing so well. Encourage the young people around you to not even start smoking.

Make use of quitlines and useful websites:

National Council Against Smoking Quitline – 011 7203145

CANSA Call Centre – 0800 22 66 22

26 May 2021 Media Release: GRDM Executive Mayor and Mayoral Committee visit three key projects in the Greater Oudtshoorn and Kannaland areas

Media Release: GRDM Executive Mayor and Mayoral Committee visit three key projects in the Greater Oudtshoorn and Kannaland areas

For immediate release
26 May 2021

On Friday, 21 May 2021, the Executive Mayor of Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), Alderman Memory Booysen, together with his Mayoral Committee members, first visited the Western Cape Honey Bush Tea Co-operative (PTY) Ltd in Oudtshoorn and later, two other projects in the Kannaland region where the GRDM is involved.

Executive Mayor, Alderman Memory Booysen, during his address to members from the Western Cape Honey Bush Co-operative.

The Cape Honey Bush Tea Co-operative (PTY) Ltd leases land from GRDM to produce honeybush tea for domestic consumption and international markets. The land is situated adjacent to the GRDM’s De Hoek Mountain Resort in Oudtshoorn. According to Lusanda Menze, GRDM Executive Manager for Economic Development and Planning, the Cape Honey Bush Tea Co-operative (PTY) Ltd is currently leasing the property from the municipality for nine years. However, he further explained: “It will take an extended period for the farm to reach a level of sustainability and to provide the Co-operative ample time to achieve all the objectives they have set out to achieve”.

During the visit, members of the Co-operative shared essential information with the delegation, including their background, the progress of the farming operations and what plans they have in place to attract tourists to the farm and Greater Oudtshoorn area. The plan also includes a training facility for those interested in this unique honeybush product and other related products that could be produced in the area.

As part of the programme, the delegation was accompanied to the Nooitgedagt Farm where honeybush plants will be grown and harvested. Currently, small-scale farmers harvest honeybush in mountainous areas, but in a sustainable manner. Honeybush is pruned for optimal regrowth and more are cultivated for planting during the growing season.

The Nooitgedagt Farm where honeybush plants will be grown and harvested.

Mayor Booysen and his Mayoral Committee members welcomed the presentations made by the members of the Co-operative and Ald. Booysen said: “This initiative and partnership has the potential to add value to families, the Garden Route and Western Cape economies”. When referring to De Hoek Mountain Resort and its activities, Mayor Booysen said: “When GRDM Council took office in 2016, the following questions came to mind: How the municipality fits in as government and as landlords of the property and how the project fits in with us in becoming a partner of with small business”. In explaining his statement, he said: “One leg of government rest on the community which we operate in and of which you form part of”. He then highlighted: “The time has come to formally put this initiative on the map; however, we are now first navigating through red-tape and we need to follow the relevant processes,” he emphasised.

In conclusion, he said: “Let us make this initiative work – this has to work, it needs to be on the map of the Garden Route, on the map of the Western Cape and the map of the entire Republic of South Africa.

The municipality is now in the process of requesting the Council to withdraw its previous Council resolution relating to the lease period and consequently seeking approval from the Council to proceed with the legislative processes to extend the current lease contract to twenty (20) years.

As soon as the item is approved, both parties and the communities of Greater Oudtshoorn will be able to look forward to mainstream Honeybush tea production activities in their area. Together with this, the initiative will address the issue of unemployment in the area and the training facility where formal training can become a reality and economic spin-offs for the Klein-Karoo and the Garden Route district.

Subsequently, the delegation also visited other projects while in the Klein-Karoo, namely the borehole/pomegranate project in Calitzdorp, as well as the municipality’s resort, Calitzdorp Spa, to view the progress made regarding the installation of new roofing for chalets.

Also read:


25 May 2021 Media Release: Eighty-year old the first to get jab as part of Phase 2

Media Release: Eighty-year old the first to get jab as part of Phase 2

For Immediate Release
25 May 2021

Kitty Rossouw(80) was the first public person to be vaccinated, today 25 May 2021,  in the Garden Route district as part of Phase 2 of the vaccination drive.

“I’ve decided long ago to get the vaccination, and I am glad my chance has finally come. I want to visit my children and feel safe doing so”, said Kitty.

Katty can’t wait to see her children and grandchildren after being fully vaccinated.

“We have started with people in old age homes, and plan to visit all the old age homes in our district. We plan to start vaccinating the rest of those who are over 60 and who have registered, at our sub-district sites in June. This is all dependant on the number of vaccines we receive and when we do receive them. Those who have registered will then receive an SMS with a date, time, venue, and unique code. SMS messages will be sent out a few days in advance in order for clients to make the necessary arrangements. Please do not visit vaccination sites if you have not received your SMS to confirm your appointment”, said District Director Mr Zee Brickles.

Kitty is one of 81 980 persons over the age of 60 living in the Garden Route District. Registration on EVDS has been slow in some sub-districts.

The following percentage of persons over 60 have registered in the following sub-districts:

– Knysna sub-district: 56%
– Mossel Bay sub-district:  50 %
– Hessequa sub-district: 46%
– Bitou sub-district: 40%
– George sub-district: 33%
– Kannaland sub-district: 27%
– Oudtshhorn sub-district: 52%

We ask that you assist a family member, friend or neighbour to register so that they can receive the vaccine and be protected against severe illness from COVID-19.

To register, please visit and click on the link, or Dial *134*832# and follow the prompts (FREE on all South African Networks), or WhatsApp the word REGISTER to 0600 123456.

Appointments for vaccinations for over 60’s

We expect most people (above 60) who have registered to start getting their SMS in 2 to 3 weeks. If you missed your appointment date, don’t worry. All unredeemed vaccination vouchers will remain open on the database. The system will then generate a second appointment date, venue and time. If you unfortunately miss this appointment, the system will generate a third invitation. Should you miss your third appointment, the system will close your registration and you will need to contact 0800 029 999. Those residents who have registered and still waiting for their second SMS, please do not worry. Public sites will soon open. We urge residents to take up their invitation to be vaccinated the first time they receive their invitation SMS.

We urge people to only come to a vaccination site if you have received the second SMS confirming your appointment and your unique code.

Caption: Katty can’t wait to see her children and grandchildren after being fully vaccinated.
Caption 2: Katty receives her vaccination from Rabanya Lebone as part of Phase 2 of the vaccine roll-out.


Nadia Ferreira
Principal Communications Officer
Garden Route and Central Karoo Districts
Western Cape Government Health
Town Clinic,Plettenberg Bay
Tel: 076 379 5423