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Local Government News

17 March 2021 Media Release: District food control measures remain key to ensuring safe food consumption

Media Release: District food control measures remain key to ensuring safe food consumption

For Immediate Release
17 March 2021

Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) is one of the 44 district municipalities and eight (8) metro municipalities in South Africa who has to monitor all food premises to ensure that food is produced, handled, stored, processed and distributed safely. It is therefore important for Environmental Health Practitioners (EHP) to inspect food premises to assess that food products purchased by customers are safe for human consumption and are of exceptional quality.

In order for GRDM to align itself to the provisions of health related legislation, regular inspections are conducted at all premises where food products are handled and/or stored.  These businesses, be it formal or informal, are not limited to hotels, restaurants, spaza shops, dairy farms, butcheries school feeding schemes and retail outlets.  While at a premises inspection, EHP check if food products are labelled correctly, hygiene standards are in place, storage is done according to generally accepted standards, food products are handled correctly and also ensure that preventative measures are in place to avoid pest control issues. These inspections are done in accordance with the Regulations governing general hygiene requirements for food premises and the Transport of food; Regulation 638 of 22 June 2018.

The following figures of work outputs for the period January 2017 up to December 2020 are of interest and provide an indication of the number of site visits, which were conducted by GRDM EHPs throughout the region.

  1. Number of food premises inspections: 42 404
  2. Number of water samples taken: 7 784
  3. Food samples taken: 2036
  4. Health surveillance conducted at premises: 92 436 (these include non-food premises)

The general public can be assured that measures are in place to ensure that safe and healthy food products are provided to all consumers. Furthermore, the public is urged to report any irregularities, complaints or non-compliance to their nearest GRDM Municipal Health office, or to lodge such issues via phone to 044 805 1550 or e-mail

All complaints will be attended to and timeous feedback will be provided.


15 March 2021 Weather Alert: Impact-based warning: Rain which could lead to localised flooding- Western Cape Province

Weather Alert: Impact-based warning: Rain which could lead to localised flooding- Western Cape Province

In light of this severe weather alert as produced by the South African Weather Service (SAWS) and other centers, the following advisory guidelines are suggested. It is emphasized that these advisories are broad guidelines and should be interpreted considering the local aspects of the region such as soil types, cultural preferences and farming systems. Depending on the particular region, the prioritization of the guidelines will differ. The basic strategy to follow would be to minimize and diversify risk. The province should further simplify, downscale and package the information according to their language preference and if possible use local radio stations and farmers’ days in disseminating the information.

Impact-based warning issued by SAWS valid: 15 March 2021

Yellow (level 1) warning for rain could lead to localized flooding of roads and settlements over the coastal areas of the Overberg and Garden Route Districts in the Western Cape.

Heavy rainfall raises the water level. When the water level is higher than the river banks or the dams, water flows out from the river and flooding occurs.

Preventive measures:

  • Construction of proper drainage systems – Drains must be cleaned constantly as they ensure proper water irrigation.
  • Mechanical land treatment of slopes such as contour ploughing or terracing to reduce the runoff coefficient.
  • Construction of small water and sediment holding areas.
  • Construction of floodways (man-made channels to divert floodwater).
  • Terracing hillsides to slow flow downhill.

What to do when flooding is forecasted:


  • Cutting grass in the rainy season (nutrient depletion).
  • Applying fungicides and pesticide (plants and animals).
  • Applying N fertilizer (burning of plants) (Nitrogen loss is higher during heavy rain), immediately follows a surface application of fertilizer, especially on sloped areas.
  • Dumping fertilizer in one spot can cause the roots below the fertilizer to be burned and die.
  • Irrigation (waterlogging can occur, nutrient depletion).

–  Cover Urea licks to prevent them from becoming toxic.

–  Provide shelter for animals (young ones die easily).

–  Leave cultivated areas coarse.

–  Relocate/ move animals to a safe place.

The following are a number of concerns and recommendations:

  • Be extra cautious for pest and diseases after the rain has fallen, as high moisture content and high temperatures may trigger these.
  • Assume that floodwater contains sewage and might be harmful for human and livestock consumption.
  • Before leading livestock across a river, check whether the water level is rising. This is especially necessary if it is already raining, but remembers that there could be a storm further upstream and floodwaters could be on the way

A comprehensive list of strategies can be found in the monthly NAC Advisory. It can be accessed from the following websites: For more information contact:-

Directorate: Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction

Private Bag X93

Pretoria 0001

Tel: 012 319 6775


Weather Warning information as received from the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development.

15 March 2021 Media Release: 90 People benefit from a Garden Route District Municipality Road Construction Leadernship

Media Release: 90 People benefit from a Garden Route District Municipality Road Construction Learnership

For Immediate Release
15 March 2021

This month the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) officially launched the Supervision of Construction Process Learnership in Calitzdorp. GRDM first initiated the Road Construction NQF Level 2 program in 2016; a program that aims to equip all GRDM Road Construction officials with added competencies to ensure safer roads within the district. The outcome of the initial program was extremely successful with a pass rate of 97%. Later in 2017, a NQF Level 3 program was launched and targeted 60 officials to participate 100% of students passed this program.

The newly launched National Certificate in Supervision of Construction NQF Level 4 program includes 75 officials of the GRDM and 15 unemployed youth from the Garden Route. The one year program will be divided into 30% theory focused classes and 70% on the job training.

GRDM Portfolio Chairperson for the Roads Department, Councillor Rowan Spies, during the launch of the programme alluded to the fact that this is the first programme where 25 participants were attending theoretical training from various locations throughout the district. “Covid-19 has robbed us from having huge gatherings. However, at GRDM we have to adapt to a new approach to training,” said Cllr Spies. He wished all the learners on the program the best of luck and said that he was extremely excited and filled with pride that everyone would benefit from the program.

The Executive Manager of Roads Services, Mr John Daniels encouraged participants to grab the opportunity with both hands. He explained that his department follows the concept, “from sweeper to engineer”, where all staff members are presented with equal opportunities to be able to achieve the peak of their careers, regardless of where they started. Mr Daniels boasted that his Department invested a further substantial amount of funding towards bursaries. “This is all done to improve the department’s vision of providing quality services to the public,” he said.

Ms Nokuthula Dube, Chief Executive Officer of Nokuthula Dube and Associates, the service provider for the training, shared a broad overview of the programme. She explained to participants that the programme wasn’t easy as it includes a wide variety of supervisory skills and project planning. However, she wished the learners well and encouraged them to be committed to their studies and concluded that only hard work will pay off at the end of the day.

Two employees of GRDM who are also participants in the programme, Ms Valentyn and Mr Mona, thanked the GRDM Management on behalf of all participants for providing them the opportunity and investing in their future. The chairpersons from both trade unions IMATU and SAMWU pledged their support towards the programme and encouraged learners to make use of the opportunity presented to them with energy and optimism.

During his keynote address, the Executive Mayor of GRDM, Alderman Memory Booysen, motivated learners by sharing his own life story and challenges faced during his upbringing and career path. Alderman Booysen explained: “My goal while at school was to become a truck driver. My primary and tertiary school years were not all plain sailing and I started believing that I wasn’t going to pass matric. The only hope I had was to follow in my family’s footsteps to become a truck driver. To my surprise, I passed matric and at that time I did not have any plans to continue studying; I took a leap year and ended up being an “agter-ryer” – an assistant to a truck driver,” Booysen said.

Alderman Booysen promised participants that he will share with them how he managed to become the Executive Mayor of the GRDM, but only on the day they graduate. However, he encouraged learners to take the opportunity seriously and meet GRDM’s same intent – to take the development of everyone serious. To conclude, Alderman Booysen encouraged the GRDM Training and Development Section to make sure that no participant drops out of the program and to provide management with monthly reports to ensure that the participants stay in the program and complete the program.


During the closing remarks, Cllr Spies thanked the Executive Mayor for his leadership role, the Management Team for their commitment to Skills Development and all the participants for their courage to enrol for further studies. He also thanked the Program Director Ms Simile Mqoto (Manager Roads) for directing the program.


15 March 2021 Weather Alert: Weather forecast 15 – 22 March 2021

Weather Alert: Weather forecast 15 – 22 March 2021

Garden Route District Municipality disseminates the information below on behalf of the South African Weather Service.

An upper cut-off low-pressure system is dominating the atmospheric circulation resulting in cloudy and rainy conditions over most parts of the province, with rain abating in the West Coast District and Cape Metropole as well as the Northern parts of Cape Winelands during the afternoon. The continuous onshore flow along the Overberg and Garden Route coastal areas will result in localised flooding in these areas as well as disruptions on the roads.

(A warning detailing these impacts has been issued already on 14/03/2021 and it is still on track).

Tomorrow Tuesday, rain will be confined to the Southern parts of the province, especially the coastal areas, persisting into the evening.

Further, into the week, a coastal low pressure will bring foggy conditions along the West and Southwest coastlines on Thursday morning. Cloudy and rainy conditions are expected along the Overberg and Garden Route coast from late Thursday night, persisting into Saturday afternoon, with no risk of impacts at this stage.

Coastal Wind– A strong South Easterly wind of 45 to 55km/h can be expected along the coast today and tomorrow, and again on Friday.

Most recent Spring Tide date: 14 March 2021 at 01:54 SAST

Sea State– 2.5 to 3.0m wave heights with a Southerly swell today into Wednesday and again on Friday into the weekend.

Weather conditions will be monitored during the week and any further developments will be communicated if needs be.

Issued by the South African Weather Service.

Report any severe weather-related incidents to the Garden Route Disaster Management Centre at telephone number 044 805 5071.

14 March 2021 Weather Alert: Severe weather alert: Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua (14-15 March 2021)

Weather Alert: Severe weather alert: Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua (14-15 March 2021)

Please find included the Impact Based Warning for the Western Cape and Namaqua Region of Northern Cape

Legal notice:
“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.

It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and 
no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

Hazard Alert Level Affected Municipalities Valid from (SAST) Valid to (SAST)
Disruptive rain Yellow (L2) Bitou, Cape Agulhas, George, Hessequa, Knysna, Mossel Bay, Overstrand and Swellendam 14/03/2021 22H00 15/03/2021 09H00

Discussion: Significant rain is expected to affect the coastal areas of the Overberg and Garden Route Districts tonight into tomorrow morning.The accumulated rainfall is likely to reach between 40 to 50mm over the period due to the strong southerly to south-easterly winds aided by an intense upper air system.

Impact: Localised flooding can be expected in susceptible formal and informal settlements and roads. Increased travel times and motor vehicle accidents due to pooling of water may occur along with difficult driving conditions on dirt roads.

Instruction: If possible stay indoors and off the roads, avoid crossing rivers and swollen streams where water is above your ankles. If trapped in a vehicle during a flood, abandon it and climb to higher ground. In buildings, move valuables to a safe place above the expected flood level. Take caution driving on a roads covered by water. Listen to the radio or TV for warnings and obey the instructions from disaster management officers.

>>>Legal notice:<<<

“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.

It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

Report any weather related incidents to the Garden Route Disaster Management Centre at:
044 805 5071.

12 March 2021 Public Notice: Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC) Meeting on 23 March 2021 at 10:00 am

Public Notice: Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC) Meeting on 23 March 2021 at 10:00 am

Notice is hereby given in terms of the MFMA Circular  No 32  of the Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act 56 of 2003) that the Garden Route District Municipality’s Municipal Public Accounts Committee, responsible for the Review and Analysis of the 2019/20 Annual Report, will be taking place on 23 March 2021.

Date: 23 March 2021

Time: 10h00-12h00

Place: Virtual Link here

Questions will be posed to Management to get clarity on the contents of the Annual Financial Statements and the Annual Report.  The draft oversight report will be written after this meeting.

For any further enquiries regarding this MPAC meeting kindly contact Mr Thembani Loliwe at 044 803 1430



12 March 2021 Media Release: Garden Route Health Platform Update

Media Release: Garden Route Health Platform Update on 12 March 2021

The Garden Route district has to date vaccinated 680 healthcare workers since the district’s roll-out of the vaccination plan on 3 March 2021 at George Hospital.

“We are happy to report that our first two weeks of vaccinations went without major hiccups and we have used 100% of the allocated vaccines. We also thank the staff who have received the vaccination, who despite experiencing mild side-effects, still showed up for work in order to provide a health service to our clients. It took effort and teamwork to set up the vaccination site at George Hospital. I would like to thank everyone involved, directly and indirectly for your contribution”, said District Director for Garden Route and Central Karoo districts, Mr Zee Brickles.

The overall intent of the vaccination roll-out is to prevent severe illness and death and to protect the health system. During Phase 1, healthcare workers are being targeted first, to ensure that we are able to vaccinate the most at risk healthcare workers first to ensure our readiness for a third wave. 

To date, the Western Cape received 25 960 vaccines in two tranches as part of the J&J/Sisonke implementation study: Tranche One (13 160) and Tranche Two (12 800).   

George Hospital remains the only vaccination site in the Garden Route as part of the Sisonke programme.

Planning for Phases 2 & 3

Phases 2 and 3 will cover larger numbers of residents and will include other frontline services, people in congregate settings, essential workers, those at risk due to age or comorbidity, and finally, in phase 3, the general adult population. We are working hard to put all the systems in place to roll out these phases as soon as approved vaccines arrive.   The current planning is for quarter 2, likely from May onwards.  

Register for vaccine 

During phase 1, only healthcare workers who wish to take up vaccination can register on the national Electronic Vaccination Data System (EVDS): Once registered they will be issued with a voucher indicating the vaccination site and date to go for the vaccination. Registered healthcare workers are asked to liaise with the relevant person at their workplace to book their appointment after they have received their voucher.  

Currently, we request non-healthcare staff not to register on the system. We will inform the public when they can start registering on the system.

Importance of vigilance 

We cannot become complacent. We want to remind the public of the need for continued COVID-19 vigilance in order to prevent a third wave.  Avoid crowded places, close-contact settings and confined and enclosed spaces. Always wear a mask when in public, wash your hands, don’t touch your face, keep 1.5m apart, cover your cough and stay home when sick– this is the best way to prevent a third wave.

Garden Route Stats







1 936


1 818


Mossel Bay

7 266


7 039



11 736


11 165



4 779


4 594



2 717


2 606








3 914


3 565



33 213


31 599

1 291



Nadia Ferreira

Principal Communications Officer

Garden Route and Central Karoo Districts

Western Cape Government Health

Town Clinic, Plettenberg Bay

Tel: 076 379 5423



12 March 2021 Weather Alert: Severe Weather Alert: Veld Fires

Weather Alert: Severe Weather Alert: Veld Fires

Please find included the Impact Based Warning for the Western Cape and Namaqua Region of Northern Cape:

HAZARD:  Veld Fire Conditions


AFFECTED MUNICIPALITIES: Beaufort West, Hantam, Kannaland, Karoo Hoogland, Khâi-Ma, Laingsburg, Oudtshoorn, Prince Albert

VALID FROM (SAST):  12/03/21 08h00

VALID TO (SAST):  12/03/21 08h00

DISCUSSION: Weather conditions which include hot temperatures and fresh winds might result in the development of runaway and veld/bush fires.

Impact: Conditions are such that the FDI index is above 75. Under these conditions fires may develop and spread rapidly resulting in damage to property and possible loss of human and/or animal life.

Instruction: All personnel and equipment should be removed from the field. Fire teams, labour and equipment are to be placed on full stand-by. A first sign of smoke, every possible measure should b*e taken in order to bring the fire under control in the shortest possible time.

Cape Town Weather Office
2nd Floor: Oval Office Park
Cape Town Int airport
Freight Road
Cape Town

Tel: 021 935 5700

>>>Legal notice:<<<

“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.

It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

Report any weather related incidents to the Garden Route Disaster Management Centre at:
044 805 5071.

11 March 2021 Public Notice: Revised SDBIP for 2020/2021 approved by Council

Public Notice: Revised SDBIP for 2020/2021 approved by Council

Please be informed that the Revised Service Delivery Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP) for the 2020/2021 financial year was approved by Council on 23 February 2021.

For more information, contact the Manager: Performance Management, Ms Ilse Saaiman, at:

Tel: 044-803 1300 / E-mail:

8 March 2021 Weather Alert: Weather forecast: 8 March – 14 March 2021

Weather Alert: Weather forecast: 8 March – 14 March 2021

Garden Route District Municipality disseminates the information below on behalf of the South African Weather Service.

Today will be predominantly cloudy over the province with rain expected along the Eastern parts of the South-coast during the morning. Cloudy conditions are expected from tomorrow until Thursday with the approaching cold front. This will result in strong North-Westerly winds ahead of the front for Tuesday and Wednesday, particularly over the central and Eastern interior as well as over the South-Western coastal areas. The system will result in the rain over the Western parts from Tuesday evening and will spread along the South coast from Wednesday afternoon, clearing during the afternoon of Thursday. 

 The bulk of the rain is expected over the Western parts (20-40mm, 50mm over the mountains). Severe weather warnings will be sent by SAWS later today. The rest of the week will remain sunny to partly cloudy. On Saturday afternoon another cold front will reach the country resulting in cloudy conditions and there is a chance of rain over the South-Western parts from Saturday afternoon that will spread along the south coast during Sunday. The rain will start to clear in the West from Sunday afternoon. Temperatures in the mid to high twenties are expected during the week.

Along the coast the winds are expected to be moderate to fresh South-Westerly today, becoming North-Westerly tomorrow and will remain like that for the rest of the week except on Thursday and Sunday when it will be South-Easterly. Strong winds are expected from tomorrow afternoon until Wednesday night reaching gale force along the South-West coast on Tuesday and Wednesday. 

 Coupled with the strong winds, 4.0 to 6.0m South-Westerly swell is expected along the South coast from tomorrow afternoon until Wednesday afternoon, which will result in very rough and choppy seas. We expect warnings from SAWS later today. Apart from Tuesday and Wednesday, 3.0 to 4.0m South-Westerly swell is expected.

Issued by the South African Weather Service.

Report any severe weather-related incidents to the Garden Route Disaster Management Centre at telephone number 044 805 5071.