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Local Government News

13 March 2024 Public Notice: Public Participation for the Garden Route District Coastal Management Programme – Notice number: 29/2024

Public Notice: Public Participation for the Garden Route District Coastal Management Programme – Notice number: 29/2024
Open for Comment

13 March 2024

The Garden Route District Coastal Management Programme was reviewed and updated, in terms of Section 48 of the Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) Act (Act No 24 of 2008). As per the provisions of the ICM Act, any amendments that are made to the existing Coastal Management Programme must be subject to the public participation requirements in accordance with Chapter 4 of the Municipal Systems Act, prior to being Gazetted.

Notice is hereby given that the Draft Garden Route District Coastal Management Programme will be available for review and comment from 14 March 2024 to 14 April 2024. The draft Garden Route District Coastal Management Programme will be available for viewing at the following Places:

1)      Garden Route District Municipality, 54 York Street, George;
2)      Mossel Bay Public Library, 99 Marsh Street, Mossel Bay;
3)      Hessequa Public Library (Gouritsmond Library), 9 Kerk Street, Gouritz;
4)      Albertinia Public Library, 2 Horne Street, Albertinia;
5)      Still Bay Public Library, Main Road, Still Bay West;
6)      Riversdale Public Library, Van Den Berg Street, Riversdale;
7)      Hessequa Municipal Office, Mitchell Street, Riversdale;
8)      Plettenberg Bay Public Library; Saringa Way, New Horizons, Plettenberg Bay;
9)      Knysna Public Library, Memorial Square, 2 Main Street, Knysna;
10)    George Public Library, Corner Caledon and Courtenay Streets, Camphersdrift, George;U
11)     Community centres and SAPD reception offices within subsistence fisher communities, and;
12)    Garden Route District Municipality website – link: Management-Programme-2023-2024.pdf

The District Municipality hereby invites comments from interested and affected parties on the draft reviewed Garden Route District Coastal Management Programme. Any comments and inputs submitted will be considered during the finalisation of the draft document for final approval and Gazetting.

Written submissions may be directed to the Municipal Manager using the following address:

Garden Route District Municipality, Municipal Manager, Monde Stratu, 54 York Street, George or Private Bag 12, George, 6530 or via email to on or before 14 April 2024.

Any person who is unable to write can submit their input verbally to the Council’s offices where they will be assisted by a staff member to put their comments in writing. Enquiries can be directed to Dr Nina Viljoen at 044 803 1318 or e-mail

M Stratu

Click here to Download the Official Notice

5 March 2024 Public Notice: Garden Route District Municipality telephones offline

5 March 2024 Public Notice: Garden Route District Municipality telephones offline

Members of the public, please be informed that all telephone lines of the Garden Route Municipality (GRDM) are currently offline due to technical problems.

If you need to contact an official urgently, we kindly advise that you alternatively send an email to the relevant official or contact him or her on a cell phone number until the problem is resolved.

Thank you for your patience in this regard.

Issued: GRDM Communications

29 February 2024 Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality launches Occupational Certificate: Electrician Program

Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality launches Occupational Certificate: Electrician Program

For Immediate Release
29 February 2024

The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), in collaboration with B-Municipalities in the district, has rolled out an apprenticeship and Artisan Recognition of Prior Learning (ARPL) program for 37 people. Funding was applied for and received from the Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSETA). Sourcing of funding for skills that are aligned to the need of business in the Garden Route is central to why the Garden Route Skills Mecca (GRSM), exists.

Reginald Salmons, Coordinator of Skills Development at the GRDM, previously at an induction shed light on the significance of this initiative within the Garden Route Skills Mecca Program. The collaborative effort with George-, Mossel Bay-, Oudtshoorn-, Kannaland-, Knysna, and Bitou Municipalities secured funding to address the identified need for qualified electricians outlined in various Workplace Skills Plans (WSPs).

The program encompasses 17 employed officials and 20 unemployed individuals, spanning 18 months for the employed and 3 years for the unemployed. Upon completion, participants will receive a Red Seal qualification, officially recognised as Electricians.

LGSETA Representatives, Ms Jacobs (Provincial Manager) and Ms September (Provincial Coordinator), have pledged their commitment from LGSETA, who contributed an nearly R5 million to fund this critical project. Ms Jacobs has previously encouraged learners to seize this opportunity, underscoring the importance of dedication and responsibility.

LGSETA utilises a remote tracking system to manage payments for unemployed learners. Apprentices log their workplace locations and theoretical class attendance on the system, ensuring accountability and transparency in program participation.

The program commenced on Monday, 19 February 2024, and will run over a three-year period until 2027. The GRDM looks forward to empowering individuals in the region, creating a skilled workforce for the future.

Featured Image Caption: The occasion was attended by an array of stakeholders, including students enrolled in the program, marking a collaborative effort to address the growing need for skilled electricians.


Mediaverklaring: Opdatering 2 van Dysselsdorp grondeise deur Gona-Hesse! Khwe en konstruktiewe gesprek met gemeenskapsverteenwoordigers

Mediaverklaring: Opdatering 2 van Dysselsdorp grondeise deur Gona-Hesse! Khwe en konstruktiewe gesprek met gemeenskapsverteenwoordigers

28 Februarie 2024

‘n Afvaardiging van die Tuinroete-distriksmunisipaliteit (TDM) het vroeër vandag ‘n konstruktiewe gesprek gehad met verteenwoordigers van die Dysselsdorp-gemeenskap. ‘n Deurslaggewende ooreenkoms is bereik dat geen plaaslike inwoners uitsetting in die gesig staar nie.

Die TDM gaan voort met sy regstappe teen die Gona-Hesse! Khwe Royal Koninkryk wat tans ‘n deel van Erf 2 en Erf 975 huur en nie kontraktuele verpligtinge nakom nie.

Gesprekke met die Oudtshoorn Munisipaliteit en ander sleutelbelanghebbendes sal voortgaan om gemeenskapskwessies verder aan te spreek.

Die gemeenskapverteenwoordigers van Dysselsdorp het die geleentheid om direk met die GRDM-afvaardiging te gesels hartlik verwelkom en die positiewe uitkomste van die verbintenis waardeer. Na afloop van die produktiewe vergadering het die gemeenskap takke en klippeuit die paaie verwyder en sodoende normale verkeersvloei en toegang tot Dysselsdorp herstel.

Die Tuinroete-distriksmunisipaliteit (GRDM) betuig sy dank aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiedienste, gemeenskapsleiers en die inwoners vir hul bereidwilligheid en samewerkende gees om te werk aan ‘n vreedsame en konstruktiewe oplossing.


Dysselsdorp se gemeenskap is gelukkig met die uitkomste van die gesprekke wat plaasgevind het tussen TDM en die Dysselsdorp-gemeenskap se verteenwoordigers. (Foto: Bonisile Desha)

Media Statement: Update on Dysselsdorp property land-claims by Gona-Hesse! Khwe and the outcomes of fruitful discussions with Dysselsdorp Community representatives

28 February 2024

A delegation from the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), earlier today, held a constructive dialogue with representatives of the Dysselsdorp community, reaching a crucial agreement that no local residents will face eviction.

The GRDM is set to continue its legal actions against the Gona-Hesse! Khwe Royal Kingdom who are currently leasing a part of Erf 2 and Erf 975 and who are in breach of the contract they entered into with the GRDM.

Discussions with the Oudtshoorn Municipality and other key stakeholders are set to proceed to further address community concerns.

The Dysselsdorp community warmly welcomed the opportunity to engage directly with the GRDM delegation, appreciating the positive outcomes of the engagement. Following the productive engagement, the community removed obstacles from the roads, thereby restoring normal traffic flow and access to Dysselsdorp.

The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) extends its thanks to the South African Police Services, community leaders, and the residents for their patience, understanding, and collaborative spirit in working towards a peaceful and constructive resolution.


‘n Foto geneem tydens die gesprekke wat plaasgevind het deur ‘n afvaardiging van Tuinroete Distriksmunisipaliteit (links) en gemeenskapsverteenwoordigers van Dysselsdorp (regs).

Media Statement: Dysselsdorp property land-claims by Gona-Hesse! Khwe

Media Statement: Dysselsdorp property land-claims by Gona-Hesse! Khwe

28 February 2024

Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) is aware of the land-claims of two of its properties in Dysselsdorp (Erf 2 and 975) and remains committed to a fair and humane process to be followed going forward. The GRDM will engage several stakeholders to find a fair resolution for the situation.

In 2021, the Gona-Hesse! Khwe Royal Kingdom, a non-profit entity, approached the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) with a proposal to lease land within the district’s jurisdiction. Their initial interest was in Kleinkrantz, a small community situated between Wilderness and Sedgefield. However, they were informed that Kleinkrantz was unavailable, but alternative land within the municipality’s area of jurisdiction could be leased, in particular erf 2 in Dysselsdorp.

Subsequently, the Gona-Hesse! Khwe decided to pursue a lease for erf 2 near Dysselsdorp, specifically the area known locally as ‘Bloupunt’. Initially, they made a deposit, but failed to fulfill their monthly rental obligations as per the lease agreement. By September 30, 2022, they had accrued rental arrears amounting to nearly R60 000,00. Despite repeated requests for payment, the Gona-Hesse! Khwe did not settle their debt, prompting the GRDM to implement measures in accordance with its Credit Control Policy to recover the owed amounts.

On February 2, 2024, the GRDM filed a notice of application pursuant to section 4(2) of the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act, No 19 of 1998 (the PIE Act), against the Gona-Hesse! Khwe. The group, despite neglecting their lease obligations, controversially issued illegal title deeds, falsely asserting ownership over the land based on their claimed royal status. This action was contrary to official deeds records. Consequently, the GRDM had no option but to take legal action to protect its property rights.

The one eviction notice pertains to erf 2. The other eviction is of the illegal occupation of erf 975, but the GRDM Council has decided to withdraw this eviction notice. The contractual violation specifically involves erf 2 and is associated with the Gona-Hesse! Khwe group. The individuals protesting are residents of erf 975 and have been misled by the Gona-Hesse! Khwe, who have failed to honour their contractual obligations regarding erf 2.

The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Council is set to deliberate on the situation concerning erf 975 with the Oudtshoorn Municipality, aiming for a harmonious resolution.

For more information, please contact the GRDM Communication Manager, Herman Pieters at 044 803 1419 or at


Mediaverklaring: Dysselsdorp grondeise deur Gona-Hesse! Khwe

28 Februarie 2024

Die Tuinroete Distriksmunisipaliteit (TDM) is bewus van die grondeise van twee van sy eiendomme in Dysselsdorp (Erf 2 en 975) en bly toegewyd om ‘n regverdige en menslike proses te volg om die situasie te beredder. Die TDM onderneem om verskeie belanghebbendes te betrek, om sodoende ‘n regverdige oplossing vir die situasie te vind.

In 2021 het die Gona-Hesse! Khwe Koninklike Koninkryk, ‘n nie-winsgewende entiteit, die Tuinroete Distriksmunisipaliteit (TDM) genader met ‘n voorstel om grond binne die distrik se jurisdiksie te huur. Hulle aanvanklike belangstelling was in Kleinkrantz, ‘n klein gemeenskap tussen Wildernis en Sedgefield, maar was egter ingelig dat Kleinkrantz nie beskikbaar is nie. Alternatiewe grond binne die munisipaliteit se jurisdiksie wat wel beskikbaar was vir huur, Erf 2 in Dysselsdorp was aanbeveel. Erf 2 is ongeveer 100 km in afstand vanaf Kleinkrantz, waar die Gona-Hesse! Khwe Koninklike Koninkryk aanvanklik ‘n eiendom wou huur.

Later het die Gona-Hesse! Khwe besluit om ‘n huurkontrak vir Erf 2, in Dysselsdorp na te streef, spesifiek die gebied wat plaaslik bekendstaan as ‘Bloupunt’. Hulle het aanvanklik ‘n deposito betaal, maar het versuim om hul maandelikse huurverpligtinge na te kom soos bepaal in die huurooreenkoms. Teen 30 September 2022 het hulle agterstallige huurgeld tot R60 000,00 opgeloop. Ten spyte van herhaalde versoeke om betaling, het die Gona-Hesse! Khwe versuim om hul skuld te vereffen, en wat daartoe genoop het dat die TDM maatreëls inplementeer in ooreenstemming met sy Kredietbeheerbeleid om sodoende die verskuldigde (uitstaande) bedrae terug te eis.

Op 2 Februarie 2024 het die TDM ‘n kennisgewing ingedien ingevolge artikel 4(2) van die Wet op die Voorkoming van Onwettige Uitsettings en Onwettige Besetting van Grond, No 19 van 1998 (die PIE Wet), teen die Gona-Hesse! Khwe. Die groep het, ten spyte van die nalating van hul huurverpligtinge, omstrede onwettige titelaktes uitgereik, waardeur hulle valse eienaarskap oor die grond beweer het, op grond van hul beweerde koninklike status. Hierdie optrede was teenstrydig met die amptelike aktes se rekords. Gevolglik het die TDM geen ander opsie gehad as om regstappe te neem om sodoende sy eiendomsregte te beskerm.

Die een uitsettingskennisgewing het betrekking op Erf 2. Die ander uitsetting is vir die onwettige besetting van Erf 975, maar die TDM Raad het intussen besluit om hierdie uitsettingskennisgewing terug te trek. Die kontraktuele oortreding het spesifiek betrekking op Erf 2 en word geassosieer met die Gona-Hesse! Khwe groep. Die individue wie protes aanteken, is inwoners van Erf 975 en word mislei deur die Gona-Hesse! Khwe, wat nie hul kontraktuele verpligtinge met betrekking tot Erf 2 nagekom het nie. ‘n Administratiewe en politieke delegasie is tans oppad na Oudtshoorn om met die gemeenskapsverteenwoordigers te praat.

Met die oog op die toekoms is die Tuinroete Distriksmunisipaliteit (TDM) Raad en die administrasie besig om te beraadslag oor die situasie met betrekking tot Erf 975 met die Oudtshoorn Munisipaliteit, met die doel om ‘n harmonieuse oplossing te bereik.

Vir meer inligting, kontak asseblief die TDM Kommunikasiebestuurder, Herman Pieters by 044 803 1419 of by


28 February 2024 Public Notice: Special Council Meeting on 28 February 2024 at 09h00

Notice of a Special Council Meeting on 28 February 2024 at 09h00

Notice nr. 23/2024

Notice is hereby given that a SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING of the Garden Route District Municipality will be held at the GRDM Council and via Zoom on 28 February 2024 at 09:00.

MG Stratu
Municipal Manager
54 York Street
P O Box 12
Tel: 044 803 1300

Click here to download the official notice

27 February 2024 For Public Comment: Third Adjustment Budget 2023/2024

27 February 2024 For Public Comment:  Third Adjustment Budget 2023/2024

Notice 22/2024


Notice is hereby given that the Garden Route District Municipal Council’s Third Adjustment Budget for the period 2023/2024-2025/2026, was compiled in accordance with the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act 2003 (Act 56 of 2003).

This document was approved by the Garden Route District Municipality at a District Council meeting held on Tuesday, 27 February 2024.
This document will be available for public inspection and comments on the GRDM municipal website from 28 February 2024.

Members of the public are invited to submit written comments or representations to the municipality in respect of this document. All comments and inputs must be directed to “The Municipal Manager, Garden Route District Municipality, 54 York Street, George 6530”.

Please contact the Budget Manager (Ms Louise Hoek) at 044 803 1300 with any enquiries.

M G Stratu
Municipal Manager
Garden Route District Municipality

Click here and download the full advertisement.

Click here and download the Third Adjustment Budget for 2023/24.

27 February 2024 Frequently Asked Questions about African Swine Fever (ASF)

Frequently Asked Questions about African Swine Fever (ASF)

For Immediate Release
27 February 2024

What is African Swine Fever (AFS)?

  • African swine fever (ASF) is a SERIOUS VIRAL DISEASE that affects wild and domestic pigs and can lead to serious economic and production loss in the pork industry.
  • It is a controlled animal disease under the Animal Diseases Act, Act 34 of 1984 and must be immediately notified to the Department of Agriculture (State Veterinarian).
  • There is no vaccine for treatment of affected pigs.
  • Warthogs and bush pigs can carry the virus but do not show signs of the disease.

How do pigs get sick from ASF?

  • Contact with sick domestic/wild pigs.
  • Ingestion of contaminated material (such as food, waste, feed and garbage).
  • Contact with contaminated people, shoes, clothing, vehicles and equipment.
  • Soft ticks

What are the Symptoms of sick pigs?

  • Redness of skin of the ears, abdomen and legs.
  • High fever.

Does ASF affect the health of people?

  • ASF is not transmitted to humans. However, it is not recommended to eat the meat of any sick animal or animal that has died.
  • The public must only consume meat that was approved by a meat inspector at an approved abattoir.
  • All meat must be cooked thoroughly before consumption.

 Good bio-security measures will help to prevent the spread of the disease from affected areas:

  • carcasses should be disposed of in a safe manner,
  • pigs should be confined in order to prevent roaming and potentially picking up and spreading the disease,
  • hands, shoes, clothing and equipment should be sanitised before and after being in contact with pigs,
  • any meat products should be thoroughly cooked before being fed to pigs and
  • pigs should only be bought from known ASF-free herds
  • Community members must not remove any pigs or pig products from the ASF affected area in order to prevent further spread of the disease.

For more information, please contact one of the Environmental Health Practitioners of the Garden Route District Municipality at 044 803 1300.



The South African Weather Service issued a Level 2 warning regarding damaging winds predicted from 26 February to 28 February. Strong and gusty south-easterly winds (50-70km/h) are expected, with wave heights 3 to 4 metres.

23 February 2023 Media Release: Home Composting Workshop Empowers Garden Route Communities to embrace sustainable Waste Management

Media Release: Home Composting Workshop Empowers Garden Route Communities to embrace sustainable Waste Management

For Immediate Release

23 February 2024

The Waste Management Section of the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), in collaboration with Mossel Bay Municipality and Landmark, successfully organised and hosted a Home Composting Workshop on 16 February 2024. This workshop aimed to educate and empower community members on effective home composting practices as part of the broader initiative to divert organic waste from landfill sites and promote sustainable waste management in the Garden Route District.

The workshop, attended by 30 enthusiastic community members, focused on two main composting techniques: Bin Composting and Vermicomposting. Participants gained hands-on experience and practical knowledge to implement these composting methods in their homes.

The key takeaways from the workshop included:

Bin Composting: Participants learned the art of composting using dedicated bins. The session covered the basics of layering organic materials, managing moisture levels, and turning the compost to accelerate the decomposition process.

Vermicomposting: The workshop delved into the fascinating world of vermicomposting, where participants discovered how to use worms to break down organic waste into nutrient-rich compost. The importance of maintaining a healthy worm habitat was emphasised for optimal compost production.

As part of the initiative, each participant was provided with essential tools to kick-start their home composting journey. The GRDM donated composting bins and established worm farms for the attendees. Landmark, contributed by donating the worms necessary for vermicomposting success.

Each participant also received a comprehensive guideline to assist them in implementing and maintaining effective composting practices at home. These guidelines serve as a valuable resource to ensure the continued success of their composting efforts.

The Home Composting Workshop exemplifies the commitment of the Garden Route District Municipality to develop a community-driven approach to waste management. By educating and empowering communities, the municipality aims to create a more sustainable and environmentally conscious community.

Participants who attended the Home Composting Workshop on 16 February 2024.
