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Local Government News

25 January 2021 Media Release: Garden Route Investment Prospectus formulated to attract domestic and foreign investment

Media Release: Garden Route Investment Prospectus formulated to attract domestic and foreign investment

For immediate release
25 January 2021

On Friday, 22 January 2021 the Garden Route Investment Prospectus was tabled and adopted by the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Council during an Ordinary Council meeting. This investment guide is the official regional publication which highlights many of the investment opportunities for the region.

According to Mr Lusanda Menze, GRDM Executive Manager for Planning and Economic Development, “the prospectus was developed and compiled during 2020 financial year and contains regional catalytic investment opportunities of all seven local municipalities, as well as opportunities relating to the GRDM”.

“The investment prospectus situates opportunity zones on several levels and provides an economic context for such zones,” said Menze.

The overarching objectives of this prospectus are to attract national and international investors to the Garden Route by:

  • displaying the vast range of investment opportunities available in the region;
  • providing insights into the region’s investment friendly climate; and
  • not only attracting new investments but also to expand existing investments in the Garden Route.

Local municipalities, business chambers, government agencies, private sector stakeholders amongst others, were consulted in the process of compiling the document and identifying the most promising investment opportunities. WESGRO, the Western Cape’s Tourism, Trade and Investment Promotion Agency, remains a partner in the roll-out of the process to attract investment and will work alongside stakeholders to promote the region’s opportunities.

The high-quality print catalogue is available digitally, while 200 printed copies are currently available for distribution. The GRDM is approaching growth and development in a holistic nature looking at all sectors of the economy. It is also important to view the linkages that would promote widespread socio-economic growth. Therefore, GRDM is looking at achieving the following:

  • to attraction both outward and inward investment;
  • investment in both hard and soft infrastructure;
  • making the business environment more conducive to business;
  • involve a participatory approach to local economic development;
  • involve Public Private Partnerships (PPP) wherever possible; and
  • move towards community-based local economic development

Local economic development is one of the key focus areas for the GRDM and by realising its strategic importance, sustainable and inclusive growth will be possible.

Click on the link below to download the document:

Garden Route Investment Prospectus

22 January 2021 Media Release: New Councillors sworn it at GRDM 1st Council Meeting of 2021

Media Release: New Councillors sworn it at GRDM 1st Council Meeting of 2021

For Immediate Release
20 July 2021

Councillor of the African National Congress, Cllr F N Mdumiso, and Councillor of the Civic Organisation of South Africa (ICOSA), Cllr R D Ruiters have today been sworn as Councillors of the Garden Route District Council.

Councillor Mdumiso is replacing Cllr P Mapitiza who sadly passed away in December last year and Cllr Ruiters is replacing Cllr Joslyn Johnson as representative of the Kannaland Municipal Council, to the district.

Pictured, with Cllr Mdumiso (right) is the GRDM Manager for Integrated Support Services and Legal Compliance, Adv. Sinekaya Maqekeni (left), during her inauguration at the first GRDM Council meeting of 2021.

The inauguration of Cllr Ruiters took place virtually via zoom.

Councillors representing various political parties warmly welcomed both councillors to the first Council Meeting of 2021 and the Council of Garden Route District Municipality.

22 January 2021 Executive Mayor’s Speech – 1st GRDM Council Meeting of 2021

Executive Mayor’s Speech – 1st GRDM Council Meeting of 2021

Mr Speaker,

The blessing on behalf of all of us on this platform, is that we have made into 2021.

I know that we had an extremely difficult 2020. And hopefully Mr Speaker and everybody on this platform and all the Garden Routers, it is in our hands to make this a better year. We know what is required from us and I am mentioning this, as also alluded by the Speaker, is that Covid-19 has hit us very hard. Hard in a sense that, we have lost loved ones. We have lost prominent South Africans and leaders of the country. We have lost staff members and we are still sitting with many active cases Mr Speaker and hopefully, as I am praying here, is that we really survive this, by means of changing our behaviour.

Mr Speaker, we know that this is the first meeting of the new year and we are still sitting with many challenges and we are well-known for not backing down on challenges. Some of the challenges Mr Speaker, is the fact that there are a lot of projects that we need to roll out this year. One being, the regional landfill site – we know what happened with the project. Therefore it is something that needs to be completed, because it becomes another pandemic in waiting, to fail on it. The good news Speaker is that with all the efforts that we have put into this project, people have taken note – the European Union has made contact with us in terms of trying to partner with us in this regard. We also know that the University of Kwazulu-Natal and the University of Crete also contacted us. This is just an indication that we are really trying the best we can and with all of this on our table and the participation of Council and officials, we will make this work.

Also Mr Speaker, it has being coming a long way that we have being negotiated a regional foodbank. Although there are still a lot of scepticism around, but once again we are not going to sit back and fold our arms – we as the GRDM has started the initiative and I will make time very soon to have a look at the operations at the Food Pantry. We have dealt with this at the District Coordinating Forum (DCF), but we will take it back to the DCF, now that it is operational so that all the Mayors and Municipal Managers and relevant Officials can experience this first hand. Thank you to the partners, thank you to those who have donated up to now and those that still plan to donate. We really appreciate this, because it really makes a difference in the lives of the people. Because things are different Mr Speaker, we now also need to do things differently, we now need to put livelihoods and communities (peoples’ dignities) first.

Lastly, allow me to welcome the two councillors, Cllr Ndumiso and Cllr Ruiters. As other speakers have indicated, it is indeed a learning college that we have stepped in, in terms of how we do things politically and administratively and I am sure that they will enjoy it.

I thank you.

22 January 2021 Weather Alert: Severe Weather Alert: Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua

Weather Alert: Severe Weather Alert: Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua

The South African Weather Service has issued the following Impact Based Severe Weather Forecast:

HAZARD: Veld Fire Conditions

Alert Level: Red(L10)

Affected Municipalities: Beaufort West, Breede Valley, Cederberg, Hantam, Kamiesberg, Kannaland, Karoo Hoogland, Laingsburg, Langeberg, Matzikama, Nama Khoi, Prince Albert and Witzenberg.

Valid From (SAST): 22/01/2021 – 01h00

Valid To (SAST): 23/01/2021 – 18h00

Discussion: Weather conditions which include hot temperatures, fresh to strong winds and low humidity might result in the development of runaway and veld/bush fires.

Impact: Conditions are such that the FDI index is above 75. Under these conditions, fires may develop and spread rapidly resulting in damage to property and possible loss of human and/or animal life.

Instruction: All personnel and equipment should be removed from the field. Fire teams, labour and equipment are to be placed on full standby. At the first sign of smoke, every possible measure should be taken in order to bring the fire under control in the shortest possible time.

Report any severe weather-related incidents to the Garden Route Disaster Management Centre at telephone number 044 805 5071.

Legal notice:
“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.  It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

21 January 2021 Weather Alert: Severe Weather Alert: Impact Based Weather Warning for Western Cape and Namaqua

Weather Alert: Severe Weather Alert: Impact Based Weather Warning for Western Cape and Namaqua

The South African Weather Service has issued the following Impact Based Severe Weather Forecast:

HAZARD: Veld Fire Conditions

Alert Level: Red(L10)

Affected Municipalities: Beaufort West, Breede Valley, Cederberg, Drakenstein, Hantam, Kamiesberg, Kannaland, Karoo Hoogland, Laingsburg, Matzikama, Nama Khoi, Prince Albert, Swartland and Witzenberg.

Valid From (SAST): 21/01/2021 – 08h00

Valid To (SAST): 22/01/2021 – 20h00

Discussion: Weather conditions which include hot temperatures, fresh to strong winds and low humidity might result in the development of runaway and veld/bush fires.

Impact: Conditions are such that the FDI index is above 75. Under these conditions, fires may develop and spread rapidly resulting in damage to property and possible loss of human and/or animal life.

Instruction: All personnel and equipment should be removed from the field. Fire teams, labour and equipment are to be placed on full standby. At the first sign of smoke, every possible measure should be taken in order to bring the fire under control in the shortest possible time.

Report any severe weather-related incidents to the Garden Route Disaster Management Centre at telephone number 044 805 5071.

Legal notice:
“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.  It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

18 January 2021 Media Release: Cedric Buys’ passing still mourned by GRDM

Media Release: Cedric Buys’ passing still mourned by GRDM

For immediate release
18 January 2021

Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) councillors and staff are still shocked by the passing of one of its Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) contract workers recently. Cedric Buys passed away at the age of 48, a few days before his birthday.

He was appointed as EPWP worker in July 2018 and worked in the Kleinkrantz area until his passing. He worked alongside two other EPWP workers to provide security services at one of the GRDM properties.

He was described not only as a colleague, but also as a friend, family man, reliable and caring community leader and pastor in the community he served. During an interview with one of his co-workers, Irisha Kleinhans, she admitted that Cedric was one of the early birds at the workplace. “He was also the joker – the one who shared stories and funny tales and he always had a smile on his face. He could make us laugh at any moment in time, during good and challenging times,” she added. Cedric was furthermore regarded as the trustworthy colleague. Irisha said that there were times when she forgot her key at home, but the moment she contacted Cedric she knew that the problem would be solved.

“He was also well known in this area for his contribution in uplifting the community, she highlighted” and further stated that he was always keen for the Word of God – he had a passion for the church, the Bible and church activities. “Worshipping God and singing hymns were some of his favourite activities during lunch time; he was an inspiring, caring and cheerful soul who we will dearly miss,” she concluded.

GRDM lost a jewel in Expanded Public Works.

Rest in peace Cedric Buys.

18 January 2021 Media Release: We will continue to extend a helping hand to small businesses

Media Release: We will continue to extend a helping hand to small businesses

For Immediate Release
18 January 2021

Since August 2020 the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) in collaboration with Western Cape and National Governments, rolled out a vast spectrum of unprecedented government interventions support Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMME). This was not only done as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, but also to ensure that businesses continue to receive the support they need to keep their doors open.

The draft Garden Route District Economic Recovery Plan is in process of being approved by the GRDM Municipal Managers Forum (MMF), District Coordinating Forum (DCF) and the District Council. It includes interventions relating to various business relief programmes and proposals geared towards assisting the private sector to recover and build back a better society.

One of the exciting initiatives of the GRDM is a Support and Development Programme for SMMEs. The GRDM Council availed half a million Rand to this programme which intends to assist a selected number of businesses with equipment and material before the end of June 2021. A list of recipients will be made available as soon as the selection process has been finalised.

During the first quarter of the 2020/2021 financial year, the Western Cape Government (WCG) Department of Economic Development and Tourism’s (DEDAT) COVID-19 Business Relief Fund was rolled out. This fund provided financial support SMMEs from all corners of the Western Cape, including the Garden Route. This fund was geared towards alleviating the negative economic impact caused by COVID-19 on SMMEs. Relief in the form of financial grants were provided to a number of enterprises.

The Western Cape Department of Economic Department of Tourism also availed R5 million for businesses who form part of the Tourism Industry through an initiative known as the Tourism Product Development Fund. This fund will support the development products and experiences linked to food and beverages, travel and tourism, lodging, and recreation tourism segments. The end goal is to increase visitor trends all over South Africa. The Tourism Product Development Fund offers support to new or existing tourism products and experiences to address gaps and opportunities identified by the draft Tourism Blueprint 2030. GRDM is waiting in anticipation for a list of recipients of the fund.

The Small Enterprise Development Agency (Seda) has also provided support to SMMEs in collaboration with the National Department of Small Business Development. Specific industries such as Spaza shops/general dealers, bakeries and hair dressers continue to receive support from them.

GRDM continues to provide as much support and assistance to businesses as possible through strategic partnerships and structures in collaboration with other spheres of government to ensure that businesses remain able to operate and thrive during these unprecedented economic times.


14 January 2021 Public Notice: Grant-in-Aid: Call for Proposals

Public Notice: Grant-in-Aid: Call for Proposals

Organisations and/or bodies who qualify for financial assistance, in terms of the criteria and prescriptions contained in Garden Route District Municipality’s Grant-in-Aid Policy and Section 67 of the Municipal Finance Management Act 2003, are hereby invited to submit proposals for programs they endeavour to undertake during the 2021calendar year.

Only applications submitted on the prescribed application form and accompanied by all the required information, documentation, financial statements, covering letter, etc. and received by the Office of the Executive Mayor on/or before 12 February 2021 at 11h00, shall be considered.

Copies of the said policy and application form are available at the Garden Route District Municipal website:

Your application form can be dropped in a GRDM office near you; see the list as outlined hereunder:

  • 54 York Street, George, 6529
  • 24 Queen Street, Knysna, 6570
  • Corner of Marlin & Samson Streets, Extension 23, Mossel Bay, 6506
  • 15 Regent Street, Oudtshoorn, 6620
  • 24 Mitchell Street, Riversdale, 6670
  • 4 Virginia Street, Plettenberg Bay, 6600

NB: Kannaland to use Oudtshoorn and or Riversdale offices.

Please direct all queries to Mr Nkosiyabo Lose at telephone number: 044 803 1300

Garden Route District Municipality reserves the right not to make any award and may disqualify organisations that have received funds in the previous book year, and who have not submitted a final report on its previous expenditure.

MG Stratu

Municipal Manager

54 York Street



Closing Date: 12 February 2021 at 11h00

Notice Number: 92/2021

Click on the link to download the application form:  Grant-in-Aid-Application-Form

13 January 2021 Media Release: Vehicle control points continue as Covid-19 infections stabilise

Media Release: Vehicle control points continue as Covid-19 infections stabilise

For immediate release
13 January 2021

Various approaches to flatten the curve of infections and mitigate the virus from spreading had to be adopted over the festive season. One of the many measures identify and taken in the Garden Route district has been to enhance law enforcement by Provincial and Municipal Traffic Officials. This was done through the roll-out of Vehicle Control Points (VCPs) and roadblocks to motivate and educate travellers and residents about the virus.

During these engagements, Traffic Officials are responsible for law enforcement whilst Environmental Health Practitioners (EHP) of the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) use the opportunity to educate and motivating motorist; distribute Covid-19 pamphlets and verbally giving advice and information to prevent people from getting sick.

The information-sharing points include the following topics:

–      The importance of good ventilation;

–      The correct way of wearing a mask;

–      Proper handwashing techniques;

–      Social distancing; and

–      Sanitising and to congregate outside rather than indoors.

Roadblocks are held at all hours of the day, on public holidays and at different places in the district.  Hats-off to all the role-players in the Garden Route district who selflessly commit their energy and time to curb the spread of the Covid-19 virus.