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Local Government News

17 November 2020 Media Release: Hotspot alert issued for the Garden Route

Media Release: Hotspot alert issued for the Garden Route

For Immediate Release
17 November 2020

The Western Cape Government has issued an urgent hotspot alert for the Garden Route, due to the rapidly increasing number of Covid-19 cases in that area. This spike is mainly contributing to the notable growth of active cases in the Western Cape.
Specifically, we are concerned about the increasing number of cases in George, Knysna and Bitou. George, which currently has 628 active cases, has the highest number of active cases in the province.

Over the weekend, we saw:
• 160 new cases in George
• 145 new cases in Knysna/Bitou
• 41 new cases in Mossel Bay
• 7 new cases in Hessequa

Along with the increasing number of cases in the region, we are also seeing the number of hospitalisations increase. Our hospitals still have sufficient capacity to cope with the surge in cases, however, we must all be taking responsibility to ensure that we are able to contain the further spread of the virus. The hotspot team for the Garden Route has increased surveillance, through screening and testing. We are also working closely with the municipalities, environmental health teams, and stakeholders in the region to manage and contain the spread. This includes a concerted communications campaign in the area. We are also paying special attention to vulnerable groups, including old age homes.

We need every single resident of the Garden Route and visitors to the region to help us stop this surge by:
1) Wearing your mask at all times when out in public places
2) Avoiding gatherings
3) Avoiding crowded places, especially when there is poor ventilation
4) Staying at least 1.5 metre apart
5) Washing your hands with soap and water regularly
If you feel sick, stay at home and if you are experiencing symptoms, call the hotline on 080 928 4102 for directions and next steps.

We will only be able to bring this situation under control if everyone takes responsibility now.
On Thursday, my weekly digital press conference will specifically focus on the Garden Route and I will set out more details on our response plans for the district.
Let’s stay safe and keep moving forward.

16 November 2020 Severe Weather Alert – Disruptive Rain

The Cape Town Weather Office has issued an Impact Based Warning as follows:

Hazard: Disruptive Rain

Alert Level: Yellow(L2)

Affected Municipalities: Bitou, Cape Agulhas, George, Hessequa, Knysna, Mossel Bay and Swellendam

Valid From (SAST): 17/11/20 – 12h00

Valid To (SAST): 18/11/20 – 00h00

DISCUSSION: Significant rain is expected to affect the eastern parts of the Overberg district tomorrow afternoon, spreading to the coastal areas of the Garden Route District from late evening into Wednesday morning.The accumulated rainfall is likely to reach between 40 to 50mm over the period due to the strong southerly to south-easterly winds aided by an intense upper air system.

IMPACT: Localised flooding can be expected in susceptible formal and informal settlements and roads. Increased travel times and motor vehicle accidents may occur along with difficult driving conditions on dirt roads. Localised and short term disruption to essential services may also occur in places.

INSTRUCTION: If possible stay indoors and off the roads, avoid crossing rivers and swollen streams where water is above your ankles. If trapped in a vehicle during a flood, abandon it and climb to higher ground. In buildings, move valuables to a safe place above the expected flood level. Take caution driving on a roads covered by water. Listen to the radio or TV for warnings and obey the instructions from disaster management officers.

Report any severe weather related incidents to the Garden Route Disaster Management Centre at: 044 805 5071.

13 November 2020 Media Release: Garden Routers join efforts to remove nurdles from Mossel Bay and Hessequa coastline

Media Release: Garden Routers join efforts to remove nurdles from Mossel Bay and Hessequa coastline

For immediate release
13 November 2020

On Wednesday, 4 November and Friday, 6 November 2020, a team representing various organisations removed tens of thousands of nurdles from two beaches in Mossel Bay and Hessequa respectively. The clean-up operation took place after the nurdles were spilled along the Garden Route District Coastline during October this year.

Nurdles spilled at beaches on the Garden Route coastline.

The remnants of the spill is still a cause of concern because it poses a threat to marine life, coastal ecosystems and estuaries. According to Martina MacDonald, Disaster Management Officer at Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), nurdles have been washing up along the Garden Route coastline, even in Cape Town and Port Elizabeth. She said:  “The source of the spill is unknown and under investigation by the South African Maritime Safety Authority, and although the identified source will be instructed to clean up, we needed to start removing the plastics from our beaches. Requests from residents from the area were also received to remove the nurdles, which indicated that communities have also been extremely concerned,” she added.

The remnants of the spill is still a cause of concern because it poses a threat to marine life, coastal ecosystems and estuaries.

Assisting the GRDM in making the clean-ups possible was the Hessequa and Mossel Bay Local Municipalities, Incident Working Group Africa and Provincial Department Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (DEA&DP).

The clean-up took place at Gouritsmond Beach on November, the 4th and Kanon Beach on November, the 6th.

Role-players involved in removing the marine debris, were:

  • GRDM Disaster Management
  • GRDM Fire and Rescue Services
  • Working on Fire (WoF)
  • Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP)
  • Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries (DEFF)
  • Cape Nature
  • Hessequa Municipality
  • Southern Cape Fire Protection Association (SCFPA)
  • Incident Working Group Africa
  • Gouritsmond Conservancy Trust
  • Fransmanhoek Conservancy

Representatives from GRDM, Hessequa and Mossel Bay Local Municipalities, the Incident Working Group Africa and Provincial Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (DEA&DP) during the clean-up operation.

Although the clean-up operation was carried out, not all the nurdles could be removed due to the large scale of the spill. However, every bit that was cleaned up forms an integral piece of contribution to the overall solution of the problem. For this reason, the GRDM Disaster Management Centre encourages all members of the public and residents to continue collecting nurdles and also to spread the message of the threat that it poses to marine life and the eco-system.

Dr Nina Viljoen, Disaster Risk Reduction & Climate Change Adaptation Practitioner at GRDM who drafted the initial action plan, said:  “In the raw stage (pre-moulded and packaged) new nurdles are not toxic to touch. Once released into the marine environment they will, over time, attract harmful substances from land-based pesticides, herbicides and other organic pollutants that end up in the ocean. They never go away, but they break down into tiny pieces that then get eaten by small marine organisms, and then eventually can become part of the human food chain”.

She mentioned that, “while the investigation into the source of the nurdles is being undertaken, SpillTech has been appointed to assist and conduct clean-up efforts along the affected sections of the coastline. SpillTech will also be storing the nurdles collected through clean-up efforts and are working with authorities, Non-Governmental Organisations and volunteer groups to identify collection points and arrange the pick-up of nurdles.”

Dr Viljoen called on community members to assist to remove as many nurdles from affected beaches as possible. The GRDM requested that any private individuals who collects nurdles, to make note of information listed below. This data needs to be shared with Dr Viljoen via e-mail,, as this information is required to assist us with important research data.

Responses needed to plan additional short and long-term solutions:

  • Where nurdles have been seen?
  • Where nurdles have been collected?
  • If you have collected it, how many, i.e. black bags, etc. (nurdles collected to be weighed if possible)
  • Where have you dropped it off?
  • Have you encountered any bird or animal carcasses?

Dr Viljoen indicated that “it is important to note that nurdles should not end up in our landfill sites, as it can be ingested by animals or birds. Any collected nurdles should therefore not be disposed of in the general waste, but should be placed in a sealed bag and taken to the nearest drop-off points.” For more information regarding your nearest drop-off points, SpillTech can be contacted on 063 404 2128.


13 November 2020 Severe Weather Alert: Impact Based Warning – Veld Fire Conditions

The Cape Town Weather Office has issued an Impact Based Warning for the Western Cape and Namaqua Region of Northern Cape, as follows:

Hazard:  Veld Fire Conditions

Alert Level: Red(L10)

Affected Municipalities: Beaufort West, Hantam, Kamiesberg, Kannaland, Karoo Hoogland, Khâi-Ma, Laingsburg, Langeberg, Nama Khoi, Oudtshoorn, Prince Albert

Valid From (SAST): 12/11/20 08h00

Valid To (SAST): 13/11/20 18h00

Discussion: Weather conditions which includes hot temperatures, fresh to strong winds and low humidity might result in the development of veld/bush fires.

Impact: Conditions are such that the FDI index is above 75. Under these conditions fires may develop and spread rapidly resulting in damage to property and possible loss of human and/or animal life.

Instruction: All personnel and equipment should be removed from the field. Fire teams, labour and equipment are to be placed on full stand-by. At first sign of smoke, every possible measure should be taken in order to bring the fire under control in the shortest possible time.

Report any severe weather related incidents to the Garden Route Disaster Management Centre at 044-805 5071.

12 November 2020 Media Release: Awareness about the dangers of illegal dumping continues

Media Release: Awareness about the dangers of illegal dumping continues

For Immediate Release
12 November 2020

Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) and George Municipality recently started weekly clean-up activities in the illegal dumping and Covid-19 hotspots in Thembalethu and Pacaltsdorp areas in George. A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) has already been signed to cement both institution’s agreement to achieve a certain set of goals over a 4-month period with the option of extending clean-up it. The MoA, provides specifics in terms of how the project will continue and how funding of R2.47 million injected into the project by GRDM will be utilised.

One of the frequently found items at illegal dumping sites – face masks.

Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) workers and educators have been appointed to be the change-makers tasked to bring about a clean, green and a safe George. During their initial discussions, both municipalities identified the need for educators to interact and share valuable information with communities about illegal dumping, refuse removal and communication about waste management. Thirty six (36) educators are already doing door-to-door education and awareness as well as a survey to determine the causal factors of illegal dumping; and the community requirements; or possible solutions to prevent issues in future. Twenty four (24) educators have been assigned to Thembalethu and 12 to Pacaltsdorp. Each person, who moves in a group of six (6), is easily identifiable by a high visibility vest.

Educators received training on 10 November and the eager group commenced work on 11 November. The educators use masks and hand sanitisers in order to ensure that all health protocols are adhered to during their daily walkabouts, which is expected to continue for a 4-month period.

Executive Mayor for GRDM, Alderman Memory Booysen and the Portfolio Chairperson for Community Services at GRDM, Cllr Khayalethu Lose, and other leaders decided that the regional waste management office needs a joint approach to confront the illegal dumping phenomena. “We can only solve illegal dumping if municipalities get the buy-in from the public and their support for the project,” said Alderman Booysen. He further stated that, “GRDM and all the local municipalities wishes to remind the public that illegal dumping is a crime – we cannot let this continue and ruin our beautiful Garden Route. What about our future, that of our kids and our environment?”

The waste management unit, communicators and environmental health practitioners from GRDM work closely with George Municipality and have weekly planning sessions to address challenges. Morton Hubbe, GRDM Manager: Waste Management, said: “By having educators on a grassroots level we hope to gain a better understanding about public perceptions relating to waste management, current service delivery gaps and general issues in some wards”.

GRDM wishes to remind the public that illegal dumping of waste is dangerous and a health hazard. Waste should be collected in refuse bags and placed for collection on waste removal days. The communities are also urged to participate in the survey in order for municipalities to determine what needs to be done to assist the communities to prevent illegal dumping.


Caption for feature image: Two of the 36 educators raising awareness about illegal dumping and conducting surveys in Pacaltsdorp.

11 November 2020 Media Release: Garden Route District Community Safety Forum established – another first for the Garden Route

Media Release: Garden Route District Community Safety Forum established – another first for the Garden Route

For Immediate Release
11 November 2020

“Safety is everyone’s responsibility”

28 October 2020 marked a historic occasion for the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) when the GRDM in collaboration with the Western Cape Department of Community Safety, launched the first-ever Garden Route District Community Safety Forum in Mossel Bay. This event follows after several engagements and workshops, including an Alcohol Harms Reduction Work session, a Safety Plan Workshop and a Gender-Based Violence (GBV) workshop in 2019.

In December 2018, the Premier of the Western Cape, Mr Alan Winde, hosted a meeting with District Mayors – and Municipal Managers in the Western Cape. The purpose of the engagement was to introduce the Western Cape Provincial Cabinet’s District Safety Initiative Project, funded by the Department of Community Safety for four years.
Subsequent to the meeting, a Transfer Payment Agreement (TPA) was signed between the municipalities in the district and the Department of Community Safety where after funds were transferred to the GRDM. The TPA obliged the District Municipality to submit safety- and business plans in support of safety initiatives in the district. This approach emphasises the establishment of effective safety structures to facilitate and co-ordination role-players at the district and local municipal level. As part of this agreement, the WC Department of Community Safety will guide and assist each District Municipality with the development of a resilience model, to build safe and cohesive communities, which will be monitored through the municipal safety structures.

The launch was attended by Mayors and Deputy Mayors from across the district, Councillors and representatives from the Western Cape Department of Community Safety, the South African Police Services, Department of Correctional Services, Department of Social Development, Department of Home Affairs, the Provincial Traffic, the District Men’s Sector and senior municipal officials. During the official welcoming address, the GRDM Deputy Executive Mayor, Alderlady Rosina Ruiters, thanked the Western Cape Department of Community Safety for initiating and rolling out the project in the Garden Route and emphasised the critical importance of safety in the district.

Mr Justin Lottring, Deputy Director for Community Police Relations at the Western Cape Department of Community Safety did a presentation on what he called ‘the milestones reached” in leading up to the launch. He gave a brief background report on the progress made since 2018, future plans in terms of safety initiatives in the district and what stakeholders can expect from the Garden Route District Safety Forum. “Today we are pleased to be in a partnership with the GRDM to improve safety in the district. I believe that there is a link between well-being and safety, and that trust clearly influence and flow out of it. If partners don’t trust one another, they wouldn’t be able to work together,” Lottring said.

Alderman Memory Booysen during his keynote address.

The GRDM Executive Mayor, Alderman Memory Booysen during his keynote address was persuasively stated that fighting crime is a collective effort. “What happens after today is the ‘real science’ of what is important. We collectively need to work together and address the current situation of over-crowdedness at correctional facilities within the district,” Alderman Booysen said. He said: “As a District Municipality, we do not want to overstep or interfere in the local municipality’s business. We are aware that some of the municipalities in the district are struggling and for that reason, we want to form partnerships and work together to combat crime.” In conclusion Alderman Booysen thanked stakeholders for their presence and support and said: “Let’s all keep on spreading the message by taking a ‘whole of society’ approach”.

In support of the newly established Forum, the different municipal- and sector department representatives each delivered a short message of support to the District Municipality for leading the district in a safer environment. As a token of their commitment, representatives signed a pledge, manifesting their support and willingness to partner with the GRDM.

As for the way forward, the GRDM will coordinate the establishment of local Community Safety Forums in each Local Municipality in the district to identify, develop and implement safety strategies, safety plans and safety projects. Safety plans will be captured in the IDP processes and existing safety partners will be utilised to assist the GRDM and local municipalities to combat COVID-19 and promote social distancing in the local hotspot areas.



17 November 2020 Media Release: Garden Route DM collaborates with Oudtshoorn Municipality on a home composting model

Media Release: Garden Route DM collaborates with Oudtshoorn Municipality on a home composting model

For Immediate Release
17 November 2020

 Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) has collaborated with the Greater Oudtshoorn Municipality in a home composting pilot project to motivate households in the municipal area to consider home composting to reduce the burden on the Grootkop Waste Disposal facility.

The project was launched on 4 November 2020 at the Oudtshoorn Municipality’s Banquet Hall, in an information session attended by the residents of the Greater Oudtshoorn who showed interest in participating in the initiative. The 30 residents of the Greater Oudtshoorn who committed to participate in this pilot project received home composting bins, guidelines, worm farms, datasheets and scales.

Johan Gie, the GRDM’s waste management officer said the reason that motivated the GRDM to initiate this project with municipalities throughout the district is because, “approximately 30% of all household waste being disposed of at landfill consists of organic waste that could potentially be diverted from landfill by means of household composting”.

“The organic waste stream in municipal areas is increasingly becoming a challenge to manage,” Gie said. “Growth in population densities, new environmental legislation, limitations in the sustained availability of disposal space and public pressure to accept a more environmentally friendly approach has led to an increased awareness on local government level of the role that organic waste materials play in waste management.”

The Oudtshoorn Municipality welcomed this initiative. “Although we are not in a dire situation like our neighbouring municipalities with regards to landfill space in the district, we eagerly welcome this initiative to make the best of our household and garden waste to the benefit of our communities,” said Rodwell Witbooi, Oudtshoorn’s manager for solid waste.

“The active participation of our community members is illustrating the eagerness to partake in sustainable development projects – addressing waste management; and this is exciting.”

During the information session, the officials showed residents how to do composting, introduced the participants to composting methods and the benefits of composting, among others. Each participant was required to sign a contract to abide by the requirements of the agreement with the GRDM, which include the weighing of the collected data, and submission of a monthly report of composting for a period a year.

“A successful implementation of the home composting project could result in more opportunities for residents,” Gie concluded.

6 November 2020 Media Release: GRDM Environmental Health Practitioners, SAPS and Local Municipalities visit spaza shops

Media Release: GRDM Environmental Health Practitioners, SAPS and Local Municipalities visit spaza shops

For Immediate Release
6 November 2020

During October a number of role players visited 126 Spaza Shops in the Garden Route to ensure that compliance to regulations governing general hygiene requirements, including COVID-19 regulations; food premises standards; and the transport of food and related matters, were adhered to.  The visits were arranged by the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) and approached jointly with the help of the South African Police Services (SAPS) and local municipal officials from town planning, law enforcement, building control and local economic development.

“The Garden Route District Municipality command centre collectively decided that unannounced visits to Spaza Shops were needed,” said Johan Compion, GRDM Manager: Municipal Health and Environmental Services. “Spaza Shops are visited by a great number of people and especially nowadays, with the risk of a second wave of COVID-19 emerging, it is more important than ever that businesses are safe and compliant to regulations,” he said.

During the inspections the focus is on the following issues:

  • Checking if all Spaza Shops had Certificates of Acceptability (CoAs);
  • compliance to local municipal bylaws;
  • compliance to hygiene standards;
  • adherence to COVID-19 safety measures (hand sanitizer at designated points available to customers and employees; social distancing for queues);
  • monitoring of employees and customers wore face masks;
  • sanitising of hands before and after servicing customers;
  • sanitising of hands after handling money.;
  • displaying appropriate signage and awareness information;
  • maximum ventilation;
  • daily cleaning and disinfection of high risk surfaces and objects;
  • wearing of utility gloves by those removing refuse;
  • proper sealing of waste bags; and
  • no illegal dumping of waste.

Challenges identified at some of the Spaza Shops, include:

  • Sanitising and wearing of masks in some Spaza Shops were not adhered to.
  • Social distancing of 1.5 m in and outside shops when queuing and inside some Spaza shops were not followed by customers.

Where non-compliance was identified, additional awareness and education was provided and an inspection report issued, which will include a follow-up inspection. This has to happen to ensure that hygienic requirements are met and COVID-19 preventative measures are followed to combat and prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Picture: Gcobani Tshozi, EHP for Garden Route DM and Thomas Fosibo (Manager of Shop 2 in Thembalethu)


2 November 2020 Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality welcomes 30 interns for workplace experience

Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality welcomes 30 interns for workplace experience

For Immediate Release
2 November 2020

The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) recently welcomed thirty (30) interns from various sectors for an internship programme at its Head-Office in George. This, after the Department of Western Cape Department of Local Government created an opportunity for interns to be placed at various municipalities for a period of six months from 1 October 2020 to 31 March 2021 in the 2020/2021 financial year.

The Department of Provincial and Local Government (DPLG) required each municipality to do a Skills Audit of all the qualifications of their staff members. The information obtained was then collated onto the GAPSKILSS Programme which is an online national system. In order to reach the desired outcomes, the DPLG approached the Department of Economic Development and Tourism (DEDAT) to fund the interns, as a means to assist the Department with the entire process. DEDAT then granted municipalities the funds to appoint interns. The funds were transferred to all municipalities who participate in the programme, such as the GRDM.

All municipalities who take part in the programme have to adhere to certain requirements. Two of the requirements are that the municipality have to indicate the need or number of interns needed within the municipality and that they must fund four to five of the interns that they accommodate. The rest of the interns will be funded by the DEDAT.
With the GRDM who accommodates 30 interns, these interns will be able to require the necessary skills and gain workplace experience within their specialised fields. This will allow them to be job-ready and will enable them to start building their careers. Also, the initiative further aims to assist households within rural areas financially.

Interns from various sectors welcomed to the Garden Route District Municipality on the 1st of October 2020.

Strict measures are in place and proper monitoring are done to ensure that the desired outcomes are reached. Currently the interns are tasked with meaningful work activities and proof thereof must be provided together with an attendance register that have to be signed by each participant on a daily basis.


1 November 2020 NOTICE 61/2020 – 2019/2020 UNAUDITED DRAFT ANNUAL REPORT


Notice 61/2020


Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 21 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act (Act 32 of 2000) read with Section 127 (5) of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act (Act 56 of 2003) that the 2019/2020 Unaudited Draft Annual Report has been tabled to Council on 30 October 2020 and was compiled in terms of Circular 63 of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act (Act 56 of 2003).

The Unaudited Draft Annual Report for the 2019/2020 financial year is open for comments. Comments regarding the Unaudited Draft Annual Report 2019/2020 financial year must be lodged in writing to The Municipal Manager, PO Box 12, George, 6530 or by e-mail at before or on 18 December 2020.

Persons who are unable to read or write are encouraged to contact the Garden Route District Municipality during ordinary office hours, where they will be assisted to formulate their written comments or objection.

The 2019/2020 Unaudited Draft Annual Report is available for inspection on the website at and at the IDP unit of Garden Route District Municipality, 54 York Street, George.

For any further enquiries, please contact: Ms M James (IDP Unit: Garden Route District Municipality) at telephone number: 044 803 1431.

M G Stratu
Municipal Manager
Garden Route District Municipality


 Kennisgewing 61/2020


Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge Artikels 21 van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelselswet (Wet 32 van 2000) saamgelees met Artikel 127 (5) van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Finansiële Bestuurswet (Wet 56 van 2003) dat die Ongeouditeerde Konsep Jaarverslag vir die 2019/2020 finansiële jaar  aan die Raad voorgelê is op 30 Oktober 2020 en dat dit saamgestel is in terme van Omsendkrywe 63 van die  Munisipale Finansiële Bestuurswet (Wet 56 van 2003).

Die Ongeouditeerde Konsep Jaarverslag vir die 2019/2020 finansiële jaar lê ter insae vir publieke kommentaar. Kommentaar rakende die 2019/2020 Ongeouditeerde Konsep Jaarverslag kan skriftelik gerig word aan Die Munisipale Bestuurder, Posbus 12, George, 6530  of per epos na  voor of op 18 Desember 2020.

Persone wat nie kan lees of skryf nie word uitgenooi om die kantore van die Garden Route  Distriksmunisipaliteit te kontak gedurende normale kantoor-ure waar personeel behulpsaam sal wees met die formulering van die kommentaar of beswaar.

Die 2019/2020 Ongeouditeerde Konsep Jaarverslag  sal beskikbaar wees vir bestudering op die munisipale webtuiste asook die GOP afdeling, Garden Route Distriksmunisipaliteit, Yorkstraat 54, George.

Vir enige verdere navrae, skakel asseblief: Mev M James (GOP Afdeling: Garden Route Distriksmunisipaliteit) by telefoonnommer: 044 803 1431.

M G Stratu
Munisipale Bestuurder
Garden Route Distriksmunisipaliteit