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Municipal Health

Garden Route Skills Summit cancelled due to growing concerns over COVID-19 VIRUS

15 March 2020
Garden Route Skills Summit cancelled due to growing concerns over COVID-19 VIRUS

George – 15 March 2020. After carefull consultation between the Executive Mayor of Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), Cllr Memory Booysen and GRDM Municipal Manager, Mr Monde Stratu, a decision has been made to cancel the Garden Route Skills Summit which was planned for 19-20 March 2020 in Knysna.

“Following an increase of the number of COVID-19 cases in South Africa and in particular, the Western Cape, we felt this was the best way to proceed during such an unprecedented global pandemic. We are disappointed that we are unable to hold such a Summit that was geared towards economic growth and skills development, but we know it is the right decision based on the information we have today,” said Monde Stratu, GRDM Municipal Manager.

GRDM will continue to work closely with public and private medical experts to ensure we are taking the right precautions as the situation continues to evolve. As a result, the District municipality is now directing that all its employees also stop traveling with immediate effect. This, however, does not include our Roads Services employees who travel while servicing Provincial Roads.




This morning, Thursday, 5 March 2020, the National Institute for Communicable Diseases confirmed that a suspected case of COVID-19 has tested positive.

The patient is a 38-year-old male who traveled to Italy with his wife. They were part of a group of 10 people and they arrived back in South Africa on March 1, 2020.

The patient consulted a private general practitioner on March 3, with symptoms of fever, headache, malaise, a sore throat and a cough. The practice nurse took swabs and delivered it to the lab.

The patient has been self-isolating since March 3. The couple also has two children.

The Emergency Operating Centre (EOC) has identified the contacts by interviewing the patient and doctor. The tracer team has been deployed to KwaZulu-Natal with epidemiologists and clinicians from NICD. The doctor has been self-isolated as well.

This media briefing is to ensure that the public is immediately kept abreast. A press briefing will be held later after the parliamentary debate this evening to shed more light on this issue.

Dr Zweli Mkhize
Minister of Health

National Minister of Health – Update on Novel Coronavirus (2019-nC0V)

Date: 2 February 2020

The Department of Health, South Africa, continues to closely monitor the rapidly evolving developments surrounding the Coronavirus outbreak.

We confirm that there is no case of Novel Coronavirus in South Africa.

We continue to intensify screening at all ports of entry with a particular focus on our major air ports of entry. Evidence continues to support this approach as the vast majority of cases are introduced into territories outside of China by air travelers.

Evidence continues to suggest that asymptomatic individuals are highly unlikely to transmit the virus.
There has been some emerging developments in the past twenty four hours that will need to be investigated in detail to inform our state of preparedness:
Germany has reported the first case of third generation transmission of the virus.
The first death outside of China was reported in the Philippines- the 44-year-old gentlemen was a resident of Wuhan city who had travelled to the Philippines.

The virus has been cultured from stool for the first time from a patient who only presented with diarrhoea and no other symptoms. This has raised the possibility of feaco-oral transmission. The best way to prevent any infection that can be transmitted by the faeco-oral route is regular handwashing – in particular for breast or bottle feeding mothers. Therefore the message of regular hand washing cannot be stressed enough. We will very closely follow the emerging academic literature on this development.
There have been false claims that experts are encouraging people to get flu-shots to prevent Novel Coronavirus. I wish to stress that there is, at this stage, no vaccine for Novel Coronavirus although there is a lot of work going into developing a vaccine.

There is still no recommendation to restrict travel or trade with China. We have not put any restriction on travel or trade between China and South Africa although we do continue to advise that non-essential travel should be delayed until the situation abates.

The Chinese authorities keep us and the World Health Organization (WHO) regularly appraised of developments around the outbreak itself and the situation pertaining to our citizens living in China. Our Mission in China is well supported: a 24-hour telephone and online contact has been established. Food security for Wuhan City continues to be protected. We understand that the Chinese holiday and school and university holidays have been extended to limit movement between Chinese districts. Therefore we would encourage all our citizens who have been planning to go back to work or school in China to delay their return until further notice.

We wish to congratulate Universal Safety Products for their pledge to assist China to replenish their face mask stocks. We call on the private sector at large to follow this example as nations come together to fight the spread of Novel Coronavirus in the wake of the WHO proclamation of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

African countries outside of South Africa will make their own pronouncements on their response to the Novel Coronavirus and we expect that, should there be a confirmed case, we will hear from the affected country’s authorities or the WHO.

Basic health prevention strategies remain the mainstay of controlling the spread of the Novel Coronavirus: avoid contact with someone that exhibits flu-like symptoms; regular hand washing; do not sneeze or cough into your hand – rather use another barrier; hygienic food preparation and not consuming undercooked or raw meat.

Reliable, credible information on the Novel Coronavirus can obtained from the WHO website and social media pages, the National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD) website and social media pages and the Department of Health website and social media pages. We continue to receive a high number of calls through the designated hospitals and the clinicians 24-hour hotline.

The Emergency Opening Centre remains activated.


For further information:
Dr Lwazi Manzi
MLO Minister of Health
082 678 8979

Click to view previous article.

Novel Coronavirus (2019-NCoV) Outbreak in China and other countries in the world

On 31 December 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) office in China reported a cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China. During January 2020, it was reported by the WHO that the cases were caused by Coronavirus. This virus is officially known as the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Most of the initial cases identified, were linked to seafood, poultry and a live wildlife market (Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market) in the Hubei Province of China. Researchers suspect that the virus was transmitted by infected animals to humans, the source is, however, not confirmed.

According to the Executive Manager of Garden Route District Municipality’s (GRDM) Department Community Services, Mr Clive Africa: “There have been no cases of the 2019-nCoV reported in South Africa because active surveillance is in place to identify an imported case should one occur. This includes fever screening at international airports. Procedures are also in place for case isolation, management, as well as rapid specimen collection and transport to speed up the diagnosis. Designated hospitals with isolation facilities have been identified and protocols to follow up case contacts to ensure that the virus is held at bay.

What is 2019-nCoV?

Human coronaviruses are common throughout the world. Many different types of coronaviruses are found in animals, but some of them can be transferred to humans.

The 2019-nCoV is a zoonotic disease is that spreads between animals (usually vertebrates) and humans.

Who is at risk to contract 2019-nCoV?

 Any person who travelled to or from Wuhan city, Hubei Province in China and has been in close proximity of an infected person who shows symptoms of being infected. Healthcare workers who care for patients with severe acute respiratory infections. People who have been in contact with an animal or an animal source in countries where 2019-nCoV is prevalent (the animal source transmission is still undetermined). Those who have compromised immune systems, especially vulnerable age groups like infants and the elderly, are at high risk of contracting the virus.

 How is 2019-nCoV transmitted?

Exposure to an animal source is suspected, but it is also known that the virus can spread from person-to-person via respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes (airborne).

The majority of the infections, to date, occurred in people who had close physical contact with confirmed cases and in health workers caring for patients with 2019-nCoV.

Coronavirus can also be spread in the following ways:

  • Touching or shaking hands with a person that has the virus;
  • Making contact with a surface or object that has the virus and then touching your nose, eyes, or mouth; and
  • Contact with faeces – on rare occasions.

What are the signs and symptoms of 2019-nCoV infection in humans?

The reported symptoms include mild to severe respiratory illness with fever, cough and difficulty breathing.

How to protect yourself if the virus breaks out here

  • Wash your hands thoroughly on a regular basis (see six (6) steps when washing your hands);
  • Avoiding close contact with people who are or appear to be sick.
  • Stay home while you are sick;
  • Practice respiratory hygiene (covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, followed by hand hygiene;
  • Use disposable masks;
  • Dispose of waste (especially tissues and masks) in a responsible manner; and
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces (diluted bleach solution =1-part bleach to 99 parts water).

Follow these six (6) steps when washing your hands.

  1. Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap.
  2. Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
  3. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice.
  4. Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
  5. Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.
  6. Close the tap with the towel

For any additional information with regards to 2019-nCoV, please contact:

Executive Manager – Community Services: Clive Africa on 083 253 3928.

Manager – Municipal Health and Environmental Services: Johan Compion on 082 803 5161.


Smutsville and Sizamile Street Vendors receive training

Garden Route District Municipality’s (GRDM) Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) from Knysna, Mr Mtetho Sithonga and Ms Mendy Tyhawana, presented an information and awareness session on 13 November 2019 to Informal Food Traders – also known as street vendors. These traders currently run their businesses in the Smutsville/Sizamile areas.

According to the traders, they primarily see a spike in business over weekends when they sell braai meat in front of taverns and on street corners.

In view of the information and awareness sessions provided by EHPs, Mr Johan Compion, Manager: Municipal Health and Environmental Services, said: “Ongoing health and hygiene education sessions play an essential role in the practices of food traders”.  He also confirmed the following: “Improper food handling practices, inadequate temperature control and poor food storage practices, as well as improper cleaning of equipment and utensils, cause foodborne illnesses.”

During last week’s session, EHPs focused on the five keys to safer food, compliance issues and incentives for those adhering to food safety standards.

The keys to safer food deal primarily with:

  1. Keep clean (dealing mainly with hygiene practices);
  2. Separate raw from cooked food (deals mainly with how to handle and keep raw food and cooked food apart to prevent cross-contamination);
  3. Cook food  thoroughly (deals mainly with the technique of cooking to ensure all the microorganisms  that were in the food are killed);
  4. Keep food at safe temperatures (this key focus on safe temperatures of storing cooked or raw food and the importance of not breaking the cold chain and the consequences of not adhering to that); and
  5. Use safe water and raw materials (importance of knowing the source of the water you use is safe or not safe, if not, how do you ensure that the water is safe. The raw material you use e.g. meat products, vegetables, etc. are from credible sources meaning they are being checked and authorised to trade.)

Mr Mtetho Sithonga, EHP and one of the presenters of the session, said: “Food safety is about producing, handling, storing and preparing food in such a manner, which prevents infection and contamination of food”. It is especially important to have Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) for food in the big production chains as well. “In other words, food safety helps to promote good health by ensuring wholesomeness of food,” said Sithonga.

The crux of the matter is that education sessions promote the importance of public health. While awareness sessions remind food traders about the importance of a “health first” approach – so do inspections and enforcement. These mechanisms require synergy and ongoing collaboration between the public and private sectors to make things work to the standard it was intended to by law. Strict adherence to standards and best practices is required for every food trader because they are the final point of sale of foodstuffs.

If anyone becomes aware of any suspicious food trading activities, or would like to lodge an anonymous complaint, contact the GRDM Municipal Health Services Department at 044 – 803 1522 or send the details to

Water Quality Monitoring in Oudtshoorn

Most diseases in the world are waterborne

Environmental pollution is one of the most serious threats facing all life on earth. It can be defined as the contamination of physical and biological components of the earth/atmospheric system to such extent that normal environmental processes are adversely affected (e.g. water, soil and air). Furthermore, a 2017 study by the World Health organisation (WHO) indicate that 80% diseases are waterborne. Industrialisation, discharge of domestic waste, radioactive waste, population growth, excessive use of pesticides, fertilizers and leakage from water tanks are major sources of water pollution. Humans are therefore the main culprits and pollute water

Water Pollution

Safe and readily available water is a primary human need as well as daily necessity, therefore it is directly linked to public health. Each person on earth requires at least 20 to 50 liters of clean and safe water on a daily basis for drinking, cooking or hygienic purposes. Water is also used for recreational purposes (e.g. swimming) and other activities – thus it is of high importance that water is safe and not contaminated.

Water pollution is defined as the contamination of water bodies like lakes, rivers, oceans and all ground water sources, usually as a result of human activities. Polluted water pose a serious threat to the health of humans, animals and plants. If humans do not put the necessary precautionary measures in place to prepare food, or accidentally ingests polluted water while swimming in a lake, lagoon or swimming pool, they can fall seriously ill and in some cases loose their life. Pollution also poses a serious threat to ecosystems by destroying it partly or completely, which often times take ecosystems decades to recover to its initial healthy state.

Ingesting polluted water can have the following health effects on humans:

  • Water borne illnesses – Cholera
  • Rashes – Typhoid fever
  • Stomach or liver illness – Gastroenteritis/ Hepatitis E
  • Respiratory problems – Botulism/ Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
  • Neurological problems
  • If left untreated, can cause death

The role of Environmental Health Practitioners

The role of Environmental Health Practitioners (EHP) of Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) in terms of water quality (Health Professions Act 1974 (no 56 of 1974)), are as follows:

  • Monitoring water quality and availability, including mapping of water source.
  • Enforcement of laws and regulations related to water quality management.
  • Ensuring water safety in respect of safe quality (microbiological and chemical), and accessibility to an adequate quantity for domestic use as well as in respect of the quality of water for recreational, industrial, food production and any other human and animal use.
  • Ensuring that water supplies that are readily accessible to communities and to the planning, design, management and health surveillance of community water supplies, that are readily accessible to communities.
  • Ensuring monitoring and effective waste water treatment and water pollution control, including the collection, treatment and disposal of sewage and other water borne waste and control of the quality of surface water (including the sea) and ground water.
  • Advocacy on proper and safe water and waste water usage.
  • Water sampling and testing on the field or in a laboratory.

Monthly monitoring samples at the allocated points are taken by the Municipal Health Services Unit of GRDM. Sample types include: Sea, River, Lake, Sewage (final effluent) and Potable water.

What happens to water samples?

These water samples are transported to accredited Laboratory for bacteriological analysis. The samples are respectively analysed for Coliforms, Escherichia Coli, Feacal Coliforms, Vibrio Cholerae, Vibrio parahaemolyticus just to mention a few types of analysis required by an Environmental Health Practitioner. The laboratory will send the samples results to the Environmental Health Practitioner within 1 week after the laboratory has received and analysed the sample.

After sample results have been obtained by the Environmental Health Practitioner it is his or her responsibility to ensure that the results are scrutinized and then handed over and explained to the responsible party. A monthly report is also sent to the local B – Municipality and to the council of GRDM wherein the water results are explained

If a water source has been contaminated or polluted and the water sample result proves that the sample does not comply to SANS 241 standards, and if deemed necessary, the public will be informed. The District municipality (e.g. social media, articles in local newspapers, radio, health and hygiene education by the Environmental Health Practitioners, etc.) will issue a notice of any risks or dangers regarding the water source that is polluted or contaminated and poses a threat to human life and the environment.

Water samples for chemical analysis will be transported and analysed at the Forensic Chemistry Laboratory in Cape Town. Upon receipt of sample results it is the Environmental Health Practitioners responsibility to ensure that the responsible party is informed about the sample results. A monthly report is also sent to the local B –Municipality and to the council of Garden Route District Municipality wherein the water results are explained.

Garden Route District Municipality’s Municipal Health Services Unit ensures that the role of the EHP in terms of water quality is being carried out in terms of the law and if necessary, that rectification takes place immediately.

If you are aware of any pollution activities, or would like to lodge a complaint, contact the GRDM Municipal Health Services Department at 044 – 803 1300 or send your complaint to

GRDM EHPs and stakeholders educate ECD representatives regarding requirements of ECD facilities

Representatives from Early Childhood Development (ECD) facilities, such as Crèche principals and members of the George community, on 17 October, benefited from an ECD Programme presented by Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) from Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) at the Conville Civic Centre in George.

The initiative aimed to discuss the importance of daily practices that would be of benefit to a child and to ensure that the parents and ECD practitioners instill the correct values in the child’s life.  For this reason, Ms Jacoleen Fred, Health Promoter at the Western Cape Department of Health, presented the first 1000 days of a child’s life from the period of conception.  Listening to every aspect shared at the event, it became clear that every activity during this 1000 day period has an effect on the mental and physical health and development of a child, e.g. how one talk the child and what one say to them, immunisation and also how the habits and activities of the parent or caretakers influence the child over the long run. Ms Fred also stressed her concern about the toxic habit of using drugs and alcohol during pregnancy and the undesired impact it will have on babies and their future. She therefore advised that love and affection is key to raise a healthy child and one example thereof is to play with a child. “This provides the opportunity for expressing love and care, communicating, building relationships and problem solving,” she said.

Ms Jessica Erasmus, EHP at GRDM, presented the topic regarding the requirements of ECDs.
Ms Sive Mkuta, EHP at GRDM, spoke about proper health and hygiene practices at ECDs.







Ms Chrystal Smith from Klein Karoo Resource Centre which handles the registrations on behalf of Department of Social Development, spoke about the importance of the registration of ECD facilities and that they are committed to help ensure that all crèches in the Garden Route area become registered.  For more information contact Ms Smith at: / tel: 044 272 7802.

Ms Jessica Erasmus, GRDM EHP at the George office spoke about the Health and Hygiene requirements of childcare facilities and educated all present regarding the Health Certificate which is a must for anyone running an ECD facility.

She furthermore emphasized that health and hygiene habits are important for all ages, more so in settings where children who are in diapers and are very young, are cared for. She stated:  “Good health and hygiene practices, can help to reduce the spread of germs and prevent children and caregivers from contracting diseases”. She also explained that an ECD facility should be designed, built and equipped in manner that proper care is given to a child and also to protect children from any public health hazard, risk or public nuisance.  “For every children 0 – 24 months they need 2m2 each,  children aged 2 – 7 years need 1,5m2 each and the outside space per child, regardless of age is 2m2” and she added:  “These requirements are to help allow the children to move around and have space to develop”. She also shared the importance of a valid Certificate of Acceptability which is a legislative requirement for all premises who prepare and serve food. The certificate is issued by an EHP, to the effect that the premises comply with the Environmental Health regulations.

During her presentation with regard to food safety and personal hygiene, Ms Sive Mkuta, EHP at GRDM, presented the five keys to safer food and invited two volunteers from the audience to each prepare a sandwich within five minutes. Before and during the preparation, she asked the audience to carefully look at how the sandwiches were prepared and subsequently asked them to identify any mistakes that were made during the preparation. The audience then responded that one of the ladies’ hair was not properly covered and that she did not wear gloves. It is important that all these factors are applied during the preparation of food, specifically at ECD facilities.  Other topics that were presented during the session include:  fire safety at ECD facilities, town planning requirements as well as how to reduce waste, reuse waste and the recycling of waste.

EHPs from GRDM, together with representatives from the Western Cape Department of Health, George Municipality, as well as Klein Karoo Resource Centre soon after the session.

Ms Ivy Mamegwa (EHP), on behalf of GRDM, shared a word a gratitude to all representatives who participated and attended the event, including the representatives from the Western Cape Department of Health, George Municipality, Klein Karoo Resource Centre, principals and caretakers of ECD facilities and members of the community.

A total of 150 representatives, including principals of crèches and caretakers, as well as members from the community were in attendance.  Attendees found the topics very helpful in their journey to make a difference in the life of each child in their care.

FOR PUBLIC COMMENT – Final Draft Garden Route DM 3rd Generation Integrated Waste Management Plan 2020-2024 – Closing 8 November 2019

Garden Route District Municipality wishes to invite the public to review and provide comment on the 3rd Generation Integrated Waste Management Plan (IWMP).

The IWMP covers the period 2020 – 2025 and defines the municipality’s vision, objectives and targets for waste management.

 The reports will be made available for review at the following locations:

 Garden Route Municipal Offices (during office hours)

Hard copies of the GRDM IWMP will be made available at the following locations:

GRDM Head Office 54 York Street, George (Tel: 044 803 1300)
Knysna Satellite Office 24A Queen Street, Knysna (Tel: 044 382 7214)
Mosselbay Satellite Office C/O Marlin & Samson Street, Mosselbay (Tel: 044 693 0006)
Plettenberg Bay Satellite Office 7 Gibbs Street, Plettenberg Bay (Tel: 044 501 1600)
Oudtshoorn Satellite Office 15 Regent Street, Oudtshoorn (Tel: 044 272 2241)
Riversdale Satellite Office 24 Mitchell Street, Riversdale (Tel: 028 713 2438)

GRDM website:

GIBB’s website:

Public review and commenting period

The IWMP will be available for a period of 21 days from 18 October 2019 to 08 November 2019 for the public to review and provide comment on.  All comments received will be included in the final IWMP.

Submission of comments

Comments on the IWMP can be submitted using the contact details listed below

GIBB Public Participation Office

Mrs Kate Flood

Postal address: PO Box 63703, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth

Physical address: 1st Flood, St. George’s Corner, Central, Port Elizabeth


Tel: 041 509 9150

Fax: 041 363 9300

Surveillance and Prevention of Communicable Diseases

One of the nine key performance areas of Garden Route District Municipality’s (GRDM’s) Environmental Health Practitioners (EHP’s) is the “Surveillance and Prevention of Communicable Diseases”. This focus area is especially important as South Africa and many other developing nations, especially least developed nations face a myriad of communicable diseases.

What is a communicable disease?

According to the World Health Organisation, communicable, or infectious diseases, are caused by microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi that can be spread, directly or indirectly, from one person to another. Some are transmitted through bites from insects while others are caused by ingesting contaminated food or water.

A variety of disease-producing bacteria and viruses are carried in the mouth, nose, throat and respiratory tract. Conditions such as leprosy, tuberculosis and different strains of influenza (flu) can be spread by coughing, sneezing, and saliva or mucus on unwashed hands.

Sexually transmitted infections such as HIV and viral hepatitis are spread through the exposure to infective bodily fluids such as blood, vaginal secretions and semen. Hepatitis B and C is a significant concern in Africa where many people are unaware of their infections.

Insects play a significant role in the transmission of disease. Bites from Anopheles mosquitoes transmit malaria parasites that can wreak havoc on high-risk populations such as children under age 5 and pregnant women. It is, however, important to note that Malaria does not occur in the Western Cape, but endemic in the Lowveld of Mpumalanga and in Limpopo.  Many diseases are also caused by unsafe water, poor housing conditions and poor sanitation in the Region.

Surveillance of Communicable Diseases

When a Communicable Disease outbreak occurs in the Garden Route, the EHP’s will carry out an investigation, monitor the environment and raise additional health awareness to the affected and surrounding community members. During these investigations the EHP’s will also collaborate with other spheres of government, such as Primary Health Care, to prevent the occurrence and/or manifestation of environmental-related or communicable diseases.

Prevention of Communicable Diseases

Health awareness campaigns rolled out to various communities is still the best approach for educating communities with knowledge and the understanding of communicable diseases.

The different themes of the awareness campaigns focus on personal hygiene, a healthy lifestyle and a safe and healthy environment.

Despite poor areas now having better housing, waste removal, water and sanitation services, many households do not adopt healthy habits and practices in their homes.

Effects of Climate Change

The greatest health burden associated with the effects of climate change will be found in impoverished communities, underscoring the existing weakness in public health systems.

Predicted effects on health include:

  • Injuries and fatalities related to severe weather;
  • food contamination;
  • allergic reactions;
  • respiratory and cardiovascular disease; and

Environmental Health Practitioners have a key role to play in resolving environmental challenges and preventing disease of environmental origin.

Research, monitoring and surveillance are fundamental to the Environmental Health Practitioners if they want to fulfil their primary function of properly identifying, assessing and managing environmental health risks that may cause communicable diseases.

For any information or complaints, contact the GRDM Municipal Health Services at 044 – 803 1300.

Update on the Ambient Air Quality Monitoring: October 2019

The Garden Route District Municipality’s (GRDM) Air Quality Management Unit is pleased to announce that the futuristic robotic looking portable ambient air quality monitoring station has returned after repairs at Scentriod in Canada.

The Scentinal SL50 is used by the GRDM’s Air Quality Management Unit for high accuracy screening purposes as well as obtaining baseline information on ambient air quality in a specific air space in the vicinity of proposed new developments. The robot measures all meteorological parameters, Nitrogen Dioxide, Sulphur Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Sulphide, Total reduced sulphates and Amines, Methane, Volatile Organic Compounds and Particulate Matter with sizes of 1, 2.5 and 10 micron.  The equipment plays a pivotal role in managing air shed and determining the potential accumulative effects in a specific air shed.

The station was recently deployed to the Mossel Bay Harbour in order to obtain baseline information on the ambient air quality in the surrounding area.

The 3rd Generation Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) was recently adopted during a council meeting. The AQMP identified potential air quality “hotspots” within the seven (7) municipalities in the region, by means of a dispersion modelling which make use of emission factors and mathematically simulate on how air pollutants disperse in the ambient atmosphere. The aim of this study was to identify areas of concerns that exist outside the knowledge of the GRDM’s Air Quality Management Unit.

The possible areas of concern are:

  • Bitou: Particulate Matter (PM10)
  • Knysna: Nitrogen Dioxide
  • George: Particulate Matter (PM10)
  • Mossel Bay: Nitrogen Dioxide and odours
  • Oudtshoorn: Particulate Matter (PM10), Sulphur Dioxide and Nitrogen Dioxide

Following the identification of the potential areas of concern and pursuing objective 1.5 of the GRDM’s 3rd Generation AQMP, which task the Air Quality Unit to “Initiate and coordinate short-term air quality monitoring projects (where applicable) to verify the dispersion modelling results in potential problem areas”, monitoring will commence in the Knysna, to verify the effect of vehicle emissions in the Main Road of the tourist town.

99-percentile NO2 concentrations along Main Road in Knysna.  Burgundy coloured regions show areas where the air quality standard of 200 µg/m3 may potentially be exceeded.

Subsequent to the Knysna monitoring run, the Scentinal Station will be move to the other areas of concern, namely Bitou and Oudtshoorn.  There are continuous emissions monitoring stations in the George-, Mossel Bay- and Oudtshoorn municipal areas, and the focus will therefore be in regions where there is no permanent monitoring site.