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Municipal Health

27 August 2022 Media Release: The GRDM salutes a true public servant

Media Release:  The GRDM salutes a true public servant

For immediate release
27 August 2022

The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) announces with great sadness the passing of Georg Hendriksz on 23 August 2022. He was a beloved, hardworking and dedicated colleague who started his career at the then Klein Karoo Divisional Council in Oudtshoorn in 1984.

The 63-year-old Georg Hendriksz worked for the GRDM Municipal Health Services in Oudtshoorn for 39 years as an Environmental Health Practitioner.

As a true servant of the public, Hendriksz is remembered by his colleagues as a humble individual who made a significant impact on the lives of many people. “We will forever be grateful for the work he did at the GRDM’s Municipal Health Section. As colleagues, we will truly miss him. ‘May his soul rest in peace,’ said his long-time colleague Desmond Paulse.

26 July 2022 Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality’s role in managing of human remains

Media Release: Garden Route DM’s role in managing of human remains

For Immediate Release
25 July 2022

The disposal of the dead, also known as the management of human remains, is one of the nine municipal health functions performed by Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) assigned to local governments under the National Health Act 2003 (Act no. 61 of 2003).

According to the National Health Act, handling of human remains, transportation, and funeral undertakers’ facilities must all be inspected and monitored at least twice a year. However, ongoing monitoring is also required. Environmental health inspections include identifying, monitoring, and assessing health risks, nuisances, and hazards at funeral homes. Where necessary, corrective and preventative actions are implemented.

The main functions of EHPs in the management of human remains is as follows:

  • EHPs ensure that funeral homes are operating under current certificates. Upon confirmation that the facility complies with environmental health regulations, a certificate of competency is issued.
  • EHPs further ensure that handling, collection, storage, and disposal of waste, including health care risk waste, comply with SANS 10248, Norms and Standards for waste management.
  • Conduct risk assessment to identify potential health hazards from the preparation and storage of human remains.
  • Provide health education and awareness on proper hygiene practices as well as water and sanitation practices.
  • Ensures that the funeral undertaker premises have a pest control plan and that pest control services are performed at least once a month.
  • In case of non-compliant after an inspection, the relevant EHP will liaise with the owner of the funeral undertaker.
  • After each inspection, the EHPs ensure that the inspection report indicates the condition of the premises and relevant health recommendations are provided to the owner or person in charge.
  • EHPs ensure that a database of all premises in their area used for handling, preparing, and storing human remains is maintained.
  • EHPs must ensure that all facilities and equipment used in connection with the handling, preparation, storage, preservation, and transportation of human remains adhere to the regulation relating to the management of human remains, in accordance with National Health Act 61 of 2003.

For any further information, please contact us at the respective regional offices within the Garden Route District Municipality:

Klein Karoo Region

Mr. Desmond Paulse

Tel: +27(0)44 272 2241

Cell: +27(0)83 678 6530

Address: 94 St John Street, Oudtshoorn

Kanaland Region

Mr. George Hendriksz

Tel: +27(0)44 272 2241

Cell: +27(0)82 907 3492

Address: 15 Regent Street, Oudtshoorn

Mossel Bay

Mr. Sam Bendle

Tel:  +27(0)44 693 0006

Cell: +27(0)83 630 6108

Address C/O Sampson & Marling Street, Ext 23, Mossel Bay.

George Outeniqua

Ms. Emmy Douglas

Tel: +27(0)44 803 1501

Cell: +27(0)78 457 2824

Address: Mission Street, Industrial Area, George, 6530

George Wilderness

Mr. Pieter Raath

Tel: +27(0)44 803 1501

Cell: +27(0)83 644 8858

Address: Mission Street, Industrial Area, George

Knysna Region

Mr. James McCarthy

Tel: +27(0)44 382 7214

Cell: +27(0)82 805 9417

Address: 26A Queen Street, Knysna

Bitou Region

Mr. Gawie Vos

Tel: +27(0)44 501 1600

Cell: +27(0)83 557 1522

Address: 7 Gibb Street, Plettenberg Bay

Hessequa Region

Mr. Haemish Herwels

Tel: +27(0)28 713 2438

Cell: +27(0)83 678 6545

Address: 23 Michell Street, Riversdale, 6670


Mr. Johan Compion

Manager: Municipal Health & Environmental Services

Cell: +27(0)82 803 5161


Tel: 044 803 1300


13 July 2022 Media Release: GRDM Environmental Health Practitioners annually ensures Knysna Oyster Festival safe

Media Release: GRDM Environmental Health Practitioners annually ensures Knysna Oyster Festival safe

For immediate release
13 July 2022

Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) of the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) fulfils their mandatory duties by ensuring that hygiene standards at all festivals are maintained.  The recent Knysna Oyster Festival is one of many examples where EHPs worked diligently to ensure quality health standards were maintained.

Role and interventions during the festival

EHPs from the GRDM Knysna office prepared for the Knysna Oyster Festival well in advance.  They had to plan, and implement mitigating and monitoring activities for the entire festival. This already started days before the festival commenced and concluded after the festival officially ended.

Food control

  • All informal food premises were inspected before and during the festival, including daily inspections at Oyster Festival “Hot spots”;
  • Inspections were also conducted at various locations in town where thousands of oysters were kept under prescribed conditions;
  • Several batches of oyster samples were dispatched to the Merieux NutriSciences Laboratory in Cape Town for bacteriological analysis, prior to the start of the festival, to establish the status of the holding tank water, as well as the bacteriological oyster quality. This lab requested EHPs from the Garden Route District assist with the surveillance of oysters procured from other areas within the Southern Cape; and
  • The drinking water to be provided to the athletes participating in the Forest Marathon was analysed to ensure compliance with the Bottled Water Regulations: “Regulation 692 of 1997, promulgated under the Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectant Act (Act 54 of 1972)”.

Water quality monitoring

Bacteriological water monitoring of the Knysna Estuary was conducted by sampling water at 14 sites in and around the estuary.

Health surveillance of premises

Regular inspections and health surveillance of premises of all related public amenities was undertaken during the Festival, including:

  • Public toilet facilities;
  • Accommodation establishments;
  • Cycle race registration;
  • Marathon;
  • Food markets; and
  • Tobacco control at premises.

Communicable disease outbreak

The local EHPs and relevant medical health care providers have established a strict protocol for reporting communicable disease outbreaks. Hospitals, general practitioners, and pharmacies, both private and provincial, were included.

After the festival, the EHPs participated in debriefing sessions to discuss the best practices and challenges identified.

For any further information, please contact GRDM Lakes (Knysna) Region Municipal Health Services:

Mr James McCarty

Chief:  Municipal Health Lakes (Knysna)

Tel: 044 382 7214

Cell: 082 805 9417

Address: 26A Queen Street, Knysna


 Mr. Johan Compion

Manager: Municipal Health & Environmental Services


Tel: 044 803 1300

Featured image:  Picture taken during an oyster competition at Taste of Knysna.

12 July 2022 Media Release: Health Surveillance of Premises – places of public gatherings

Media Release: Health Surveillance of Premises – places of public gatherings

For immediate release
12 July 2022

Health surveillance of premises is a function of the Environmental Health Practitioners (EHP). They are required to promote safe, healthy, and hygienic conditions at all premises through the identification, monitoring, and evaluation of health risks, nuisance, and hazards.

When conducting health surveillance of premises, the EHPs must:

  • assess aspects such as ventilation and indoor air quality, lighting, moisture-proofing, thermal quality, structural safety and floor space;
  • assess overcrowded, unhygienic or unsatisfactory health conditions on any residential, commercial, industrial or other occupied premises;
  • monitor all buildings and all other permanent or temporary physical structures used for residential, public or institutional purposes, and the facilities in connection therewith and the immediate precincts;
  • ensure the prevention and abatement of any condition on any premises; and ensuring the health and safety of public transport facilities and public gathering places which for example needs to comply with the following National Standards of the Garden Route District Municipality’s Municipal Health By-Laws, PG. 8018 of 10 December 2018:

Waste Management-

The management of waste on the premises should comply with the relevant By-laws of the Local Authority of jurisdiction, and regulated by that Local Authority.

Refuse bins should be provided at strategic points throughout the premises for collection.

On-site management of waste should be available on the premises during events, for management of spillages and littering, to prevent any nuisances from occurring.

Arrangements should be in place between the event manager and the Local Authority, regarding waste management during and after an event.

Drinking Water supply-

In the case of an event, potable water should be available at strategic points throughout the premises/area.

The water must comply with the South African National Water Standards (SANS 241)

Sanitation facilities-

Sanitary facilities to be provided for a population of up to:

A site plan outlining the type and location of sanitary facilities during events especially for short-term events. The EHP will examine the proposal to make sure no annoyances will arise.

EHPs are stationed throughout the region. Members of the public are welcome to make contact with the following chief EHPs, should the need arise:

Mossel Bay – Mr. Sam Bendle
Tel:  044 693 0006
Address C/O Sampson & Marling Street, Ext 23, Mossel Bay.

George: Outeniqua – Ms. Emmy Douglas
Tel: 044 803 1501
Address: Mission Street, Industrial Area, George, 6530

George: Wilderness – Mr. Pieter Raath
Tel: 044 803 1501
Address: Mission Street, Industrial Area, George

Klein Karoo Region – Mr. Desmond Paulse
Chief: Municipal Health (Klein Karoo)
Tel: 044 272 2241 / Cell: 083 678 6530
Address: 94 St John Street, Oudtshoorn

Knysna Region – Mr. James McCarthy
Chief: Knysna
Tel: 044 382 7214 / Cell: 082 805 9417
Address: 26A Queen Street, Knysna

Bitou Region – Mr. Gawie Vos
Tel: 044 501 1600
Address: 7 Gibb Street, Plettenberg Bay

Hessequa Region – Mr. Haemish Herwels
Tel: 028 713 2438 / Cell: 083 678 6545
Address: 23 Michell Street, Riversdale, 6670

Kannaland Region – George Hendriksz
Tel: 044 272 2241 / Cell: 082 907 3492
Address: 15 Regent Street, Oudtshoorn


30 June 2022 Media Release: Food safety during load shedding

Media Release: Food safety during load shedding

For Immediate Release
30 June 2022

Load shedding occurs often in South Africa. Other countries in the northern parts of Africa and the Middle East, also experience power outages on an average of 23.5 times a month which lasts on average 9.4 hours at a time. South-East Asia is hit with an average of 17 power outages a month, lasting over an hour each time.

These outages have a direct impact on food safety. Three (3) factors are at play here – the length of the outage, its frequency of it and where food is stored.

One key fact to remember is: As long as it is cold, food should be safe.

Food in a refrigerator may be safe as long as:

  • Power outages do not last longer than four hours
  • the fridge door is closed
  • the temperature of the refrigerator was at 4 °C when load shedding started.

Food safety issues including spoiling are especially likely to occur with perishable goods such as fresh meat, poultry, fish, soft cheeses, milk, and leftover food (depending on how long they were stored before load shedding started). The recommended temperature for the fridge to operate at, for food to remain safe to consume, is 4°C. It is therefore a better option to discard perishable food stored in a fridge that operates at a temperature higher than 4°C, especially when load shedding took place for two (2) or more hours.

Different bacteria grow at various temperatures. For every 1°C increase above that minimum growth temperature, the bacteria growth rate will double (depending on the type, living environment and access to nutrients).  It is therefore essential to keep the door closed to ensure that the refrigerator stays as cold as possible during a power outage

If a freezer door is kept closed, frozen food will stay frozen for up to 48 hours. Perishable food must be cooked as soon as possible if they begin to defrost. Refreezing perishable food is dangerous.

Given the price of food, one is hesitant to discard it, but weighed against the risks of consuming unsafe food – it is best to discard it. Some perishables might not necessarily smell or taste much different but may be filled with bacteria that cause foodborne illnesses.

If one knows the load-shedding schedule, one can prepare for it as follows:

  • Ensure that the temperature in the refrigerator is 4 °C or as near to it as possible.
  • Frozen leftovers, milk, fresh meat and poultry, fish, and other goods should be moved from the fridge to the freezer that you might not need right away.
  • Buy fresh food in smaller quantities, prepare it fast, and enjoy it instead of buying it in bulk and storing it in the fridge.
  • Take special note of purchasing long-lasting items, such as unopened canned foods and sterile or ultra-heat heated temperature drinks. These have a lengthy shelf-life outside of the fridge, however, once they’re opened, they too need to be chilled.
  • Another method used to keep perishable goods as cold as possible for as long as possible is to place ice packs around the items in the fridge.


27 June 2022 Media Release: GRDM Environmental Health Practitioners and stakeholders perform collaborative Spaza Blitz in areas of Knysna

GRDM Environmental Health Practitioners and stakeholders perform collaborative Spaza Blitz in areas of Knysna

For immediate release
27 June 2022

On 8 June 2022, a joint Spaza Blitz operation was conducted in the Nekkies area, located in Knysna. The Garden Route District Municipality’s (GRDM) Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs), together with Knysna Municipality’s Law Enforcement and the South African Police Service (SAPS) formed part of the operations to visit spaza shops in the area.

During the visits to the respective premises, the following were inspected to the determine whether shops complied with the legislative requirements:

  • A valid Certificate of Acceptability In terms of Regulation 638 promulgated under the Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectant Act,1972 (Act 54 of 1972);
  • Business License for food premises;
  • Adherence of applicable COVID protocols;
  • The general hygiene of the premises; and
  • Labeling of foodstuffs.

The team also inspected the shops for any expired products that might have been on the shelves.

A total of twelve (12) shops were visited and inspected of which four (4) did not comply to the requirements. After completion of the operations, GRDM  issued a letter to all the premises that were visited during the day, as well as to the Knysna Municipality in terms of legislative compliance that have to be adhered to. The letter contained clear directives for contravening Spaza Shop owners relating to their shortfalls. Complying to all requirements contribute to the health and safety of the communities that shops sell products to.

More blitz operations are planned for the Greater Knysna during July 2022.

Members of the public are encouraged to report any complaints, relating to the above-mentioned requirements to the Municipal Health Services Section at the Municipality’s office at 24 A Queen Street, Knysna or contact the Knysna office at: 044- 382 7214.

Feature Image: An official from the Knysna Municipality’s Law Enforcement Services during the Joint Spaza Shop Blitz operation that was recently performed in areas of Knysna.


02 June 2022 Media Release: Crèche surprised with mattress donations by Garden Route District Municipality

Media Release: Crèche surprised with mattress donations by Garden Route District Municipality

For Immediate Release
2 June 2022

Crèches or day care facilities are required to provide safe sleep spaces for toddlers or little ones they care for on a daily basis. To ensure that these spaces are comfortable enough to provide a healthy sleeping routine, a mattress is regarded as an essential item for a toddler.

Towards the end of May 2022, Environmental Health Practitioners (EHP) from Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) and their Portfolio Chairperson for Community Services, Cllr Nompumelelo Ndayi, paid a surprise visit to the St. Elizabeth Crèche in Avontuur. On arrival Cllr Ndayi, on behalf of GRDM, donated sixteen (16) mattresses to the crèche.  A gratified Principal, Caroline Esau, accepted the items on behalf of the little ones and expressed her gratefulness towards GRDM for the donation, especially due to the timing of the donation.  Avontuur experiences extremely cold weather during winter time, reaching low temperatures of 2°C during autumn and winter.

As part of the visit, the team also demonstrated the steps of proper hand wash techniques to the toddlers and daycare staff.

“Applying these steps will prevent you and your families from easily attracting several types of hygiene-related illnesses,” said Cllr Ndayi at the event.

In closing, the team also distributed pamphlets covering information on daily Health and Hygiene habits. The event ended on a yummy note, with the team sharing snack packs, contributed from their own pockets, with each toddler for behaving and cooperating exceptionally well during their visit.

Carike Soman, Environmental Health Practitioner at GRDM, demonstrates proper handing washing techniques to the toddlers present during the visit.

A few health and hygiene tips shared with the toddlers:

  • Keeping hands clean can prevent 1 in 3 diarrhea related illnesses and 1 in 5 respiratory infections, such as a cold or flu;
  • It can result in less illness and fewer missed school days;
  • When the family is healthy, you don’t have to worry about missing school, work or other activities.

Wet first; apply soap; rub palms; rub tips of nails against palms or use a clean scrub; rub fingers between each other; place one hand over the back of the other and rub between fingers. Do the same with the other hand that is not washed; rub each thumb with opposite palms; rinse and dry.

  • If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

Feature Image: Garden Route District Municipality’s Portfolio Chairperson for Community Services, Cllr Nompumelelo Ndayi (left), hands over a mattress to the Principal of St. Elizabeth Crèche in Avontuur, Caroline Esau.


1 June 2022 Media Release: Environmental Health Practitioners focus on restaurants about safe food handling

Media Release: Environmental Health Practitioners focus on restaurants about safe food handling

For Immediate Release
1 June 2022

Five (5) keys to safer food training is a key focus area for Garden Route District Municipality’s Environmental Health Practitioners (EHP) to educate the public about. EHPs focus mainly on formal and informal food traders about food safety. Recently, the Mossel Bay EHP team visited food handlers and management of Delfinos, Piza ē Vino, Kingfisher, Big Blu, Patricks and Kaai 4 for exactly this.

Neo-Lay Britz, an EHP from the Mossel Bay sub-office, explained: “Safe food handling is of utmost importance to ensure that quality food is sold to the public. Dangerous bacteria can contaminate food and cause food poisoning if the five keys to safer food are not adhered to”.

The GRDM EHPs, in their educational sessions, focus on the following 5 keys: keeping clean, the importance of separating raw and cooked food, cooking thoroughly, keeping food at safe temperatures; and using safe water and raw materials.

Here are the details of all the keys and their respective tips:


  • Hands should be washed before and during the food preparation process.
  • Premises should be kept clean, which includes the equipment used, in order to ensure that pests such as cockroaches, mice and rats do not gain access due to the availability of food (food spills, refuse bins and dirty dishes).


  • Use separate equipment and utensils for the different types of raw and cooked food.
  • Raw and cooked food should be stored in separate containers.


  • Proper cooking kills most dangerous bacteria, studies have shown that cooking food up to a temperature of 70˚C can help ensure food is safe for consumption.


  • Bacteria can multiply very quickly if food is stored/ kept at room temperature, it should either be kept below 5˚C or above 60˚.
  • Food products should be defrosted/ thawed at the correct temperature and not be kept on the table in the hot kitchen during the course of the day.


  • Safe water and raw materials such as fruit and vegetables should be used.
  • Only meat bought from an approved butchery/ abattoir should be used.
  • Choose safely processed foods such as pasteurized milk.

The GRDM EHPs are the first point of contact in ensuring that workplaces are safe, hygienic, and healthy places to work in.

If you become aware of non-compliance, please report it to 082 804 5161.

Feature Image: Environmental Health Practitioners from Garden Route District Municipality in Mossel Bay with employees from a local restaurant.


19 May 2022 Media Release: Garden Route District Air Quality Awareness Campaigns have reached more than 60 000 people so far

Media Release: Garden Route District Air Quality Awareness Campaigns have reached more than 60 000 people so far

For Immediate Release
19 May 2022

For the last seven (7) years, Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) has incorporated air pollution education as part of its community outreach activities. The Air Quality awareness campaign was identified in response to the poor air quality status  of informal settlements during winter seasons. Dr Johann Schoeman, District Air Quality Manager at GRDM, emphasised that the poor air quality status is amongst others sources, caused by fires used for  cooking and heating purposes. In the pictures (below) are school representatives from various schools with their study packs.

With this in mind, a three-year formal tender was advertised for the procurement of services by a training provider to facilitate training at schools within the Garden Route.  The tender was awarded to Mingcele (PTY) Ltd to develop study packs and facilitate the training at Primary Schools until 2024. Mingcele facilitates and manages several community development projects with a special focus on educational training support and environmental awareness.

Further to this, Dr Schoeman explained that the Western Cape Provincial Government Education Department was also approached to address the issue at primary school level. This effort resulted in the Clean Fires campaign now being incorporated as part of the Grade 3 curriculum.  In order to reach as many learners as possible, and being inclusive in its approach, the course material is printed in isi-Xhosa, Afrikaans and English.

The course material covers the following air pollution aspects:

  • What air pollution is;
  • The health effects thereof;
  • What causes air pollution;
  • How you can help to reduce air pollution;
  • How to make a fire;
  • How to make a “cleaner” fire for heating purposes; and
  • How to construct a stove from waste material.

Each participating school receives a study pack with study material -convenient for each teacher. The course material is in line with the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) and each resource pack consists of full colour posters, an educational game pack, lesson plans, worksheets in all three official languages of the Western Cape, a full colour booklet, a DVD including the lesson plans and worksheets with five plugins for an interactive whiteboard.

Dr Schoeman said: “Since its inception, the project reached most of the primary schools in the Garden Route district. The project is rotated in the region with this year again focusing on the Klein Karoo region. In total, 72 teachers and 2033 learners from 39 schools were reached, amongst others in Oudtshoorn, Uniondale, Volmoed, De Rust, Calitzdorp, Avontuur, Haarlem and Ladismith areas.  GRDM’s officials were involved in the official hand-over of study packs to some of the participating schools.

When determining the current project impact on the receptor environment, Dr Schoeman highlighted: “It is anticipated that four (4) family members per child are reached with a cumulative impact of 8132 community members covered through the project for this year alone”.

The project statistics for the last four years are as follows:

2019: 37 schools and 72 teachers.
2020: 46 schools and 63 teachers.
2021: 66 schools and 151 teachers.
2022: 39 schools, 72 teachers and 2033 learners.

Seventy-two study packs were handed over to the participating schools. For the last 4 years, the project almost reached 60 000 people in the Garden Route.

In closing, Dr Schoeman said: “Continuous monitoring and evaluation of the project is taking place by means of follow-ups through social media (WhatsApp), email communication and completed attendance registers”.  Adding to this he highlighted: “Due to the success of this project and the positive feedback received from the participating schools, the GRDM committed itself for another two years to expand its awareness outreach sessions”.

The GRDM Air Quality Unit encourages the public to contact their office at 044-693 0006 during office hours, for any further information regarding the project.  To learn more about air quality, visit our page at:

Feature Image: Bersig Primary School


10 May 2022 Frequently Asked Questions: Rooikat Recycling Project, Great Brak River

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers: Rooikat Recycling Project, Great Brak River

Click on the questions below to view the answers to frequently asked questions.

1. What is the Rooikat recycling project in Great Brak River?

Rooikat Recycling is developing robust, fit for purpose, thermal depolymerisation technology.  This technology will allow the treatment of waste plastic and tyres to produce a basket of fuels that can be placed in the existing market.

All waste will be delivered to the site directly from designated sources for processing. Waste will be sourced from private companies wishing to reduce their solid waste footprint and reputable waste management entities e.g., recycling companies.  Waste from the public will not be accepted.

2. What is the Garden Route District Municipality’s involvement in the project?

In terms of Section 36(1) of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, Act 39 of 2004 (the Act), metropolitan and district municipalities are responsible for implementing the atmospheric emission licensing system referred to in Section 22 of the Act.

The Garden Route District Municipality is the Air Quality licencing authority for the Rooikat Recycling Project.

The Provincial Department of Environmental Affairs and Developmental Planning is the competent authority for the Waste Management Licence and the subsequent Environmental Authorisation.

3. Why was an air emissions license issued?

The proposed activity triggers two Section 21 listed activities, Categories 8.1 and 3.4 and subsequently, Rooikat Recycling applied for an Atmospheric Emission License (AEL) on the South African Atmospheric Emission Licencing and Emissions Inventory Portal (SAAELIP).

The application also triggered activity 6 of the NEMA Listing Notice 2 and required Environmental Authorisation and a Waste Management Licence.

A specialist Air Quality Impact Assessment was required in terms of section 38(1)(a) and also a public participation process as per section 38(3) of the Act.

The issuing of the AEL was subjected to Environmental Authorisation as it takes precedence and must inform the AEL decision.

All Section 39 factors (impact factors) were considered in reaching the decision to issue the granting letter (minimum emission standards, ambient standards, pollution caused by the activity and effect on health, environment, best available technology, etc.)

4. What is depolymerisation?

Depolymerisation is a mild form of pyrolysis. Pyrolysis is an established chemical process that breaks down large molecules (plastic and tyres) into smaller molecules (fuel oil) by the application of heat.  Heat is supplied by burning petroleum gas (LPG) and fuel oil in a furnace.  The process uses a closed-loop system to produce oil (fuel oil).  Carbon black and petroleum gas are produced as by-products.  Petroleum gas is used internally as a fuel.  Both fuel oil and carbon black are sold as fuels or chemical feedstock.  The significant emission from the process is the combustion gas produced in the furnace.   All water produced in the process is recycled as cooling water.  Rainwater is contained on the plant and recycled.

5. What are the emissions associated with this process?

The furnace is the main emission source.  Petroleum gas and fuel oil are combusted in a purpose-designed burner in the furnace to provide heat.  The burner is designed to completely combust the petroleum gas and fuel oil to produce carbon dioxide and water, similar to a vehicle’s exhaust gas.  All combustion processes may produce by-products including particulates (black smoke) which are pollutants. To remove pollutants the combustion gas from the furnace is cleaned, by scrubbing with water, before it is released to the atmosphere.  The cleaned combustion gas is the main air emission from the process.  This is in great contrast to the common idea of tyre, plastic or waste burning or incineration.

6. Will tyres and plastic be burned in the process?

No, Garden Route District Municipality will never allow the uncontrolled burning of tyres and waste.  This is illegal.  Burning of plastic or tyres is not permitted as toxic by-products are produced and released into the atmosphere.  The proposed process does not burn tyres or plastic. The process heats tyres or plastic, to elevated temperatures, in an oxygen-free environment.

7. In the Final Bar it is mentioned that further distillation of diesel oil will take place. This changes the plant from a pilot plant to a processing production plant. Was this considered?

Yes, it was considered.  A suggestion from the public participation process was to explicitly include the distillation of oil to produce diesel, as part of the process description for transparency.  Diesel is a product of the distillation process.  The distillation step is not a new process, but a modification to improve an existing process.  There is no change in environmental impact or emission.  The classification of the plant or process is not changed.

Category 2 of the section 21 activities covers the Petroleum Industry, the production of gaseous and liquid fuels as well as petrochemicals from crude oil, coal, gas or biomass.

  • Subcategory 2.1 Combustion Installations
  • Subcategory 2.2: Catalytic Cracking Units
  • Subcategory 2.3: Sulphur Recovery Units
  • Subcategory 2.4: Storage and Handling of Petroleum Products
  • Subcategory 2.5: Industrial Fuel Oil Recyclers

The distillation of diesel is not a listed activity in terms category 2. The proposed activity triggers only 8.1 and 3.4.

The Act in terms of category 8.1 and 3.4 does not make provision for “pilot plants”. The emission limits and special arrangements for the proposed facility fully applies. For example, the installation of a CEMS unit remains a requirement although the application referrers to the proposed facility as a pilot plant.

8. The area is surrounded by many dairy farms, old age homes and tourism venues. Surely the emission of noxious gasses will have a detrimental effect on this pristine area?

The operation of the facility is highly regulated.  The facility must be operated to comply with both the Waste Management and Atmospheric Emission Licences to ensure the operation is not detrimental to the environment.

An atmospheric emission licence must be seen as a regulatory tool which is implemented to ensure compliance and protect the ambient air quality of a specific air space.   The applicant will only be issued with a Provisional AEL. Only if the applicant can prove compliance with the conditions of the Provisional for period of at least 6 months, will a full AEL be considered.  The facility cannot operate without an AEL.

Based on the outcome of the specialist study the activity will not have a significant detrimental effect on the environment, including health, social conditions, economic conditions, ecological conditions or cultural heritage. The assessment made was based on the minimum emission limits as per the categories and the results demonstrated that the emissions will not exceed the limits as per the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (GN1210 of December 2009). International ambient air quality standards were used to compare the results where ambient air quality standards for specific pollutants are not included in GN1210 of December 2009. The study also included the cumulative impact of the surrounding industries (brick factory and pole yard) on ambient air quality.

9. Why is the plant located in Great Brak River and not in another industrial location such as Mossdustria?

This site was chosen based on its zoning and is an existing industrial zone.  This site is zoned Industrial Zone 3.  The other industrial site investigated, including Mossdustria, is zoned Industrial Zone 2.  This site is part of an existing serviced development and is in a disturbed state.   The site is on the existing Mobicast facility, bordered to the north by a sawmill/pole yard and to the south by the Rheebokstene brick factory. The landfill site is also north of the pole yard.

The entire facility, including storage, office, plant and roads has a footprint of approximately 2 100m².  This is relatively small compared to the sizes of the surrounding industries; Mobicast (43 000m²), Rheebokstene (195 000m²), Woodline Timber Industries (163 000m²) and the Landfill site (74 000m²).

As the proposed site is within the existing Mobicast site on a previously disturbed area and will be fully walled/fenced, its impact on the sense of place of the area would be low. The impact on tourism in the area is negligible due to the presence of existing industry surrounding the chosen site.

10. What process was followed to offer the public an opportunity to lodge their concerns aboutthe proposed project?

Public participation is understood to be a series of inclusive and culturally appropriate interactions aimed at providing stakeholders with opportunities to express their views, so that these can be considered and incorporated into the decision-making process. Effective public participation requires the disclosure of relevant and adequate project information to enable stakeholders to understand the risks, impacts, and opportunities of the Proposed Project.

The processes regulating the application for and granting of both Waste Management and Atmospheric Emission Licenses require public participation at various stages and in different forms.  The timing and nature of the public participation is prescribed by the licensing authority and subsequent legislation.

The following public participation processes were performed as part of the application for a Waste Management Licence:

  1. Pre-application Public Participation
  2. Application Public Participation including clarification meetings
  3. Appeal to granting of Waste Management License

The following public participation processes were performed as part of the application for an Atmospheric Emission Licence:

  1. Application Public Participation
  2. Appeal to granting of Atmospheric Emission License

The following was done in terms of the Waste Management License application:

Pre-application: Due to the nature of the project, a pre-application public participation process was undertaken to obtain comments on the proposed project prior to submission of the Draft BAR application.

Application: More than 150 individuals, organisations and authorities registered as interested and Affected Parties. Methods used to inform the public were inter alia: direct notification, advertisements, site notices, availability of draft basic assessment reports and final draft basic assessment reports.  This was also supplemented with:

Clarification Meeting with Representatives of the Resident’s Associations

  • The Rooikat project team was invited to attend a virtual meeting on 23 November 2020 to provide clarity on the proposed project. This meeting was hosted by representatives from the Resident Associations in the area.

Public Participation Feedback Meeting with Interested & Affected Parties

  • The Rooikat project team hosted a virtual meeting on 10 December 2020 to provide feedback on the main comments and concerns raised during the public participation.

Appeal:  The public participation process also allows the public to appeal the Waste Management License and Air Emissions License after the licenses are granted. Appeals were lodged by the public for both licenses post granting. The appeals were reviewed by the respective licensing authorities and the final licenses were granted.

Other public participation processes followed:

  • There was a parallel Public Participation process in terms of the Air Quality Act which was done according to the requirements of the Air Quality act.
  • Furthermore, a presentation was done to the Mayor of Mossel Bay and was open to the public with a special link. Question and answer sessions were allowed.
  • Media 24 also approached Mossel Bay and Garden Route District Municipalities to produce a video. They interviewed and published a video on their network after interviewing some of the relevant role-players of the project.  Not all role-players chose to be interviewed.
  • The project was presented to the Garden Route Council and a resolution was approved to communicate the project further by means of this question and answers press release to inform the community accordingly.

11. What assurance does the public have if the projects do not live up to the expectations of not affecting the receptor environment?

The facility must be operated to comply with both the Waste Management and Atmospheric Emission Licences to ensure the operation is not detrimental to the environment.  The facility cannot operate without these licenses.

The facility is required to measure and report on its operation to the Licensing Authorities.  The Licensing Authorities also conduct inspections.  The Garden Route Municipality will ensure that the applicant operates within the regulations of the Atmospheric Emission License.  Should the facility not operate within the license conditions, the license may be withdrawn and the facility shutdown.  This has happened to another operating entity in the Garden Route District Municipality in the recent past.

For Air Quality-related queries and assistance, contact Dr Johann Schoeman (Manager: District Air Quality) via e-mail: 
Learn more about Air Quality here: Air Quality

All media-related queries can be directed to Herman Pieters (Chief Communications Officer), e-mail:

Photo credit: Istock.