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Media Release: R1.8 billion in UIF TERS funding disbursed in the Western Cape



Date: 15 May 2020

Release: immediately

R1.8 billion in UIF TERS funding disbursed in the Western Cape

According to the latest information we have received from the Department of Employment and Labour, R1.8 billion of the Unemployment Insurance Fund Temporary Employee Relief Scheme (UIF TERS) funds have been disbursed to 615 188 employees in the Western Cape as of 10 May 2020. We are pleased to see that employees in the Western Cape are starting to receive much-needed financial support during the Covid-19 crisis.

Ensuring that businesses in the province are able to access and receive the support made available through the financial relief packages put in place for Covid-19, such as UIF TERS, is critical to ensuring the resilience of our economy, and maintaining the livelihoods of those living in the Western Cape.

And so, we encourage all businesses in the Western Cape to apply for the financial relief packages available, and we will work hard to assist them in this regard.

To assist businesses to find and access the financial support measures available, the Western Cape Government, City of Cape Town and Wesgro have developed an online tool that, in five easy steps, helps businesses identify the support measures they qualify for based on their criteria. This support finder tool can be found at

Businesses who qualify and are battling to access the support can email our business support team at for assistance.

In addition, we have taken a number of other steps to ensure that businesses are assisted to access financial relief packages available. These include:

  • Weekly engagements with a broad range of business chambers and industry associations to share with them information about the support measures in place and encouraging their members to apply
  • Hosting public webinars for businesses on the financial support measures available, which includes a session explaining UIF TERS. This webinar is available for public to view on YouTube.

It is also critical for us to understand whether or not these funds, and in this case the applications for the UIF TERS funds, are being processed in a timely manner, and if not, why not.

And so, we are directly liaising with the Department of Employment and Labour to address the challenges they are facing with regards to paying out the funds to approved beneficiaries.

I have also personally written to the Minister of Employment and Labour, Thulas Nxesi, to request the following statistical information:

  1. How many applications for UIF TERS funding have been received from Western Cape,
  2. Of the applications, how many have been approved by your Department, and
  3. What are the total number of beneficiaries.

Furthermore, we are also conducting our own survey to understand how many businesses in the Western Cape have applied for the UIF TERS funding scheme, and which have successfully received funds, and which have not.

This statistical information, and the information from the survey, will help us understand where the challenges lie in the distribution of these funds, and how we can continue to help businesses in the Western Cape to access these funds. Where businesses have not received funds, our aim is to understand the reason for this and then identify the appropriate solution.

We are committed to doing everything we can to support businesses in the Western Cape so that we can save businesses, save jobs and save the economy in the Western Cape.

Notes for media: 

To view the statement online visit:

Note for business: For more info on health guidelines and Covid-19 resources for business visit:

Media Queries:

Francine Higham

Spokesperson for the Provincial Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities

(Responsible for the Provincial Treasury and the Department of Economic Development and Tourism)

Tel: 021 483 4327 / Cell: 071 087 5150 / Email:

If you do not want to receive future media releases from Minister David Maynier then please reply directly to this email requesting to be removed from our mailing list.

Media Release: Deadline to move to a new house or business has been removed

15 May 2020

I’m pleased to note that the National Government has made an about-turn and removed the 7 June deadline for citizens to move to their new homes. I also welcome the opportunity that businesses now have, to move to new premises, should they require to do so.

It is further noteworthy that “movement necessitated due to domestic violence,” has also been included.

The new Gazetted regulations as signed into law on 14 May, by the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, means that the directives as issued on 7 May 2020, are repealed.

It is critical to note that this is still a once-off movement of persons and goods, “to facilitate the movement of persons and goods within and across provincial, metropolitan or district boundaries during the period of Alert level 4.”

This refers “to the movement of persons and goods, where –

(i)              A person who needs to travel to his or her new place of residence or business and to transport goods which are limited to household or office furniture and effects and

(ii)             Permits already granted, remain in force.”

It is critical to note that the persons, which includes all those “who are part of the household, who will be required to move” and would be travelling, would require permits “from the

head of court or a person designated by him or her, or the station commander of a police station or a person designated by him or her.”

Furthermore, “the relevant lease agreements indicating the date of expiry of the old lease or the date of commencement of the new lease, or the proof of purchase of residence and occupation date, or the transfer documents attesting to the change of ownership of property, or a domestic violence order, or proof of change or new occupation of business premises,” should also be in their possession.

I’d like to encourage all those who has been looking forward to this opportunity to utilise it, while continuing to adhere to all required protocols, as to ensure there’s no chance of spreading COVID-19.

This also further strengthens my Department’s opportunity to expeditiously relocate our beneficiaries, particularly for those who’s been waiting to move into their new homes.

Media Enquiries:

Marcellino Martin

Spokesperson for Minister Tertuis Simmers

021 483 3397 (o) / 082 721 3362 (m)


Nathan Adriaanse

Director Communication & Stakeholder Relations

Tell: 021 483 2868 / Mobile: 083 2631720 / Email:

15 May 2020 Covid-19 positive – communities to be supportive

Community transmission of Covid-19 is now well established in the Western Cape, which means that many people will be infected. However, it must also be noted that about 80 – 90% of people who contract Covid-19, will be able to recover without hospitalisation.

When facing a threat on a global scale, such as Covid-19, it is normal to feel anxious, scared, confused, and overwhelmed. Even more so with the overload of information available and our numbers of positive cases increasing.

It is normal to feel alone and frustrated. However, by limiting your exposure to other people, you can protect your family and yourself. If you must leave the house ONLY to go to work or essential shopping, wear a cloth mask, do not touch your face, stay 1,5 m away from others, and wash your hands often. We should try to avoid all physical contact with other people so that we can limit our chances of becoming infected or infecting others. If we do have contact, we should ALWAYS observe a distance and hygiene practice.

However, this does not mean we should be unkind to others and not offer to help our friends and neighbours. It is important that we stand together and that we support each other, especially our neighbours and friends who have tested positive for Covid-19.

Anyone can be infected with Covid-19 and anyone can carry the virus, even without showing symptoms. The Coronavirus does not discriminate between age, gender, race, or disability. However, not everyone is at the same risk of becoming very ill. Vulnerable people have a higher risk.

This is why it is so important that we take all the precautions we can to protect ourselves and our loved ones from Covid-19. People who are especially vulnerable are those with underlying medical conditions, such as hypertension, diabetes, lung disease, TB, and HIV.

 When someone in my community or neighbourhood tests positive

Please remember that there is no shame in being referred for testing or testing positive. Also remember most people will recover after a mild illness. Covid-19 does not discriminate, and anyone can be infected.  Communities need to support those who have tested positive.

It is normal to feel scared, anxious, confused and even panic because of the virus and what we don’t know. But these feelings should not make you discriminate against someone who has tested positive.

We should not stigmatise people who have tested positive. We must offer our support. Although you should avoid physical contact, you can support them by messaging or calling to ask how they are doing. As they and the rest of their household will be in isolation, you can offer to help by buying food or medication and dropping it off at their door.

Remember, we are in this together and must support each other.

 Health risk due to social stigmatisation

When someone who tested positive for Covid-19 feels scared or threatened by their community or neighbourhood, they might hide their illness to avoid discrimination. This can result in them not seeking healthcare, which can lead to their condition deteriorating and eventually spreading the virus to others. Remember, it is a difficult time for the infected or affected people and they need compassion, love, and support.

Instead of stigmatising or discriminating, you can offer to help them.




Nadia Ferreira
Principal Communications Officer
Garden Route and Central Karoo Districts
Western Cape Government Health
Town Clinic,Plettenberg Bay
Tel: 044 5333846

Media Release: Update on the coronavirus by Premier Alan Winde

14 May 2020

As of 1pm on 14 May, the Western Cape has 4518 active cases of Covid-19, with a total of 7220 confirmed cases and 2573 recoveries.

Total confirmed COVID-19 cases 7220
Total recoveries 2573
Total deaths 129
Total active cases (currently infected patients) 4518
Total number of tests 77310
Hospital admissions 325 of which 120 are in ICU or high care

Sub Districts Cape Town Metro:

Sub-district Cases Recoveries
Western 857 420
Southern 673 267
Northern 489 160
Tygerberg 1193 358
Eastern 747 263
Klipfontein 865 260
Mitchells Plain 697 206
Khayelitsha 966 340
Total 6487  2274

Sub Districts Non-Metro:

District  Sub-district Cases Recoveries
Garden Route Bitou 5 5
Garden Route Knysna 17 15
Garden Route George 18 14
Garden Route Hessequa 9 5
Garden Route Mossel Bay 22 17
Garden Route Oudtshoorn 4 3
Cape Winelands Stellenbosch 45 20
Cape Winelands Drakenstein 67 18
Cape Winelands Breede Valley 43 26
Cape Winelands Langeberg 3 3
Cape Winelands Witzenberg 188 125
Overberg Overstrand 17 14
Overberg Cape Agulhas 2 0
Overberg Swellendam 7 0
Overberg Theewaterskloof 10 1
West Coast Bergrivier 18 1
West Coast Matzikama 1 0
West Coast Saldanha Bay Municipality 10 2
West Coast Swartland 24 5

Unallocated: 222

The Western Cape has recorded an additional 12 COVID-19 deaths-bringing the total number of deaths from the virus in the province to 129. We extend our condolences to their loved ones at this time.

We have started providing sub-district recoveries data in addition to the overall number of people who have recovered. This data is also available on the Western Cape Government data dashboard here. Most people who contract COVID-19 will recover and 90% will not need to be hospitalised for treatment.

One million meals:

The Western Cape Government activated an emergency feeding program for learners in the province during the week of 6-10 April, to ensure that those children who regularly received meals through the School Nutrition Programme, were still able to receive nutritious meals.

Emergency feeding has been a massive, collaborative effort by teachers, principals, departmental officials and volunteers and I would like to thank them for their work and their kindness. As a result, we have been able to serve 1.2 million take-away meals to children across the province, serving an average of 65 000 children each day for the two days per week of feeding.

I would also like to thank all of those businesses, individuals and farmers who have contributed towards the feeding of children. This truly shows what is possible when we all share the love.

Additional humanitarian relief:

The workstream dealing with the social and humanitarian response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Western Cape has been mapping the relief being made available. Over 134 000 food parcels and nearly 200 000 daily cooked meals have been provided across the province by provincial and national departments, municipalities, businesses, NGOs, faith-based organisations, SASSA, and the Solidarity Fund. In total, the Western Cape Government has allocated in excess of R70 million in food relief during this period, while municipalities have contributed more than R18 million.

Alert level 3:

The demand for food and relief reflects the massive need that exists for assistance as a result of the economic pressures residents of the Western Cape and South Africa have been under since the lockdown was first put into place. As President Cyril Ramaphosa indicated last night, the lockdown has had an impact on slowing the spread of the virus, allowing us time to prepare our healthcare systems.

It is for this reason that I indicated earlier today that the province will use the consultation process announced by the President last night, to indicate that the province should move to level 3.

The Western Cape Government has developed a detailed, data-driven hotspot plan which includes the efforts and expertise of all of our government departments, in conjunction with local governments, businesses and individuals. This plan is already showing results in Witzenberg where it was first introduced, and we are working closely with the City of Cape Town to place a similar, focused approach on the geographical hotspots in the metro.

Opening up the economy further must however be done with care and with careful planning. It is for this reason that we have developed clear protocols for businesses and specific industries aimed at reducing the risk of workplace infection.

Alert level 3 will also require a heightened sense of responsibility from individuals. This level still carries restrictions on social and workplace behaviour which must be observed. We will all still need to practice good hygiene practices like regular hand washing, coughing into a tissue or the crook of the arm, and physical distancing while wearing a clean, cloth mask.


We welcome the announcement by Minister Ebrahim Patel today that e-commerce sales have been re-opened. E-commerce allows many businesses, especially a number of small enterprises to continue to trade,in a way that reduces the risk of infection as contact is limited.

Media Release: A good decision to open e-commerce during Alert Level 4



Date: 14 May 2020

Release: immediately

A good decision to open e-commerce during Alert Level 4

We welcome the directions issued today (14 May 2020) by Minister of Trade and Industry, Ebrahim Patel, which, allows all goods, except good prohibited for sale, to be sold through e-commerce platforms across South Africa.

Not only is this decision good for business, but it is also good for consumers, who can now safely buy what they want, when they want it.

Since the announcement of national government’s Covid-19 Risk Adjusted Strategy, we have called for the expansion of the e-commerce sector as it is undeniably one of the safest ways for our economy to open during the Covid-19 crisis.

That is why I wrote to Minister Patel on Friday, 8 May 2020, to specifically motivate for this regulatory change.

The e-commerce sector provides an online platform for businesses, especially small businesses, to access and compete in markets where they would ordinarily not have been able to trade. Up to 30,000 small businesses make use of some of the larger e-commerce trading platforms to sell their products.

I will continue to engage with National government on behalf of other sectors of the economy which can open sooner under the various Alert levels in a safe and responsible way.

Opening up the e-commerce sector, is a significant step towards the opening of the economy, which will allow us to save businesses, save jobs and save the economy in the Western Cape.

Notes for media: 

Please find soundbyte from Minister David Maynier attached.

To view the statement online visit:

Note for business: For more info on health guidelines and Covid-19 resources for business visit:

Media Queries:

Francine Higham

Spokesperson for the Provincial Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities

(Responsible for the Provincial Treasury and the Department of Economic Development and Tourism)

Tel: 021 483 4327 / Cell: 071 087 5150 / Email:


14 May 2020

Visiting a portion of the Forest Village Housing project in Eerste River, Cape Town, today, it was pleasing to note that the contractor is adhering to all health and safety protocols as issued by the Western Cape Department of Human Settlements. This is to ensure we stop the spread of COVID-19.

Last week, after it was confirmed that “critical public works construction,” which includes public human settlements development projects, would be allowed to recommence on Alert level 4, my Department issued a directive to all contractors, as to what needs to be in place, prior to employees returning to site.

Not only is the site adhering to the Occupational Health and Safety Act (Act 85/1993) and all other regulations and legislation, but they’re also ensuring

  1. A safe and healthy working environment for all staff, contractors and sub-contractors to enable

– temperature reading;

– an induction video on how employees should conduct themselves on site;

– social distancing;

– the provision of sanitizers/hand wash facilities, PPE, symptoms screening on site;

– record-keeping and

– housekeeping and cleaning of workspace.

  1. Ensure that measures are in place to deal with employees who display symptoms.
  2. Ensure that transportation of employees adhere to the health and safety requirements.
  3. Ensure that measures are in place to address mental health and wellbeing of employees.

A checklist has been provided to assist the construction industry to adhere to the regulatory and legislative requirements.

I intend visiting other portions of the Forest Village development in due course, particularly since there are multiple contractors on site. I will also conduct oversight visits at other human settlement projects across the province. It is critical that all contractors adhere to the various regulations and protocols.

I’m also pleased that over 200 residents will benefit from this development before 7 June. This means that those who are so desperately in need of a housing opportunity and that’s patiently been waiting, will be afforded the opportunity to move into their brand-new homes.

As the Western Cape Government, we remain committed to accelerating human settlement delivery, while promoting social inclusion through the development of integrated, resilient, safe and sustainable human settlements in an open opportunity society.

Media Enquiries:

Marcellino Martin

Spokesperson for Minister Tertuis Simmers

021 483 3397 (o) / 082 721 3362 (m)


Nathan Adriaanse

Director Communication & Stakeholder Relations

Tell: 021 483 2868 / Mobile: 083 2631720 / Email:

Media Release: Free digital technology advisory support available for SMMEs



Date: 14 May 2020

Release: immediately

Free digital and technology advisory support available for SMMEs

Last week we called on the digital and technology industry in the Western Cape to volunteer for our Tech Volunteer programme which aims to match experts with businesses who need digital expertise, and today we’re calling on all small businesses who require those expertise to register their interest to receive support.

Our Tech Volunteer programme will match small businesses in distress with an industry expert and offer them 1-2-1 sessions of ‘free’ advisory practical tech and digital related support during Covid-19.

Our expert volunteers can advise businesses on a range of topics from setting up a web presence to understanding online inventory management, digital marketing and even advice on how to digitise operations.

It is important to emphasise that this is a voluntary initiative, and that support is being provided through the goodwill of the tech sector.

Each business owner will receive a free 2-hour session with one of the volunteer experts, following which any further support will need to be negotiated independently, and will fall outside of this initiative.

Interested businesses can apply via the JUMP for entrepreneurs’ app which is available and free to download on the App Store and Google Play (search: “jump for entrepreneurs”), or you go to

Create your profile, go to the ‘Opportunities’ tool to apply to be part of this initiative, and our team will be in touch.

If any digital and technology experts would like to volunteer, please submit your details on this form, and we’ll contact you to get started:

For more information on the Tech Volunteer programme please email or visit

Notes for media: To view the statement online visit:

Note for business: For more info on health guidelines and Covid-19 resources for business visit:

Media Queries:

Francine Higham

Spokesperson for the Provincial Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities

(Responsible for the Provincial Treasury and the Department of Economic Development and Tourism)

Tel: 021 483 4327 / Cell: 071 087 5150 / Email:

Media Release: Premier Alan Winde calls for entire province to move to Alert Level 3 in conjunction with targeted hotspot plan

14 May 2020

The Western Cape Government will use the process of consultation announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa to make clear our position that the entire province must move down to level 3 as soon as possible, preferably before the end of May 2020.

With our health care system prepared, it is simply no longer possible to maintain Level 4 restrictions anywhere in the Western Cape or South Africa. The economic crisis caused by these restrictions has resulted in a life-threatening humanitarian disaster that will only worsen in the months ahead.

The Western Cape has adopted a data-led, evidence-based approach to our Covid-19 response, with targeted All of Government interventions in hotspots. These hotspots are not whole provinces or even districts. They are geographical areas where people live, down to street-level.

This is the plan that we presented to the National Minister of Health, Dr Zweli Mkhize on Saturday, and which had already been adopted by our cabinet.

This All of Government approach uses the combined impact of our respective governments and enforcement agencies, with the single-minded goal to slow the spread and protect vulnerable groups of people who are at high risk.

We welcome that this targeted hotspot plan has now also been adopted by National Government, as revealed by the President tonight.

This focused effort of government, in partnership with the private sector and every person, will help us slow the spread and save lives, while still allowing more economic activity and protecting the livelihoods of especially our poor and vulnerable residents.

In conjunction with the determined enforcement of this hotspot plan, Alert Level 3 should be adopted for the entire Western Cape province.

Media Release: SASSA State of Readiness for COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress Grant Applications


09 May 2020

SASSA State of Readiness for COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress Grant Applications

Systems for the special COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress grant announced by President Ramaphosa recently have passed the final stage of development. The social development portfolio comprising the Department of Social Development (DSD), the National Development Agency (NDA) and SASSA is pleased to announce its readiness for implementation. Minister Zulu will launch the opening of the application process on Monday, 11 May 2020.

The criteria for application is set to be gazetted later today in order to enable implementation and allow the millions of deserving members of the public to access the grant. Minister Zulu will present a comprehensive report on the matter to the National Co-ordinating Council tomorrow, Sunday 10 May 2020. The WhatsApp and related electronic application options will go live on Monday and this will be demonstrated during a media launch to be addressed by Minister Zulu.

SASSA has been rightfully inundated with enquiries from the public about the process of application and the public must be thanked for its patience during these difficult times. SASSA had to ensure that it puts all the required controls in place to ensure that the grant is only accessed by deserving and qualifying individuals. There was also a need to ensure that these issues are contained in a legal document in the form of a Government Gazette. In the process of developing the required technology, a new number has been secured for applications and the Minister will detail how it will work.

A WhatsApp platform of the Health department was used in the initial test and 15 000 applications were loaded onto the system. All qualifying applications received during the test phase will be processed by 15 May 2020. Applicants without smart phones will also be able to access this new platform through a Short Message Service (SMS) using the Unstructured Supplementary Data Service (USSD). Volunteers and community development workers will be deployed to assist those who have no access to technology with applications. Manual applications will not be done at SASSA offices at all and there will be no need to fill in paper application forms.

The platform that will be used is going to be an electronic one due to the need to comply with the State of Disaster requirements of social distancing among others. Another consideration was the speed at which online applications can be taken and processed as opposed to using a manual system. The huge need out there demands that government acts with speed in order to address immediate challenges facing the country and its people.

Applicants are cautioned not to provide their banking details to anyone to avoid scams. SASSA will only request information once the application has been approved. All beneficiaries and applicants should never give their PIN number or the CVV number on the back of the banking card to anyone –not even SASSA. Once applications are approved, SASSA will request confirmation of bank accounts though a secure site – this will also be done electronically. Applicants have the right to request confirmation that a request is from SASSA in order to protect themselves. Payment will be effected through deposits made directly into an approved applicant’s bank account if they have one. Applicants without bank accounts can also apply and their payment will be effected through a money transfer.

SASSA reserves the right to validate the information provided by applicants with other public and private databases to prevent misrepresentation and potential fraud. Applicants will be required to agree with this condition for their applications to be processed.

The launch date coincides with the reopening of SASSA local offices on Monday. Only a third of employees will return to work and therefore SASSA services on offer will be limited. The numbers of clients served at local offices will be very limited, to ensure social distancing and general compliance with the law.  In order to do this, SASSA local offices will be attending to specific grants on specific days only:

  • Monday and Tuesday Grants for older persons (old age grants)
  • Wednesday and Thursday Child support grants and foster child grants
  • Friday Administration for staff to attend to matters that flow over from the previous days

Under lockdown level 4 no disability grants, care dependency grants or grant in aid applications will be done, as the accessto health facilities is restricted to emergency cases and COVID 19 cases only. This means that no medical assessments, which is a legislated requirement prior to an application for these grant types, can be undertaken.
Minister Zulu will also clarify how SASSA is going to deal with lapsed temporary disability grants. Lapsed care dependency grants will also be clarified in line with the Government Gazette which the Minister will simplify for the public.

Media enquiries: Paseka Letsatsi 082 883 9969

Media Release: Update on the coronavirus by Premier Alan Winde

13 May 2020 

As of 1pm on 13 May, the Western Cape has 4367 active cases of Covid-19, with a total of 6767 confirmed cases and 2283  recoveries.

Total confirmed COVID-19 cases 6767
Total recoveries 2283
Total deaths 117
Total active cases (currently infected patients) 4367
Total number of tests 73589

Sub Districts Cape Town Metro:

Sub-district Cases
Western 805
Southern 636
Northern 471
Tygerberg 1104
Eastern 718
Klipfontein 844
Mitchells Plain 649
Khayelitsha 927
Total 6154

Sub Districts Non-Metro:

District  Sub-district Cases
Garden Route Bitou 5
Garden Route Knysna 17
Garden Route George 17
Garden Route Hessequa 9
Garden Route Mossel Bay 21
Garden Route Oudtshoorn 3
Cape Winelands Stellenbosch 43
Cape Winelands Drakenstein 69
Cape Winelands Breede Valley 41
Cape Winelands Langeberg 4
Cape Winelands Witzenberg 182
Overberg Overstrand 17
Overberg Cape Agulhas 3
Overberg Swellendam 7
Overberg Theewaterskloof 10
West Coast Bergrivier 16
West Coast Matzikama 1
West Coast Saldanha Bay Municipality 10
West Coast Swartland 24

Unallocated: 114

The Western Cape has recorded an additional 7 COVID-19 deaths-bringing the total number of deaths from the virus in the province to 117 . We extend our condolences to the family and friends of those who have passed, at this time.

We were saddened to hear the news today of the passing of ENCA cameraman Lungile Tom. Lungile was a regular fixture at many Western Cape Government events and was well respected and liked by members of the Western Cape cabinet and the entire Western Cape communications team. We send our condolences to his family and to his colleagues today. He will be missed.

In line with COVID-19 protocols, ENCA contacted us this morning to alert us to the fact that Lungile had been the camera operator during last Thursday’s digicon event. These digicons have been held digitally with the express purpose of ensuring that physical distancing can occur. Only a few television journalists are invited to attend in order to broadcast these news announcements. We also have strict hygiene protocols in place, with touch points sanitised, and everyone who entered the room was temperature screened and wearing a mask on the day. For this reason and on advice from the specialists, most of the attendees have been deemed casual contacts and not close contacts. day.

In terms of good practice for workplaces, screenings will also be arranged for those Western Cape Government staff members who were in the room. Should any of them require testing, in terms of our established protocols, this will be arranged.

Because I had a one-on-one interview with Lungile after the press conference, being in close range for some time, I am deemed a close contact and will now self-quarantine. It has been nearly seven days since our contact, and I will therefore go into self-quarantine for another seven days. Members of the public should be reassured that I have not experienced any symptoms associated with COVID-19, but if I do, I will have a test performed straight away.

I will continue to work full steam ahead, from home. Because of our developed systems, I can continue to join all meetings, and will be overseeing our new hotspot targeted strategy.

It is imperative that we take the utmost care and lead by example in our approach to COVID-19.

Lastly I have also been in contact with the President to alert him to this situation as he was due to visit the province on Friday. The President has agreed to reschedule his visit given this development, and we thank him for his understanding.

I really want to thank ENCA for taking a proactive approach in handling this matter, even at a time when they were grieving the loss of their colleague. This is what every person and company should do in such an instance. This is how we slow the spread and “flatten the curve”.

In the coming weeks and months, we will see many more people becoming infected across the country and it is important that businesses respond appropriately when a staff member tests positive. The Western Cape Government has devised detailed protocols that indicate how to reduce the risk of infection in the workplace, as well as what steps to follow should an employee test positive. These can all be found


Anyone experiencing symptoms which include a fever, cough, shortness of breath or sore throat is advised to contact the Western Cape provincial hotline on 021 928 4102 for advice on what steps to follow.