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22 October 2020 Media Release: Premier Winde outlines the path to recovery for the Western Cape 

Media Release: Premier Winde outlines the path to recovery for the Western Cape 

22 October 2020 

The courage needed to get the job done and to keep us moving forward 

Today, I delivered a special address to the Western Cape Provincial Parliament in which I detailed the work the province has done in the fight against COVID-19 and chartered the way forward for the Western Cape’s recovery.

My speech detailed the brave and difficult choices the province has faced in addressing the catastrophic consequences of the pandemic and the country’s lockdown decisions, which have resulted in increased poverty, hunger and inequality both in South Africa and in the Western Cape.

The demands on this government have never been greater, and there will be significantly less money to do the job. This moment that now presents itself therefore requires brave decisions. Difficult decisions. It requires us to prioritise – to make a tough call on what we will continue to do and what we cannot.

I also announced the ‘north-stars’ that will guide us when making these brave decisions.

We will focus courageously and single-mindedly on creating jobs, making the province safer and promoting dignity and wellbeing for all our residents.

Because when you have a job, when you feel safe, and when you are treated with dignity, you create well-being and hope. They are all inter-linked, without one you cannot achieve the other.

Together, they are our recipe for real change. They are our ingredients for hope.

Jobs and the economy: 

– The province recognizes that it is the private sector, and not the state, that drives economic growth and job creation.

– We plan to create 20 000 jobs through rapid interventions including finalizing 26 private sector investments currently in the pipeline, the promotion of exports, the removal of red tape in all departments, the fast-tracking existing infrastructure builds which are in the implementation phase, and the scaling up of public sector work programmes for the unemployed to encourage private sector led growth.

-The Western Cape will start the technical process to form a dedicated infrastructure agency, that can transact and hold assets, as well as borrow money, as a 3D entity under the PFMA in order to deliver job-creating infrastructure projects.

– We have taken a decision to explore – for the first time in the history of this province – the possibility of borrowing money from financial institutions to specifically invest in infrastructure that will enhance economic growth and job creation. This decision will not be taken lightly, and all due diligence will be followed. Given our excellent track record in government, and consistent clean audit results, we have demonstrated that we can do so successfully.

-In order to focus spend on infrastructure projects which will have the most impact on job creation, we will prioritise government spending by freezing non-critical posts in the Western Cape Government. The Western Cape Government has also written to the President, and the minister of Public Service and Administration to have a say in wage negotiations which impact the provincial wage bill.

-The Western Cape needs a single Transport Authority for the Greater Cape Town region in order to address mobility challenges, and ensure jobs, dignity and safety of people in vulnerable communities. We will now begin the process of engaging with partners in other spheres of government so that this can be done.

-I also announced the roll-out of a Blue Dot Service, in partnership with the taxi industry which will improve safety and customer service by incentivizing owners and drivers to deliver a better service, which will be tracked using technology. This will support jobs in the industry and provide a safe, reliable and affordable public transport system to help fill the gap created by failing railway systems.

-We have allocated R27 million in initial relief to small businesses and the informal sector who have been hardest hit and we will continue with small business support programmes over the medium term.

-We will support municipalities in leveraging the recent directives from the National Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy that they can now develop their own power generation projects and also secure power from Independent Power Producers.  This government’s focus on the new, green economy perfectly positions us to take advantage of these developments.

-We will boost economic and consumer confidence through local and international promotion.

-We will continue to lobby the National Government to allow all international visitors with a negative PCR Covid-19 test to visit our province, so that tourism can safely boom again and these jobs can come back.


There is a war raging in our communities, especially against our women and children and we must win this war in order to build a better future for our people.

Safety requires both urgent and medium-term interventions. Our Safety Plan remains a priority despite the financial pressures we face.

-Despite budget cuts, we will not roll-back on our boots-on-the-ground commitment.

-The 500 LEAP officers already launched will continue to be deployed to hotspot crime areas based on evidence and data, and we will stick with our plans to deploy an additional 500 officers thereafter.

-We will also not walk-back on our commitment that we will halve the provincial murder rate in the Western Cape in a decade.

-In addition to the boots on the ground, violence prevention programmes will be put in place to foster nurturing relationships between children and caregivers and ensure education and life skills.

-We will confront the Western Cape’s dangerous relationship with alcohol through smart interventions. We will therefore be making a number of amendments to the Western Cape Liquor Act.

– As part of these amendments, “per-unit-of-alcohol” pricing, which makes it more expensive to buy alcoholic beverages with a higher alcohol percentage, is being seriously considered because evidence suggests it can be effective in preventing binge drinking.

-We will also consider stricter times for the sale of alcohol, even after the expiry of the national state of the disaster regulations.

-In the short term, we will train and place 120 peace-officers at 6 municipalities across the province.

– As part of our medium-term response, we will recruit an additional 1000 young people to be deployed as safety ambassadors in public spaces.

-We have established a rural safety desk in our government to address concerns of rural communities, and we have already started with recruitment.

-We will upscale our Gender-Based Violence services, through 6 new shelters, and start work on a dedicated GBV strategy for the Western Cape.  We have the funding and the service providers ready to go just as soon as Public Works Minister Patricia de Lille signs the MOU for the properties.

– We are strengthening our after-hours response teams by advertising 30 additional GBV social worker posts. This will ensure we have the right support available to GBV victims late at night and on the weekends, when help is needed the most.

Dignity and well-being: 

– Dignity and well-being have to be consistently realized throughout someone’s life. From the moment we are born to the moment we die, every life matters. Dignity is about a solid foundation in the early years, from pregnancy, through to education, creating opportunities for skills, work and to earn and income. Dignity is also about being respected when you are old and cared for when you are sick.

-We will protect key education services in this tight fiscal environment

-We have rolled out the #CommitToFinish campaign aimed at ensuring that matric learners finish their schooling.

-The humanitarian response will continue to focus on providing food relief in conjunction with our civil society and NGO partners.

-The Department of Social Development will be allocating additional funding to food relief by community kitchens.

– The Department of Economic Development and Tourism has developed a voucher system so that community kitchens can purchase what they need from local businesses and spaza shops.

-We will develop a comprehensive surveillance system, including a stunting baseline survey that will assist us with the evidence we need to intervene with nutrition programmes in the future.

-We will continue with our food garden programme, by launching thousands more gardens in communities across the Western Cape.

-A key priority is to ensure that residents can access comprehensive health services at all our facilities. We must ensure that residents immunize their children and receive treatment for other illnesses.

-We will be using the systems and lessons we learned with Covid, to address TB which is a major cause of death in the Western Cape each year. We will therefore implement a 90/90/90 strategy to find identify 90% of all TB cases, and place them on treatment, find 90% of TB cases in vulnerable populations such as those living with HIV and to successfully treat 90% of all those diagnosed with drug-sensitive TB.

– Our vision is that every person can access early childhood development if they so decide. It is therefore an important priority going forward.

-ECDs provide safe spaces for children and jobs for a number of people, particularly women. So far, 2616 of our ECDs have re-opened, 1423 are ready to re-open and 1255 need more help to become compliant to open safely.

-We will increase assistance by providing more PPE and hygiene materials to those who still need it so that many more can reopen as soon as possible.

-We will also be convening a special consultative forum with key stakeholders doing amazing work in this space, to plot a common way forward to ensure that ECDs are treated like a critical service, and their work can be expanded to reach many more children.

– We will continue to provide support to homeless residents, by scaling-up shelter space and related services for the homeless in areas where it is needed most and we will focus on the reintegration of homeless adults, so that they can have access to the families and support systems that they need to have dignity.

-The province will take its commitment to inclusionary housing even further by finalizing and completing our inclusionary housing policy by the end of the financial year. This policy will guide municipalities across the province.

National Government budget priorities: 

We have committed to all this at a time when the Western Cape Government’s budgets over the medium term are likely to be cut by the same amount or more than is going to be funneled into the black hole which is SAA. Over R10 billion is going to be taken out of the mouths of the poor to pay for our failed state airline.

We don’t need SAA, when there are so many airlines who fly cheaper and better, but we do need life-changing and life-saving services like education and healthcare.

Next steps: 

We have completed the first Provincial Government Medium Term Expenditure Committee engagements, which are critical discussions with the 13 departments and 9 public entities which share our funding.

Provincial Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities, David Maynier, will next month table the Western Cape’s Medium Term Budget Policy Statement will include adjustments to the budget, especially in light of the necessary Covid-19 expenditure we have incurred and the projected cuts we are expecting to see.

The State of the Province Address that I will deliver to you and the people next year, and the main budget which follows soon thereafter, will then be a key opportunity to lift the sails and to move our government in this new, brave direction.

I have already changed the reporting structure of the extended cabinet to include these new priorities, so I can make sure we land them in our government. This extended cabinet also links up to all district municipalities and the City of Cape Town so we work together to get the job done.

We now eagerly await the Minister of Finance, Tito Mboweni’s delayed MTBPS, which was meant to take place yesterday. This will provide us the much-needed clarity on just how severe the expected budget cuts are going to be.

The trade-offs: 

The priorities I outlined today will require trade-offs. It will mean that programmes and projects that did make a difference, may not be continued. It will be a trying time for us all. We need strong leadership and the commitment, courage and buy-in of all of our residents, and partners.

We are pursuing new ideas, and a different way of working, in order to make a big impact in a very difficult environment.  This will not be easy, and there is a possibility that not all these plans will land.

Being courageous does not mean that mistakes are never made. Rather, being courageous, for me, is the ability to learn from experience, and to try and try again, to make that positive difference. It’s a commitment I make to our residents every single morning of my life.



7 October 2020

Assisting the most vulnerable in our society, particularly for low-income applicants who want to buy a residential property for the first time, is a primary priority for the Western Cape Department of Human Settlements. It is for this reason that we have three categories of housing subsidies available – we recognise that different people will qualify for different subsidies, as their needs are not all the same.

These categories are the Non-credit linked, credit linked and Finance Linked Individual Subsidy (FLISP). Each category is unique, caters for a specific group and one of the biggest benefits is that the subsidy isn’t a loan and you don’t have to pay it back.

In the case of the Non-credit linked subsidy, this is available to persons earning R0-R3 500 per month to buy an existing house or plot that must be linked to the construction of a house. In this instance, the person qualifies for a subsidy of R168 852.00 and the difference in the selling price if any is financed from another source.

The normal qualifying criteria applies with the additional Western Cape requirement that persons applying must be on the Housing Demand Database (HDD) for a period of 10years in the Metro and 5 years for non-Metro areas. It is critical to note that priority will be given to those who are older than 40 years, persons with disabilities, those on the HDD for 15 years and longer, along with backyard dwellers. Property owners whom have also acquired an erf without State assistance may also apply if they conform to the other criteria.

When it comes to the credit linked subsidy, there must be a loan from a recognised financial institution. As an example, this means if a person is planning to buy a house for R200 000, they will qualify for a subsidy of R 168 852.00 and the balance must be financed via a bank.

Finally, the Finance Linked Individual Subsidy (FLISP), is another form of the Credit linked Subsidy, but the income category is R3 501-R22 000.00. This programme similarly to the credit linked does not have the HDD requirement as the non-credit linked has.

The requirement of the programme is that an applicant must obtain a Mortgage loan in order to qualify to purchase an existing house or a plot linked to a building contract.

Further to this, the programme makes provision for those earning between R3 501 and R7 000 to be assisted with a free serviced site as their once off assistance. This means they cannot apply for any subsidy after being assisted in this manner.

FLISP is proving to be quite popular, as during the 2019/20 financial year, the Department received 2 340 applications, with 1 843 being approved.

Anyone with queries can contact our helpdesk on 021 483 6488 /3112 /0611 /8984 /0623 or e-mail my office on

These subsidies offer an array of opportunities to those who might require State assistance. As the Western Cape Government, we’d like to encourage you to use these opportunities, as it can assist to dramatically improve your life. As we’re a caring government, it is critical for our citizens to know that we are here to work with you to achieve this dream of acquiring your own home.

Media Enquiries:

Marcellino Martin

Spokesperson for Minister Tertuis Simmers

021 483 3397 (o)

082 721 3362 (m)


Nathan Adriaanse

Director Communication & Stakeholder Relations

Tell: 021 483 2868

Mobile: 083 2631720


06 October 2020 Media Release: “We Are Open” international tourism campaign kicks off”



Date: 06 October 2020

Release: immediately

“We Are Open” international tourism campaign kicks off

Today we are excited to announce the first phase of our international tourism campaign to encourage German business and leisure travellers to “Soweit weg fuhlen” (“get that faraway feeling”) by booking their next trip to Cape Town and the Western Cape. [WATCH VIDEO]

With the welcoming of our first international travellers back on the 01 October, it is important that Cape Town and the Western Cape is front-of-mind for visitors planning their next trip, especially as we seek to rebuild our tourism sector and our economy in the Western Cape.

As one of our only key source markets for leisure travel that can now visit South Africa under the risk-based approach regulating international travel, German travellers can once again take advantage of the Western Cape’s warm culture, pristine weather and abundance of natural assets.

It’s no secret that the German market have been in a long-distance relationship with the Western Cape for quite some time with well over 129 000 tourists from Germany visiting the Western Cape in 2019.

Our “We Are Open” campaign, which was launched at the end of August and which was initially targeted at domestic tourists, was designed to be adaptive for the uncertain environment that we are currently operating in as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The campaign is now being expanded for our international visitors, starting with a first phase targeted at the German market and which will be followed by other markets in later phases.

Primarily a digitally-led campaign, the creative elements for our international campaign will highlight popular outdoor activities relevant to the target market and show them in the context of the unique wide-open spaces we have to offer in the Western Cape, and which are sought after in the Covid-19 world.  The campaign will also include in-market events led by Minister David Maynier and a small delegation from Wesgro.

We have worked hard to ensure that Cape Town and the Western Cape is safe for travellers and ready to welcome international visitors for our summer season. Following months of being confined in homes and restricted from travelling, the Western Cape offers weary travellers the ultimate cure from 2020’s cabin fever. Especially now – as more and more holiday-makers shy away from over-tourism, maddening crowds and congested subways and trams, there’s never been a better destination to enjoy.

With 33 blue-flag beaches to bask on, over 22 protected nature reserves, thousands of kilometres of hiking trails and over 400,000 square kilometres of semi-desert – the Western Cape is ready to welcome back visitors safely. Boasting 20 wine routes, sprawled over 5 regions and over 92 067 hectares, or, if you’re longing for a beer, you’ll be pleased to find that the Western Cape has become a mecca for craft beverages too.

David Maynier, Western Cape Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities said: “Cape Town and the Western Cape is open! With our unique wildlife, rich cultures steeped in heritage, and world-class cuisine, re-ignite your passion for discovery in our six breath-taking regions. Come visit us and experience the world within one province. We can’t wait to welcome back visitors from near and far!”

“We are ready to welcome the world back safely and responsibly! Europe has and always will be an important market for us as they are familiar with our world-class local tourism products and well-priced with our favourable exchange rate. We look forward to welcoming back the German market which we believe will have a positive economic impact on our local tourism sector,” concluded Wesgro CEO, Tim Harris.

Notes for media: 

Please find soundbyte from Minister Maynier attached
See video message on Twitter:
To read the statement online visit:

Media Queries:

Francine Higham

Spokesperson for the Provincial Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities

(Responsible for the Provincial Treasury and the Department of Economic Development and Tourism)

Tel: 021 483 4327

Cell: 071 087 5150


MEDIA ALERT: Power Town residents and Sonskynvallei Backyard Dwellers in Mossel Bay To Become Homeowners

01 October 2020


 Power Town residents and Sonskynvallei Backyard Dwellers in Mossel Bay To Become Homeowners

Tomorrow, 02 October 2020, Minister Tertuis Simmers will hand over the first 5 completed houses of the Sonskynvallei Integrated Residential Development Programme (IRDP) phase 3 housing project in Mossel Bay. Sixty-seven (67) year old Mr Piet Kammies will be one of the 5 beneficiaries that will receive their new homes.

The Sonskynvallei housing project phase 3 consists of 96 Breaking New Ground (BNG) houses and 616 serviced sites with the budget of R 35 400 540.00. Phase 1 consists of upgrading of existing 210 houses and phase 2 consists of 152 houses. A total of 105 beneficiaries from Power Town and 47 beneficiaries from Sonskynvallei backyard dwellers have already been relocated to the 152 houses of phase 2.

Phase 3 of this project is expected to be completed by November 2020. It will accommodate beneficiaries from Power Town which is situated in an area of flood plain and the Sonskynvallei backyard dwellers who have been waiting for a long time for a housing opportunity with the Mossel Bay Municipality.

All media is invited

Details are as follow:

Date: Friday, 02 October 2020

Venue: Sonskynvallei Community Hall, Mossel Bay

Time: 10h00 – 11h30

For media enquiries contact:

Mr Marcellino Martin

Spokesperson for Minister Tertuis Simmers

Tel: 021 483 3397

Cell: 082 721 3362

Mr Nathan Adriaanse

Director: Communication and Stakeholder Relations

Tel: 021 483 2868

Cell: 083 263 1720

01 October 2020 Media Release: International travel restrictions: A different approach needed to save tourism



Date: 01 October 2020

Release: immediately

International travel restrictions: A different approach needed to save tourism

The risk-based approach regulating international travel released by national government yesterday (30 September 2020) is a major blow for the tourism and hospitality sector in the Western Cape.

The tourism and hospitality sector’s survival is dependent on international leisure travellers in the summer season and for this reason it is critical that we look at smart ways to open our international borders, especially for our key source markets, so that we can save jobs and save the economy in the Western Cape.

And so, we will be engaging with national government and preparing a further submission proposing an alternative to the risk-based approach for international travel.

We believe firmly that the safety precautions of a 72 hours PCR test and screening protocols should be applied across the board, regardless of purpose of travel and country of origin.

In fact, this approach is already adopted by national government with business travellers and so it makes little sense to exclude leisure travellers in this way.

Indeed, it is unfair to restrict leisure travellers from high-risk countries as there is simply no greater risk of transmission based on the purpose of travel.

South Africa’s airlines, hospitality and tourism companies have shown that travel and tourism can resume safely and, with stringent health and safety systems in place, it should not be necessary to impose additional country-based travel restrictions.

We are also concerned that the two-week review period of the leisure “no-travel list”, together with the requirement that business travellers from high-risk countries email the Department of Home Affairs for permission to travel, will create a barrier to bookings from visitors in traditional key source markets during the critical summer season. It also does not allow for enough lead time on which airlines can base their decisions to fly, creating further uncertainty for a sector that has already been hard-hit.

We have worked hard to ensure that Cape Town and the Western Cape is safe for travellers and ready to welcome international visitors, because our leisure travellers from key source markets such as the United Kingdom, United States, Netherlands and France make the most of our favourable exchange rate and have a high spending potential which positively impacts our local economy.

We have held many engagements with the tourism industry on implementing health and safety guidelines, launched a workplace safety campaign across radio and digital platforms, our healthcare system has consistently proved it can adequately respond to the Covid-19 pandemic and we are confident in the measures have been put in place for adequate screening at Cape Town International Airport. For our efforts, we have been awarded the WTTC Safety Stamp in the Western Cape.

We are open and we are ready to safely welcome travellers from around the world to experience our world-class and affordable experiences in Cape Town and the Western Cape.

Notes for media: 

Please find soundbyte from Minister Maynier attached
To read the statement online visit:

Media Queries:

Francine Higham

Spokesperson for the Provincial Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities

(Responsible for the Provincial Treasury and the Department of Economic Development and Tourism)

Tel: 021 483 4327

Cell: 071 087 5150


30 September 2020 Media Alert: Western Cape Government to hold a digital press conference

Media Alert: Western Cape Government to hold a digital press conference

30 September 2020

Tomorrow, Premier Alan Winde will hold a digital press conference to outline the Western Cape Government’s humanitarian response throughout COVID-19, and the focus on dignity in the province’s recovery.

Premier Winde will be joined by Minister of Social Development, Sharna Fernandez and Minister of Agriculture, Ivan Meyer.

Dr Keith Cloete will also provide an update on the health platform.

Date:  1 October 2020

Time:  12 pm

Digital platform: Microsoft Teams

 Please confirm your attendance by 9 am tomorrow and provide your name, surname, the name of your publication and your email address to be added to Microsoft Teams.  We will provide you with a meeting invite to the briefing, upon your confirmation. Only those who have confirmed attendance will be admitted.

22 September 2020 Media Release: R27 million relief fund launched to help small businesses hard-hit by Covid-19



Date: 22 September 2020

Release: immediately

R27 million relief fund launched to help small businesses hard-hit by Covid-19

We are pleased to launch the Western Cape Covid-19 Business Relief Fund which commits R27 million to supporting small businesses in both the formal and informal sectors who have been hard-hit by Covid-19 restrictions.

We know that times have been tough for businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic, and that is why, from the start we have been working hard to support businesses, especially small businesses, to open safely and responsibly, so we can save jobs and save the economy in the Western Cape.

The fund will provide financial assistance in the form of a financial grant to businesses who can apply to either the formal or informal business category. The grant will be used exclusively to subsidise business expenses such as fixed costs, operational costs, supplier debt and other pressure cost items.

The Western Cape Covid-19 Business Relief Fund is one of the many ways that we have worked hard to support small businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Yesterday (21 September 2020), we also announced the launch of our Covid-19 workplace safety campaign which aims to remind businesses about the importance of implementing health and safety guidelines in the workplace, and encourages them to make use of the many tools and resources we have on our website to help them implement these safety measures in the workplace.

With the move to Alert Level 1 which allows more businesses to safely open, this fund is an important step in our economic recovery plan to help businesses to rebuild and save jobs in the Western Cape. And so, I would like to encourage all interested small businesses to apply. We look forward to receiving your submissions.

For more information on the Western Cape Covid-19 Business Relief Fund please visit

The closing date for submissions is Monday, 12 October 2020 at 10:00.

Notes for media:
Please find soundbyte from Minister David Maynier.

To read the statement online visit:

Media Queries:

Francine Higham

Spokesperson for the Provincial Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities

(Responsible for the Provincial Treasury and the Department of Economic Development and Tourism)

Tel: 021 483 4327 / Cell: 071 087 5150 / Email:

21 September 2020 Media Release: Alert Level 1 – Campaign launched to support businesses to open safely



Date: 21 September 2020

Release: immediately

Alert Level 1 – Campaign launched to support businesses to open safely

We welcome the move to Alert Level 1 from today, 21 September 2020, as this further relaxation of restrictions and opening of the economy is exactly what we need to save jobs and the economy in the Western Cape.

After months of having to close because of Covid-19, businesses across the Western Cape are opening up, stocking up and welcoming back staff and customers.

But, to make sure we keep our economy growing, business owners need to continue doing everything they can to keep their customers, staff and communities safe, and consumers need to act responsibly as they get out and support the economy.

And so, we launched our workplace safety campaign last week, which will be run on radio, social media and search platforms in multiple languages to reach business owners across the Western Cape. The aim of the campaign is to remind businesses about the importance of implementing health and safety guidelines in the workplace, and encourage them to make use of the many tools and resources we have on our website to help them implement these safety measures in the workplace. [LISTEN TO THE ADVERTS]

You can find out more about our tools and resources for workplace safety here:

Our estimates are that 162,000 jobs would be lost in the Western Cape as a result of the Covid-19 restrictions, and while we have worked hard to support businesses and reduce the impact on jobs and the economy and the Western Cape, there is still much work to be done.

Our economy cannot afford to go back to more severe levels of restrictions in the Western Cape, and so it is critically important that everyone continue to adhere to the health and safety guidelines to stop the spread of Covid-19 – wear a mask, wash your hands and social distance.

We also all have a role to play in rebuilding our economy in the Western Cape.

We know times are tough, but if you can, please go out and support our businesses in the Western Cape, particularly those in the tourism and hospitality sector.

With the upcoming Heritage Day public holiday and the long weekend, I encourage everyone to take advantage of the many specials offers and free experiences available to all and which provide everyone with the opportunity to explore the best that we have to offer in the Western Cape.

And if you are out and about discovering the Western Cape, please take a photo at your favourite local attraction, restaurant, museum or outdoor activity and post it on social media with the hashtag “WeAreOpen”.

Notes for media:
Please find soundbyte from Minister David Maynier attached

To read the statement online visit:

Media Queries:

Francine Higham

Spokesperson for the Provincial Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities

(Responsible for the Provincial Treasury and the Department of Economic Development and Tourism)

Tel: 021 483 4327 / Cell: 071 087 5150



15 September 2020 Media Release: Western Cape to call on President Ramaphosa to open up international travel, lift curfew and save jobs

Media Release: Western Cape to call on President Ramaphosa to open up international travel, lift curfew and save jobs

15 September 2020

This morning, I am attending the President’s Coordinating Council meeting where President Cyril Ramaphosa will be discussing the next phase of lockdown with Ministers and the Premiers of all the provinces.

During that meeting, I will motivate for the further opening of business and economic activity on the grounds that the citizens of this province have proven that they are able to take individual responsibility by changing our behaviour.

The Western Cape Government is also well prepared for COVID-19 and has shown that we are able to track and manage this virus, and we continue to flatten the curve. Our province-wide hotspot management also continues.

I will therefore be requesting, on behalf of the citizens of the Western Cape, that:

  • We lift the curfew.
  • A date, in October, for the opening of international travel is declared so that bookings can be made by international travelers who want to come to our country.
  • We save jobs and business by allowing more economic activity such as events and sporting events.

Our focus right now must be on saving jobs and avoiding a humanitarian crisis. We must do this now and we must do it safely to move forward.

Broadcasters: Please see video attached.

10 September 2020 Statement by Premier Alan Winde: Western Cape cabinet to meet on formal position for further reopening of the economy; calls on residents to stay safe, move forward.

Statement by Premier Alan Winde: Western Cape cabinet to meet on formal position for further reopening of the economy; calls on residents to stay safe, move forward.

10 September 2020 

“It’s time to move forward”

This week, we received confirmation of what was already being felt by families and communities across our province and country: that we are facing a serious economic disaster that will result in hunger and growing levels of inequality in South Africa.

If the daily Covid-19 stats were a marker of how we were doing in our fight against this health pandemic, then the GDP stats released this week, which showed a significant decline in economic activity, should be the clearest indication that we are now in the midst of a dangerous and, yes, deadly second pandemic of joblessness that will hit our most vulnerable communities the hardest.

I agree with President Ramaphosa’s comments yesterday: this was not a shock, but the result of a prolonged and severe Lockdown and its associated economic restrictions – which at times lacked common sense. The reality is that if people cannot work, sell their goods, or offer their services, the economy cannot grow, and jobs will be lost.

As I have said before, we supported the initial hard lockdown as a necessary step to buy South Africa time to prepare our health-system for the peak of infections that were to come. We did this in the Western Cape. We built field hospitals in record time, ensured that we had enough PPE and other medical stock like oxygen for our peak, and we launched a comprehensive, province-wide hotspot strategy to intervene and ensure behaviour change that would flatten the curve.

But we also at the same time argued – even when facing serious opposition – that we should allow businesses to operate safely as well. We called for Level 3, when some wanted us to go to Level 5. We lobbied for the tourism, construction, e-commerce and wine sectors to open. We said that we can save lives now through interventions like our hotspot strategy, but we can do this in a way that allows economic activity and saves lives in the future too.

It is also why we have now geared up our government to fight this second pandemic with equal determination. We have convened two Bosberaad sessions and identified the pillars of our recovery plan, which will focus on our government priorities of jobs, safety and dignity for the people of the Western Cape.

But our success will be limited for as long as we continue with restrictions on economic activity. They need to come to an end.

We must open up all sectors of the economy and allow for international travel in line with clear health guidelines and in acknowledgment of individual responsibility. We must treat our residents as responsible partners in our continued efforts to keep Covid-19 on the decline.

Tomorrow, the Western Cape Government cabinet will discuss the further opening of the economy and adopt an official position to present to President Ramaphosa during his next round of consultations.

“Stay Safe. Move Forward” 

All indicators confirm that the Western Cape has moved into the recovery phase of its pandemic. We need to ensure that we keep up all the behaviour changes we have learnt over the last 5 months. We must continue to wear a clean cloth mask, keep a 1.5 metre distance from others, wash our hands, and clean surfaces around us regularly. If we do this, we can keep ourselves and our loved ones safe.

But we need to do something further at the same time: we need to move forward. We need to get out of our homes and support businesses so that we get our economy growing again.  We need to make sure we get the medical treatment we need for non-COVID health conditions which we have been delaying. We must make sure that our kids are immunised, and that they go to school to get the knowledge they need to succeed in life. We need to get back to work, to school and to our lives – and we need to do it safely.

This has never been a zero-sum game. We don’t have to pick-and-choose between being safe and moving forward. We can do both, and we can get onto the right track again. Our message to the people of the Western Cape is to help us now like you did so enthusiastically before so that together, we can move forward.