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Roads Services

12 April 2022 Media Release: Saasveld road construction is nearing completion

Media Release: Saasveld road construction is nearing completion

For immediate release
12 April 2022

Good progress is being made on repairs of Madiba Drive, also known as Saasveld road. Months of earth-and foundation work have been done by the Garden Route District Municipality’s (GRDM) Roads Services.  Ten Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP)  contract workers are appointed to assist with the project. The work is performed using in-house resources, personnel, and EPWP contract workers. The Saasveld road has been inaccessible since November’s flash flood last year.

Earlier this year, the old Armco structure under the road was removed, and the work area was accessed. Approximately 600 m3 of material had to be excavated to reach the bottom of the pipe and to lay the 200 mm diameter pipe (bypass pipe) in order to prevent the trench from flooding.

On Tuesday, 1 March 2022, a further 600 mm was excavated due to the wetness of the in-situ material. The GRDM Construction Team had sourced more materials to strengthen the bedding before they could lay off the 1.8 m concrete pipe.

Four to five layers of bedding were constructed; the first was rock-filled, the second was gravel material mixed with cement, and the third, the laying of the pipes.


Pipe laying commenced on 4 April 2022.  Mr John G Daniels, Executive Manager of the GRDM Roads Services and the Portfolio Chairperson of Roads and Transport Services, Alderman Petru Terblanche, were on-site to witness the laying of the first pipe.  The anticipated date to finish laying all the pipes is 14 April 2022.  Upon completion, in-situ material mixed with cement will be used as a cradle to support the pipes and bulk backfilling to 300 mm below road level will commence.  Three layers will then be constructed; 150 mm of sub-base, 150 mm of base course and the surface layer.

According to Mr Lungisa Qendu, Senior Engineering Technician on the construction site, they have already laid six units.  “The in-situ material has been taken to the laboratory for testing, and other materials are currently in the procurement process,” said Qendu.

Mr Qendu further explained that the team’s aim and priority are to lay all pipes, backfill, and open the road as soon as possible.  Activities like headwalls and gabions will not affect road users as these are outside the roadway.

The road closure has caused inconvenience to regular users of the road who has to make use of alternative routes. We thank them for their patience and assure them that we are doing everything possible to have the route reopened as soon as possible.

Click on the link below for a short video of on-site operations.


25 March 2022 GRDM and Hessequa Executive Mayors with delegation praise Roads team with progress of Roads Project in Jongensfontein

GRDM and Hessequa Executive Mayors with GRDM delegation praise Roads team for progress of Roads Project in Jongensfontein

For immediate release
25 March 2022

Wednesday, 16 March 2022, is a day to remember for the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Roads workers who have been working tirelessly to complete the Jongensfontein roads project.  The team was surprised with a visit from the GRDM Executive Mayor, Ald. Memory Booysen, the Mayoral Committee Members,  Acting Municipal Manager, Mr Lusanda Menze, and officials. Soon after their arrival, the delegation was also joined by Executive Mayor of Hessequa  Municipality, Cllr Grant Riddles.

The purpose of the visit was for the delegation to view the progress of the project and to extend warm words of gratitude to the team members that are actively busy repairing the road that was swept away by floods late last year. The road which is now in its final stage (99%) of completion plays a critical role, especially for the Tourism Sector in the Hessequa area and the Garden Route.

GRDM Executive Mayor, Ald. Memory Booysen, addressing the delegation and GRDM Roads team at the Jongensfontein road construction site.

In his welcoming address at the site, Cllr. Riddles, shared words of appreciation with Mayor Booysen and said: “I am thankful to you Mayor Booysen, and the GRDM Roads team for your favourable response in ensuring that the road gets repaired”. With these words he added: “With the situation currently experienced in our country, it is incredible to see that a district municipality handles the needs of the local municipality as a priority – we thank you for your commitment,” he said.

The Roads project in Jongensfontein (Hessequa) that is now in its final stage (99%) of completion.

Ald. Petru Terblanche, GRDM Portfolio Chairperson responsible for Roads and Transport Planning, described the area and the view to the beach as a breath-taking experience when he gave an overview of the project. He said: “About six (6) weeks ago I was shocked to see the huge landslip halfway filled up, and now to see the progress made so far, I am thankful to the engineers and road workers for their splendid work”.  Adding to this he said: “The R7 million invested in this project was for the purpose to prevent this incident from occurring in the future again so that our grandchildren one day will be able to see the superb work performed by their grandparents”.

When sharing the methodology/recipe for a project of this nature, Japie Strydom, GRDM Manager of Maintenance, Construction and Mechanical Services, explained that skilled people, a good design office and material are needed. He said: “We have the skilled people, a good design office; however, we still have a challenge with the material”. In explaining his statement, he said: “We need all the relevant stakeholders to come together and have discussions as to how we can prevent the high costs incurred for these projects”.

GRDM Acting Municipal Manager, Lusanda Menze, expressed a word of gratitude to all stakeholders and staff for their contribution to the project. When referring to the aspect of skills development, he said: “Unemployed workers that were appointed on the project, will now be able to do work for themselves elsewhere with the skills transferred to them. For these reasons, the project is doing very well,” he said.

GRDM Executive Mayor mentioned the importance of the cooperation between district and local municipalities for the benefit of the people and he highlighted: “Behind the scenes, I always bring up the idea that municipalities can work together – and this project is a clear indication that municipalities are able to work together”. To the Roads Department under the leadership of John Daniels, who facilitated the programme, he said:  “I am always happy with the work you perform and we will do whatever we can for the Garden Route to remain tops”.  In closing, Mayor Booysen referred to how Mayor Riddles always react to the roll-out of projects in the Hessequa area and he said: “One of the most important aspects Mayor Riddles is always interested in is how many jobs the project can create for the residents of Hessequa. Lastly, he said: “I am impressed with the work performed thus far – let us all keep up the good work, and let us continue with it”.

In closing, Executive Deputy Mayor, Adv. Gert van Niekerk, extended words of appreciation to all involved and specifically to the road team he shared his sentiments relating to the art of road construction projects. He referred to a few detailed aspects of a successful project and with this, he motivated the team as follows: “Nothing is more encouraging for road workers to see how others appreciate their work.  What you have built is a permanent structure – this is not something that can be taken away. Every single aspect is an artwork and every single part of the project will contribute to its overall success. In essence, this project reflects the skills that we have in our area, and we thank you that you have given us enough reason to be proud of”.

Feature Image: GRDM Executive Mayor, Ald. Memory Booysen (3rd left) and Hessequa Exexutive Mayor, Cllr Grant Riddles (left), with Executive Manager for Roads and Transport Planning, John Daniels (back middle) with the Roads team during the visit to the Jongensfontein Roads project site.


15 March 2022 Media Release: Growth And Development Of The Agricultural Sector In The Garden Route

Media Release: Growth And Development Of The Agricultural Sector In The Garden Route

15 March 2022
For immediate release

Clyde Lamberts from the Western Cape Department of Agriculture was invited to speak at the first Garden Route Skills Mecca (GRSM) Forum of 2022 and his focus was on the growth and development strategy of the department for the Garden Route. He opened his comprehensive presentation with the following quote by Allan Savory:

“Agriculture is not crop production as popular belief holds – it’s the production of food and fiber from the world’s land and waters. Without agriculture, it is impossible to have a city, stock market, banks, university, church or army. Agriculture is the foundation of civilization and any stable economy”.  

To put this quote into perspective, Lamberts shared one of the Department’s recent success stories: A farm in Herald was in a dilapidated state due to a lack of interest in purposing the land. A businessman who was passionate about farming bought it, and spent the next five (5) years turning it into a viable business that now produces honeybush and proteas. He is the first black commercial farmer to produce honeybush in the Southern Cape. It is because the Department assisted him that his business was able to create sixteen (16) permanent jobs, with opportunities for an additional twenty (20) seasonal workers.

Before this, in Waboomskraal, the Department assisted another farmer, who became the first black farmer in the area to produce proteas and hops.

Lamberts noted: “When all spheres of government work together in an integrated fashion, these are the type of results we will see”. 

Lamberts listed the activities and services the Department provides to farmers and all other stakeholders as the following:

  • Independent agricultural advice and information
  • Supporting Livestock farmers – Development program. Livestock Forum
  • Performance testing/annual evaluation/ID limitations and opportunities
  • Investigating and implementing new hardy breeds and crossbreeding
  • Investigations in lowering inset cost through conservation agriculture – cover crops
  • Investigations into pasture species for marginal lands
  • Crop production advice and information
  • Niche crops/markets
  • Training

The type of training that is provided includes evidence-based and practice-based farmers’ capacity building. This is done through farmers’ days, demonstrations, peer-to-peer learning, and face-to-face interactions. Since 2018, the department trained 820 beneficiaries and this ranged from vegetable training to farm implement operation training.

The Department has a memorandum of understanding with GRDM and vacant land has been identified that the municipality owns which is conducive for agricultural development opportunities. The Department is researching the potential of commodity processing facilities in the Garden Route, which will be a source of immediate job creation – a game-changer for job creation in the region.

The Department furthermore envisions the building of Agri-Business Platforms for clients where potential products can be processed ready for consumption. Through Conservation/Regenerative agriculture, farmers are encouraged to rehabilitate and look after their own soil to turn it into organic matter that fertilizes with very few chemicals. Trials on livestock projects have yielded very positive results to date, and the global view is that going regenerative holds many financial and ecological benefits.

Agritourism needs to be promoted as it holds several untapped opportunities for the tourism sector. There is a need to compile tour packages to visit farms and processing facilities for both local and international tourism. The Roads Department has a role to play as well, as it must ensure easy access through regular road maintenance and upgrades.

The Department is in the process of revisiting mechanization which would allow for a central point that offers services such as ploughing, for example, as well as repair and maintenance services on farm implements.

Lamberts concluded his presentation by saying that we can be very proud of our district and that the Department is very excited to continue its work in the area.

01 December 2021 Media Release: Garden Route officials mourn the loss of another dear colleague

As 2021 drifts slowly towards its end, the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) family, sadly bids farewell to another colleague who has passed on in the early morning hours of Friday, 26 November 2021. This brings the total employees lost during 2021 to six (6).

The late Yolande Fielies, a talented Senior Worker in the Heidelberg Maintenance team, started her career at the then Eden District Municipality on 01 March 2008.  The 39-year-old Fielies was married to Wane Fielies and had two children, ages 13 and 18 years, respectively.

Fielies is remembered by her immediate Supervisor, Mr David Meyer and the Superintendent of the GRDM Riversdale Roads Maintenance, Mr Jacques Joseph, as a wonderful, hardworking and positive person. “When it comes to her work, she was known for being a loyal and reliable person, ready to always give her best in the workplace. Her positive attitude made her well-known and loved, resulting in colleagues always wanting to be around her. Yolande will be dearly missed,” Josephs concluded.

GRDM will host an official memorial service to celebrate the life of our late colleague on Thursday, 2 December at 09:00.  Family members, friends, colleagues and members of the public, who will not be in attendance, are invited to follow the proceedings through the municipality’s YouTube channel at: or join the webinar at:

Yolande Fielies leaves behind her husband, two (2) children, her parents, two (2) sisters, and three (3) brothers.

Rest in Peace, beloved Colleague – till we meet again!  

Memorial Services Program

27 November 2021 Media statement: Madiba Drive remains closed

Media statement: Madiba Drive remains closed

For Immediate Release
27 November 2021

Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) has noted with concern that some members of the community are still accessing Madiba Drive (MR355) in George. This is of great concern because the road was closed earlier this week. Signs were placed at various entry points and adjacent to the sinkhole that cut off George from Nelson Mandela University.

Pictures below show some of the many signs placed by GRDM on the MR355.

The public is kindly reminded not to make use of the road as it remains closed. It is a high-risk road that is extremely volatile at the moment.

Those planning to travel to Nelson Mandela University should do so via Wilderness.

An article appeared on the George Herald website today about a cyclist who sustained serious injuries after falling into the huge gap left in Madiba Drive


Issued by Garden Route District Municipality

16 September 2021 Memorial Services of Luleka Yoli

Garden Route District Municipality will be hosting an official memorial service on Friday, 17 September 2021 at 10:00 to celebrate the life of our late colleaque, Luleka Yoli, at the municipality’s Council Chambers in George.

Family members, friends, colleagues and members of the public, who will not be in attendance, are invited to follow the proceedings through the municipality’s YouTube channel at:  or join the webinar at:  ID: 914 7334 9443 | Passcode: 327174

16 September 2021 Media Release: Roads employees bid farewell to a dedicated colleague – Luleka Yoli passes away

Media Release: Roads employees bid farewell to a dedicated colleague – Luleka Yoli passes away

For Immediate Release
16 September 2021

Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), particularly the Roads Department, learned about the passing of a colleague, Luleka Yoli, on 9 September 2021.

The late Yoli was a mother of two and passed away in Riversdale at the age of 39.

Her colleagues at GRDM mourn her death as she was, as many describe her, “a loyal and friendly team member – a family member”. She served the Roads Department for 13 years since her appointment on 05 March 2009. Before her departure, she was a member of the Regravel team based in the Riversdale area.

During this period, her colleagues had the opportunity to work with her, and they all shared a common field of specialisation in road works – the re-gravelling of roads in Riversdale. Fulfilling her role to the best of her ability confirms her sterling work ethic and dedication as employee.

Jacques Joseph, Superintendent of the GRDM Riversdale Roads Maintenance, said: “It was a privilege to work with Ms Yoli; as much as she was a friendly person at work, she remained a hardworking and reliable individual”. He added: “It almost feels as if we have lost a family member; she was our sister, and we are going to miss her tremendously, but we know how she battled with her health and for that we grant her eternal rest. She will always live on in our hearts,” he added.

Senior Supervisor of the late Luleka, John Hartnick, remembers Luleka as a well-mannered and respected employee. “She was always ready to do and give her best in the workplace. We also could easily share personal information with her, given her empathy for others and how she carried the best interest of her colleagues at heart”.

GRDM will host an official memorial service to celebrate her life at the municipality’s Council Chambers on Friday, 17 September 2021 at 10:00. Family members, friends, colleagues and members of the public, who will not be in attendance, are invited to follow the proceedings through the municipality’s YouTube channel at: or join the webinar at:

Luleka Yoli, may your precious soul rest in peace.


21 May 2021 Media Release: Rural Roads Asset Management Systems Grant Annual Meeting

Media Release: Rural Roads Asset Management Systems Grant Annual Meeting

For Immediate Release
21 May 2021

On Wednesday, 5 May 2021, Roads Services Representatives from National Government, the five (5) District Municipalities in the Western Cape and local municipalities within the Garden Route District gathered for the quarterly Rural Roads Asset Management System (RRAMS) meeting at Oubaai in George.


Western Cape Road Service representatives who attended the quarterly Provincial RAMS Meeting in George.

Over the past ten years, the RAMS (Roads Asset Management System) Conditional Grant has been used in South Africa to transfer funding to provinces and district municipalities (with preference to those in the rural areas), to achieve national government policy objectives. Furthermore, to ensure efficient and effective investment in municipal roads by developing road asset management systems (RAMS) through the collection and analysis of data.  


With the above in mind, the primary purpose of the RRAMS Grant as stipulated in the Division of Revenue Bill is to assist district municipalities in setting up rural RAMS and collecting road, bridges, and traffic data on municipal road networks in line with the Road Infrastructure Strategic Framework for South Africa.


As part of the National Government’s strategy to capacitate GRDM to fulfil the RAMS function in-house, four (4) contract positions were created and filled by two Civil Engineering graduates, a GIS operator and an Administration Assistant. GRDM also purchased two (2) Toyota LDV bakkies valued at R433 163.00 each, which will be utilised by the newly appointed RRAMS personnel.

On Wednesday, 18 May 2021, the Garden Route District Municipality Executive Mayor Alderman Memory Booysen, and the Municipal Manager, Mr Monde Stratu, received the two (2) bakkies during a small handover ceremony.  The Portfolio Chairperson of Roads and Transport Planning Services, Cllr Rowan Spies, and the Executive Manager:  Roads and Transport Planning Services, Mr John Daniels, also attended the ceremony. The Roads department will manage these assets.


21 May 2021 Media Release: Fencing subsidies available – call for applications

Media Release: Fencing subsidies available – call for applications

For Immediate Release
21 May 2021

On an annual basis, Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) provides fencing subsidies for a selected number of landowners on neighbouring provincial rural roads with fencing of their properties.

This is subject to a budget as received from the Western Cape Government.

The funding will only be applicable on a subsidy basis. It effectively means that 60% subsidy will be contributed towards the cost of the fencing. The subsidy is determined by an average price for the material. The material is deemed as 60% of the total cost. Labour cost is deemed as 40% of the total cost and must be carried by the applicant. All initial costs must be carried by the applicant and a subsidy will be paid out after the successful completion of the fence. For more information refer to the Fencing Subsidy Policy of Garden Route District Municipality.

The new fences must adhere to the specifications of the Provincial Government of the Western Cape: Roads Infrastructure Department. Minimum specifications will be made available to successful applicants.

Application process

  1. Application forms can be obtained from Mr Qamani Nkebana at the Roads Transport & Planning Department. Contact numbers at the office are 044 803 1506 or email Alternatively, download from
  2. Application period: 21 May 2021 to 18 June 2021.
  3. Applications will be audited and evaluated according to risk analysis by a panel. Risk factors include: Status of road, traffic count, operating speed of vehicles, type of farming, condition of current fence, etc.
  4. The panel outcome will be decided by 19 July 2021. All applicants will be informed. A fencing subsidy contract will be signed with successful applicants. Unsuccessful applicants can apply again in the next financial year.
  5. All fences must be fully completed by 10 December 2021 for payment before 28 February 2022.
  6. Payment will be done after an inspection and approval for the fence has been made.

Closing date: 18 June 2021

Notice number: 43/2021

Relevant Documents 



Guidelines for the fencing of roads by adjacent landowners


9 April 2021 Media Release: Sudden passing of another beloved Roads Services colleague and friend mourned

Media Release: Sudden passing of another beloved Roads Services colleague and friend mourned

For immediate release
09 April 2021

Officials at the Garden Route District Municipality’s (GRDM) Roads Services in George were left ‘speechless and sad’ when they were informed on the morning of 6 April 2021 about the passing of their co-worker Mzwabantu Mbem. He tragically succumbed together with his partner, sister and child, during a fire at his household over the Easter weekend at the age of thirty-one (31).

According to Andre Mouton, a former supervisor of the late Mbem, he will always be remembered as the “giant with the gentle nature”. Mouton described Mzwabantu as an exceptionally quiet and introverted person, kind and respectful and much loved among his colleagues. “The characteristics of Mzwabantu that will always remain with me is his positive attitude; always ready to assist his peers to solve problems with workable solutions,” he said.

Mzwabantu Mbem commenced his career on 1 May 2017 as Senior Worker at the GRDM Roads Services in Herbertsdale. He was later transferred to the George Maintenance Team. Prior to his appointment at the GRDM, Mzwabantu obtained a NQF Level 4 qualification in Roads Construction and during the last two years of his employment, he equipped himself by attending different training courses as well as attaining his Code 10 driver’s license. He was also busy with a mentorship course that would enable him to fulfill his aspiration to become a foreman in the future.

Marius Mqhokrwana, colleague and friend of the late Mzwabantu described him as a man of few words, a person who merely did what he was tasked to do.’ He further described “Mbem” as a people’s person and a person who loved being around others, in particular his family.

“Mbem was known to be the ‘leader of the pack’ in terms of work performance. He was an intelligent young man, hard-working and committed, we all foresaw a promising future for him. As quiet as he was, he leaves a big gap and is going to be greatly missed.”

A memorial service to honour and celebrate the life of Mzwabantu Mbem will be held on Friday, 09 April 2021, to grant his colleagues and friends the opportunity to bid their final farewells.  The Memorial Service will be broadcasted from the GRDM Council Chambers and will be available on Youtube at: