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Severe Weather Alert

6 May 2021 Weather Alert: Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua

Weather Alert: Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua – 6 May 2021

Please find included the Impact Based Warning for the Western Cape and Namaqua Region of Northern Cape.

Please note: The Impact Based Warning w.r.t Disruptive Rain has not been revised by SAWS meaning that the previous warning send yesterday is still valid.

Legal notice:
“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.
It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

Hazard Alert Level Affected Municipalities Valid from (SAST) Valid to (SAST)
Damaging Winds Yellow(L4) Cape Agulhas, Cape Agulhas, City of Cape town, Hessequa, Overstrand 06/05/21 –  01h00 06/05/21 –  23h00

Discussion: Strong to gale force south-easterly winds (50-70km/h) and gusts up to 80-90km/h is expected from Wednesday afternoon offshore between Table Bay and Stilbaai.

Impact: Strong winds will cause danger to navigation out at sea and result in small vessel at risk of taking on water and capsizing in totality.

Instruction: Small boats must stay away from the open sea and seek the shelter of a harbour, river estuary or protected bay Parked aircraft should be pointed into the direction of the wind and secured. Ensure that all temporary structures are well anchored.

 Hazard Alert Level Affected Municipalities Valid From (SAST) Valid To (SAST)
Damaging Waves Yellow(L1) Cape Agulhas, Cape Agulhas, City of Cape town, Hessequa, Overstrand, Table Bay 06/05/21 – 01h00 06/05/21 – 23h00

Discussion: Wave heights between 4.0-5.5m is expected between Table Bay and Plettenberg Bay throughout Thursday. Along with these higher wave heights, predominant southerly to south-easterly swells are also expected. Strong southerly winds (50-70km/h) is expected along the between Table Bay and Stillbaai on Thursday.

Impact: Small vessels will experience difficulty in navigation at sea as a result of rough and choppy seas (quick successive, steep waves) and may be at risk of taking on water and capsizing in a locality. Localized disruptions to beachfront activities.

Instruction: Be aware of large waves along the coastline. Small vessels are advised to seek shelter in harbours, bays or inlets. Refrain from any beachfront activity.

5 May 2021 Weather Alert: Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua

Weather Alert: Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua – 5 May 2021

Please find included several Impact Based Warnings for the Western Cape and Namaqua Region of Northern Cape

Legal notice:
“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.
It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

Hazard Alert Level Affected Municipalities Valid from (SAST) Valid to (SAST)
Disruptive Rain Yellow(L4) Breede Valley, City of Cape Town, Drakenstein, Hessequa, Langeberg, Stellenbosch 05/05/21 –  20h00 06/05/21 –  23h00

Discussion: An upper air driven system is causing showers and thundershowers to develop over the south-western parts of the Western Cape on Wednesday morning spreading eastwards to the rest of the province during the afternoon and evening. Significant rainfall can be expected over the City of Cape Town, Cape Winelands (mainly central and southern) as well as Hessequa municipality from Wednesday evening and intermittently throughout Thursday, where rainfall accumulations between 40-60mm reaching up to 80-100mm in the mountainous areas can be expected. With the thunderstorms, there is a small chance of hail. Lightning will occur as well as strong winds over short periods as a result of thunderstorm downburst.

Impact: Flooding of roads and settlements in both formal and informal settlements is likely which could result in damage to property and infrastructure. Disruption of traffic flow is likely, along with increased motor vehicle accidents, especially in peak hour traffic on Thursday. Essential services such as water and electricity may be affected. There is a chance for mudslides and rockfalls in susceptible areas.

Instruction: Be cautious on the roads and avoid crossing rivers and swollen streams where water is above your ankles. If trapped in a vehicle during a flood, abandon it and climb to higher ground. In buildings, move valuables to a safe place above the expected flood level. Switch off electricity at the supply point to the building. Be especially cautious at night when it’s harder to recognize flood dangers. Listen to the radio or TV for warnings and obey the instructions from disaster management officers.

Hazard Alert Level Affected Municipalities Valid from (SAST) Valid to (SAST)
Damaging Winds Yellow(L4) Cape Agulhas, Cape Agulhas, City of Cape town, Hessequa, Overstrand 05/05/21 –  18h00 06/05/21 – 23h00

Discussion: Strong to gale force south-easterly winds (50-70km/h) and gusts up to 80-90km/h is expected from Wednesday afternoon offshore between Hout Bay and Stilbaai. The wind will be at its full force from Wednesday night into Thursday morning, this is the same period when the upper air weather system will be intensifying.

Impact: Strong winds will cause danger to navigation out at sea and result in small vessel at risk of taking on water and capsizing in totality.

Instruction: Small boats must stay away from the open sea and seek the shelter of a harbour, river estuary or protected bay Parked aircraft should be pointed into the direction of the wind and secured. Ensure that all temporary structures are well anchored.

Hazard Alert Level Affected Municipalities Valid from (SAST) Valid to (SAST)
Damaging Winds Yellow(L4) Cape Agulhas, Cape Agulhas, City of Cape town, Hessequa, Overstrand 05/05/21 –  18h00 06/05/21 – 23h00

Discussion: Wave heights between 4.0-5.5m is expected between Hout Bay and Stilbaai from Wednesday late morning continuing into Thursday. Along with these higher wave heights, predominant southerly to south-easterly swells are also expected. Strong southerly winds (50-70km/h) is expected along the between Hout Bay and Stillbaai from Wednesday afternoon and throughout Thursday.

Impact: Small vessels will experience difficulty in navigation at sea as a result of rough and choppy seas (quick successive, steep waves) and may be at risk of taking on water and capsizing in a locality. Localized disruptions to beachfront activities.

Instruction: Be aware of large waves along the coastline. Small vessels are advised to seek shelter in harbours, bays or inlets. Refrain from any beachfront activity.

5 May 2021 Media Release: Cut-off low to cause adverse weather conditions over parts of the Western Cape

Media Release: Cut-off low to cause adverse weather conditions over parts of the Western Cape

For Immediate Release
5 May 2021

Cut-off low to cause adverse weather conditions over parts of the Western Cape – 5 to 6 May 2021

A cut-off low is expected to affect the Western Cape from tomorrow (Wednesday 5 May) into Thursday, resulting in widespread showers and thundershowers, strong winds, and very rough sea conditions especially from Wednesday evening, extending into Thursday.

Read more: SAWS Media Release – Medrel 4 May 2021

4 May 2021 Weather Alert: Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua

4 May 2021 Weather Alert: Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua

Please find included several Impact Based Warnings for the Western Cape and Namaqua Region of Northern Cape

Legal notice:
“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.
It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

Hazard Alert Level Affected Municipalities Valid from (SAST) Valid to (SAST)
Damaging Waves Yellow (L1) Cape Agulhas, Cape Agulhas, City of Cape town, Hessequa, Overstrand, Saldanha Bay, Swartland, Table Bay 05/05/21 –  08h00 06/05/21 –  00h00

Discussion: An upper air driven system is causing considerable rain and showers to develop over the south-western parts of the Western Cape from tomorrow morning spreading eastwards over the rest of the province during the afternoon and evening. Rain continues for the south coastal areas on Thursday and Friday. With this system wave, heights are expected to reach 4.0-5.5m between Cape Columbine and Stilbaai from Wednesday afternoon into Thursday. Along with these higher wave heights, predominant southerly to south-easterly swells are also expected. Strong southerly winds 60-80km/h) is expected along the west and south-west coastal areas from Wednesday early morning spreading to Still Bay by evening and continuing into Thursday. Please note that there is high uncertainty with this system and models have not been consistent. We will continue to monitor the conditions and update warnings.

Impact: Small vessels can possibly be at risk of taking on water and capsizing in a locality. There is also a possibility of difficulty in navigation such as small vessels in a short period and steep waves. Localized disruptions to beachfront activities such as the closure of beaches for swimming can also be expected.

Instruction: Be aware of large unpredictable waves along the coast. Small vessels are advised to seek shelter in harbours, bays or inlets. Be aware of strong rip currents especially during spring tides.

Hazard Alert Level Affected Municipalities Valid from (SAST) Valid to (SAST)
Disruptive Rain Yellow (L4) Bitou, Breede Valley, City of Cape Town, Drakenstein, George, Hessequa, Knysna, Langeberg, Mossel Bay, Stellenbosch, Witzenberg 05/05/21 – 20h00 06/05/21 – 00h00

Discussion: An upper air driven system is causing rain and showers to develop over the south-western parts of the Western Cape on Wednesday morning spreading eastwards to the rest of the province during the afternoon and evening. Significant rainfall can be expected in the Overberg, Garden Route and the City of Cape Town from Wednesday afternoon into Thursday, where rainfall accumulations of between 40-60mm reaching up to 80-100mm in the mountainous areas can be expected. A further 05-10mm can be expected on Friday for the same areas. We will continue to monitor the conditions and update warnings.

Impact: Flooding of roads and settlements in both formal and informal settlements are possible that could result in damage to property and infrastructure. Disruption of traffic flow is likely, along with increased motor vehicle accidents, especially in peak hour traffic on Wednesday. Essential services such as water and electricity may be affected. There is a chance for mudslides and rockfalls in susceptible areas.

Instruction: Be cautious on the roads and avoid crossing rivers and swollen streams where water is above your ankles. If trapped in a vehicle during a flood, abandon it and climb to higher ground. In buildings, move valuables to a safe place above the expected flood level. Switch off electricity at the supply point to the building. NEVER drive on a road covered by water. If the vehicle stalls, leave it immediately and seek higher ground. Be especially cautious at night when it’s harder to recognize flood dangers. Listen to the radio or TV for warnings and obey the instructions from disaster management officers.

Hazard Alert Level Affected Municipalities Valid from (SAST) Valid to (SAST)
Damaging Winds Yellow (L4) Cape Agulhas, City of Cape Town, Cape Agulhas, Cape Agulhas, City of Cape town, Hessequa, Overstrand, Saldanha Bay, Swartland, Table Bay, Overstrand 05/05/21 –  18h00 06/05/21 – 00h00

Discussion: Strong to gale force south-easterly wind of 62-70km/h and gusts up to 80-90km/h is expected from Wednesday late morning along the coastlines between Cape Columbine and Stilbaai, including the Cape Metropole and Overberg during the afternoon. The wind will be at its full force from Wednesday night into Thursday morning, this is the same period when the upper air weather system will be intensifying.

Impact: Strong winds will cause danger to navigation out at sea. Some disruption to operations for small harbours and ports may occur, and also disruptions to beachfront activities are possible. Inland: strong winds will result in dangerous driving conditions, damage to settlements, falling of trees and interruptions to power lines and communications.

Instruction: Stay indoors where possible away from the windows that open towards the severe winds. Be aware of the following: – sudden crosswinds if travelling especially between buildings, fallen trees or power lines and flying debris. Small boats must stay away from the open sea and seek the shelter of a harbour, river estuary or protected bay Parked aircraft should be pointed into the direction of the wind and secured. Ensure that all temporary structures are well anchored.

>>>Legal notice:<<<

“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.

It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

Report any weather related incidents to the Garden Route Disaster Management Centre at:
044 805 5071.

15 March 2021 Weather Alert: Impact-based warning: Rain which could lead to localised flooding- Western Cape Province

Weather Alert: Impact-based warning: Rain which could lead to localised flooding- Western Cape Province

In light of this severe weather alert as produced by the South African Weather Service (SAWS) and other centers, the following advisory guidelines are suggested. It is emphasized that these advisories are broad guidelines and should be interpreted considering the local aspects of the region such as soil types, cultural preferences and farming systems. Depending on the particular region, the prioritization of the guidelines will differ. The basic strategy to follow would be to minimize and diversify risk. The province should further simplify, downscale and package the information according to their language preference and if possible use local radio stations and farmers’ days in disseminating the information.

Impact-based warning issued by SAWS valid: 15 March 2021

Yellow (level 1) warning for rain could lead to localized flooding of roads and settlements over the coastal areas of the Overberg and Garden Route Districts in the Western Cape.

Heavy rainfall raises the water level. When the water level is higher than the river banks or the dams, water flows out from the river and flooding occurs.

Preventive measures:

  • Construction of proper drainage systems – Drains must be cleaned constantly as they ensure proper water irrigation.
  • Mechanical land treatment of slopes such as contour ploughing or terracing to reduce the runoff coefficient.
  • Construction of small water and sediment holding areas.
  • Construction of floodways (man-made channels to divert floodwater).
  • Terracing hillsides to slow flow downhill.

What to do when flooding is forecasted:


  • Cutting grass in the rainy season (nutrient depletion).
  • Applying fungicides and pesticide (plants and animals).
  • Applying N fertilizer (burning of plants) (Nitrogen loss is higher during heavy rain), immediately follows a surface application of fertilizer, especially on sloped areas.
  • Dumping fertilizer in one spot can cause the roots below the fertilizer to be burned and die.
  • Irrigation (waterlogging can occur, nutrient depletion).

–  Cover Urea licks to prevent them from becoming toxic.

–  Provide shelter for animals (young ones die easily).

–  Leave cultivated areas coarse.

–  Relocate/ move animals to a safe place.

The following are a number of concerns and recommendations:

  • Be extra cautious for pest and diseases after the rain has fallen, as high moisture content and high temperatures may trigger these.
  • Assume that floodwater contains sewage and might be harmful for human and livestock consumption.
  • Before leading livestock across a river, check whether the water level is rising. This is especially necessary if it is already raining, but remembers that there could be a storm further upstream and floodwaters could be on the way

A comprehensive list of strategies can be found in the monthly NAC Advisory. It can be accessed from the following websites: For more information contact:-

Directorate: Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction

Private Bag X93

Pretoria 0001

Tel: 012 319 6775


Weather Warning information as received from the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development.

14 March 2021 Weather Alert: Severe weather alert: Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua (14-15 March 2021)

Weather Alert: Severe weather alert: Impact Based Weather Warnings for Western Cape and Namaqua (14-15 March 2021)

Please find included the Impact Based Warning for the Western Cape and Namaqua Region of Northern Cape

Legal notice:
“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.

It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and 
no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

Hazard Alert Level Affected Municipalities Valid from (SAST) Valid to (SAST)
Disruptive rain Yellow (L2) Bitou, Cape Agulhas, George, Hessequa, Knysna, Mossel Bay, Overstrand and Swellendam 14/03/2021 22H00 15/03/2021 09H00

Discussion: Significant rain is expected to affect the coastal areas of the Overberg and Garden Route Districts tonight into tomorrow morning.The accumulated rainfall is likely to reach between 40 to 50mm over the period due to the strong southerly to south-easterly winds aided by an intense upper air system.

Impact: Localised flooding can be expected in susceptible formal and informal settlements and roads. Increased travel times and motor vehicle accidents due to pooling of water may occur along with difficult driving conditions on dirt roads.

Instruction: If possible stay indoors and off the roads, avoid crossing rivers and swollen streams where water is above your ankles. If trapped in a vehicle during a flood, abandon it and climb to higher ground. In buildings, move valuables to a safe place above the expected flood level. Take caution driving on a roads covered by water. Listen to the radio or TV for warnings and obey the instructions from disaster management officers.

>>>Legal notice:<<<

“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.

It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

Report any weather related incidents to the Garden Route Disaster Management Centre at:
044 805 5071.

9 February 2021 Weather Alert: Impact Based Warning for the Western Cape and Namaqua region

Weather Alert: Impact Based Warning for the Western Cape and Namaqua region

LEVEL 1 for Damaging Waves

Warning valid from Wednesday 10 February 00:00 – until Thursday 11 February 00:00

Affected DM / LM / Metro area:  Bergrivier, Bitou, Cape Agulhas, Cederberg, City of Cape Town, George, Hessequa, Kamiesberg, Knysna, Matzikama, Mossel Bay, Overstrand, Saldanha Bay, Swartland and Table Bay.

Short Message:  Coastal areas between Hondeldip Bay and Plettenberg Bay tomorrow morning until Thursday morning (10-11/02/2021).

Discussion:  A tight pressure gradient over the western parts of the country is expected to result in strong (50-Gokh) southerly to south-easterly winds along the west and south-western coastline in conjunction with significant wave heights of 4.0-4.5m with short periods of 6-s are expected between Hondeklip Bay and Betty’s Bay from Wednesday morning, resulting in choppy rough seas which poses risk of minor impacts at sea

Impacts Small vessels, as well as personal watercraft such as kayaks and surfboards, are expected to experience difficulty in navigation in choppy waves and be at risk of taking on water and capsizing in totality Impacts such as disruption to beach activities and risk to rock anglers (big waves crashing on the coastline) are expected particularly between Cape Point and Plettenberg Bay including False Bay region as well.

Instruction:  Be aware of large unpredictable waves along the coast Small vessels are advised to seek shelter in harbours, bays or inlets.

Report any severe weather-related incidents to the Garden Route Disaster Management Centre at telephone number 044 805 5071.

Legal notice:
“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.  It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

21 February 2021 Weather Alert: Weather Advisory: Western Cape and Namaqua

Weather Alert: Weather Advisory: Western Cape and Namaqua – 21 February 2021

The South African Weather Service has issued the following weather advisory for the Western Cape and Namaquland region:

Alert Level: Advisory

Affected Municipalities: Beaufort West, Bergrivier, Breede Valley, Cederberg, Kamiesberg, Kannaland, Laingsburg, Langeberg, Matzikama, Oudtshoorn, Prince Albert and Witzenberg.

Valid From (SAST): 02/02/21 – 08h00

Valid To (SAST): 03/02/21 – 20h00

Discussion: Hot and humid weather will result in extremely uncomfortable conditions. When the temperature and the humidity are high at the same time or when the temperature exceeds a certain threshold, human’s ability to cool their bodies through sweating is reduced.

Impact: When the temperature is extremely high, the human’s ability to cool their bodies through sweating is reduced. This can be a real threat that leads to hyperthermia. People and animals can get heat exhaustion, heatstroke, faintness, dry skin and dehydration.

Instruction: Avoid prolonged direct exposure to the sun as far as possible and drink plenty of water. Make sure your animals have access to enough water. Limit physical activities. Seek medical attention if needed.

Report any severe weather-related incidents to the Garden Route Disaster Management Centre at telephone number 044 805 5071.

31 January 2021 Weather Alert: Severe Weather Alert – Veld Fire Conditions

Weather Alert: Severe Weather Alert – Veld Fire Conditions – 31 January 2021

Impact Based Warning for the Western Cape and Namaqua Region of Northern Cape

Legal notice:
“This warning from SA Weather Service must be communicated as received and may not be altered under any circumstance.
It must be forwarded or communicated in its entirety and no portion hereof may be replicated or copied and distributed.”

 Hazard Alert Level Affected Municipalities Valid From (SAST) Valid To (SAST)
 Veld Fire Conditions Red (L10) Beaufort West, Kannaland, Khâi-Ma, Laingsburg 31/01/21 08h00 31/01/21 20h00
 Discussion: Weather conditions which includes hot temperatures, fresh to strong winds and low humidity might result in the development of runaway and veld/bush fires.
 Impact: Conditions are such that the FDI index is above 75. Under these conditions fires may develop and spread rapidly resulting in damage to property and possible loss of human and/or animal life.
 Instruction: All personnel and equipment should be removed from the field. Fire teams, labour and equipment are to be placed on full stand-by. A first sign of smoke, every possible measure should be taken in order to bring the fire under control in the shortest possible time.