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Waste Management

3 July 2023 Media Release: Garden Route DM and Standard Bank Sign Loan Agreement for Regional Landfill Construction

Garden Route DM and Standard Bank Sign Loan Agreement for Regional Landfill Construction

For Immediate Release
3 July 2023

Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) signed a critical loan agreement with Standard Bank of South Africa for an amount of R278 249 907,00 today at its Council Chambers in George. This loan will be utilised for the construction of the GRDM regional waste management facility, which will initially serve the municipalities of Bitou, Knysna, George, and Mossel Bay.

According to Monde Stratu, GRDM Municipal Manager: β€œThe funding will now enable the construction of the regional waste management facility, providing an essential waste management solution for the four participating municipalities.” β€œA site handover meeting was held with the Tefla Group (Pty) Ltd on 13 June 2023, which means the project is on track as planned.”

“Today is quite an exciting moment for us and I never thought it would happen in my tenure here at the GRDM. It was not an easy process to get to this point,” said Stratu.

In witnessing the event, Junaid Sonday, Standard Bank Provincial Head: Public Sector, said: “Standard Bank has an excellent track record in partnering with Local Government in the Garden Route.”

Sonday emphasised that Standard Bank’s support goes beyond mere profitability and is dedicated to prioritising what is good for the community, which is one of the reasons why Standard Bank granted GRDM the loan.

He also shared how impressed they were at Standard Bank with the previous Acting Chief Financial Officer, Thembani Loliwe’s comments during an engagement around credit risks. He said: “Thembani Loliwe was instrumental in adding value to credit risk committee discussions, swiftly identifying and addressing risk factors within the first few minutes after deliberations started”.

The group present during the historical moment (FLTR): Rian Boshoff (GRDM Chief Financial Officer), Thembani Loliwe (GRDM Strategic Manager), Charl Martin (GRDM Manager: Income, Bank Reconciliation, Expenditure & Remuneration), Junaid Sonday (Standard Bank Provincial Head: Public Sector), Adv. Nadiema Davids (GRDM Manager: Legal Services), Monde Stratu (GRDM MM), Gerrit du Toit (Standard Bank Account Executive), Clive Africa (GRDM Executive Manager: Community Services), Adv. Sinekaya Maqekeni (GRDM Manager: Integrated Support Services and Legal Compliance), John Godfrey Daniels (GRDM Executive Manager: Roads Services), Ayakha Magxotwa (GRDM IDP Officer) and Lusanda Menze (GRDM Executive Manager, Planning and Economic Development).

The publication of the Public Participation about the loan agreement was approved and concluded in December 2022. During the negotiations, Standard Bank requested that participating Municipalities provide council resolutions confirming their support and participation in the project. These resolutions were sourced from the participating Municipalities, namely Bitou, Knysna, George, and Mossel Bay Municipality. Furthermore, GRDM enters into section 33 of the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) agreements with participating municipalities.

The GRDM expresses its gratitude to all stakeholders involved in the loan agreement process, including Standard Bank and the participating Municipalities. Their cooperation and support have been instrumental in reaching this significant milestone.

The project timeline is as follows:

  • Contractor on-site:Β  June 2023
  • Completion of Phase 1: February 2024
  • Estimated completion of project: March 2025

Related media releases:

Feature image caption: An exciting and historical moment for GRDM and Standard Bank shortly after a loan of R278 249 907,00 was signed. Pictured is Junaid Sonday, Standard Bank Provincial Head: Public Sector with Monde Stratu, GRDM Municipal Manager.


29 June 2023 Public Notice: MFMA Section 116(3) for the Proposed Amendment of Existing Contract: Professional Services for the Establishment of the Regional Waste Management Facility – Open for Comments

Public Notice: Notice in terms of MFMA Section 116(3) for the Proposed Amendment of Existing Contract: Professional Services for the Establishment of the Regional Waste Management Facility – Open for Comments

Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 116 (3) (a) and (b) of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act 56 of 2003) that it is the intention of the Garden Route District Municipality to amend the following existing contract:

Tender Number

Provision of Professional Services for the Design, Drafting of Tender Documentation and Contracts Supervision for New Regional Waste Management Facility and Associated Infrastructure to be Established for Garden Route District Municipality

Zutari (PTY) Ltd.

As per Council Item F1 which served at the Special Council Meeting held on 9 June 2023.Β 

Notice is hereby further given in terms of Section 21 and 21A of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) that the local community and affected parties are invited to submit comments or representations on the proposed amendment of the existing contract with Zutari (Pty) Ltd.

The reasons for the amendment and variation of the existing contract have been considered and accepted by the Municipal Council at its special Council meeting held on 09 June 2023 under item F1 of which a copy will be made available to all interested parties on request via the e-mail address indicated below.

Such comments or representations must be submitted by no later than 13 July 2023 at 12:00. Comments or representations must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly endorsed β€œCOMMENTS ON NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF EXISTING CONTRACT” and be physically submitted at the Garden Route District Municipality Reception located at 54 York Street, George.

No faxed or e-mailed comments will be considered.

For any information about the above, please contact Johan Gie via e-mail at or at telephone number 044 693 0006.

Closing date: 13 July 2023Β 

MG Stratu
Municipal Manager
Notice number: 78/2023

View/download the Official Notice here.

14 June 2023 Media Release: GRDM Regional Waste Management Facility construction to start before July 2023

Media Release GRDM Regional Waste Management Facility construction to start before July 2023

For Immediate Release
14 June 2023

Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) yesterday, 13 June 2023, held its official site handover meeting with Tefla Group (Pty) Ltd for the regional waste management facility. Before the commencement of this site establishment and construction of the facility, it was required to obtain the Construction Work Permit from the Department of Employment and Labour.

The Department of Employment and Labour fast-tracked the application process, which typically takes 30 days, after they received the application on 26 May 2023 and provided the approval on 8 June 2023.

Currently, Bitou-, Knysna-, George-, and Mossel Bay municipalities use the PetroSA landfill in Mossel Bay. PetroSA previously granted an extension of the current waste disposal contracts with the different municipalities for an additional twelve (12) months, which will end on 29 February 2024, when the site is expected to reach full capacity. By this time, an operational waste cell must be available at the newly constructed Regional Waste Management Facility for domestic waste disposal.

During the engagement, GRDM Municipal Manager, Monde Stratu, said: β€œToday is a huge milestone achieved for GRDM, and we look forward to seeing Tefla Group carry this forward.Β  Finally handing over the site, is something I never thought would happen in my time at GRDM. However, when I leave, I will be able to say that there is a large facility on the N2 that services four local municipalities.” Stratu thanked the Community Services Department and other role players who steered the project to this point, and he wished the contractors and project managers’ good luck in bringing the project to completion on time.

The Regional Waste Management Facility Management Project is a crucial initiative aimed at improving waste management practices within the region.Β Site establishment will now proceed for the next three weeks, which will be followed by the commencement of construction.

The estimated project timeline, taking into account local weather patterns, as well as the need to import most materials from Germany, is as follows:

Description Due Date
Contractor on Site June 2023
Completion of Phase 1 February 2024
Estimated completion of project March 2025
Operations & Maintenance Tender Award August 2023


17 March 2023 Media Release: Waste Management Licence for construction of the GRDM Regional Waste Management Facility extended with 10 years

Media Release: Waste Management Licence for construction of the GRDM Regional Waste Management Facility extended with 10 years

For immediate release
17 March 2023

An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) with regards to the process of establishing a Regional Waste Management Facility for the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) was completed during 2012.

Following the finalization of the EIA process, the GRDM was issued with an Environmental Authorisation by the Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning (DEA&DP) and a Waste Management Licence (WML) (no. 12/9/11/L1395/9). This was issued by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries & the Environment (DFFE). The licence was issued to GRDM (Eden DM at the time) on 05 February 2014.

A condition of the WML is that the activity i.e., construction of the Regional Waste Management Facility, is to commence within a period of two (2) years from the date of issue of the WML. Due to the various delays in the establishment of the facility, including the inconclusive Public Private Partnership process that did not come to fruition largely because of the Covid-19 pandemic, GRDM had to apply to DFFE for an extension of the commencement date on a bi-annual basis.Β  The last approved extension of the commencement date was to expire on 24 May 2023, and another application for an extension of the commencement date was submitted on 07 December 2022.

The WML is only valid for a period of ten (10) years from the date of issue (05 February 2014); meaning the validity period of the WML was to expire on 05 February 2024. Therefore, together with the application for an extension of the commencement date, GRDM further applied for an extension of the validity period of the WML.

Approval of the commencement date was granted for a further two years, and an extension of the validity period of the WML was extended with ten (10) years. The extension was issued by the DFFE on 06 March 2023.


22 June 2022 Media Release: First phase of the Regional Waste Management Facility scheduled to conclude by 30 June 2023

Media Release: First phase of the Regional Waste Management Facility scheduled to conclude by 30 June 2023

For Immediate Release
22 June 2022

Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) appointed Zutari (Pty) Ltd to design and draft tender documentation and contract supervision for the Garden Route Regional Waste Management facility and associated infrastructure on Farm 419 in Mossel Bay. The design drawings and report have already been submitted on 6 May 2022 to the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) for statutory approval.


The final cost of the site can only be determined once the loan tender, construction tender and the operations & maintenance tender have been concluded.Β  The loan tender will require funding institutions to provide 10-, 15- and 20-year loan funding options. Β The costs will include the construction of the landfill and associated infrastructure, the loan repayment and associated interest rates, operation costs including plant and equipment, rehabilitation costs etc.


The Regional Waste Management Facility will include a domestic waste cell (Class B) and a separate hazardous waste cell (Class A) to accommodate hazardous waste with low and medium hazard ratings. Other infrastructure includes roads, stormwater pipelines, a leachate storage dams, a stormwater dam for contaminated liquids, offices, a laboratory, weighbridges, a workshop, and security infrastructure. Provision has also been made to accommodate a waste tyre recycling facility by means of a 3-hectare portion of land for long-term lease to the Waste Bureau. The domestic waste Cell 1, as well as the hazardous waste cell, will both have a lifespan of approximately 20 – 25 years.


An Environmental Impact Assessment was concluded in 2012 and GRDM received Environmental Authorisation.Β  A Waste Management Licence was issued by DFFE in 2014.Β  A section 78 investigation in terms of the Municipal Systems Act, concluded to provide the Regional Waste Management Services by means of a Public-Private Partnership.Β  A Private Partner was appointed to construct the facility and operate it for a period of ten years, however, withdrew from the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) at the final stages of the process on 29 September 2020.

GRDM then concluded to no longer pursue the PPP process and opted to rather make use of loan funding to construct the facility and to outsource the operations and maintenance to a reputable service provider.

The Geotechnical and Geohydrological Investigations required to finalise the designs of the facility have been concluded and the design drawings and design report have been finalised & submitted to DFFE on 06 May 2022 for approval which is required prior to commencement of construction.

The loan tender was advertised on 15 May 2022 and closed on 21 June 2022.Β  The construction tender specifications are being finalised & scheduled to be advertised in July 2022.Β  The operations & maintenance tender will also run concurrently to the construction tender process.

Phase 1 of the construction of the facility is currently scheduled to be concluded by 30 June 2023, at which time waste disposal can commence.


18 August 2021 Media Release: Garden Route DM hosts successful Waste and Biomass Beneficiation ConferenceΒ 

Media Release: Garden Route DM hosts successful Waste and Biomass Beneficiation Conference

For Immediate Release
18 August 2021

The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), in partnership with the Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, Western Cape Economic Development Partnership and Climate Neutral Group, concluded a very successful Waste and Biomass Beneficiation Conference on 12 August 2021.

During his opening remarks, Ald. Memory Booysen said that he was confident that the GRDM would be setting the tone for the Garden Route to become the most resilient and progressive in the Western Cape and South Africa. Mayor Booysen stated that the GRDM regards energy remained a central part of what was being explored during the Conference. β€œBeneficiation is key for us to become sustainable – we already tick many of the boxes and we have the political will to carry it through,” he said.

During the Conference, it was evident that there is an appetite for developing waste and biomass beneficiation solutions and how it can benefit the Garden Route to form part of a new drive to go green with a selection of technologies. These technologies include alien invasive plants (AIPs) and general waste as a resource. Some applications discussed during the Conference included the manufacturing of syngas or ethanol, to produce Black Pellets or carbon-rich material produced during a pyrolysis process for agricultural use, generating energy (electricity) and many other applications.

Twenty-four (24) industry experts presented their topics under the following main conference themes:

  • The Waste and Biomass situation in the Garden Route and Western Cape
  • Completing the value chain β€” keeping the Cluster sustainable and looking after the environment
  • Logistics and infrastructure
  • Turning Waste and Biomass into Value
  • Finance and Development options

The Conference covered a wide variety of topics to assist technology and solution providers with access to all the essential facts and numbers needed to build a true business development project, based on tangible collaboration opportunities in a potential Waste Beneficiation Cluster or precinct. Close to 180 delegates (including presenters and organisers) attended the Conference with representation from the Private Sector, Government, Investors, NPOs and Academia.

During his closing remarks and unpacking of the steps to follow the Conference, GRDM Municipal Manager, Mr Monde Stratu thanked the organisers and said: β€œWe invite all stakeholders to participate in formulating a strategic framework and action plan for the invasive biomass economy in South Africa and more specifically the Garden Route.” Stratu also stated that the development of a new brand of Small-, Medium and Micro Enterprises would be a critical component to ensure that the biomass value chain of the region is elevated beyond the supply and demand towards a restorative economic model.

The GRDM and its partners are keenly looking forward to taking the next steps forward to find solutions to minimise waste and maximise value.

Download all presentations here.

View the conference:


10 August 2021 Media Alert: Garden Route Waste and Biomass Beneficiation Conference to take place on 12 August 2021 from 09:00 till 17:00

Garden Route Waste and Biomass Beneficiation Conference – 12 August 2021 from 09:00 till 17:00

Presentations and panel discussions on the state of the Waste and Biomass situation in the Garden Route and possible opportunities for Waste and Biomass beneficiation and minimisation solutions.

Despite the Covid-19 economic implications and other issues, there is a huge interest to develop waste and biomass beneficiation solutions that can benefit not only our region, but also be part of a new drive to go green with a selection of technologies, using both alien invasive plants (AIPs) and general waste as a resource.

Interest was expressed to use AIPs and other waste to either manufacture syngas or ethanol, produce Black Pellets or biochar for agricultural use, generate energy (electricity) for local use and becoming less dependent on Eskom, or many other applications.

The Garden Route District Municipality, the Western Cape Government, the Garden Route Development Partnership and the Climate Neutral Group have partnered to present the Waste and Biomass Beneficiation Conference in August. We are privileged to confirm the services of more than 20 presenters and experts across a wide variety of topics to assist you – as a technology and solution provider – with
access to all the important facts and numbers you will need to build a true business development project that is based on tangible collaboration opportunities in a Waste Beneficiation Cluster or precinct.


  • The Waste and Biomass situation in the Garden Route and Western Cape
  • Completing the value chain β€” keeping the Cluster sustainable and looking after the environment
  • Logistics and infrastructure
  • Turning Waste and Biomass into Value
  • Finance and Development options

Join us to minimise waste and maximise value –

Biomass Expo 2021 – Invite

Presenter Biographies -Waste and Biomass Conference 12 Aug 2021

Programme Waste and Biomass Conference 12 Aug 2021


2 July 2021 Media Release: GRDM Home Composting Project participants commence with capturing of organic material

Media Release: GRDM Home Composting Project participants commence with capturing of organic material

For immediate release
02 July 2021

Yesterday, 01 July 2021, the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) staff that participate in the Home Composting Pilot Project, commenced with the capturing of their organic waste data. These thirteen (13) participants from various Sections within the organisation received their worm farms and composting bins from the GRDM Waste Management Unit on 11 June 2021 at the Municipality’s head-office in George.

Participant, Monnique Anthony, said: “I support the idea of reducing waste at our landfill site. I am excited to see the results but the process requires time and patience which will be quite exciting, yet challenging at the same time”.

Thirteen (13) staff members from various Sections within the organisation forms part of the project. Before taking the items in acceptance, the participants attended an information workshop that was presented by Johan Gie, the GRDM District Waste Management Officer. The following topics were discussed during the session: the profile of domestic waste in the Garden Route; the benefits of home composting; types of composting such as cold, warm and vermi-composting; what to compost and what not to compost etc.

The project has already been implemented in all seven (7) local municipal areas of the Garden Route.

The information workshop was presented by Johan Gie, District Waste Management Officer at Garden Route District Municipality.

According to Gie, from January 2018 – December 2020, a total of sixty (60) tons of recyclable materials was weighed, recorded and diverted from landfill by means of the GRDM Office Recycling Programme”. He added: β€œThis initiative aims to divert waste even further by extending the programme to include organic waste composting generated in the offices, e.g. tea bags, coffee grounds, banana peels, apple cores, etc.”. With these projects, internally and in the various communities, the municipality aims to reach the targets set by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (DEA&DP) to divert 50% of organic waste from landfill within the entire district by 2022. Gie further emphasised that the targets set by DEA&DP include a Β total ban on organic waste to landfill by 2027. β€œTherefore, as a district municipality, we are striving towards reaching these targets for the Garden Route,” he highlighted.

In ensuring that the participants are fully equipped to start with the capturing of information, they each received an electronic scale, datasheets, and a composting guideline. These resources will enable each participant to accurately record essential information relating to their recycling activities. All information will then be reported to the GRDM Waste Management Unit on a monthly basis for a one year period.

The data collected from the Home Composting Pilot Projects will be used to demonstrate the feasibility and motivate the various local municipalities within the district to further roll out home composting programmes within their respective municipalities.

Did you know?

The benefits of compost include:

  • With Compost, you are creating rich humus for your garden. This adds nutrients to your plants and helps retain moisture in the soil;
  • Composting can divert as much as 30% of household waste away from the garbage bin;
  • Diverting organic waste from landfill – extend lifespan of landfills and reduce transport & management costs;
  • Microscopic organisms help aerate the soil, break down organic material for plant use and ward off plant diseases;
  • Composting offers a natural or β€œgreen” alternative to chemical fertilizers (emissions transport & machinery, packaging) – it is good for the environment;
  • No need to purchase compost or fertilizers.

What waste to compost?

  • Kitchen waste
  • Fruit & vegetable scraps
  • Eggshells (crushed)*
  • Green leaves
  • Grass clippings
  • Garden plants
  • Lawn & Garden weeds*
  • Coffee grounds
  • Tea leaves / bags
  • Manure*
  • Shrub prunings
  • Wood ash
  • Dry leaves
  • Cardboard
  • Newspaper & shredded paper*
  • Sawdust & wood chips*

What not to compost

  • Anything containing meat, oil, fat or grease
  • Diseased plant material
  • Sawdust or woodchips from treated wood*
  • Dog or cat faeces
  • Weeds that have seeds*
  • Dairy products
  • Coal ash
  • Cooked foods
  • Nappies and used tissues
  • Glossy or coloured paper*

For more information regarding recycling or home composting, contact the GRDM Waste Management Unit at 044Β 693 0006 or via e-mail at:


4 February 2021 Media Release: Eradication of illegal dumping campaign in George extended to end of March 2021

Media Release: Eradication of illegal dumping campaign in George extended to end of March 2021

For immediate release
4 February 2021

With the roll-out of the Illegal Dumping Project in George last year and the various phases that have been implemented so far, the timeframe of the project has now been extended to the end of March 2021, according to Morton Hubbe, Garden Route District Waste Manager.

The Illegal Dumping Project is a joint initiative between Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) and George Municipality in the fight against the illegal dumping of waste in the George and surrounding areas. The project was launched in Thembalethu and Pacaltsdorp during October last year, however the financial assistance by GRDM to George Municipality for the renting of machines to remove the waste has ended on 30 November 2021. George Municipality subsequently decided to continue with the renting of machines at their own cost.

Waste burnt in skips placed at hotspots areas within the George municipal area.

With the funds made available to George Municipality, Hubbe said: β€œNine skips were placed at various spots within the Thembalethu and Pacaltsdorp areas and are rotated to other illegal dumping hotspots within these two areas”.

George Municipality is already in the process to secure more funds in order for the project to continue to achieve the desired outcomes.

Deployment of EPWP workers

In addition to the project, two teams of thirty Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) workers are working in both areas to clean-up illegal dumping hotspots throughout these areas. Various items are then placed into nearby skips, for removal. So far nearly 2700 tons of illegally dumped items have been removed with JCBs and Tipper Trucks in both areas.

Awareness about illegal dumping

One of the components of the project, is to create awareness about illegal dumping in the most effected areas. For this purpose, 36 educators were appointed to conduct door-to-door sessions in the respective areas. Households reached also have an opportunity to complete a survey regarding the issue at hand. Questions focus specifically on personal experience in relation to waste removal in their specific areas, the reporting of illegal dumping to the local municipality etc. To date, two thousand (2000) households have been visited and the more are expected to follow. These visits will be conducted until the end of March this year.

Waste burned in Skips

Although the skips are placed at identified hotspots, it has come under the attention of the both municipalities that people within these areas are burning their waste in the skips. This is an unacceptable behaviour and residents are requested to directly report these incidents to the Law Enforcement Unit of George Municipality at 044-801 6350 or The skips are only used for the purpose to dump waste and efficient plans to remove full bins are in place.


24 November 2020 Media Release: Municipalities place skips in Thembalethu and Pacaltsdorp

Media Release: Municipalities place skips in Thembalethu and Pacaltsdorp

For Immediate Release
24 November 2020

Illegal dumping sites remain a problem for all seven (7) local municipalities in the Garden Route. As part of the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) and George Municipality (GM) illegal dumping response, Thembalethu and Pacaltsdorp have been earmarked for additional assistance. As of now, nine (9) x 6mΒ³ waste skips have been placed at illegal dumping hotspots. This includes seven (7) for Thembalethu and two (2) for Pacaltsdorp. These waste skips are being hired for the interim until George Municipality has concluded the procurement process of their own waste skips to be placed in and around illegal dumping hotspots in George.

Members of the public are urged to make proper use of the waste skips for disposing their household waste. The skips are meant to be used for refuse that cannot be stored until the weekly refuse removal days of GM.

According to Johan Compion, Manager: Municipal Health and Environmental Services for GRDM, β€œThe placement and proper management of skips could also provide a solution to illegal dumping.Β  We are hopeful that a notable change will be visible as this pilot project continues, in addition, we await survey data being collected at the moment to provide more insights into the issue.”

Skips are free for everyone to use, but at the same time the public has to keep in mind that once skips are removed from hotspot areas, it does not mean that illegal dumping is permitted. General assumptions by GRDM about illegal dumping is that it takes place more frequently in informal or poorer communities because people can’t afford the transport or removal of waste to waste transfer stations.

The process of ensuring that skips are frequently emptied involves skip contractors. These small business owners are responsible for transporting waste skips to the George Waste Transfer Station. After emptying each skip, the containers are returned to the hotspots where they were collected. The help of 30 EPWP workers is evermore important as they assist municipalities to clear areas inaccessible to machinery. These same EPWP workers also tasked to assist the public, especially the elderly and children, to dispose of waste into the skips.

Twelve (12) Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) participants are still on the ground working with the JCBs to clear illegal dump sites. Thirty six (36) educators are also doing door-to-door education and awareness as well as a survey to determine the causal factors of illegal dumping; and the community requirements; or possible solutions to prevent issues in future. Twenty four (24) educators are working in Thembalethu and 12 in Pacaltsdorp. Each person, who moves in a group of six (6), is easily identifiable by a high visibility vest and identification cards.

Garden Route District Municipality wants to remind the public that Illegal dumping is a danger to your health and that of your children and animals – let’s put an end to illegal dumping and report perpetrators to our local municipalities.

Caption: A skip used for dumping waste at a spot in Nelson Mandela Boulevard.