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Youth Development

21 September 2021 Media Release: Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Interns receive cellular devices 

Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) Interns receive cellular devices

For Immediate Release
21 September 2021

The Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) interns recently received cellular devices from CapaCiti, and One Digital Media these companies are partnering with the GRDM to nurture the talent of the youth. Eleven (11) CapaCiti interns and two (2) One Digital Media interns, these interns are currently being hosted by the GRDM and will use these devices as part of their duties and report-back activities to CapaCiti and One Digital Media.

The GRDM Executive Manager for Corporate Services, Trix Holtzhausen, said: “We have never before been in a position to ensure that interns have access to such tools of trade and we are thankful to CapaCiti and One Digital Media for assisting us with these resources”. “Additionally, the GRDM provides interns with Wi-Fi to access the Internet, which reduces their personal data costs,” said Holtzhausen. The two apps installed on each device are known as YES4YOUTH and YES4LIFE.


“Yes4Youth” is an educational tool for action-based learning and it consists of “bite-sized knowledge” – it, therefore, contains value-driven and principle-based contents. The app is designed for busy professionals and executives who have no time, although they want to continue learning for their personal and professional development.


The Yes4Life app is designed to assess and measure the “Yes Youth” quality work experience through weekly, monthly baseline mid line and end line surveys. These surveys require “YES Youth” to complete a series of questions pertaining to their background, their ongoing experience taken from the very beginning of their journey and throughout their 12-month quality work experience in order to compile their unique profile, as to reassure the quality assurance and continued improvement throughout their YES journey.

GRDM remains committed to youth development, in particular developing the skills of women to be form part of the job market.

Feature Image: Onke Jako, working under the Recruitment and Selection Unit, received his cellular phone from One Digital Media


14 May 2021 Media Release: GRDM Executive Mayor encourages participants of Mayoral Programmes during Certificate Ceremony

Media Release: GRDM Executive Mayor encourages participants of Mayoral Programmes during Certificate Ceremony

For Immediate Release
14 May 2021

On Wednesday, 12 May 2021, youth between the ages of 18 and 35 from various towns within the Garden Route, were acknowledged and handed over certificates by the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), after  completing a Peace Officer (Law Enforcement) and/or Learners & Drivers Licence Programme.  This was the last group of participants who underwent one or both programmes as part of the 2017-2021 Mayoral Programme.

The event took place at the Rosemoor Stadium with the councillors, management, training providers, service providers and the participants in attendance.

Executive Deputy Mayor at Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), Ald. Rosina Ruiters welcomed all officials and participants and training providers to the event.  She specifically welcomed and commended the training providers for the excellent manner in which they presented the programmes to the participants.

The Mayoral Law Enforcement programme started in 2017 with the aim to capacitate local municipalities to enforce by-laws within their respective areas. The programme initially commenced in the Knysna and Bitou municipal areas due to the high crime rates in both areas at the time, but subsequently was extended to the other areas of the district.

After completion of the Law Enforcement Programme, the Learners and Drivers Licence Programme was rolled out to empower unemployed youth with essential skills to get easier access to the job market, according to Richard Dyantyi, Manager for Expanded Public Works (EPWP) at the GRDM. “Both these programme are initiatives of the GRDM Executive Mayor, Ald Memory Booysen,” he said.

GRDM Councillor Rowan Spies, programme director of the event, congratulated and encouraged all participants who completed the programme(s) with the following words: “Success is not a moment, but a challenge that you pick up every step of the way. It is getting up in the morning and showing up what you are supposed to do that day when you do not feel like doing it. It is working through relationships in spaces that you work in and learn in and try to move forward when you do not get along with people which you supposed to be working with. That is how success is built. Adding to this he highlighted: “Success comes after your darkest moment when you just want to give up – commend yourself for your hard work and success,” he concluded. Spies is also a member of the Skills Development Training Committee, as well as Portfolio Chairperson tasked with Road and Transport Planning at GRDM.

GRDM Executive Mayor, Ald. Memory Booysen, with some of the participants of the two programmes.

Participants namely Nolusindiso Thafeni, Nathan Buys and Jozé Olivier shared warm messages of appreciation with GRDM, Mayor Booysen, their respective local municipalities and training providers for their efforts to roll out these programmes. Thafeni (Law Enforcement) said: “There are people who weren’t as lucky as us to be selected to the programme, so we are very grateful to Mayor Booysen for making this possible. We are also grateful to everyone who was involved and took initiative by teaching us and getting us here today – we thank you. Buys from Riversdale said: “I am thankful towards both GRDM and Hessequa municipalities for the opportunity created for the youth, in order to build a future for themselves. He also thanked Mayor Booysen for the course that was created for the youth and for all future programmes that will continue to benefit youth. Oliver, a Learners and Drivers Licence participant, also thanked GRDM and stakeholders involved for the opportunity created to assist them in obtaining the necessary skills to be job-ready.

The moment all participants waited for was the appearance of Mayor Booysen when he shared his story of passion with them to help the Garden Route district become a better district for all.  He applauded the group for their endurance throughout the programme and praised them for not giving up on themselves. When highlighting the group’s achievement, he said: “This is just the beginning, because if you are doing good in what you are doing today, you are not only paving the way for yourselves but for others too. Your performance during these programmes motivates us as Council to continue to invest in similar programmes,” Mayor Booysen said.

When referring to the challenges faced by our country in terms of skills development and jobs, Mayor Booysen emphasised: “The GRDM Council made a unanimous conscious decision to invest in the skills of the Garden Route youth and will continue to do so. This idea fits into the broader Skills Mecca concept, which is also being driven by the GRDM at the moment”. He added that from the GRDM’s side, Council also wants to make sure that when opportunities arise, the youth are ready for those opportunities. In closing, he said:  “To be ready for the future, you need to be able to help yourself, you need to be able to solve problems and if you are able to do so, you would then be able to fulfil your purpose in the future of the Republic of South Africa”.

The event was organised by the representatives in the Office of the Executive Mayor, led by Siphiwe Dadla (Chief of Staff in the Office of the Executive Mayor), in collaboration with the EPWP Unit and other internal departments of GRDM.


6 October 2020 Financial Assistance towards Further Studies – 2021

Applications are invited from students who are currently studying at tertiary or TVET institutions; as well as learners that are currently in Grade 12; or have passed Grade 12 for financial assistance towards further studies for the 2021 academic year.  The award is restricted to full-time study and attendance at a SAQA accredited tertiary or TVET institution and is ONLY eligible to students whose parents permanently reside within the Garden Route municipal area.

Application forms are available at the GRDM head-office and satellite offices within the district during office hours (Monday – Thursday 07:30 – 16:30; Friday 07:30 – 13:30). Application forms are also available on the municipality’s website at


A detailed Curriculum Vitae and cover letter, application form and certified copies of the following documentation must be attached: Latest or Grade 12 results or equal qualification; latest examinations results of students currently enrolled at tertiary institutions; certified copy of ID; affidavit of parents` combined income and proof of residential address (municipal account).  Please forward the application form and all documents to: Records, Garden Route District Municipality, 54 York Street, PO Box 12, George 6530, for attention: Training and Development Section.

For any enquiries do not hesitate to contact Mr Reginald Salmons at 044-803 1363, Ms Angeline Naidoo at 044-803 1420 or Mrs Angela-Ziva Coetzee at 044 803 1344  during office hours (Monday – Thursday 07:30 – 16:30; Friday 07:30 – 13:30).

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Should candidates not be contacted within two months after the closing date, they must consider their application as unsuccessful.

Click here to download the full advert.

Closing date: 30 October 2020

Notice number: 52/2020

4 August 2020 Media Release: Bricklaying Apprenticeship continues to benefit youth of the Garden Route

Media Release: Bricklaying Apprenticeship continues to benefit youth of the Garden Route

For immediate release
4 August 2020

The Steel and Engineering Industries Federation of Southern Africa, together with the Services SETA, approached the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) to participate and pilot an A21 Bricklaying Apprenticeship programme. The municipality was provided with ten (10) seats for unemployed youth in the district.

The seats offered to the municipality were split between Bitou Municipality and GRDM and the programme started in March 2019, stretching over a period of three (3) years.

However, with the lockdown announced in March this year, the programme had to be temporary brought to a halt.  During this period, the South Cape College which was appointed as training provider, continued to pay stipends to the apprentices, as per the directive of the Department Higher Education and Training (DHET) since the lockdown was announced.

This programme is an initiative of the Department of Higher Education and Training and was designed to meet two objectives:

  • to address the demand for priority trades needed for the implementation of Government’s National Development Plan in general and its National Infrastructure Plan more particularly;  and
  • to contribute towards the building of capacity of its public Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College system to deliver trade qualifications with employer partners.

According to Mr Reginald Salmons, GRDM Coordinator for Skills Development and Training, the initiative was also identified as part of the Garden Route Skills Summit resolutions, to “Progressively support the development of the new apprenticeship of 21st Century (A21) in the District”.

The programme is currently in its second year and has resumed in June 2020.

The learners are being trained theoretically by South Cape College and then do their practicals at a construction company identified by the GRDM.

Photo Caption:  Skills Development and Training officials at Garden Route District Municipality, Ms Angeline Naidoo (left) and Mr Reginald Salmons (fifth from left) with the participants of the A21 Bricklaying Apprenticeship in the District.

Media Release: Garden Route students graduate after completing Cater Care Training Programme

Media Release: Garden Route students graduate after completing Cater Care Training Programme

For Immediate Release
5 February 2020

Friday, 31 January 2020, marked another prestigious highlight for representatives of the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM) and the Francois Ferreira School of Culinary Art, when they witnessed the graduation of seventeen (17) Cater Care students from the Garden Route, in the presence of their parents. The ceremony took place at the Francois Ferreira Academy, which is located at the Mount View Resort in George.

Councillors and Management of Garden Route District Municipality and Mr Francois Ferreira, Head of the Francois Ferreira Academy of Culinary Arts, with the Cater Care students who graduated on Friday, 31 January 2020 in George.

The purpose of this collaborative programme between GRDM and the Francois Ferreira Academy is to address the high rate of unemployment within the Garden Route district through the Cater Care Training programme.  The course commenced on 4 September 2019 and concluded on 29 November 2019. During this period, the programme required all students to attend classes from Mondays to Thursdays from 8:30 to 15:00. It was expected from each student to attend class in uniform supplied to them while in training at a wing of the academy which is based in Oubaai, George.

“Take your eagle wings and fly”

Executive Deputy Mayor of GRDM, Cllr Rosina Ruiters, during her keynote address at the event.

During her keynote address at the event, Executive Deputy Mayor of GRDM, Cllr Rosina Ruiters, said: “A total of R350 000 was funded by the GRDM to train previously disadvantaged individuals in the Cater Care Programme with the intent to equip people to access jobs in the local Hospitality industry and Tourism sector”. She furthermore shared a motivational message with students and referred to the story of the eagle that was raised by a chicken and explained: “The chicken found a lost egg not knowing where it came from and then brooded the egg to become like a chicken”.  With these words Cllr Ruiters encouraged all students: “Take your eagle wings and fly – do not become a chicken”.

At the event, it became evident, that this journey was not only for students to be awarded with another certificate, but it served as proof of their overall passion and enthusiasm for the industry. This became known when two former students, Jackson Lencoe and David Griffins, shared their personal stories with the audience. Lencoe encouraged the students with the words: “If you want something, you have to be relentless and creative.” He furthermore shared words of appreciation to the Academy and GRDM who helped him discover the chef in him.  David Griffins furthermore said:  “I appreciate the opportunity provided to me” and shared these words with the students: “When I entered the academy, I knew nothing about being a chef, but with positive attitude and determination, everything else will follow; I learned, practised and never gave up,” he concluded.

Head of the Francois Fereirra Academy, Mr Francois Ferreira, focused predominantly on work ethics when entering the workplace, during his speech.

Adding to the words of Cllr Ruiters and the former students, the Head of the Academy, Mr Francois Ferreira, applauded all members of the team for their sheer commitment and congratulated them with the following words: “All of you worked very well throughout the course. We could see it in your theory and practical marks, with the lowest class percentage of 67% and the highest at 91%. Very well done”, he cheered. Mr Ferreira also sensitised all students and said that now becomes the harder part of finding permanent employment. To all who are not employed, he said: “Search for opportunities who fits your skills set and to students who are already employed, he said: “Look after your jobs as it is so skaars soos hoendertande”. He concluded: “You must have the right attitude and the right work ethic. Work hard at creating your career with the opportunity provided to you by Garden Route District Municipality”.

The ceremony concluded when Mr Ferreira extended a word of gratitude to the representatives of GRDM when he said:  “Thank you for taking hands with us to improve the lives of our youth in the Garden Route”.

Western Cape Government Logo

Matric First Work Experience PAY Internship Opportunities 2020/2021 – open 6 to 17 January 2020

Application for our Matric First Work Experience PAY Internship Opportunities 2020/2021 opens 6 January and closes 17 January 2020. The programme will provide matriculants between the ages of 17 – 24 with work experience and training within one of the 13 Western Cape Government Departments beginning 1 April 2020 until 31 March 2021.

Click here to apply

Qualifying criteria:

  • 24 years old or younger.
  • wrote and passed the National Senior Certificate (NSC) in the Western Cape.
  • not going to study further in 2020.
  • South African citizen, residing in the Western Cape.
  • no support network to help you make informed career choices.
  • not sure of your next step after school.
  • financially constrained.

What will you achieve?

  • Work experience in the public sector.
  • Contactable references for your brand new CV.
  • A set of skills and experiences that will make you more marketable and employable.
  • A year in which to make informed career choices together with a network to back it up.

Make it happen

  • Application open 6 January and closes 17 January 2020

Application tips

  • If you don’t have an email address, create one at a free email site like Gmail or Yahoo. You will need it to apply.
  • You have to register first before you can apply.
  • Once you have registered successfully, you’ll receive a username (your email address) and password (one-time pin number).
  • Use the username and password to login and complete the application.
  • After completion of the application, you will receive a message: ‘You have successfully applied for the PAY Project internship.
  • Please save your username and password in a secure place so that you are able to access it should you need to.
  • Find out more by reading our Recruitment Guide.

We’ll be verifying each applicant’s National Senior Certificate (NSC) results with the Western Cape Education Department as well as any other relevant documentation.

Applicants will only be appointed once they’ve passed a security check, which includes having their fingerprints taken.

Applicants must ensure that they open bank accounts before undergoing a personal security check.

Applicants must also ensure that they register with SARS to obtain a tax number before the personnel security check.

For more information on the recruitment process, read the full 2020 PAY recruitment guide.

Issued by: Western Cape Government

First Youth on the Move event for the district

The Minister of Economic Opportunities, Ms Beverley Schäfer and the Minister of Social Development, Mr Albert Fritz, visited George to launch the first ever, ‘’Youth on the Move: Gateway to Opportunities” programme on 4 and 5 March 2019.

This two-day pilot youth initiative was hosted by the Western Cape Government in collaboration with the Garden Route District Municipality (GRDM), George Municipality and the Garden Route Skills Mecca steering committee.  The “Youth on the Move” programme is a step towards achieving the commitment made by Minister Schäfer to create 250 000 new job opportunities Local Government level, and aimed at connecting youth who are looking for opportunities with employers and organisations.

GRDM Executive Mayor, Cllr Memory Booysen during his keynote address about the Garden Route Skills Mecca and Skill Summit Resolutions.

On Monday, 4 March 2019, Minister Schäfer and her delegation met with the executive mayors of the GRDM and George Municipality, representatives of the local business chambers, potential employers, educational institutions and local stakeholder groups working with the youth.  During this jam-packed gathering, the GRDM Mayor, Cllr Memory Booysen, explained the district’s vision of becoming a skills mecca, not only for those residing in the Garden Route or Western Cape Province, but for the entire South Africa.  He enlightened the audience about last year’s Investment Conference and the two Skill Summits hosted by GRDM as well as the resolutions taken and spearheaded by the GRDM.  Mayor Booysen continued by saying: “In order for people to invest in our region, we need to have the relevant skills to drive investment and because of this, the GRDM took a conscious decision to up-skill our people in the district.  Today I am here to declare that we are ready for business, we are committed and with the limited funds that we have, we want to drastically lower unemployment, up-skill the youth, and do whatever is necessary for this district to be one of the best”.

On Tuesday, 5 March 2019, Minister Schäfer met with over 200 unemployed young people from the region.  During the event, youth were placed into various working groups where they answered questions about barriers faced when trying to access opportunities. The youth also shared their views on how technology is used nowadays to advance skills and opportunities, and how they go about finding work and opportunities.

During her keynote address, Minister Schäfer said: “Too many young people in South Africa do not have access to opportunities. Our job as government is to open the gateway between employers and young people looking for jobs. You need to walk through that gateway and get that first job. Once you’ve got that first job, you’ve got the experience to put on your CV, which allows you to show that you’ve got skills,” she said.

In conclusion Minister Schäfer said: “Over the past two days we’ve heard from employers that they’re not finding the best people with the right skills and we’ve heard from young people that transport, safety and the cost of printing out a CV, are some of the barriers that they’re experiencing. By growing digital skills in our province, and encouraging youth to use technology like online job searches, apps and to make use of services like youth cafés and the ICAN Learn programmes, we can start to make headway in addressing the concerns expressed by both employers and the youth,” she said.

George Municipality’s Youth Development Officers who assisted with the ‘peace-keeping’’ and logistic arrangement during the 2day event.

Subject to the outcomes of the initiative, the “Youth on the Move” programme will be adjusted and progressively rolled out across the Western Cape Province with an event scheduled every three months as district and local municipalities come on board.  Through this project, the Western Cape Government together with the district- and local municipalities in the Garden Route strive to create a pathway for unemployed youth to access opportunities, to match the demand of employers for suitable qualified persons in the district and in that way sustain industries and support economic growth within the district and Western Cape.


Eden DM in collaboration with Oudtshoorn empowered creches in Greater Oudsthoorn

“100 Nelson Mandela Centenary 2018” celebrations

The Eden DM Executive Mayor, Cllr Memory Booysen, his office and employees from the Municipal Manager’s office, this year focused on empowering Early Childhood Development (ECD) institutions on Mandela Day. The District also partnered with Oudtshoorn Municipality and Ward Councillors from the Municipality who serve on the Eden DM Council to ensure that the most vulnerable crèches benefitted from the initiative. During Mayor Booysen’s address to crèches he emphasised the importance of improving the “conditions at ECD centres” and commended teachers for their “dedication and selfless efforts to ensure the well-being of all children”.

The following crèches received 20 mattresses, 20 blankets and 10 chairs each: Katryntjie and Sommeblom crèche in Oudtshoorn, Emmanuel Crèche in Dysselsdorp and De Rust Pre-Primary in De Rust.

More photographs can be viewed by browsing to Eden District Municipality’s Facebook page here: